
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

DaoOfCopying · Autres
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37 Chs

[ Chapter III (3): "ZOMBIE PLAGUE. (3)" ]

[ Chapter III (3): "ZOMBIE PLAGUE. (3)" ]

[ Volume I: "GODS & DEVILS." ]

[ "Get To Safety." (1) ]

[ Objective: "Survive, and get to safety away from the Zombies which are chasing you." ]

[ Rewards: "Lottery Ticket. (2)", "10 Bronze System Currency." ]

[ "Side Quest Complete." ]

Felix tired looks at text on his side as he sights to himself. Too tired to give a damn, as the previous adrenaline rush from excitement, and new found freedom he felt washes off a little.

With him laying his head on one of the many fluorescent, run-down wall inside an empty apartment room. With most of the room's windows being broken.

With Felix hearing the groaning, mumbling, and moaning of Zombies a few feet below which he tries to ignore, but wasn't able too. Because of some brain-wired differently reasons, which annoyed him to no end.

As he decides to mess with the system, which did I mentioned stuck inside his own head. For 8 days now, I mean, it's January 8 right now, right?

If it is then it has beeb stuck inside him for more than a week. Which for Felix with extraordinary Sherlock Holmes-like deducting capabilities, minus the brilliance of course, for him it felt like eternity.

Sometimes when walking up the stairs his powers would just suddenly activate, making his brain processing capabilities to double for some reason; with his body not being as quick as his mind, which caused him to oftentimes trip, and fall.

Remembering about those times made Felix slightly embarrassed, and annoyed at the system. I mean, imagine looking at something in class for some reason, now imagine if you can see things, like description, and uses of that said something which others couldn't see.

Wouldn't that just drive a sane man insane? It will, it would, but Felix isn't a normal man; he's an insane son of a bitch.

As he bit his lip in annoyance, shaking a little as he hits his head repeatedly on the wall behind him. As he screams repeatedly inside his own head, "Shut up," "shut up," "fuck," "Fuck," "FUCK!" "SHUTT THE FUCK, UP!!"

Eyes closed in the entire process as he covers both side of his ear using his palms, avoiding the bloodied hands of his from touching the inside of his ear.

"Please, just shut the fuck up..." He thinks to himself as the voices from the Zombies outside lowers down, seemingly not remembering what they were supposedly doing as they stumble around.

With Felix's lowering his hand as he slowly hears the Zombies groaning began to fade for a little; but it's still present. Which still annoyed him.

You might be saying to yourself that Felix is actually just overacting, overreacting, and overly sensitive about those Zombies. Especially when the said Zombies aren't that loud, and that they are 20 feet below him.

You might be correct, and to be honest, you are. But, for Felix who could be cold and heartless in an heartbeat, him being overly sensitive about groaning which he kept hearing earlier kept pissing him off.

And besides, can you tell me how many people can accept the situation of being teleported in an apocalyptic landscape filled with Zombies, and kill those exact same Zombies without hesitation seconds later.

Now, can that exact same guy be worried about a few Zombies groaning, moaning a few feet below him and overreact about it? Now, you probably can, but I'll believe that you can't.

As Felix's heartbeat steadily slows down, so does his composure as the previously slow-motioned surroundings of his calms down and resumes to normal. He's unexplained powers seemingly finally turning off.

"Thank you, lord above." He thoughts to himself, mockingly praying, smiling, and looking above on the roof. As he looks slightly at the system task window on his right for a little bit, which is enough to catch his attention.

With him realizing that he have to claim this thing one way or another, "Oh, I ugh..? Claim." as he looks at it, not seeing an claim, or deny something button for him to click on.

So he thinks to himself that it can probably be controlled via voice. Just like how the other features of the system works, which is via thoughts, touch, and on a few occasions, voice.

Which it did, as the texts floating in the air disintegrate, and quickly forms something else in front of him. An wheel of fortune kind of roulette filled with 16 images on each slot.

With a few slots having almost exactly the same image, but with a few variations. Let me list them down for you, from the top and back at the top again:

An black silhouette of an pistol with mags floating on the side of it.

Two silver coins.

Two bronze coins.

A single gold coin.

A weird closed ancient looking scroll in the style of those scrolls from Naruto, or the secret scroll from the first Kung Fu Panda movie.

Silver coins.

Bronze coin.

Bronze coins.

An melee weapon resembling an Fire Axe on it's dark silhouette. Looking similar to those Axes that firemen uses, or something-something close to that.

Bronze coin.

Gold coins.

Silver coins.

And the last special slot seemingly having an dark silhouette of armor as it's picture. Which isn't that impressive in Felix's eyes.

Bronze coins.

Gold coin.

Silver coins.

The 1st, 5th, 9th, and seemingly the 13th slots all have something special inside them. Which contrast to the rest which are just filled with pictures of coins; if not gold then silver, if not silver then bronze and so on and so forth you get the idea.

Felix looks at this slot machine-kind of roulette and sees something at it's side, [ "Lottery Ticket Available: 2." ] which is surely the thing the system was talking about inside that system task or something.

So because of boredom, and because he's life has been going into some mystical Book-like world as of recently.

He decided to click the middle of the roulette? Wheel? Yeah, wheel, as the slots slowly begins to glow one by one as the machine tries to mimic those games in casino's, trying not to use an hand.

The clock kind of hand, not the human kind. As that thing's light slowly dim, and slows down, with it ultimately landing on the 6th slot...

Which killed Felix's hope of being an ninja, or something close to that. But, it did landed on silver though, that's probably good.

So with lower excitement than before Felix's taps the middle part of the wheel again. His hands going through it a little bit, as he pulls it back and standbys it on his legs.

The same thing happens, the imaginary arm spins lighting some shit along the way as the arm slowly stops on the 15th slot, no, 16th, and as it moves forward a little more as it almost lands onto the 1st slot.

That, that caused Felix to be seemingly pissed off. But thankfully the arm moves a few inch more as that thing lands on the 1st slot.