
(Dropped) Welcome To Tower Academy

(Series is paused) worlds, 13 different major races, 1 tower that resets every hundred years. But before one climb the tower, they must attend the Tower Academy. Tower and academies, the author sure is bold to use 2 different genres for one novel, well I'm the protagonist, Perseus Silver, so follow my life journey throughout this fictional story where 4th walls are broken and where I journey my way to conquer this tower and academy with my lovely female lead. And besides, apparently there are mythological figures who are actually real, man, this stuff sucks, but it's too late for regrets. So action, adventure, romance, comedy...I'm sure the author was lazy to write different novels so he just wrote all the genres into one...that dumb idiot better make me look good. P.S. Yes, there will be romance, but I can assure you that the mc will have no harem despite his wishes. Disclaimer: No copyright infringement is intended, I do not own the cover nor any rights to it, if the owner wants it removed, please contact me.

PerseusSilver · Fantaisie
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183 Chs

Chapter 44: Updated List

Perseus POV

As I am relishing my free time, Emma then approached me and sat next to me to accompany me, apparently some girls from the B class then looked over hoping for something since the rumors of her being my ex already got leaked by a few of my classmates.

Some of the guys were just staring at me with jealous while whispering with each other.

"What does the guy not have that we do?" one asked

"Beautiful women and talent, tch." his friend added

I just sigh and take off my headphones to talk with Emma.

"Are you here to stir up drama amongst the students? I thought you hated attention."

"I'm the assistant instructor now, I'm just here to talk with my student." she shrugged "It won't be long till I get to be a full time one."

"Yeah, if it's you, you probably can. Though you should climb a couple more floors in my opinion."

"You should help me then, with you there, I don't have to worry about dying."

"You're more than strong enough to handle things without me, I don't date women who aren't independent."

"Why...why have you told me about your parents?" she asked "It's apparent that you don't have a relationship with them, but I didn't think that one of your secrets have to be revealed publicly by the 'Thunder Saint'."

"I...well...we were abandoned, and I've met both my parents less than 5 time in my life and every time I do, they keep making stupid excuses about why they had to abandon us, so I sort of just do whatever it takes to distance myself from them."

"I see, no wonder. I sort of not wanted to ask the question, but I just want to know more about you since you are really mysterious." she commented "When I was with you, I saw your other sides, though it seems like I still have a lot to learn."

"Blame me for being a secretive person."

We then watched the students competing with each other, currently our homeroom teachers made students duel with each other in combat, and as expected, my class easily dominated the opposing class, it seems like my presence in the class motivated some students to strive for the better as they are now always going to be in my shadow unless they prove themselves.

Some lost motivation by witnessing my performances first hand, but it seems that they got it back by dominating their current opponents, showing that they are not completely hopeless.

I'm seriously worried about my upcoming meeting with the Mirage legion, I hate those guys, their own secret possible 100 is stronger than the regular possible 100 in my opinion, the true strongest raiders who are not acknowledged by the tower as a top 100 usually aren't on that list.

Bora and Wyatt are one of these examples, I'll easily bet my money on them to beat most of the current possible 100 despite not being on the list themselves, though I guess in terms of authority, they got none.

And since now that one of the named killed by my hands, the whole list of the top 100 is going through a revamp and get a new whole updated list, it's not uncommon that a few named losing their top 100 status or their named status.

"Which raiders do you think will go into the new top 100?"Emma asked

"I got a few candidates, but unfortunately, only 1 is of my clan, the 2nd in command finally have the chance to be a named now, I guess."

He may not be individually strong enough to be on there, but now, the clan list is also going to get updated, with me in as an official member, it wouldn't be strange to rise into the top 20 or top 10, so in terms of authority, he's going to have more than enough to be given a named status.

And...it wouldn't be strange for the 13 admins to summon a few ranked either, now this is depressing, I hate seeing those guys.

"Now, on to another matter that an instructor would love to know, amongst the B class that you're observing right now, do you see anyone with the talent to rise high?" Emma asked

"I see a couple, that's for sure, if I'm right, I would love to have them under my division in the future." I answered honestly "Talent wise, there are little to none amongst all the B class that I can say that they can be placed as an equal, but they just need hard work, I guess."

"I thought you value talent more."

"To be a top raider, you need both, if you have talent by no determination, you'll die in a year or 2, same for those who works hard but has no talent, ) times 0 is 0 after all."

"Well, you heard him, work hard now." Emma announced to the class "it seems that he plans to directly recruit students from the academy to join the Raining Gold guild, you heard the rumors of how much they pay you."

"Oh, we pay you a lot more than the rumors, Lia can back up that fact."

"Stop roping me into things." Lia shouted as she is intercepting an attack by a student with her sword "You're just giving my opponent more motivation to beat me up."

"Think of it as extra training!" I shouted back

"You might want to give her motivation, this is her 3rd duel, she's exhausted." Emma advised

But the timing of this chapter was too, perfect, I got a foreshadowing based of the title, but sure enough...notifications popped up.

'The list of the top 100 raiders will soon be updated.'

'The list of the top 50 clans will be updated.

I also got another personal message.

'You will be summoned along with your sister.'

Shit, it's worse if they're summoning us both at once.

"You have that look again." Emma commented "Are you going to tell me what it is or do I have to team up with Cordelia to force it out of you?"

"I'm not gonna tell you."