
(COMPLETE) System Rebirth: The Godly Hunter

There have been people all over the world that would say “The end is near!” But most people didn’t really believe them. Most people thought they might just be crazy and just doing it for attention but never would they thought the end would really be here. But would it be the end of humanity? No it was not us that has ended it was are way of life. Ten years ago something in the sky open and monster started to fall from it. Most died on impact but there where some that survived and they started to kill everyone on sight. When the military arrived they managed to clear the monster’s known as Orcs but for every Orc we killed they could kill ten of us. After that day the world started to change, people started to awaken powers and people called them heroes of humanity but the government came in and declared them as awakened. Back then kids wanted to be astronaut’s or something but now they just want to be an Awoken and get rich fast but only 95% of humanity has gain some type of power as for me? I’m a nobody, I didn’t gain any power but I didn’t let that stop me. Would that kill me one day? Yes it would and I would know... because that day is today or should I say was? I gained something that day that would break the balance of life and death. Even in death I shall prevail.

Harbenger · Fantaisie
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83 Chs


Suddenly when Armin said Rise My Legion a gray fog appeared next to him as a large rat walked out. The rat looked almost the same if you just ignore the fact that its fur was now blood red instead of dark brown and its eyes were pitch black.

"Well it's not exactly a Legion yet but it will one day. COME."

The large blood-red rat walked over to Armin as it just stood there waiting for commands but Armin noticed its name was different.

<Ruggr the betrayer>

Armin then taps its name icon and brought up the information about the rat.

<Ruggr the betrayer: was once known as the guardian of an important figure but he has fallen in battle and was forced to serve another. Even after his death, his people will label him a traitor causing them to feel betrayed even though it was not its fault.>

"Well now guess you must be upset huh."

The rat didn't do anything as it wanted for commands.

'Well, it's large enough maybe I can do that...'

"I want you to lay on the ground so I can't jump on."

The rat then got on to its belly waiting for Armin to mount him. As soon as he got on he received an order to take him to whatever he was guarding. Ruggr then started to walk past the old post to take him to what Armin guesses was the boss.

'Well it's not the most comfortable thing I've sat on but what can I expect it's I giant rat...'

As they walked deeper into the cave Armin found even more rats that he once fought with.

'Guess this will be a good opportunity to watch its combat ability against its own race.'

"Attack all the rats at once and kill them."

Armin jumped off as Ruggr ran into the group of rats. He counted a total of seven rats but their levels were quite low compared to Ruggr.

[Rat (3)

Rat (2)

Rat (3)



... ]

Ruggr charged towards the closes rat and due to the level difference easily killed the rat.

[ +2 XP ]

When Armin received the XP he was shocked.

'Wait I don't even need to kill them and I still get XP?!?'

Suddenly a rat ran past Ruggr and charged at Armin but He easily slashed his greatsword and killed the rat.

[ +5 XP ]

Armin stared in confusion and was wondering if the system would answer him when he asked.

"How come I got more XP when I killed the rat that was the same level as Ruggr killed?"

[If one of your souls kills an enemy you will gain fewer experience points because some XP is lost when it's transferred to you. The XP is going from the rat to Ruggr who then transfers it again to you. Simpler version is this ( +5 XP Rat -> Ruggr who holds +5 XP -> XP loss -> +2 XP You. To much transfer. ) ]

Armin understood the reason and was a little upset but he thought.

'Well, at least I still get some. It's better than not getting any at all'

Once Ruggr killed all the rats he then started to eat them but Armin didn't care enough to pay attention. Armin then got an idea.

"I want you to go around a kill every single rat in the dungeon and then come back when you finish."

Ruggr then left and Armin sat down and took out a portable kitchen set.

"Gas canister, Portable Gas oven, Cooking pot, Water, Hotdogs, Hotdog buns, a fork, and my plate. Might as well eat since I'm hungry."

As the water began to boil Armin started getting XP notifications.

[ +2 XP

+3 XP

+ 1 XP

+ 5 XP





Armin muted the system notifications as it was annoying to hear 'ding XP' randomly over and over again which caused him to not notice that he leveled up. As he started to eat his hotdogs he started to remember his past.


"Hey, Armin what would you like to eat? I can order some pizza or some subs or I can make some hotdogs." Said a beautiful woman who was in her late twenties as a young version of Armin said.

"Hmm, I would like some Hotdogs for dinner, please. We had Pizza yesterday and subs the day before and we haven't had hotdogs in awhile. You know Jasmin I don't see how you can eat anything you want and yet you never seem to weight." His words made her smile.

"Haha that my secret and you know your dad really loved hotdogs if I remember correctly your mother said his favorite kind was the one with cheese in the Center."

Armin stopped smiling because he missed his parents.

"Yea... We often had hotdogs on Sunday and he would try and get me to watch football with him but I never seemed to care too much for it... But now I regret all those offers." His words made Jasmin sad as well.

"Your mom and dad love you a lot so you need to stay strong for them okay? What would they think if they saw their son sad about this?"

"I know they do and I will.."


Armin was interrupted by his thoughts when he could finally feel that his mana was close to 0. He then looked at his notifications and it said.

[Ruggr the Betrayer has fallen in battle.

Ruggr the betrayer has...

Ruggr the...


... ]

"What the fuck?" Armin then drank an MP potion and summoned Ruggr and when he formed he said.

"Take me to where you been dying." When Armin got on the rat he scrolled through the notifications checking everything and noticed he leveled up a bit.

[Name: Armin foll

Lvl: 5 -> 9

HP: 750/750 MP: 1050/1050

Gold: 14,000

SP: 0

Strength: 55 -> 75

Vitality: 55 -> 75

Endurance: 65 -> 85

Dexterity: 40 -> 60

Intelligence: 85 -> 105

Faith: 35 -> 55

Congratulations on increasing a stat over 100 as a one time reward you may choose a weapon under ' unique'. Randomizing four weapons.

Twin steel daggers.

Attack: 20

Durability: 175/175

Dwarven broadsword.

Attack: 50

Durability: 200/200

Elven longbow.

Attack: 40

Durability: 150/150

Sword of the Dragonslayer (Poor Replica).

Attack: 100

Durability: 350/350 ]

Armin skimmed through the weapons and straight-up ignored the longbow because he didn't use ranged attacks. He checked out the daggers but didn't like the lightweight feeling it had. The broadsword was an okay feeling but it wasn't something he would use often unless needed.

But once he looked at the sword of the dragonslayer he was interested because it was another greatsword.

[Sword of the Dragonslayer (Poor Replica): Once upon a time a rookie blacksmith had received help from an unknown benefactor all he could see of him was a figure clad in black armor wielding a massive sword. Once the blacksmith returned to the shop he attempted to make the same sword but sadly it was rather a poor replica. ]

Armin chose the dragonslayer and once he manifested the sword he immediately fell in love with it. The sword was very heavy in his hands but Armin could lift it without problems, He then decided to give it a test swing at the cave wall and the sword barely cut into the wall but the result is actually very good. Armin remembers reading an article that said the walls of Dungeons are incredibly strong but when people tested this by destroying the walls of a dungeon after a certain degree the walls would fix themselves.

Ruggr soon stopped and Armin found out why. Up ahead was an open area and in the center was a VERY large rat.

"What the fuck?!? It's the size of a school bus?!?"

Suddenly the rat's eyes glowed red as his name appeared.

[ Atreeon the son of a duke from ????? (12) ]

When Armin saw its name he gave a frown.

"Why are there question marks?"

[ User currently isn't strong enough to know if you wish to know people get stronger. A record has been formed if you wish to view it in the future. ]

Armin nodded as he grabbed his sword and pointed at the rat and said.

"Oi, you killed one of my soldiers so unless you got some competition for it you're gonna to need to die."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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Hey everyone hope you enjoyed the chapter and I’m very sorry it took so long to post. I normally write a chapter and put a timer on it and write the next one the day the previous comes out but lately I haven’t been feeling good so I skipped a day so tomorrow I’ll have to try and write two chapters. One to post and one to put on a timer.

Bye everyone!!

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