
(Hiatus) The Most OP Young Master

I will just say this now so no one can't complain. I may use some characters from different animes but I may not be able to imitate or capture their personalities or characters. I'm very sorry if that is the case and there will be many plot holes in this novel so forgive me for that. That's all, if you enjoy thank you. Anyway the story will focused more on chat group while his system is just gonna be a support one and finally this is a harem novel. The MC is brokenly Overpowered and has a strong plot armor so don't expect to see him suffer much. In this novel our mc is gonna be the most op young master in the multiverse. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except my original and any of the stories that he will go to.

Lazy_Author69 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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25 Chs

Dimensional Chat Group

(AN: First of all, I will just warn you guys because I know some of you will not like the quest he will accept)


"Yawn*" William woke up early in the morning. After that he did his morning hygiene. Then did his usual exercise. Finally after exercising, he took a bath.

Going out of the bathroom connected to his room, he noticed a gift box on his bed. Curious, he took it and opened it.

"Why.....is there a phone here?" Inside the box is a black colored cellphone. William turned it on and he saw there's only one app there.


He opened the app and suddenly there's a voice coming from the phone. It sounded robotic with no emotion.

[Welcome to the Dimensional Chat Group.]

"Dimensional chat group? Wait....are you the solution that R.O.B said for my 3rd wish?!" William asked and to his surprise the voice replied.

[Yes, from now on you are the owner of the dimensional chat group.]

"Then first give me a summary on your functions"

[I have 5 functions for now, they are; Inventory, Shop, Chat Group, Daily Points, and Quests.

*Inventory- the phone your holding has infinite storage where you can put all things except live creatures.

*Shop- as the name says this is where you can buy things using your points. And don't worry the products in the shop are affordable and high quality.

*Chat Group- this is where you can communicate with other members of the chat group, though currently you are the only member.

*Daily Points- everyday you can claim random points ranging from 1-100 points depending on your luck.

*Quests- as the name says, there are quests you can accept. There are two types of quests, one are those you can do in your world, for example: [Do 10,000 push ups] things like that. But this types of quests only rewards points. And the second type are given by the chat group and it is in another world completing your wish of travelling to different world. This quests can reward you with powerful abilities, powerful artifacts, precious things etc. In a nutshell this are the quests you would want to complete.

And thats all my functions, is there any other questions, owner?]

William's expression turned from surprised, joy and finally to excitement. "Yes! I can finally fulfill my dream, thank you mr. R.O.B"

He jumped around like a little kid for a few minutes before stopping. "Then can you show me the quests I can take?"

[Understood! Here are the current quests you can take.


*{Invite a member for the chat group}= this is a 5 time quest and you need to invite people to join the chat group. Once you take this, you will be transported to a random world and you need to invite a person. There's also a sub-missions you can choose to complete for extra rewards. (Note:Time will stop in the participants world while on the quest)

*{Strong Body}= Do 10,000 push ups, sit ups, squats, and 10,000 km run. (Note:You can do this repeatedly and there are no time limit)

*{Date}= Bring your fiancees on a date. Please don't forget them and show them some love.

That's all, you can accept only one quest at a time and you need to complete the quest you accept first before you can accept another. And please note that the rewards are random]

"Hmm then I'll accept the {Date} quest first" William said after thinking for a bit.

[Understood, owner has accepted {Date} quest. Good luck!]

After saying so the chat group became quiet again. William put the phone on the bed and changed as he only has a towel wrapped around his waist.

After changing into a casual clothes. William stood in front of the mirror. Reflected in tge mirror is an extremely handsome young man with short silver hair and crystal like purple eyes.

He wore white shirt with two buttons opened showing his collar bones. For his bottom, he wore a black pants with a belt and leather shoes.

"Sigh* Time really flies quickly, now I'm 16 years old. I need to go to Japan soon to enter highschool, I'm sure those two would go there as well but.... Anyway let's call them first"

He took his phone and called Celes first. After a few seconds the call was picked up. "Hello, William?"

"Hm, Celes I just want to ask if you're free today. If you are then can I invite you to a come with me to watch a movie?"

"Of course I'm free. Anyway what time today?" Celes seemed to be excited as her voice sounds like it.

"Let's go at 11 am, Ah but I will also invite La Folia, is that okay?"

"Yes, of course. It's been a while since we three got out together after all. I'm sure it'll be fun"

"Okay bye, I'll call La Folia too" William ended the call and released a sigh of relief. "Sighhh* I though she would get angry. Thank god, but now La Folia too"

After that he called La Folia and she also agreed. With that William look at the time and it showed 8:30 am. He waited for until 9:00 am and went to pick up Celes first as she's closer. Of course he's nkt the one driving but a driver of his family.

It took an hour and a few minutes to get their. They arrived at 10:05 and then continued to La Folia's home.

They arrived their at 10:45 and picked up La Folia. Then an hour and fifteen minutes to go to the mall where they will watch the movie.

(Sorry guys cliff-kun arrived, next chapter the date begins)

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