
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

DaoOfCopying · Autres
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37 Chs

[ Chapter VII (7): "THE CONTAINMENT BREACH OF SITE-63." (1) ]

[ Chapter VII (7): "THE CONTAINMENT BREACH OF SITE-63." (1) ]

[ Volume I: "GODS & DEVILS." ]

[ "The Containment Breach." (5) ]

[ Objective: "Currently a Containment Breach is happening inside site-63 due to failed testing relating SCP-███. Protect any Personnel, Kill any SCP that gets in your way, and Escape site-63." ]

[ Rewards: "Lvl 2 System," "3 Gold System Currency," "Teleportation. (Active Skill)" ]

Okay first of all, that's literally impossible. Second of all "How the fuck will I do that?" Felix thoughts to himself as he eats ramen while sitting on his bed; inside his Containment Cell.

He looks at the security camera inside the corner of the cell he's in and confusedly looks at it, as alarm ringing outside his room alerts him. "Can't this wait?"

He gulps a huge sum from his noodles inside the bowl he's holding at the point that he looks like an chipmunk. Only placing the bowl on the table beside his bed when half of the noddles were contained inside his mouth.

He then stands up, bouncing from his soft bed as he does so. Showing both of his middle fingers at the camera as he becomes slightly annoyed by the ringing, slightly muffled screaming, and inhumane things happening outside his door.

"Stone? Metal? Vibranium type of shit? Don't matter," Felix jokingly told himself, reassuring the already jittery, panicky self of his as he begins to kick the door of his cell down multiple times.

Bending the metal, stone, or extraterrestrial material of that thing slightly. Never stopping, never holding his kicks back as he holds onto both sides of his door's stons walls.

Until the point where he'd become more annoyed by the alarm outside, already imagining to himself what he'll do to the SCP that started this Breach; and messed up with his lunch, dinner, meryenda or something-something.

This fueled his anger until where he'd made an noticeable dent in the middle of his Containment Cell's door. Which reassured him more that this is actually breakable, he didn't actually know if this would have worked earlier.

But it have amidst his annoyance with the screaming, and as the alarm blairs outside. Channeling all of his system enhanced strength to destroy the containment door of his cell.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6--- 21 kicks later the door made out of unknown material to Felix finally was destroyed; destroyed at the point that the sliding door falls down in front of him with a thud.

As the sound of the blairing alarms, screaming personnel, and inhumane SCP's outside of his door became more prominent to his ears. As he looks behind him, at the room of his that he've been staying for roughly 2 to 3 weeks now.

Specially at his ramen placed on the table as his eyes roam pass the many-many dents, cracks, and slight holes of his stone-made out of room. Looking sad as he walk-run away while looking at his ramen.

Swallowing the rest of the ramen inside his cheek, as he moves on and runs to his right; at the west wing cafeteria, walking passes many cells.

Including his own with the plaque besides the door saying [ "SCP-8206" ]. As he walk passes the Containment Cells of [ "SCP-008" ] which he knows well, alongside [ "SCP-082" ] [ "SCP-096" ] [ "SCP-3023" ] [ "SCP-2710" ] [ "SCP-1242" ] and many others.

Thank god, he's dumb. As he only knows superficial knowledge about the SCP Mythos, and not anything deeper than that like what those SCP numbers are, and who they are.

He've even used his ability to perceived things faster, as he sees time x2 slower than normal; trying to remember those SCP numbers with the limited knowledge. Thankfully still with no luck.

As he notices nothing wrong except for the blaring alarms, and broken door in front of him. The Containment Cells of those SCPs he've past didn't have any dent, didn't have any scratch like his does.

Yeah, well, except for the blown open door at the end of the white heaven-like hallway he's in, occasionally painted red by the fucking alarm that did I say that sound annoying for Felix? Because it is.

"Containment Breach? Check," He looks at the door he's running at, the blast opened door, "Blast opened door leading probably to exit? Check," and then at the giant 3ft shell-less looking Spider which crawled pass the hallway across the door.

Pass the door where screaming, and gunfire could be heard; the bullets especially for Felix, because his perception of things are slowed down enough that he got a good luck at that thing.

And he don't want to find out more about it, "Nope." as he tries to turn around seeing blood splatter pass the see-through doorway he was supposed to go to earlier.

Turning around especially feeling difficult as he's body, and mind don't seem to be 1 to 1 compatible. More on 2 to 1 actually, which made controlling his body extremely difficult, and a weird feeling.

As he thoughts to himself amidst this slow-motion act the system's magical inventory. Which quickly appear, because he wanted it to appear unlike those times where he'll think impulsively, in which case it wouldn't appear.

With him pulling his Pistol, the trusty P220 of his which he'd used 15 days prior to murder lods, and tons of Zombies which he didn't like. Apparently being SCP-008 subjects, slow fucks.

He ignored the trash, change of clothes, and other rubbish inside his Inventory as the Pistol of his slowly manifested itself as he pulls it out. Which the camera placed to guard the hallway at the corner caught.

Which Felix knows, but he don't believe that anyone at this goddamn maze-like facility would notice amidst this FUCKING OUTBREACH, with gigantic sized Spiders roaming around the halls.

Felix don't care he's done hiding his supernatural powers aside from the ones he've showed. And besides he's escaping from this place after all, goodluck finding him.

And that's for Felix to worry about later, that's if they found out about his other powers i.e the system; if, if, big if. He's not worried, he'll be stronger at that point, probably, but at this point a bullet in the head can kill him.

Surely a gigantic Spider's bite would cause more damage to him, so he'll skidadle for now. Fuck fighting a giant Spider, he'll fight thousands of slow Zombies but never one huge ass Spider.