
Arc 8:Interstellar ABO (15)

The filth that was hidden in the depths in the past has been pulled out one after another, and even the emperor of the empire has no way to help them cover it up.

Even the lieutenant general who had sacrificed an entire fleet of soldiers due to command errors on the battlefield in the past was found out.

In an instant, a large number of powerful people in the Auston family were imprisoned for their past crimes, and the top family in the empire collapsed overnight.

As for Bella, who had been trying to bully Yingzhao, she could only live a poor life of displacement. She has no money and is no longer a proud lady from a noble family.

What's even more terrifying is that after fainting in the last physical training class, her mental strength slowly dropped a lot. It fell directly from the A-level to the C-level, and even the most inferior medicine production could not be done.

The Auston family has long since been torn apart, and Bella also wants to go to Abner for help. But after getting through the other party's brain, Epner just snorted and said that it was her fault, and also said that she had never loved her at all. Then hung up her communication.

Bella was shocked and wanted to scold Abner, but the other party actually blocked her. Without money and mental strength, she could not carry out her studies. In order to make a living, Bella had to try to do some low-level work. However, because of his high eyes and low skills, and always looking down on others, all the work will be fired within a few days.

In the end, this once mighty eldest lady took the initiative to go to those inhumane places in order to return to the luxurious life of the past, and sold her body for money.

But, how could this really be a long-term solution. Within a few years, Bella, whose face was rapidly declining, had to lower her figure for the sake of money, and could only accept some low-level or special guests.

It didn't take long for him to die in a dark alley full of pain and bruises all over his body. Quietly, no one even cared. Of course, that's all for later.

As for now, the Auston family is gone. Although Yingying Hao was shocked, he completely ignored the so-called marriage partner of Ying Fei'ang and the Ying family. After all, the Auston family can't be avoided now.

He felt fortunate that he had another son, who was so promising to marry the marshal of the empire. Regardless of whether the guardianship of the other party is in his own hands, he must make good use of this.

So, Yingying Hao took care of himself deliberately, asked his servants to prepare gifts, and came to the Marshal's Mansion on purpose to visit Ernest. But the people in the marshal's mansion were unceremoniously driven out.

Yingying Hao described looking at the gift he was thrown on the ground in embarrassment, gnashing his teeth in his heart, and only felt that Yingzhao was a white-eyed wolf. The Ying family had raised him for so many years, and gave him the opportunity to study at Imperial College, otherwise, how could he have been able to hook up with Marshal Ernest.

For a time, Yingying Hao was furious in his heart. He just felt that Yingzhao's wings were hardened, and he dared not to give face to his father. Then you can't let go of each other so easily.

As a result, British Hao, who was so embarrassed, went to Star Online to send a message, shouting that Ying Zhao was unfilial. He also talked about what happened to him when he visited the Marshal's Mansion. Inside and outside the words, Yingzhao was inhumane, and he wanted to get rid of his relatives when he made a fortune.

Everyone was puzzled by the fact that Ernest married such an obscure omega, not to mention that someone from the Imperial College broke the news that Yingyan was a monster without glands and was born with a defect.

Many people are not optimistic about their relationship, and feel that Yingzhao and Ernest are very unsuitable. I don't know what the hell is wrong with this idol of the whole people, and he wants to be with such a young man.

Now Yingzhao was revealed by his father that he was a person of poor quality and very unfilial, which caused the people to cry.

There was a wave of attacks on Yingzhao on the Internet, and everyone opposed Ernest and Yingzhao together, feeling that such an omega was simply not worthy of their marshal.

Ernest never cared about the situation on these star networks, so he didn't know the news at the first time. It's just that even if he doesn't care, the people below will help him keep an eye out.

So when Ernest saw the message from his adjutant early in the morning and asked him to go to Xingxing.com, Ernest realized that the netizens were actually slandering his baby.

This made Lord Marshal, who had not changed his face even when he killed the enemy on the battlefield, turned his eyes red with anger, and looked at his little lover who was sleeping obediently in his arms.

Ernest was so annoyed that his baby was so beautiful, how could he allow others to slander him like this? He clenched his fists, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

Just thinking about it, I felt a small hand covering the back of my hand. Yingzhao raised his head, ignoring Ernest's dodging, and forcefully grabbed the light brain in his hand.

The teenager blinked and looked at the information on Yanxing.com. He turned his head to look at his lover who was obviously sulking, kissed his lips, and said softly, "I haven't said it all, don't be angry with someone who doesn't deserve it. Since Yingying Hao is so ignorant, let everyone Let's see what kind of person he is, the head of the Ying family."

After speaking, Yingzhao opened his brain and explained how he and his mother lived on that small backward planet over the years. How to rely on their labor in exchange for food.

As for himself, he was brought to the main star to study at the Imperial Academy because his talent in medicine was discovered. And while studying in school, he has to produce a large amount of high-level potions every month and provide them to the British family in exchange for the opportunity to go to school.

Yingzhao also showed some of the living expenses he received during his two years at Imperial College, and the records of those transfers on the Star Network.

Obviously, before Yingzhao came to Capital Star, there was no indication in his brain that the Ying family had given him a penny.

Later, he came to Imperial College to study, although he would make two incomes every month. But the sum of money was used to buy materials for making medicines, and Yingzhao's own living expenses were pitiful.

And almost every time after getting the living expenses, most of them will be transferred out, and the only little bit of star coins left can barely even buy nutrient solution.

Everyone knows how expensive it is to buy the materials to make the medicine. As for the so-called living expenses, it turns out that it is Ying Fei'ang, another omega son of British Hao.

Looking at the family, they have squeezed this little omega to this point, and even boasted that he has supported the young man these years. I really don't know where the head of the Ying family got such a big face.

Seeing the actual transfer records and Yingzhao's report of his hard life over the years, those who attacked Yingzhao before all shut up.

The people were in an uproar, completely not expecting the other party to have such a poor past. People always sympathize with the weak, and for a moment, most people expressed their heartache for what happened to this little omega.

Especially after that, many students and teachers of Imperial College also stood up, saying that Yingyan was a good boy with excellent academic performance.

Although he was very silent in school and had a somewhat withdrawn personality, his efforts were recognized by everyone. Moreover, some students testified that Yingzhao was indeed very poor and could only afford the cheapest nutrient solution. Even clothes, there are almost only two or three sets that can be replaced throughout the year.

But even in the face of such a difficult life, Yingyan's results are always the first in the department. Even in terms of physical fitness, he is also a leader in omega.

Immediately afterwards, Yingzhao released another big news on Xingxing.com. That is, he has developed a drug that can improve people's mental strength, and it has no side effects and can be permanently improved.

It's just that this kind of medicine can't be achieved overnight. You need to train your mental power through your own efforts, and then be assisted by medicine to be able to improve to a certain height.

Moreover, the reason why he can create this potion all depends on his partner, and Marshal Ernest has always supported him behind his back and is his strong backing.

This news is undoubtedly not a major good news for those who are congenitally low in mental strength. Even if it takes hard training, it is nothing in the face of real strength improvement.

And Yingzhao also said that he is constantly improving the materials of the medicine, and is working hard to reduce the cost of the medicine, so that all citizens can enjoy this medicine.

His wish is that all the people can enjoy this medicine within their own tolerance and enhance their spiritual power.

However, there is an upper limit to the mental power that this drug can improve, and it can only increase a person's mental power to 3s at most.

However, the mental power of the 3s is already amazing enough for the general public. Although it is not as good as Marshal Ernest's 4s, but in this era, having more than S-rank mental power is already considered a strong man.

If they could raise their mental power to 3S, they would be willing to suffer as much as they could. All of a sudden, Yingzhao went from being a poor, unfortunate omega to a master potion, someone who could change the entire interstellar era.

Everyone knows how valuable Yingzhao said about the potion, and what is even more shocking is that he is willing to share it selflessly.

When the people thought that such a kind genius was once oppressed by his own family and lived such a miserable life, they felt that Yingying Hao was a heinous crime.

Some conspiracy theorists even think that Yingyan may have developed this medicine before. But he saw the greedy nature of his family and dared not speak out.

Until he met Ernest, the selfless hero of the Empire. With him as a backer, the little omega can realize his ideals and ambitions.

Such a selfless and great young man, his childhood was so miserable, making those who changed their fate because of his medicine even more injustice for him.

In an instant, everyone pointed their finger at the Ying family. The so-called family members of Yingzhao became the target of public criticism and were cast aside by everyone.

Even later, in order to protect the family, the older generation of the family head of the Ying family united with everyone to oust Ying Ying Hao from the position of the head of the family and exiled their entire family.

The things on the main star here continue one after another, but Abner, who is far above the battlefield, does not know that so many things have happened.

Although his spiritual power has skyrocketed, he can be said to be like a duck to water on the battlefield, and he has accumulated a lot of military merit. It is estimated that after this war is over, there is absolutely no problem in wanting to be promoted to the post of major general.

However, Yingzhao had not responded to his messages, which made him feel a little uneasy in his heart. Just when I was thinking about sending another message to ask, I heard a report from the front line that a support mothership had suddenly arrived from the Zerg and bombarded their fleet with great firepower.

Suddenly, the situation became very critical. Abner looked at the people around him in a hurry, and was a little confused as to what to do.

At this moment, Major General Berg, who has always been optimistic about him because of his strength, suggested that Ebner accompany him to drive the mecha to the rear of the Zerg to ambush, which may create a chance for their team to win.

Major General Berg's mental strength and physique are only S-level, but he has always been very handy with these marching strategies. This proposal is indeed feasible, and Epner naturally agreed to go with the other party.

The situation after that was the same as what the major general said. Their ambush was very successful, and the Zerg had obviously shown a decline when they were attacked by the enemy.

As things stand now, they will surely be able to win this war. And Epner and the major general are the biggest contributors.

While defending the enemy, Abner thought that if he could be the commander of this incident and the beneficiary of all the credit, he might be promoted to the position of a lieutenant general at once, which is unknown.

Thinking of this, a calculation flashed in Epner's eyes. So when the Zerg on the side attacked towards this side, Abner deliberately turned the mecha and directed the firepower of the attack to Major General Berg.

Seeing that the other party was surrounded by dense Zerg, Abner suddenly raised his weapon and fired a shot at Major General Berg's mecha.

There was a burst of explosions around, and Abner looked at the other party's broken mecha with cold eyes, and he breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that this time the credit would belong to him alone.

Afterwards, he killed all the remaining Zerg around, completely ignoring the mecha floating in space that had lost its power, and returned to the ship alone.

After getting out of the mecha, Abner looked lost and said sadly to the crowd: "Sorry, I was not able to protect Major General Berg! I thought before that if there were only the two of us driving Mecha, go around to the hinterland of the Zerg to ambush, maybe give our fleet a chance to breathe and win this battle. But I didn't expect that although our method worked, the Major General was besieged by the Zerg. I tried my best. With all his strength, he wanted to save him, but still... Major General Berg finally chose to self-destruct and perish with the Zerg!"

Speaking of which, Abner knelt on the ground with his face covered , as if he was in pain, so that everyone could not say what to accuse him. . On the contrary, everyone thought that Abner was the commander of this incident. He came up with a way to hold off and attack the Zerg, and they all came to comfort him.

Because everyone felt that if there was no ebner in this matter, everyone on their ship would die. Seeing everyone sighing regretfully, many people came to comfort themselves, and Epner nodded to them pretending to be lost.

After returning to the room alone, Epner raised the corners of his lips. He knew that he had passed the test this time, that he had successfully robbed his teammates of the military merits again, and that the dead would never stand up for him.

So, Epner suppressed his inner excitement and followed the team back to the main star, just waiting for the message that he was promoted and sealed.

But who knew that after reaching the main star, Epner just got off the battleship, and was restrained by a group of soldiers who suddenly rushed out.

Facing this sudden accident, Epner was a little stunned. He felt that something was wrong and wanted to break free from the opponent's grip. But it was obvious that the people who arrested him were quite good, and even surpassed him.

At first sight, Ebner knew that he had come prepared, and then he saw that Marshal Ernest actually stood in front of him. And the comrades around him also looked at the people around him at a loss, and didn't understand why they were treated like this when they got off the ship after winning the battle.

Then they heard the adjutant beside Marshal Ernest say to them: "Second Lieutenant Abner, he has been arrested for framing his comrades on the battlefield and robbing military exploits."

Abner struggled desperately when he heard the words, loudly He retorted: "What are you talking about? I haven't done any of these things at all. Obviously I came up with a plan and held off the Zerg. If it weren't for me, the entire battleship would die! Why do you wrong me like this? ?"

Abner shouted loudly, as if he had really been wronged, his face flushed red. The other comrades in the team also stood up and spoke for Epner. I think they may have caught the wrong person.

At this time, Major General Berg, who had been told that he had died on the battlefield, was helped out. Although Major General Berg looks seriously injured, his spirit is very bad. But obviously, people are still alive and well.

As soon as Epner saw Berg, his expression changed immediately. Then I heard Major General Berg tell everyone the real situation on the battlefield at that time.

It was he who had no choice but to choose ebner to follow him to drive the mecha to the rear of the Zerg to ambush, just because ebner's mental strength and physique were the best among all the people in the team.

But at the last moment, it was clear that their plans were successful and the war would be won. Abner deliberately led the Zerg to his side, and secretly attacked himself. As a result, he couldn't parry the Zerg, and fainted in the broken mecha.

At that time, Major General Berg was indeed dying, but after the large force left. A small team that the Marshal sent out to cruise happened to pass by and rescued him.

Hearing this, all the people looked at Epner with a shocked look. They didn't expect that the other party would do such a beastly thing, and personally pushed their comrades who were born and died to the Zerg.

Major General Berg has been in this team for many years, and has been leading these soldiers to participate in large and small battles. He is upright and good at various tactics, and has a very high reputation in the army.

Naturally, they all believed Major General Berger's words, but Abner still refused to give up. Ernest saw that the other party did not cry without seeing the coffin, and his eyes were depressed.

Turning his head, he winked at the adjutant. The adjutant took out the recorder that was dismantled in Major General Berg's broken mecha.

After the hard work of the technical department, all the battle scenes were finally restored and put on the light brain for public release.

This time, everything that Major General Berg encountered while driving the mecha that day was revealed. Epner's lie was self-defeating, and he finally bowed his head in the face of everyone's condemnation.

He knew that it was useless to refute him any more, all the facts had been put in front of him. From this moment on, he is finished.

All his past efforts will be in vain. From now on, he is no longer a second lieutenant or a hero against the Zerg, but a sinner who steals other people's military exploits.

So Epner was taken down and sentenced to a felony. According to the laws of the empire, he was destroyed by the sea of ​​​​spiritual consciousness and became a waste person with no spiritual power at all. Moreover, he will labor in prison for fifty years to make up for the sins he has committed.

That is, in prison, he heard that the boy he loved was really with Ernest, and the two even held a grand wedding. Moreover, Yingzhao did not secretly hide the potion that could enhance his spiritual power, but released it to the public.

Now, that young man has become the idol of the people of the whole empire, and his popularity is not even weaker than that of the marshal of the empire.

The royal family had been attacked one after another before, and the emperor finally knew what it meant to be safe, and no longer dared to provoke Venetian's authority.

When Epner first arrived in prison, Yingzhao visited him once. Seeing that the other party has become so decadent and thin in just a few short days, completely lacking the high-spirited appearance at the beginning, I was a little stunned for a while.

Epner was obviously very emotional when he saw Yingzhao. He rushed over to hug Yingzhao, but was blocked by the glass in front of him.

He lay on the glass and stared at Yingzhao's face, as if he wanted to engrave him in his mind. He shouted loudly at him: "Xiaoyan, why haven't you responded to my messages! Xiaoyan, I love you, do you know? I love you!"

Yingzhao just looked at him with cold eyes, It seemed a little puzzled and asked: "You, love me?"

However, Yingzhao shook his head at Epner with a blank expression. He said softly: "The way you love me is to hand me over to the lieutenant general of the Auston family in exchange for your position in the army? Or is it because you found out that I might be able to help you get it from the imperial marshal? After greater interests, push me to another person as a good bargaining chip? Your love is really scary!"