
1st day of training/torture(corrected)

Waking up in the early hours of dawn, Mark began to think about who to ask for advice, or rather, who he could fight with to improve his technique.

'Finn, Riveria, and Gareth are out of the question, they are busy managing the Familia most of the time. Bete... he'd probably make fun of me for being weak. Only Tione, Tiona, and Aiz remain. '

After a moment of hesitation, he decided to opt for Tione or Tiona who seem more available than Aiz. Walking down to the great hall where the meals were given, Mark was thinking about how to get one of the twins to help him train. After a light egg meal, he still had no idea how to contact them.

'The problem is where they are.' - Perhaps some existence has heard his request, because immediately afterward he heard someone calling him.

"Hey Mark, it's rare to find you around." -Tione greeted him.

"True, prince is never seen around." - Tiona agreed alongside.

"Prince?" - Mark asked confused.

"Oh that's a nickname I made up, do you like it?" -Churches with expectation.

"Well… thanks for considering me a prince, but aside from that, I wanted to ask you two a question. What kind of weapons do you use? " -Mark had done some general research on the members, so he only knew they were close combatants, due to their Amazonian origins.

After hearing Mark's question, the 'twins' looked at each other for a moment and the first to answer was Tiona.

"I mainly use large blades." -She said while making exaggerated gestures to express greatness of the weapon.

"But I'm also good at hand-to-hand." - She said showing her biceps.

"Like my stupid sister, I also specialize in hand-to-hand combat, but I also use kukri or knives." -Tione replied.

"What do you mean by stupid?" - Tiona asked irritably.

Hearing Tione's response, Mark had already decided who to train with. In his old world, he happened to see an image of the kukri and even if it is not the same as one-handed swords, it comes very close.

"So, why the question prince?" - Tiona asked curiously.

'Seriously, why can't she call me normally' - Mark sighed. -

"Loki pointed out a problem and I wanted to solve it, so I need someone to train with." - He simply replied.

"Eh, so that's why you asked us what kind of weapons we use, so who do you want to go with." -Tiona asked him.

"I mostly use a one-handed sword, so training with you using kukri would be better."

"Perfect, when do you want to do it?"

"For me even now it's fine." -Said Mark simply.

"Okay, I'm going to get my equipment. Try to not regret choosing me." - Laughing, Tione quickly walked away.

"?" -Mark looked confused at Tiona.

"Don't worry... but it's better if you have a lot of potions with you." - Tiona said with a stiff laugh.

'I have a bad feeling.'

Ten minutes later, Mark and Tione could be seen in the training ground, with Tiona watching.

"I'm not very good at teaching, so we're going to do some sparring. Ah, you don't need to worry, I won't take the blades out of the sheath. " - Tione said with a smile.

"Okay, then Tiona starts the match." - Mark said as he pulled out his sword and activated the ability.

'Limit break' 'clank'

'I already know I'll regret activating the ability.'

Mark knew that his ability can cause him serious problems, but he decided not to hesitate any longer to become strong, even if it means suffering so much that he can't stand up. He also wanted to see if others noticed when he activated the ability and from what he could see, no one saw anything.

Looking left and right, Tiona started the sparring. - "Start!"

By the time he heard the words, Mark thought about what to do, but before he could come up with a plan, Tione had already appeared in front of him and kicked him in the side.

"GHU!" -Sliding a couple of steps, Mark held his sore side.

"It's okay to think, but you don't have to lose focus. Start over. "-Said Tiona without her cheerful attitude anymore.

Trying to get into a decent position again, this time Mark sprinted at Tiona. Seeing the oncoming attack, Tiona dodged slightly and performing a turn on herself, she hit Mark's back with the handle of her kukri.

Receiving a blow after his attack, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

'Shit!... it seems to me as if someone had hit me with an iron club.' - Cursing, he stood up again and tried to get back into position.

"When you attack you have to position your body well, otherwise you lose stability, but I like the fact that you show no hesitation in attacking. " -Said Tione with a nod of the head.

"'Cough' I'm pretty sure that if I hesitated you would hit me harder."

"You are absolutely right! Now continue! " -She said while showing a crazy smile.

'Crazy psychopath.' - Mark mentally insulted her, but before delivering the blow he quickly moved to the right trying to hit her leg with a swing of the sword.


Unfortunately, his blade was intercepted by the kukri, but it didn't end there. After parrying Mark's blow, Tione gave him a backhand kick in the shoulder which knocked him away.

"Tione you exaggerated..." -Tiona said exasperatedly.

"That hit caught me a little off guard, so I overdid it a bit, te-he." -She said, as she patted herself on the head. - "Hey Mark are you alive?" - She asked slightly worried.

'Fuck you. I barely feel my shoulder. '- Rising slightly shaking, Mark resumed his position.

"Haha! This is how a man must be. You did it right before, but you got stuck after just one hit. Next time don't show mercy. " -Said while showing a sadistic smile.

What followed, were hours of training/torture and never once did he manage to touch her. He took all kinds of blows from punches to kicks and kicks to the sheath of the kukri and although the pain assailed him, he did not give up, but like everything, both physical and mental stamina ran out.

"Gha!" Taking another hit, Mark fell to the ground and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up.

' Get up ... I said GET UP! '- Even using all his will, his body wasn't listening to him now.

"How do you feel?" -Tione asked him as he sat next to him.

'She's not even sweaty, eh.' - Mark thought with irony. - "I feel like shit."

"The fact that you can still speak is amazing, plus you did well on your first day. Anyway I leave this here. " -Tione said leaving a glass bottle containing a liquid, and then stood up.

"What is it?" - Mark asked, still unable to move.

"It should help you recover. From tomorrow morning, we will train until lunchtime every morning. Bye Bye." - Making a little greeting, he left. After Tione left, Tiona approached Mark, who was still lying down.

"Hey Prince do you need a hand?" - She asked him worried.

"No ... I just want to be alone for a while." -Said Mark continuing to look at the sky. Hearing Mark's words, Tiona quietly walked away leaving Mark in his thoughts.

"Almost a month." -In fact, Mark spent almost a month in this world and if his growth could be considered fast for others, for him it was still slow.

'My technique sucks, my attacks are simple and predictable. With Tione's help, I can improve a lot and spend the rest of the day in the dungeon, it should allow me to gain a good amount of stats. '

Determined how to proceed, he reached for the bottle and swallowed its contents. After a couple of minutes, he was already feeling a lot better and even managed to stand up.

"Hmm haaa, I'll grab something to eat and head straight to the dungeon." -After having stretched, he hurriedly headed to his room, where he took his backpack and equipped himself with the armor. Once ready, he went down to the cafeteria where he grabbed a packed lunch and headed straight to the dungeon.

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