
Arc 9: The Old Attack is a Fine Point (1)

Epner's lips trembled when he heard Yingzhao's words, at this moment, all self-deceiving lies were shattered.

Looking at the other party's icy eyes, he fell to the ground decadently. I kept repeating in my mind: Xiao Yan already knew. Everything, he knows, he will never forgive me.

Watching Yingzhao turn around without hesitation, Epner finally couldn't help crying like a child. At this moment, he understood his heart more clearly, and he really fell in love with that young man completely. Just because of his own interests, he lost this beautiful relationship in vain.

Yingzhao's frown and smile flashed in his mind, the young man who used to talk to himself softly, blushed and shy to himself, who could cook delicious meals for himself, and prepare potions for himself, was no longer there. .

Now there is a gap between them that can never be bridged. How gentle and beautiful the boy used to be, how cold and heart-piercing he is now.

Abner closed his eyes slowly, feeling as though his internal organs were being torn apart. He has really lost everything, no reputation, no status, no spiritual power, and no lover.

His eyes were dull, looking at the sky framed by the wall, thinking numbly in his heart: Maybe he was wrong in the beginning.

All is over, and those who have hurt Yingyan have been punished.

Yingzhao walked out of the wall far away, and he knew that this was the last time he saw ebner. He did not kill the other party, but made the other party lose all ideals and beliefs. Sometimes, it may be more painful to live than to die.

Taking a deep breath, Yingzhao looked at the tall man who was waiting for him not far away and hooked the corners of his lips. From now on, his life belongs only to his lover and himself.

Fifty years later, the old and disfigured Epner finally left the prison. Although he is now in his 80s, he is only middle-aged in this interstellar age with an average life expectancy of 200 years.

However, his current appearance has gray hair and wrinkled face, like an old man who is about to die.

He is now just a person with no ability and a ruined reputation. Fortunately, the owner of a nutrient solution processing workshop has a good heart, and he can barely make a living by keeping him here for the night.

When he raised his head, he saw Yingzhao and Ernest together on the huge display screen of the building.

The two are participating in the Empire's New Year's celebration together, and Yingzhao on the screen is no longer a teenager. The youthfulness of the boy has faded away, but it is even more breathtakingly beautiful.

And Ernest beside him, although his expression is cold and hard, but when he makes a good move, the tenderness in his eyes can be felt by those outside the screen.

The two of them are next to each other, and everyone can feel the atmosphere of love between them. Even without words, without touching, people feel unable to insert themselves into their world.

Yes, Xiaoyan is always so beautiful! Obviously, the former self can also get the love of the teenager, and can also get such happiness. But all of this was destroyed early on.

Epner tugged at the corners of his parched mouth, lowered his head and his eyes became numb again. It's just that he didn't notice, a cold tear slid down his cheek.

In this world, Yingzhao still lived happily with his lover. Yingzhao's outstanding contribution in the field of pharmacy, and the physique improvement plan made by Ernest later, can be said to have changed the entire interstellar era.

The empire has become stronger than ever, and the spiritual power and physique brought by birth are no longer a limitation for anyone. As long as you work hard, you can hope to be the best you can be.

And Yingzhao and Ernest, as figures of the whole empire, their unswerving sweet love has always been talked about by people. In particular, the cold-faced Marshal's strong possessiveness was even joked about.

Everyone knows how much the Marshal loves his partner. The Marshal who fights against the Zerg Queen will not show any expression on weekdays. As long as anyone tries to approach or touch his partner, he will see his angry face change.

And his beautiful partner always looked at the marshal tenderly, just a smile could instantly appease a man's emotions.

A hundred years later, Ying Zhao accompanied Ernest and lost his breath at the same time. According to Ernest's strong command, they were buried together.

And on the two-in-one tombstone, the location of Yingzhao's life was engraved, and it was not filled with various titles like other people. Just engraved a word: English - Ernest's lover who is more precious than life.


The sky was gray, and there was a seemingly inexhaustible fog lingering around. There was a drizzle in the sky, and circles of people in black suits holding umbrellas surrounded a cemetery. Watching that the bare coffin was covered with dirt a little bit.

A man who appeared to be in his twenties stood in front of everyone, with a handsome but cold face. He folded his hands and habitually pushed the ring on his little finger.

When the people below were almost busy, an old man with a kind face came up to the man and whispered in the man's ear: "Patriarch, the old Patriarch's cemetery is the last step, please be the old Patriarch. Add the last piece of soil." The

man nodded when he heard the words, walked to the grave, and bowed very respectfully. Then he picked up the shovel next to him and added the last shovel of dirt to the old owner who had just passed away. This is the tradition of the British family.

After that, a thick stone tablet was placed on the tomb. From now on, the old man who was once all-powerful will sleep here forever.

Everyone piled the flowers in their hands next to the tombstone, bowed their heads in silence for a while, and then turned and left with their current owner.

This is the end of the funeral, and Yingzhao sits back in the black car when he came. His fingers were still rolling over the ring subconsciously, and he lowered his head expressionlessly, making people unable to understand his thoughts.

Uncle Ying, the housekeeper, only thought that the owner of the family was depressed because of his father's death, and directly ordered the driver to drive back to the old house without saying anything more.

The car drove quietly towards the old house, Yingzhao turned his head silently, and looked out the window at the unfamiliar scenery on both sides of the road. He was always wise, but there was a little confusion in his eyes.

It's been a whole week since I came to this world. However, now he only knows that his current identity is Ying Chengye, the new generation of patriarch of a very top-notch family on the road.

And the old patriarch passed away on the day he crossed over, and he knew nothing about the others.

Because when Yingzhao left the previous world, just after taking away the soul fragment of his lover, he was once again attacked by the Heavenly Dao who had no road for a long time.

However, this time, Tiandao did not come rashly, but waited for the opportunity, accumulated strength and did not know how to create a time-space turbulence. Wanting to take this opportunity to launch an attack to kill Yingzhao, by the way, snatch Suzaku's soul fragment from him.

The sudden attack caught Yingzhao by surprise for a while. At the critical moment, Xiaobai rushed out to protect Yingzhao and became entangled with Tiandao.

They were forced to separate due to the turbulent flow of time and space, and Xiaobai directly used the power of the system to push Yingzhao out of the turbulent flow. Then, Yingzhao woke up again and was in this world.

Without Xiaobai by his side, he couldn't get the memory of the original owner, didn't know the plot of the world, and didn't know who he really was. Even more do not know, his lover is not in this world.

Yingzhao relied on observing words and expressions, watching the attitude of the people around him to follow the trend, but he did not show any clues in the past few days. However, there was still an unstoppable worry in his heart.

The more worried he was, the more he subconsciously touched the ring on his hand. This ring was quickly condensed by Xiaobai and him before they separated and put it on his hand.

A simple snake-shaped ring with a small space in it to store the fragments of the soul of one's lover.

But what about Xiaobai now? Thinking of the surging Heavenly Dao, Yingzhao clenched his fists.

He and Xiaobai have spent so many worlds together, although the other party is only a system. But he knew that Xiaobai had opened up his intelligence and had joys and sorrows.

Having been with each other for so long, Yingzhao has long regarded Xiaobai as his partner. I have been thinking in my heart that if there is a good opportunity, Xiaobai can also be refined into a human form.

Even after going back, you can discuss with Bai Rui to see if there are any exercises that Xiaobai can practice, so that his consciousness can be independent from the system, and he can live a real life of his own.

However, I didn't expect Tiandao to have such a back-up move. And now, Yingzhao doesn't know what to do for a while, so he can only play his role in this world for the time being. After all, without the system, even if he wants to return to the real world, it is impossible.

When he returned to the Ying family's old house, Ying Zhao returned to his room as usual, and did not speak much with outsiders. Fortunately, the original owner was also a taciturn person, which made it easier for the uninformed Yingzhao to deal with.

After that, Ying Zhao, who had nothing to do, began to practice and familiarize himself with the power in this body as before.

Yingzhao is still in the stage of condensing soul power, and it was only three days after he arrived in this world that he discovered that there is still a power called soul power in this world.

But it seems that only a few people can cultivate, and it requires a special physique. Moreover, the top families in this world are all families of cultivators who have inherited soul power cultivation.

Although on the surface, this is but a modern plane. But in reality, it is a completely different world. The worlds that ordinary people and cultivators come into contact with are completely different.

The cultivation of soul power ranges from the first rank to the tenth rank, and the tenth rank is naturally the strongest, and is called the Soul King. Although the original owner's strength has not yet reached the level of the Soul King, it has reached the ninth rank, and it can be said that he is a strong person in the eyes of everyone.

Yingzhao has no way to ask other people how to practice, but fortunately, he himself has practiced various exercises. Although the application of the power in the body is not enough to exert 100%, there is no problem with the basic use.

While practicing, Yingzhao suddenly felt the tail ring on his little finger vibrate slightly. He opened his eyes instantly and felt that there was an energy condensing around him.

Squinting his eyes, Yingzhao clenched his fists, his whole body was on alert, ready to face unexpected situations.

The reason why there was no parry before was just because the opponent's attack was too sudden. If Xiaobai was really unfortunate enough not to be able to restrain Tiandao, now Tiandao is chasing him directly. Then, even if you try to be discovered by the world consciousness, you must crush this heavenly way.

Even if he was really rejected, with Bai Rui and Jumang around, he should have a way to get back.

The entire space began to shake, and in front of Ying Zhao, a long and narrow space-time crack was completely torn open, and a white flood dragon emerged from it.

Although the body has shrunk countless times, but seeing the appearance of Jiaolong, Yingzhao has recognized that the other party is Xiaobai. Unable to hide the joy in his heart, Yingzhao hurried over.

Seeing that Xiaobai twisted and rolled in the air for a while with some discomfort, he fell to the ground, and turned back to the appearance of a chubby white snake. He quickly and cautiously held the snake in his hand, and Yingzhao asked worriedly

: "Xiaobai, is it really you? Are you alright!"

He said, "Host, I'm fine, I'm finally back."

It was just that the sound of Xiaobai opening his mouth in his hand was no longer the original milky baby voice, but the color of a cool boy.

Yingzhao was stunned when he heard the words, and looked at Xiaobai carefully. If it weren't for the fact that the other party had been in his own spiritual consciousness for a long time as a system, and they had a soul-mate, Yingzhao would have suspected that Xiaobai was lost.

With some doubts, he asked Xiao Bai, "Xiao Bai, what's your voice..."

Xiao Bai lay down in Yingzhao's palm for a while, then straightened up and sighed at him: "Host , we were involved in the turbulence of time and space. After that, some unexpected situations happened, and I was forced to grow up. In short, the situation is very complicated."

Ying Zhao nodded when he heard the words, he understood Xiao Bai's meaning, looked at I don't know how many years the other party has gone through in another time and space before trying hard to return to my side.

He knows that the essence of Xiaobai is that the system will be upgraded, but it should not grow. Looking at the deformation of the animal shape, it may not be obvious. But obviously, Xiaobai's aura has changed. I don't know what kind of adventure the other party has, and he will be forced to grow up.

Feeling a little sour in his heart, he touched Xiaobai's forehead, Yingzhao pursed his lips and said, "Xiaobai, you are suffering!"

Xiaobai shook his head when he heard this, but his eyes didn't seem to be as carefree as before. He just lowered his eyes slightly, with a hint of melancholy.

Seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, Yingzhao always felt that the other party seemed to have experienced something. So he frowned and asked Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, did something happen? Tiandao?"

Xiaobai froze when he heard Yingzhao ask Tiandao, but he didn't speak. He seemed a little confused and didn't know how to speak.

When Yingzhao saw this, seeing that Xiaobai really didn't want to say anything, he stopped embarrassing him. Knowing that Xiaobai may have suffered, now he naturally wants to comfort each other.

Thinking that Xiaobai should have a good rest after being tired for so long, Yingzhao knew that his sea of ​​consciousness had a very good warming effect on the system, so he quickly said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, come back to my sea of ​​consciousness. , you'd better have a good rest first."

Xiaobai was relieved to hear Yingzhao say so. I am very grateful for Yu Yingzhao's thoughtfulness, so I suddenly dived into Yingzhao's sea of ​​knowledge, but my mind has not been able to completely settle down.

He just left, that guy, he will be crazy...

Thinking of this, Xiao Bai sighed helplessly. He has been entangled in another time and space for hundreds of years because of the turbulent time and space, and finally got an opportunity to return to Yingzhao. He didn't understand why they were opposed to each other, why they would be like that later.

Then thinking of his responsibilities, Xiaobai blinked hard, trying to cheer himself up. In the sea of ​​​​knowledge of Yingzhao, the entire system was unfolded and began to scan this brand new world.

After collecting the basic information, Xiaobai quickly passed the information of this small world to Yingzhao's mind, and then said apologetically: "Host, I will give you this information first, and I will go to rest. I have something to do. If so, call me!"

Yingzhao nodded, comforted Xiaobai with a few words, and then went to check the information of this world on his own.

After receiving the information from Xiaobai, Yingzhao found that if he started from the perspective of the original owner he replaced, this is actually a tampered world.

The original plot of the small world should be similar to a cool article about a different continent with upgrade flow, and the original protagonist Ying Chengye turned out to be the male protagonist of this cool article.

However, the original plot mainly followed the career line, and there was no such thing as the bloody breed. The horse plot, basically there was nothing to do with women.

The original owner is a person who is not very interested in relationships, so what he pursues has always been on the cultivation of soul power and how to carry forward the Ying family.

It can be said that if there is no later variable, the achievement of these achievements would have been logical for the original owner. Because Ying Chengye was born a genius, he will encounter many adventures along the way, and the future is limitless.

However, he encountered the biggest disaster in his life, the heroine who changed the world - Mo Yingying.

The heroine, Mo Yingying, is a time traveler. In her original world, she was just an otaku who was addicted to novels and soap operas every day.

Ordinary looks and ordinary work. It was almost thirty years old that I met a man with relatively ordinary conditions because of a blind date, but when the two were already talking about getting married, this man actually got rid of Mo Yingying because of cheating.

Although Mo Yingying didn't have any deep feelings for the so-called boyfriend, she had nothing to do, and the marriage that was about to happen fell through again.

Mo Yingying ran out of the house angrily because her parents kept thinking about it all the time. As a result, after drinking a belly of wine and going out, he encountered a car accident, and when he woke up again, he traveled to this different world.

Then Mo Yingying was surprised to find that this world happened to be the world in an online novel she had read before. And his current identity happens to be the fiancee of the male protagonist, Ying Chengye, who already has a contract, Mo Yingying, the eldest daughter of the Mo family.

Even the name is the same, now she is not a proper heroine, Mo Yingying is so happy when she thinks of it. But when she thought about how hard she had read half of the book before, she felt boring and threw it aside.

Because there is almost no love in the book, it is all about how the male protagonist Ying Chengye worked hard to cultivate his soul power, and how he overcame the difficulties and carried forward the Ying family.

This time, the time-travel girl is not happy, but she has experienced the time-travel only in the novel! He is already a proper transmigration heroine, how can he only serve as a foil for a man.

Thinking of the grievances in the real world in her previous life, Mo Yingying decided to make good use of her brand new identity in this world, to have a good time, and to accept a large number of beautiful men as the harem.

So it's better to act instead, Mo Yingying quickly hooked up with her cousin Xu Jin, who was temporarily staying at Mo's house.

Xu Jin has always liked his cousin very much, but because Mo Yingying and Ying Chengye already had a marriage contract, she did not show her intentions. So the time-span girl just used some means, and Xu Jin bowed down under her pomegranate skirt.

But even so, the heroine didn't plan to really get along with Xu Jin. Yang Fengyin contradicted Xu Jin and said that the Mo family and the Ying family had a marriage contract, and if he did not marry Ying Chengye, the two families would definitely become enemies. Therefore, the "selfless" heroine later married Ying Chengye and only communicated with Xu Jin in secret.

The original owner, Ying Chengye, had met Mo Yingying several times before, and she felt that the other party was dignified and generous, and she was very suitable to be the mistress of the Ying family before agreeing to this marriage.

Who knew that after getting married, she found that Miss Mo's personality had changed and she became very lively. This is very new for Ying Chengye, who has always been strict with etiquette.

After a long time, he actually fell in love with this time-travel girl, so the two lived a married life like glue. Ying Chengye can be said to be obedient to this time-travel girl.

However, the story is not over yet. Once Mo Yingying went out to play and came to the forest. She gets lost in the forest and meets another handsome and mysterious man.

The mysterious man called himself Ying Jiyang, the younger brother of the old head of the Ying family. He was framed by a traitor, so now he has no body. It is only because he has practiced a magical technique that he can maintain his form.

Ying Jiyang looks very handsome, and the time-travel girl of the Appearance Association instantly fell in love with each other. So Mo Yingying volunteered to promise Ying Jiyang that she would help him find a perfect body that could accommodate him.

The reason why the heroine made such a vow is because when he read this book in the past, he remembered that it was written in the book. In the forbidden area of ​​the Ying family, there is a magical doll-shaped magic weapon.

I don't know how many years this puppet instrument has been through, and I don't know where the Ying family got it from.

Although it looks like a puppet on the surface, it is actually the best body on this continent, with more infinite potential than the human body.

After the human soul is attached to it, it can not only return to its original appearance, it is exactly the same as the human body, but also has powerful energy.

Lao Gong is a fine point (3,4)

Mo Yingying thought, isn't such a body the most suitable for Ying Jiyang? So, the hostess told the other party about this.

When Ying Jiyang heard this, he also felt that this method was very good. So after the heroine returned home, she coaxed the original owner, Ying Chengye, to bring her to the forbidden area of ​​the family.

After the heroine came to the forbidden area, she found the puppet magic weapon placed in the corner. However, she was told by Ying Chengye, who didn't notice the real purpose of the heroine, that there seemed to be a soul already in that doll.

So, after Mo Yingying left, she hurried to find an opportunity to run into the forest and told Ying Jiyang about it. After Ying Jiyang heard about it, she gave the heroine a spell. As long as the spell was activated, the soul in the doll could be crushed.

So, in order to help one of her true loves, the time-span girl didn't care who the soul in the puppet was. Then he sneaked into the forbidden area and killed the soul in the puppet.

The puppet instrument whose soul had been wiped out was brought back by the time-travel girl and handed over to Ying Jiyang. Now that Ying Jiyang has a new body, he can naturally walk out of the forest.

At first, Ying Jiyang just wanted to use this transmigration girl, but in the process of getting along, he fell in love with this simple woman unknowingly.

Relying on the puppet's body, he finally cultivated to the tenth rank of soul power, became the soul king, and could control the monsters in this forest.

So Ying Jiyang, who has cultivated himself into a big boss, found Ying Chengye and wanted to get the entire Ying family.

The two sides fought each other, although Ying Jiyang's spirit power was strong, but because Ying Chengye had the power of the entire Ying family behind him, there were so many people and so many people, it was possible to draw a tie for a while.

At a critical moment, the heroine suddenly rushed out. At this time, Ying Chengye and Ying Jiyang were fighting fiercely, and they failed to hold back their strength in time, causing the heroine to be injured and comatose.

Because of Mo Yingying's injury, both Ying Jiyang and Ying Chengye stopped their hands in fright. At this time, Xu Jin also rushed out to accuse them.

Ying Jiyang was very sad when she saw that the heroine was injured, and even decided not to compete for the position of the head of the Ying family, saying that she only wanted the heroine.

But now, Mo Yingying is Ying Chengye's wife. The original owner naturally refused, so the two sides fought again, from the beginning for the position of the head of the family, to the woman.

The two fought again, and Xu Jin neutralized the mud. When the time-span girl woke up, she found that the two were fighting again, so she hurriedly dragged her weak body out of the room and shouted to them that all three of them were her true love.

Seeing that the heroine was seriously injured, these three people stopped with heartache. Later, under the persuasion of the transmigration girl, they shook hands and decided to share the heroine.

So these four people live happily together like this, which is really gratifying... a ghost!

Seeing this, Yingzhao just wanted to say, what kind of SB plot is this! Why do I have a feeling of beeping a dog after watching it! Wait, why say it again!

Not to mention the original owner Ying Chengye and Ying Jiyang, who later became a boss, how strong their personalities are.

Even that Xu Jin had already cultivated to the ninth rank of soul power, so it could be said that these three people were top-level existences on the entire continent.

How could it be possible to fight for a woman, and finally shake hands and make peace! What else, share!

But fortunately, with the cheating device of the system, Yingzhao can see a more realistic non-female subjective plot. The so-called ending of the story line seen earlier is actually not true.

The story is not over yet. Although the three men temporarily truce, it does not mean that they are really willing to share the heroine. After the heroine was in good health, the three of them started endless battles again.

Later, Ying Jiyang even commanded the monsters in the forest to attack the Ying family, and both parties did their best. The Ying family was destroyed, Ying Chengye died in battle, and Ying Jiyang was seriously injured.

Seeing this, Xu Jin rushed out and killed Ying Jiyang. After getting this puppet magic weapon, it's a matter of course to be together with the time-travelling girl.

But in the real situation, Xu Jin has been using this heroine Mo Yingying all the time. He got everything, killed Ying Jiyang, and after getting the doll magic weapon, no one was his opponent.

And after a hundred years of Xu Jin, he moved his soul into this doll again, cultivated to become the Soul King, and even ruled the entire continent.

After watching the real plot, Yingzhao naturally had a better understanding of the identity of the original owner, Ying Chengye. He originally only knew that Ying Chengye was the head of a family, and it seemed that his strength was also very good.

But I didn't expect that ninth-order souls were so rare on this continent, and there were no more than ten people in the whole world. And most of these ten people are old people who are over old.

A person like the original owner who could reach the ninth rank of spirit power before the age of thirty was simply a genius among geniuses.

As for that Ying Jiyang, it is indeed the younger brother of the old family owner, which means that the other party is the uncle of the original owner Ying Chengye.

It's just that in the original owner's memory, this Ying Jiyang had been told that the other party had passed away when he was very young.

He didn't know what happened to his uncle, and even had little memory of Ying Jiyang.

Ying Zhao, who has the perspective of God, is clear about the tricks and knows that Ying Jiyang is not dead. Ying Jiyang, as a descendant of the top soul power training family, Ying family, has always wanted to practice soul power since he was sensible.

It's a pity that he was born with limited talent, so he couldn't practice cultivation at all, he could only be an ordinary person. However, as a child of the Ying family, Ying Jiyang was very unwilling.

He is very jealous of the old family owner, and ambitiously wants to get the entire British family. So, Ying Jiyang worked hard and finally found a secret secret method that allows him to move his soul into a body that can be cultivated to practice soul power.

However, this body cannot be too old, otherwise, it will not be easy to be possessed as a container. Therefore, the age limit of the body container cannot exceed fifteen years.

Therefore, Ying Jiyang searched for this exercise for many years after obtaining it. Finally, in a poor family, he found a child who was born with excellent roots and was very suitable for cultivating soul power.

The child was only thirteen years old. He had no father or mother. He was an orphan in a village. He was fostered in a relative's house and lived without food.

Because this child has been bullied since childhood, no one will care about his life or death. Ying Jiyang sent someone to buy the child, saying that he wanted to buy it as a servant.

And the child's only relatives have always regarded the child as a burden. Immediately received the money, and no longer bothered with the child.

So as soon as Ying Jiyang took the child back, he used the exercises, intending to suck the soul out of the child's body, and then enter it by himself. It's just that this ceremony has just entered the middle, but it was discovered and stopped by the old family owner who came to hear the news.

Ying Jiyang went crazy and launched an attack on the old family owner. At this time, his soul was not ordinary because of the practice of evil arts. And when his soul is separated from his body, his body is already dead.

However, due to the obstruction of the old family owner, he was unable to reach the child's body in time, causing the child's body to die immediately. Ying Jiyang had no choice but to become a wandering soul. Although he escaped by chance, he could only sleep in the forest.

As for the child's soul, it was unexpectedly unharmed. It's just that without the sustenance of the body, if it is not dealt with as soon as possible, the soul will soon be scattered.

The owner of the old family couldn't bear it, and felt that their Ying family owed the child, and couldn't bear to let his soul die in the world, so he brought the child's soul to the high tower of the family situation. I plan to put it here for the time being, and wait until there is a way to deal with it later.

However, he didn't expect that just after reaching the tower in the forbidden area, the soul of this child would automatically get into the puppet artifact handed down from generation to generation by the Ying family and could not be taken out at all.

The old master has no other way, thinking that this can be regarded as being able to keep the child's soul immortal, so he has to put the other party's soul here. So the poor child was forced to live in a completely immobile puppet, alone in this tower.

Until more than 20 years later, the heroine found him in this tower. As a result, the first thing the other party did was to take out the spell and crush the child's soul.

"This child is the most innocent." Ying Zhao couldn't help sighing when he heard about the life of the child whose body was taken away by BoSS and used as a container.

He sighed, thinking that since he is now the new head of the Ying family, if he encounters an opportunity, he doesn't care about helping the other party.

It may be because there is a lot of information on this continent, Yingzhao carefully checked the plot, and it took a while before it was completely digested.

Due to the existence of the heroine's halo, the original owner was influenced to a certain extent in the past timeline and did a lot of stupid things.

Otherwise, a person who was as persistent in cultivation and the Guangyao family as the original owner, Ying Chengye, would not have done such a thing that would hurt his own family.

However, now that it has been replaced by himself, Yingzhao will naturally not worry. It's just that I'm a little troubled. I've replaced my original body now, and I already have a marriage contract with Mo Yingying of the Mo family.

But according to the timeline, the so-called heroine should not have crossed over yet. After five years, Mo Yingying accidentally fell into the water and was rescued before she could change the core.

Knowing that her man will never dress as a woman, Yingzhao has a headache thinking about it. Looking up and seeing the completely dark sky outside, I didn't expect it took so much time to digest the plot.

"I wonder how Xiaobai is resting?" After muttering, Yingzhao dived into the sea of ​​knowledge.

Looking at Xiao Bai who was in the corner with his eyes open and seemed to be in a daze, he asked worriedly, "Xiao Bai, are you okay?"

When Xiaobai heard Yingzhao's voice, he calmed down. Nodding at him, he said quickly, "Host, I'm fine. Do you have any orders?"

Yingzhao leaned over and touched Xiaobai's head, smiled at him gently, and then said to Xiaobaixun. : "I've read all the plots. In this world, does the original owner, Ying Chengye, have any wishes?"

Xiaobai heard the words and immediately used the system to search. He replied to Yingzhao: "Ying Chengye's wish is to protect the Ying family, and then there is nothing else."

Yingzhao nodded, he knew that Yingchengye felt that it was for his own reasons. The centuries-old foundation of the British family was destroyed. I feel very guilty in my heart, so I have only such a wish.

As for standing in a high position and gaining top-level soul power, it is no longer within the original owner's wish. All he wanted was to remove his guilt.

Yingzhao felt that the original owner's wish was understandable. Since he had already taken the identity of others and helped Yingchengye protect the Ying family, it was also regarded by Yingzhao as his own.

After knowing all the plots and the original owner's wishes. Yingzhao is most concerned about who his man is in this life.

After all, after searching the original owner's memory and the characters in the plot, I always feel that none of them can take a seat with their lover.

After thinking and thinking to no avail, he had no choice but to ask Xiao Bai: "Xiao Bai, who is he in this life?"

Xiao Bai was stunned when he heard Yingzhao's words, and it took him a long time to react. Somewhat uncertainly asked: "Where are the fragments of the target? in? "