
(HIATUS) There's no way I gain their abilities if they like me.

———————— Dive into a world where American movies and dramas come alive, as Mike embarks on a thrilling journey. Guided by a mysterious system. ———————— Currently TV Shows and Movies: Big Bang Theory Fast and Furious John Wick Parker (2013) Saw . … ———————— MTL Link: [https://www.-----69shu.com/txt/ 9----9625-------43.ht-----m] ————————

RagingDebtColektor · Films
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56 Chs


Mike's anticipation grew as he made his way back home, eager to focus on the new changes in the system.

He turned on the system, feeling a surge of excitement as he delved into the virtual realm.

Checking the game progress, Mike noticed that Chrome Dome Dom's favorability had reached 80, an impressive feat.


Favorability Ratings:

(The Big Bang Theory)

Sheldon: -50

Leonard: 0

Howard: -20

Penny: 90

Rajesh: -10

(The Fast and the Furious)

Vince: +10

Dominic Toretto: +80

Mia Toretto: +60

Extractable Skills:

𝘿𝙤𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝙏𝙤𝙧𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙤

[God-level car skills]

[Godly luck]

[Chrome Dome Dom's smile]

[Advanced and strong body]


He scrolled through Chrome Dome Dom's extractable skills, marveling at the array of abilities displayed before him.

"God-level car skills, top lucky son, (only) Chrome Dome Dom's smile, advanced and strong body," he read aloud, eyebrows raised in curiosity. But it was Dom's smile that puzzled him, what the hell is Dom's smile?

Delving deeper, Mike discovered that Chrome Dome Dom's smile had the uncanny ability to charm and influence others, like a gentle spring breeze that effortlessly swayed people's emotions, making them willing to follow the baldy as their leader.

"This is truly one heck of a skill." Mike thought with a hint of longing. He couldn't help but be greedy towards it, but he had chosen the lucky skill without hesitation, recognizing its potential.

However, there was a catch. The lucky skill was considered a bug, labeled as

<Godly luck: You are the fortunate one, chosen by destiny itself to overcome impossible odds and emerge victorious in the face of adversity.>

The enigmatic power of Chrome Dome Dom's smile. It's like a hidden superpower that defies all logic in the Fast and Furious universe.

Seriously, this guy must have more luck than a four-leaf clover factory! I mean, have you seen the stunts they pull off? Airplane cars, cliff drifts, death-defying maneuvers that would make a stuntman tremble.

But not Chrome Dome Dom, oh no. He just flashes that smile, and everything miraculously falls into place.

It's like the universe is saying, "Hey, Dom, we've got your back!" I can't help but wonder, if he ever lost that smile, would he even survive beyond the opening credits? Probably not.

Dom Toretto is the luckiest son of a gun in the Fast and Furious world. That smile of his is his most powerful weapon because, without it, he'd be just another casualty in a series that's all about going fast and being furious.

As for the god-level car skills, Mike pondered whether he should learn from Mia or Brian.

The protagonist's prowess never failed to impress, showcasing his extraordinary abilities. Mike couldn't help but admire the protagonist's accomplishments.

However, as he glanced back at Chrome Dome Dom's smile, a pang of envy tugged at his heart.

But the combination of Dom's luck and top-tier gaming talent presented an intriguing prospect.

"In the gaming industry, who else can compare?" Mike mused to himself.

As he extracted the skill, he can't help but notice that what he got was only [Top-level Luck].

<host will only receive God-Level skills when favorability reached 100>

Knowing this, he swore upon himself to exert more effort in making everyone reach 100 in favorability.

The next day, Mike gathered his group of scientists for another round of physical activities.

He had anticipated a smaller turnout, but to his surprise, a neatly arranged group of scientists awaited him, with an additional participant.

The sight of the tall and thin Sheldon elicited a mischievous smile from Mike, reminiscent of a crooked grin.

"Today, we have quite a crowd," Mike commented, casting a glance at Sheldon.

Mike couldn't help but quip, " Sheldon, joining us for some physical activity? I hope your impeccable logic translates into flawless coordination as well. We wouldn't want any scientific equations going haywire during our workout, now would we?" Sheldon raised an eyebrow in response, ready to prove that intellect and physical prowess could indeed coexist harmoniously.

Sheldon, raising an eyebrow at Mike's remark, retorted with his signature dry wit, "Ah, Mike, rest assured that my impeccable logic extends beyond physics. My neural pathways handle both intellect and physical activities flawlessly. My coordination skills are as precise as my lab calculations. So, fear not, I'm prepared to demonstrate the harmonious coexistence of intellect and physical prowess. Besides, it's fascinating to explore the magic of this undeveloped sport, even if it doesn't involve complex equations and quantum mechanics."

"Oh! I'll let you experience the magic of this undeveloped sport," Mike declared, his eyes gleaming with excitement as he focused on Sheldon.

The reason for Sheldon's inclusion in their workout session was a result of their collective decision that physical exercise should be a shared endeavor.

Yesterday's events made them realize the importance of maintaining good health.

They had engaged in lengthy discussions about the significance of fitness, with Mike's well-toned body serving as a testament to the benefits.

Their realization of their own physical weakness was further fueled by Sheldon's continuous mocking remarks. "You are a group of beasts controlled by hormones!"

Sheldon had taunted, leaving them thoroughly displeased. Thus, they had resolved to bring Sheldon along, ensuring he too would partake in the exercise.

"Alright! Let's begin!" Mike declared, initiating the warm-up routine.

Of course, Mike kept a watchful eye on Sheldon throughout the session. Hearing Sheldon's groans and witnessing his struggle brought a sense of satisfaction to Mike, easing the weight of the ridicule he had endured. A perverse smile gradually spread across his face.

Amidst Sheldon's cries of pain, clutching his aching muscles, he exclaimed, "It's about to break! It hurts! I don't think I can go on!"

Mike, wearing a mischievous grin, responded, "Oh, come on, Sheldon! We're just scratching the surface of your physical capabilities. Don't you want to be the talk of the scientific community with your newfound athleticism?"

Before Sheldon could protest further, the other scientists, in unison, shouted, "No, Sheldon! You can't give up now! We believe in you!"

Surprised by the sudden outburst, Sheldon was momentarily taken aback. "Peer pressure? Really? I thought that ended in high school."

Mike chimed in with a chuckle, "Ah, Sheldon, even geniuses like you can succumb to the magic of group motivation. It's a universal force that transcends intellect, my friend."

Sheldon, feeling a mix of reluctance and reluctant enthusiasm, reluctantly replied, "Fine, fine! I'll continue, but only because my ego refuses to accept defeat in any arena, physical or otherwise."

The scientists erupted in cheers, and Mike couldn't resist adding, "Ah, Sheldon, you're about to experience a whole new level of scientific breakthrough—the magic of this undeveloped sport!"

As the training session continued, Sheldon's grumbles were intermittently drowned out by the enthusiastic shouts of encouragement from his newfound supporters.

It was a sight to behold—a group of scientists, united in their quest for physical prowess, with Sheldon reluctantly but determinedly pushing himself to the limits.

After the workout, several of them assisted the exhausted Sheldon back to his apartment, as he no longer had the strength to walk. Leonard, concerned for his friend, asked, "Sheldon, are you alright? That was quite an intense workout."

Sheldon, still catching his breath, replied, "I'll be fine, Leonard. It was a formidable challenge, but I endured. My body may be weak, but my spirit remains indomitable."

Howard, his eyes wandering, couldn't help but interject, "Well, you know what they say, Sheldon. Muscles make the ladies swoon. Perhaps it's time we all followed Mike's lead and bulked up."

Rajesh, joining in the conversation, added with a hint of humor, "Yes, Howard, because nothing attracts women like a man with impeccable knowledge of astrophysics and a bicep that can crack walnuts."

Penny, always up for a good laugh, chimed in, "Oh, boys, I can assure you that muscles aren't everything. Confidence and a sense of humor go a long way too."

Leonard, feeling a mix of determination and skepticism, wondered aloud, "Is it really that important to transform ourselves physically? Can't we just embrace who we are?"

Sheldon, regaining some of his energy, replied with his usual matter-of-fact tone, "Leonard, while I appreciate your sentiment, it wouldn't hurt to explore the realms of physical fitness. Who knows, we might uncover hidden strengths we never knew we had."

As Mike returned, he presented them with a large jar of protein powder, exclaiming, "Don't worry, just follow my lead in practice. I'll help you develop a healthy and robust physique. Once you're strong, you'll be attractive, and there won't be a shortage of women anymore."

Rajesh, eyeing the jar curiously, quipped, "Ah, the elixir of machismo. Are we truly destined to become gods among men with this powdered concoction?"

Howard, his hormones seemingly in overdrive, jokingly added, "I can already see the headlines: 'Scientists Develop a Formula for Geek Adonis Syndrome!'"

Penny, smirking playfully, teased, "Well, boys, if you're going to embark on this muscle-building journey, just promise me you won't flex in front of the mirror for hours on end."

Leonard caught between the excitement and skepticism, couldn't help but chuckle, "Alright, let's give it a shot. But remember, true strength comes from within, not just the exterior."

Before he left, Mike reminded them to consume protein powder to aid muscle growth and alleviate soreness. He then made a triumphant gesture, fueling their determination.

At that moment, Penny arrived, offering him ointment and advising, "Apply this to soothe your muscles. We don't want you to turn into a bulky figure. It'll enhance your curves." With that, she departed.

Penny watched Mike's retreating figure, realizing that he was truly different from the person she had known before. Perhaps this was the real him. And indeed, his newfound dedication to fitness held an undeniable allure for women.

Returning home, Mike felt compelled to visit the pet park once more. John, dressed in a suit and exuding a melancholic air, sat there like a somber, handsome uncle. Mike couldn't help but sympathize with him, sensing that John's fate had not ended favorably.

"Hi, John!" Mike greeted him.

"Morning, Mike," John replied.

Mike turned his attention to Daisy, the dog, and said, "Morning!" Then, lost in thought, he admitted to himself that he didn't have enough time to take care of a pet, no matter how much he desired one.

Realizing that John needed something to fill his time, Mike suggested, "I think you should find something interesting to do. I have a friend who might pique your interest." He handed John Chrome Dome Dom's phone number and continued, "He's my friend, well-versed in the underground racing scene in New York. It's more exciting than what you've experienced so far."

"Racing?" John questioned, intrigued.

"Yes! Races are held every week! It's a thrilling experience," Mike confirmed.

"Perhaps I should give it a try. Thank you, Mike," John replied gratefully.

At that moment, John's favorability rose from 32 to 40. Mike felt a sense of relief, knowing that his suggestion had finally been acknowledged. It had taken a while to reach this point.

John, now a retired individual, had directed all his attention toward the dog, as it was a remnant of his late wife.

This led to a series of events that ultimately resulted in a tragic ending. Mike wholeheartedly agreed with altering John's storyline, as the original conclusion held no solace.

After spending some time playing with the dog, Mike headed to the garage.

As he arrived, he witnessed a heated argument between Mia and a man in a gray T-shirt.


Current Favorability Ratings:

Sheldon: -50

Leonard: 0

Howard: -20

Penny: 90

Rajesh: -10

Vince: +10

Dominic Toretto: +80

Mia Toretto: +60

John Wick: +40


[Cooking]: Culinary skills specializing in Chinese cuisine.

[Top Game Talent]: Innate ability to understand and excel at various game mechanics, strategies, and tactics.

[Godly luck]: You are the fortunate one, chosen by destiny itself to overcome impossible odds and emerge victorious in the face of adversity.
