
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

DaoOfCopying · Autres
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37 Chs

[ Chapter V (5): "ZOMBIE PLAGUE. (5)" ]

[ Chapter V (5): "ZOMBIE PLAGUE. (5)" ]

[ Volume I: "GODS & DEVILS." ]

Felix clicks the [ Strength ] option in the stats for long, as the remaining free points he've been collecting drains; turning the previously 31 number into 34.

As he feels the previously light-heavy Pipe of his decreasing in heaviness. The difference isn't that noticeable, but, for an supersticious like Felix that change is noticeable.

As he hears groaning, "Auuughhh." from his right, coming from one Zombies. The said Zombie trying to get through the metal and pass the many-many carcass of he's friends, family, and possibly even partner which is blocking the open-window.

The rotting, decomposing, unsettling bodies of those Zombie folks began to smell, and that disgusting smell reaches Felix which pissed the already calm self of his a little bit.

As he grips his Pipe, and slams it hard onto the small, stuck Zombie on the side of it's head.

Head injury in one hit, death with two, that's all I'm gonna say with what transpired. The Zombie almost seemingly whining in pain after he've hit it the first time.

[ "Lvl 1 Zombie Grunt killed, 389 EXP gained." ]

Felix steps back a little as he looks at the work he've done. And I just have to say, that face he's making, that's both an disgusted face, and proud one. And I don't want to know why.

He closes his eyes. Enjoying for the first time, the silence he so craved. I mean, it's not fully silence because he can still hear Zombies far away, but thankfully not at the degree earlier.

But sadly after a few seconds of silence he hears the system's window pops up. Which actually made him curious, because we'll, he hadn't been thinking impulsively when he closed he's eyes; and definitely not anything game related.

So he opens his eyes,

[ "Bloodied God." (2) ]

[ Objective: "Kill 150 Zombies of any variety, and without dying." (67/150) ]

[ Rewards: "Zombie Slayer," (Title) "2 Silver System Currency." ]

and sees another window containing mission, task, force-quest or something with floating words in front of him. This one looking similar to the first one he got, but with different words.

"God's a strong word," He thoughts to himself as he covers his nose using "his" definitely not stolen t-shirt, as he kneels down for a little to pick up his Pistol on the ground.

As he looks at the door. Considering if he should kill more Zombies and gain more coins, which means more mags, more mags means more kills.

Or just chill for a little bit and do that quest later, I mean, he is sweating different kind of bullets right now. So the choice should be obvious.


"Bang, bang, bang, bangg, banggg!" So of course Felix chooses the first option. Shooting Zombies on the second floor window of one of his apartments, shooting Zombies on the road, and pavement like they're fishes on the barrel.

As he, and the floating window beside him counts the Zombies he've killed throughout all of this. With him occasionally missing as he either shoots the road, cars, or non-vital organs of those Zombies under him.

But occasionally killing some, and I mean, if you were to look below you'll be able to see hundreads of corpses; all either flattened on the ground, or with bullet holes through their head, shoulder, and/or any body parts they have left.

As he looks to his side, at his kill counter.

[ "Bloodied God." (2) ]

[ Objective: "Kill 150 Zombies of any variety, and without dying." (221/150) ]

[ Rewards: "Zombie Slayer," (Title) "2 Silver System Currency." ]

[ "Main Quest Completed." ]

With him shooting Zombies without even looking at them, of course missing almost all of his shot except one; which lands on one unlucky Zombie's tights.

Felix had impulsively thought in several occasions about claiming that said quest, but that never happend; he don't know if it's one of the system's features working, or if he needed to use his voice for it to work.

But for now he don't want to claim it, I mean, his only kill counter will dissappear. And besides, bastard Zombies deserve more killings anyways; they're dead, so they should stay dead.

So he looks down, at the Zombie he've just no-looked shot at and threw a broken chair nearby at it after he noticed that he doesn't have any more ammo.

That said chair not hitting the intended victim, but killing another Zombie in the process. Leaving the previous Zombie to bleed out, but not die; weird logic.

Felix don't know about the morality, or logic,or even ethical dilemma of what he's doing. He's just doing what he wants, and for now he wants to see that digit hit 222; which it finally did after a few hours.

And a hundreads of stockpiled, mountain trashes of like corpses below him. "Claim," At which he looks at while the floating text besides him disintegrate, and form into rewards.

For the silver it quickly entered his digitalized wallet that he can only use for buying thing's in the system's shop, it's not even physical in the sense like normal money.

And for the zombie slayer title after it formed, it quickly disintegrate and shove itself on another window; this one being the status window. To be more precise at the title.

As the title changes from none, into zombie slayer. And apparently it comes with boost effects; this one being related to surviving, and killing Zombies. Pretty handy.

[ "Zombie Slayer." (Title) ]

[ Description: "25% more damage to Zombies in any way, shape, or form," "15% speed boost when Zombies are chasing you," "30% calmer effect when in an Zombie event." ]

This may look, or feel like awesome for somebody else. I mean, being isekai'd into an world filled with Zombies and having to survive everything with plot armor on.

People would obviously not survive if they don't have plot armor. But for Felix, everything felt like an normal Monday; the title effect felt good, it's good.

Because he don't actually care about it. He just wants to kill something, and an boost helping him achieve that is always welcome.