

Human territory

Dylan had already put a call through to one of his acquaintances among the humans. He picked the popular restaurant. Dylan knew it was exactly what Flora would want. He knows how badly he hurts her, but he also knows how to make her remain under his control.

Flora had been asking for a date and Dylan knew now was the best time to take her out. It will keep her less happy. Dylan's plan to surprise Flora with a romantic date at the most exclusive restaurant in town, Le Grandeur, was not exactly a surprise because she had begged and worked for it for months. 

 Flora was surprised by the restaurant. She did not grow up the richest. The closest to money she ever got was when she was still with Riven. She liked to hide this part of her life though. Nobody could know she was undeserving of being the Luna. Her plan with Dylan was to remain with him until she found her mate, but Flora doubted that would ever happen to any of them. Her plan now was to make Dylan see it as more than just sex. Flora had failed to realize how hard of a task that was.

 With elegant decor, soft candlelight, and a renowned chef, the restaurant was the embodiment of luxury. Dylan wanted to create a memorable experience for Flora. This was not because he wanted to impress her or anything. He just wanted her to have something to brag about for the next few months before she became dissatisfied with him again. Dylan knew money could control Flora. She liked to act like she was used to wealth, but he knew how she was before they met. After all, they were once friends. Dylan could no longer see her as a friend.

As they arrived at Le Grandeur, the waitress greeted them with a warm smile. Dylan had paid for a private table, so as soon as they got to the restaurant, they were escorted to a private table. It was adorned with exquisite flowers and sparkling crystal. Everything about it screamed grandeur and luxury. Flora was in awe. 

"Why has Dylan never taken me somewhere this nice?" Flora thought to herself. For the first time in a long time Flora was pushed to tears. Not fake tears, she did constantly make Dylan d her bidding. She felt tears for the life she had reduced herself too. If a date like this was from somebody who loved her. Somebody like Riven. Whenever Flora remembered how much she had exchanged for her current life, she felt so sad and stupid. Flora decided it was not the time to think. She would allow herself to enjoy herself because she did not know when next her feet would graze a place as exquisite as this.

  Dylan ordered a bottle of rare champagne. The way he went about ordering his food and wine made Flora realize how out of place she really was. If Dylan was not there with her, she would be so lost in a place like this.

Throughout the evening, Flora tried to make conversation, but Dylan seemed uninterested. Flora was angry.

"Did you bring me here to ignore me?" Flora was really vexed at his attitude. Dylan was supposed to seek forgiveness from her not ignore her.

"What more do you want?" Dylan was well aware of the fact that he had been ignoring Flora, but what was he expected to say to a woman like that? There was no conversation to have with her.

"What do you mean a woman like me? I can't be spoken to?" Flora hated that tears fell from her eyes. She was fed up with Dylan seeing her weak. Maybe she could just leave and await the worst. The arrangement they had favored him and not her. Why she found it hard to leave she did not understand. Maybe, just maybe, a stupid part of her had fallen for Dylan. She knew better than to think he would reciprocate the feelings.

 For a very long time Flora realized her foolishness. How Dylan switched her on made loving him harder. She had tried to hate him but she just could not. The good parts of him kept the fire of love but at what cost?

Dylan had no response to her obvious rhetorical question. He started a conversation instead. As the evening progressed, Flora couldn't help but question what made Dylan change. 

"Did he always have it in him?" she thought to herself. Dylan was a funny, chatty, sweet and fun person but Flora cannot deduce what made all of that change? Another thing Flora wondered was if what Riven said that night was true. Maybe during the course of their friendship, Dylan got so jealous that it awakened something in him. Some beast that has changed who he really is. He had lost the spark in his eyes. 

 The enchanting evening is nothing but a temporary escape from their complicated reality. Yet, in that moment, they were immersed in their own personal world. Flora was shielded from judgment and expectations. Dylan on the other hand threw himself into thinking of what he had become. He wasn't usually like this. What happened? Could Riven have been right to say he got jealous and insecure?

"I am no insecure man" Dylan fought the thought that came to his mind.

 Soon the night came to an end, but the memories and thoughts forged within the walls would forever be etched in their each of their minds. Dylan settled the bill, ensuring that no trace of their presence lingered. Flora was a bit confused by this but what use was it trying to understand Dylan? 

With a surprisingly gentle touch, he held Flora's hand as they made their way out of the restaurant, stepping back into the reality they had temporarily left behind. The harsh wind was a reminder of the life she would now be subjected to. She had to go back to that pack and watch as Dylan sleep with that girl. He said she was a nobody but Flora could not trust him. After all he gave his cards to Isa after sleeping with her some days ago.