
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Sports, voyage et activités
Pas assez d’évaluations
8 Chs

Chapter 8

Katie 🌸

Soon after Eli called her father, we start paking our things for the lake trip. Zane is coming with us, and I like that a little. His company is okay I guess. Aparently, we are going with Josh's and Theo's car. Unfortunately, Zane and I are stucked with Theo's pink Honda.

I laugh when I heard Zane's groan when Theo conforted him that we are going with him. Then Zane smirked at my direction, amused by my laugh I guess.

,,I need to get drunk tonight." Theo sad when he drove us to the lake.

,,Why?" I asked. Theo never drink, and If he drink that must be speciall occasion.

,,I need to kill this butterflys in my fucking stomach." He said and I look at him in confusion.

,,I need to stop thinking about Dave."He said. Who the fuck is Dave?

,,The guy from the last night." Theo answer me. It seems that I ask that question out loud.

,,I can't forgot his.." he stop when he looked at me. My face is on shock. Mouth ajar, eyes like potatos.

,,I don't want to listen that, I told you." I said and he click his thoung.

,,I said you that I need to tell all my nasty things. And I will." He said and I'm scared. He isn't joking about that.

Poor me.

,,I'm not scared." I wiggle my eyebrows.

,,Ohh darling, you said that? We will see tonight." He wink at me.

,,You guys look like your'e going to fuck tonight." Zane said and I start to laugh.

,,My peepee is not for that hole." He point toward my legs and I mentaly cringe.

,,Theo, stop!" I smack his hand.

,,But you Zane, are quite peace of meat If you asking.."

,,I THINK THE FUCK NOT! GOD!" Zane stopped his sentence and I start laugh immedilatey.

,,Something funny beautiful?" Zane whisper in my ear and I'm amused of his voice.

,,No,no." I added and straight my poisture.

,,Zane." Theo call's him and he look at him in middle mirror. I already know what's he want to ask him.

,,Did you have any wierd calls today?" Theo smirk and I face palmed myself. This guy don't know how to shut up.

,,Did that was you?" Zane ask pissed.

,,No!" Theo scream.

,,Yes you are, you are moaning my name on the phone! I kill your gay ass!" Zane said and remmember what he said.

,,I mean no! God! I don't wanna do anything to your ass!" Zane shout. And again, I laugh.

,,Then you will missed all party. But no, I don't moan your name, I'm not that desparate for you." Theo sad and I nod.

,,He was with me all day. He is not called you Zane." I defend Theo.

,,That must me Millie." Theo said.

,,Who?" Zane asked. I don't know ifs he is pretending or he actually really don't know that bimbo.

,,The girl from last night." I said

,,Oh, but how she find my number, nobody has m number except my uncle and cousin." He state and we shrug.

,,She is desperate for your dick." Theo sad and we came to stop in front Josh's house.

,,Long time no see." Eli said and hug me. Joking obviusly. We are together all day.

,,Hug for me?" Theo pouted and I chuckle.

Eli hug him and he giggle.

,,Your boobies is poking me on my haired chest." He said and I gagged.

,,I need to throw up. I hate haired chests." I say and somebody lean into my vision.

,,Than good for me I guess." Zane whisper in my ear and I gasp.

,,Shut up!" I whisper yelled at him. I don't wanna be assaulted by Theo's questioning.

,,You can shut my mouth with yours." He winked and put his duffle bag on his shoulder.

What the hell was that? And why I liked that?

I need to accompany Theo's drinking tonight.

I need to put aside my wierd feelings toward this guy. He is just fuck boy.

,,Yo K." Josh call's me when we set up table in his backyard(read beach).

,,S' up J?" I asked and he wave his hand to came to him.

,,I need your opinin." Josh said and I noded my head.


,,Tonight I will ask Sofia to be my girlfriend." He whisper and I clap my hands but stayed calm. I don't wanna atention.

,,I alredy ask Eli and Theo to go buy booze." He seemed nervous.

,,I can get out with Zane." I said and he smile.

,,That would be great."

,,Just wink at me when you wanna be alone with her. " He nod and I left smilling. I'm happy for they, or I'am happy because I will be alone with Zane. Maybe both.

The sun is setting down and I rest on my chair getting tanned.

,,Your boob is peeking." I heard Theo said and I put my hands on my bikini.

,,You are mean!" I shouted at him.

,,Anyway, I must go to buy booze. I wish you luck with the british boy." He wink at me and I rose from my seat to look at Josh. He wink at me and I get up to find Zane.

,,Send me text when they would done to came back." Theo whisper and I nodded.

,,Where is Zane?" I asked Josh and he pointed toward beach. I run to the Zane and he looked at me.

,,Hey, you wanna walk?" I asked him and he noded.

,,So, do you having fun?" I asked him. I look behind to see Josh's house is not near, and sit down.

,,No. I just thinking about home." He said and I patted sand to sit down.

When he sit down his perfume hit my nostrils. Oh my god. This is opium.

,,Do you wanna talk?" I asked him and he shook his head.

,,No." He said and I punch his shoulder.

,,You wanna?" I light joint and he noded.

,,You are amazing me." He said after we smoke blunt in quiet, but that was comfortable silence.

,,How is that?" I ask confused.

,,You are cool. I mean, when my eyes first land on you I was thinking that you are mean and snob because you are pretty, but you showed me something different." He said and I laugh. Damn joint.

,,Just pretty?" I said. What the fuck? Where this words comming from?

,,And beautiful. Funny. But you already knows that." He said and my smile broke.

,,No I don't." And that was true. Nobody ever said to me that I looked beautiful, or pretty, or funny either. And because of that my self confidence is zero. Nada. Zilch.

,,They must be blind, because I never saw a more beautiful girl then you." He smile and I gasped.

,,Oh, stop beign so cheesy." I punch him playfully.

,,You making me that." He winked and looked at him. He is so handsome. His pearl white teeths, straight nose, the most beautiful green eyes, his hair. Everything about his boy is atractive.

,,Like what you see?" He ask me and I noded.

,,Yeah, you look comforting." I said and close my eyes.

,,How is that?" He ask.

,,I mean, you look like some squishy pillow to cudle." I said and open my eyes.

,,I'm not pillow but you can cudle with me." He said and I laugh.

,,I'm amused by your laugh." He said and we locked our gaze. His eyes trawel down to my lips and I bite my lover lip.

He lean closer and kiss me on the cheek. But he doesn't move away, then he kiss me on my earshell. I shivered.

,,You are cold." He joke and I chuckle.

,,No, just my body react to your pretty lips." I whisper.

,,You think that my lips are pretty?" He whisper and I put my hand on his chest.

,,Yeah." I whisper back again.

His lips find my colarbone and he trail my neck with kisses until he kissed corner of my lips.

,,Fuck." He said and lean back.

,,W-what?" I asked confused.

,,We are going too fast. "