
2024 My Writing Resolution.

Multiples scraps that I've been trying to write; ignore this. Every Book here don't have a cohesive story, I'm just trying to develop my instinct to write instinctively.

DaoOfCopying · Autres
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37 Chs

[ Chapter I (1): "Gina's Not So Little Secret." ]

[ Chapter I (1): "Gina's Not So Little Secret." ]

[ Volume I: "The Grisly Tales." ]

I was woken up at exactly 2:30AM when I kept hearing mumbling for some reason, so I tried to look at where the sound was coming from. And of course it's coming from her; weird Gina.

My roommate, everyone calls her that. Always moody, always alone, never talks to anyone other than herself. But, weirdly enough she is always the top notcher. First of the firsts actually.

Everyone tries to suck up to her, at the point that my friends are even making me an bridge; just so that they can copy her homework.

I've always said that she wouldn't let me copy her homework. I mean, Gina's a kind girl, one of a kind actually. So I don't want to corrupt her like that.

Even when she tries to let me copy her homework, "tries" because I don't copy her homework, or even answers when it's quiz, or test time.

I've always tried to keep my morals pure. Only lying if it's for the better good, if it's an white lie. Hell, it even gotten at the point of me cutting of friends that tries to influence me to do bad shit: Philip, Samie, Alex, Janine, etc...

But this, it has been the 5th night she've done this, and it has been the 5th night since she moved in. I've always tried to rationalize that me and her are in on the same boat.

Both of us having mental illness and all, so I tried to scoff it up to her loneliness. I mean, her last roommate became crazy and all, almost tried to kill herself in front of her; so I can't blame her, she's probably traumatized.

But this, I can't keep going to pretend that I don't hear this shit any longer. It's scary man, I'll even oftentimes feel goosebumps when I see, or even caught a glimpse of her.

I'm scared of her. But, tonight I'll try and talk to her, this is for the betterment for the both of us. I mean, I can try and be friends with her; I don't mind being called an suck up, I don't even copy her homework like the others do, so fuck them'.

So I closes my eyes amidst the whispering, mumbling, and even at the point that it's almost like Gina's chanting, weird. But I tried to close my eyes, tried not to open them.

I don't want her to see me awake, and I don't want to face my back to her. So I always uses an blanket to cover myself from head to toe, and I always faces my back on the wall; with an pillow covering my faces and all.

Tonight I'll try to find out what's Gina's Secret is.


What time is it? Is it 3:00AM already? She've finally shut the fuck up, so that means it's probably 3AM right. It has to be, I mean she'll always get out of the room holding an candle, and an old book or some shit.

And walk around the dorm halls. I've tried mentioning this one to my friends: Nikko, Edrian, Tom, and Stan and all. But they always say that they don't hear walking, mumbling, or anything Gina related.

At first I found it weird, but fuck it. How long have I've been talking to myself? Did I talk to myself for 30 minutes straight? I probably did, I definitely did.

Gina stopped talking, and seconds later I could hear footsteps, definitely Gina's as she walks out of the room. The door softly closing as the mumbling grows farther, and farther away.

Usually this is the time that I can finally my needed beauty sleep and all, but this time. No. This time I'll finally know what she's doing all this time, she costed me 3 hours and definitely more of my beauty sleep man.

So without wasting time I put on my slippers, no time for shoes. Ditch the shoes for now, I don't wanna tie my shoes; and because this is the golden opportunity for me to stalk-- follow her.

And so I listen; put my ear on the cold wooden door of my dorm room. Trying to listen for footsteps, of course I couldn't hear jack shit. But it was worth a shot.

As I instead try to calculate how many footsteps it'll take for her to each the end of the hall.

This dorm rooms are huge, and I live in one almost exactly in the middle, so it'll probably take somewhere 75 or 100 steps before she reaches the stairs.

x2 because she'll have to reach the entrance first, and let's add 25 more steps because she'll have to walk the stairs. That's somewhere between 175 steps and 225 steps.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10--- 25 seconds. I counted for 35 seconds and waited for her to reach the stairs, in my estimate that's how long it'll take for her to reach the olden' stairs; if you know, she's walking slowly like I expected.

So throughout the count I've hyphen myself up, jumping here and there trying to gather some super power kind of power to bullshit everything. That's also called doing before thinking.

And thankfully I was kinda successful with that, as I achieved the momentary power of my Hyperactivity and 3AM short awake boost.

As I open my dorm room's door, slightly. As I tries to take a peek outside, looking at left, and then at my right. Seeing no one, no light, just darkness as I walk-run outside with my phone in hand. At the point of tiptoeing.

I didn't turn on my phone, well, because I don't have too. There is enough light for me to see properly, even though it's dark as hell; their is a reason why the moon exist afterall.

So I tiptoed to one of the many windows of this dorm hall as I try my best and look for Gina. Tonight I'll try my best to finally found out her little, dirty secret.