
1001 mile

Stay tuned..

Vida_v97 · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

Katie 🌸

After we drop Zane, I fell asleep. Now I am fully awake because Theo's heavy body is on me.

,,Move fat ass." I push him, but he doesn't bulge.

,,Oh, come on!" I push him again and he groan.

,,You are cutting of my beauty sleep!" He said and move to the other side of bed.

,,Oh, thanks God. I was going to pee myself!" I said and run to the bathroom.  When I am done, I glance at the clock, it's 1pm. Theo start's to laugh and I look at him.

,,Do you remmember when I fell asleep here for the first time, and then your mom yell at me?" Theo ask in beetwen laugh's.

,,Yeah, then you said to her that you like's peepees." I laugh too.

,,Her face was priceless." He said.

,,You are crazy." I punch him.

,,Tell me, bitch!" Theo punch me, and I look at him. Then my brain clicked. An, Zane.

,,About Zane?" I ask and he nod.

,,Damn bitch, I left you for 2 hours and handsome British boy grab you, damn." He whine and I laugh.

,,Maybe he is handsome, but last night he fucked Millie before he came to me, so it's all says. He is fuckerboy, and I don't need that." I said and Theo bulge his eyes.

,,Millie? Millie like bathfucker?" He ask and I chuckle.

,,Yeah, and when you was gone, Jared talk to me." I said and Theo's eyes went huge again. One time his eyes is gonna pop out, I swear.

,,What?!" He yell and I shut my ears.

,,Don't yell, I have headache!" I yell back.

,,You are yelling!" He yell again.

,,Tell me what that motherfucker want's now?" He added.

,,He apologise." I shrug my shoulders.

,,And what you said to him?" He raise one eyebrow.

,,I said ,,You should think about that when you was fucking Millie in the school bathroom." " I said and Theo nod his head aprroving.

,,That's good." He click his thounge.

,,And then, when I was talking to Zane, Millie came to us, and ask Zane to round two, apparently in the bathroom." I chuckle and Theo chuckle too.

,,Bathwhore." He added.

,,And then, Zane tell her to go to the bathroom and wait for him, and he ditched her." I tell and again Theo bulge his eyes.

,,How? Tell me bitch, I like that guy already!"

,,He said that, and she left. And then, he ask me to go outside." I said.

Then my mom knock on the door and peek through the door.

,,I hear Theo's screams and I make breakfast." She said and Theo claps his hands.

,,Thank yoo mommy." He said and we laugh at his behavior. Then mom left.

,,Continue." Theo whisper.

,,We just stay outside, not talking when Millie came to us again and scream to me that I am whore. Then scream at the Zane for ditching. And Zane said to her that she was just his laid for that night, and then she left, but she said Zane to call her tommorow." I said and Theo laugh.

,,I tell you, she is going to call him every fucking single day." Theo said and then sniff.

,,I smell pancakes!" He run to the door.

I follow him downstairs.

,,Last night Eli's father call's me, he asked me do we perhaps not have british boys in the emergency room." Mom said and I look at Theo.

,,He was with us." I said to mom.

,,Did you tell Eli?" Mom said and I nod my head.

,,Yeah, I text her when I was outside, when that boy was fighting with some girl." I said and mom gasp.

,,Fighting? A girl?" She asked.

,,I mean verbally. He was quarrel with her." I said and she noded her head.

,,Okay. He seems to be problematic." She added.

,,He isn't. He is just new here. What would you do if someone said go to the another country, alone?" I state and she took deep breathe.

,,But that doesen't explain his behavior to not call his uncle." She raise his finger.

,,In that point you are allright." Theo said.

,,That motherfucker!" I heard Eli's said when she barge into the house.

,,Sorry Carla!" She said again, probubly knows that mom is in the house." We laugh.

She then came to the kitchen.

,,I smell pancakes all the way to my house." She said and sit at the counter. Mom place plate in front of her.

,,Who is motherfu.." Theo start to ask but then stop talking because my mom glaring at him.

,,Sorry mommy." He smile sheepishly.

,,Zane." Eli said with mouth full of pancakes.

,,I go to the my room." Mom said and left.

,,Why?" Theo ask and I nod.

,,Because when you texted me, later he came, and didn't bother to apologise my  father." She said and Theo gasp.

,,He is motherfucker." Theo added.

,,He fucked Millie." Theo said and then Eli gasp and looked at me.

,,In the bathroom." I add and start to laugh. The she laugh.

,,She deffinately has a fetish." Eli said and I nod.

,,Deffinately." Theo added.

,,Where is Sofia and Josh?" I ask and then we heard somebody enter the house.

,,We are here!" Sofia said and walk into the kitchen with Josh.

,,You two didn't hooked up yet?" Theo ask and Sofia smack him.

Did I mention that my house is open house for saturdays? Now you know.

,,We came here to ask you If you to want came to us in the my lake house today? We came back tommorow?" Josh asked and I shrug.

,,I need to ask my mom." I said.

,,You can go." Mom said when she enter the kitchen.

,,Hello Mrs. White." Sofia and Josh said together.

,,Thank you mom." I said and smile.

,,I'm going too." Theo said and bite pancake.

,,You should ask your grandparent's first Theo." Mom said and he shook his head.

,,They are on the vacation. I fucking France." Theo said and clap his mouth.

,,This kid's nowadays." Mom chuckle and left again.

,,I ask my dad, but then he would say that I need to bring Zane with me." Eli said. Doesn't sound like problem to me. He is cool.

,,I call him right now." Eli said and left kitchen.

,,Did I mention that Zane fucked Millie?" Theo said to the Sofia and Josh. They looked at me.

,,In the fucking bathroom." Theo and I said in union and start to laugh with Sofia and Josh.
