
Arc 5:The Primal Orc World (3)

It's just that Ying Zhao is still a bit strange, because the people of the Yi people live in groups. If there is a cave here, then it stands to reason that there should be many other cave houses of the Yi people nearby.

But obviously, Yan is now living alone. So he leaned over and asked Yan curiously, "What about your clan? Why are you alone here?"

But this time, Yan lowered his eyes, but did not answer Yingzhao's words. Yingzhao saw that Yan ignored him, thinking that maybe his man also had some unspeakable secrets, so he thoughtfully stopped asking questions, but came to the entrance of the cave and looked at the scenery outside.

Although he met his own man in this world, he has already achieved his most important purpose. However, it was still necessary for him to go back to the Tianma village.

After all, the original owner's wish was to protect the people of Tianma Village and prevent them from becoming slaves of the Wings. Although he felt that the original owner had paid so much for the orcs of the Tianma Clan Village, they were still bewitched in the end and burned the original owner alive. Yingzhao was not worth it for the original owner.

But after all, it was the original owner's wish, not to mention that there were close relatives and friends of the original owner in the Tianma Village, and they still did not give up the original owner at the last moment. As for the culprit who caused the original owner's tragic outcome, the high priest and Bai Lan, Yingzhao did not intend to let them go.

So Yingzhao turned his head and said to Yan who had been handling food behind him: "Yan, I'm really grateful that you saved me, but I still have to go back to my own tribe. Can you send me back?"

Who knew that Yan frowned when he heard Yingzhao's words, and he directly put down the dagger in his hand. After taking the animal skin on the side and wiping his hands, he stood up and walked to Yingzhao's side. He looked down at Yingzhao and said to him, "You can't go."

Yingzhao heard Yan's words, but he couldn't come back for a while. God, asked with some doubts: "Why can't you go? You just take me out, and we can go!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yan's body was instantly tense. He looked very aggressive, and he was approaching Yingzhao step by step.

For the first time in this world, Yingzhao saw her lover's aggressive appearance, and she couldn't stop backing away step by step. Until the man was trapped in the middle of the stone wall with his hands.

Yan lowered his head, facing Yingzhao and said word by word: "You were saved by me, you belong to me now!"

Yingzhao blinked and did not understand what Yan meant, swallowed, and asked : "What do you mean when you say I belong to you?"

Who knew that Yingzhao had just asked, and he was hugged by the man around his waist, and then a hot kiss fell.

Yan is indeed an orc of the Wing Tribe, but when he was born, his wings were deformed. Therefore, he could not fly, and was discriminated against by his tribe.

When he became an adult, Yan relied on his own strength to stay away from the cliff where the clansmen lived, found a place to open up a cave by himself, and lived a solitary life.

In the past, he also hunted by himself and traveled through the forest. Until that day, he saw Yingzhao who was struggling in the water for help.

With just one glance, Yan felt the whole person's heart beating faster. The strong throbbing in his heart made him quickly rush to the river, and immediately rescued Yingzhao.

Looking at the orc who was unconscious in his arms, Yan took him back to his cave without hesitation. Although Yingzhao's hair color and pointed ears, Yan could tell that this was a male orc, not a female.

But for some unknown reason, the moment he saw each other, he decided that this orc would be his partner. He didn't care whether the other party was female or male. Since he saved the other party and found him in the forest, Yan decided that this person belonged to him.

The orc in his arms is a gift from the beast god, so he must keep him and let him accompany him forever and ever.

The orcs have always respected the use of force, and of course Yan has such a deep-rooted idea in his heart. Therefore, when Yingzhao said that he was going to leave here and return to his tribe, Yan decided to let Yingzhao understand what kind of situation he was in.

So he relied on his instinct to hold Yingzhao tightly, wanting to take possession of the other party. Especially when Yan kissed Yingzhao, he only felt that his soul was shaking.

Sure enough, the person in his arms was as good as he imagined, and it was outrageous. Yan couldn't stop sighing in his heart, his breathing became heavier and heavier, he pulled off the animal skin coat that Ying Zhao was wearing, and immediately wanted to do what every male orc wants to do to his beloved. matter.

When the orcs of the Pegasus race turned into human form, they were still relatively petite compared to the beasts of other races, and there was a certain gap in their physical strength. Therefore, Yingzhao also broke free from the shackles of the inflammation for a while, and at the same time, he was still a little dazed.

After all, he just said he wanted to leave here and return to his tribe, but he didn't expect the situation to develop to this point.

Although he likes wild lovers very much, he even thinks they are very sexy and attractive when they are strong. But the point is, this is a whole new little world.

They haven't understood each other yet. If there is no golden finger of the system, all they know is the name of the other party. Yingzhao doesn't understand why his lover suddenly treats him like this. Could it be that it's really a barbaric era, and his lover's behavior has become barbaric.

Yingzhao definitely doesn't mind doing such a thing with his own man, but he definitely doesn't want to be in such a situation. As soon as I think that the other party has not even confessed to me, or said that I like myself, I have to force myself.

Yingzhao squinted his eyes a little unhappy, looking at the man who was constantly making trouble on himself, wishing to swallow him whole. He raised his palms, used a little source power, and slapped the man's face with a slap.

So one second, he was still enjoying the fragrant and delicious flame in his arms, and the next second, he was slapped to the edge of the cave. Yan rolled on the ground a few times before getting up.

He looked at Yingzhao with a shocked look on his face, completely unaware that the seemingly weak and beautiful little guy in his arms would have such great strength.

Then he saw the little guy stand up and give himself a dangerous smile. Yan couldn't help but tremble, feeling as if something bad was about to happen.

Sure enough, the little guy on the opposite side came over to him with frost in his eyes, and then raised his fist at himself. There was a muffled groan in the cave, as well as Yingzhao's sweaty panting from beating someone.

After everything was over, Ying Zhao crossed his legs and sat down opposite Yan. He leaned on his cheeks, wiped the sweat from his forehead, sorted out his torn animal skin coat, raised his head and stared at Yan fiercely.

And Yan curled up against the stone wall of the cave, although he still looked expressionless. It's just that his handsome face has been bruised and bruised. Naturally, this picture of the pig's head can't be seen as heroic, but it seems a bit funny.

Yingzhao was reluctant to kill his own man, but he had to teach him a lesson, so the wound on Yan's face was just a skin injury. With the terrifying healing power of an orc, it would take a day or two to fully recover.

He just wanted to make the other party remember it well and tell the other party not to try to be tough on himself. The two of them faced each other like this for a while before Yingzhao opened his mouth and said to Yan, "I want to go back to the Orc Village of the Pegasus Clan."

Who knew that just after he finished speaking, the eyes of the man who had been silent suddenly became sharp. , shouted at him: "I'm not allowed! You are mine!"

Ying Zhao heard the man's words, narrowed his eyes, waved his fists at him, and said, "Are you sure? You can't beat me."

When Yan heard Yingzhao's words, his momentum was instantly reduced by half. He pressed his lips against the stone wall and lowered his eyes. After a long while, he muttered softly. "I saved you, you are mine, and you are mine." For some reason

, although the tone of the man opposite was flat, Yingzhao clearly felt that his lover seemed very wronged.

So Yingzhao sat over, eased his breath a little, and asked Yan:

"Why do you say I'm yours? Just because you saved me? And do you know that what you just did to me is something that only your partner can do."

Yan turned his head when he heard Yingzhao's words, his eyes brightened Looking at him, he nodded to Yingzhao and said, "You are my partner!"

Yingzhao showed a helpless smile when he saw Yan's appearance. "But I'm a male."

Yan said without hesitation, "I know! Then I want you to be my partner!"

For some reason, Ying Zhao felt his heart warm when he heard the man's firm words. He got closer and asked softly, "Why? Do you like me?"

Yan nodded without hesitation, and the smile in Yingzhao's eyes grew even stronger. He stretched out his fingers, pinched the man's chin, made him face him, tugged at the corners of his mouth and said with a smile, "But you haven't wooed me yet?"

Yan suddenly realized when he heard Yingzhao say this. Yes! When males in the clan court their mates, they must pick the most beautiful flowers on this continent for their mates, hunt the freshest food for them, and some even prepare shark beads or beasts for their mates. A necklace made of teeth.

Although he also worked hard to hunt delicious food for the sweetheart in front of him, he did not pick flowers for him, nor did he give him gifts such as necklaces. How can this be considered a courtship! No wonder the person on the other side is angry.

Thinking of this, Yan's face couldn't help showing an annoyed look, and immediately stood up. However, as soon as he stood up, he was hurt by the wound that Yingzhao had just hit, and he let out a "hiss" in pain, but he still limped towards the entrance of the cave.

Upon seeing this, Yingzhao immediately pulled Yan's arm and asked him, "Where are you going?"

Yan turned his head to look at Yingzhao, and said firmly: "I'll go pick flowers for you now, and I'll call you the teeth of the most ferocious beast on this continent to make a necklace for you!"

Yingzhao reacted, Yan said This should be some of the necessary items for Wing Tribe courtship. Seeing her lover's seriousness, most of the anger in Yingzhao's heart has disappeared.

He knew that the reason why his lover was so savage to him just now must have been influenced by the habits of this world, but the other party took care of him no less.

What's more, he also said that he wanted to make a necklace for the teeth of the most ferocious prey on this continent, which was enough to show how much he cherished and valued himself.

So Yingzhao directly took Yan's hand and whispered to him, "But I'm a male, how do you know that I like those things that females like?"

Yan seemed a little dazed when he heard Yingzhao's words. After a long time, he asked Yingzhao sullenly, "Then, what do you like?"

Yingzhao leaned over, looked at Yan's stupid appearance, and felt more and more cute about his man, and said with a chuckle,

"I don't have any . What particular thing I liked, I was very angry with you just now. But now, I like you a little bit." When

Yan heard what Yingzhao said, his face instantly turned red. At the same time, I felt a surge in my heart. If the other party says that he likes him, is he accepting his courtship?

Thinking of this, Yan's eyes became hot, and his eyes lingered on Yingzhao's naked body that had been torn apart.

Yingzhao raised his eyebrows, and could naturally feel what the man was thinking about. So he raised his fist, slapped the man on the head without hesitation, and said,

"Can you put something else in your head? I'm just saying to give you a chance! You can't beat me. , so you have to listen to me. I am giving you such an opportunity now, so that you can accompany me, and have the opportunity to make me like you more, so much that I am willing to be with you forever, do you want such an

opportunity ?" Yingzhao said that he was willing to give him a chance, considering that he really couldn't beat the opponent. Yan Ma, who was worrying about how to get Yingzhao to agree to her, immediately lit up and nodded vigorously.

Yingzhao saw Yan's appearance and felt that the man in his family was simply cute in this life. So he leaned over, put his arms around the man's neck, kissed his lips, and said with a chuckle,

"It's a reward for seeing you being so good."

Because Yingzhao evacuated quickly after the kiss, she just became so hot No response. When he reacted and wanted to grab Yingzhao and deepen the kiss, the other party had already left.

Yan stared at Yingzhao's lips with regret, obviously posing as if I still wanted a reward. Yingzhao couldn't help snickering in his heart, and said to him: "Be good in the future, this kind of reward will often come."

Yan swallowed when he heard Yingzhao's words, and his eyes were even hotter. So Yingzhao smiled brightly at Yan and said,

"Then take me back to the Tianma village now."

Seeing that Yan wanted to retort, he hurriedly continued to face him: "You, too, go back with me. , since you want to be with me, you have to live with me in the village. You have to adapt to the Tianma village, if you behave well, we will be together forever."

Having said that, Yingzhao gently rubbed Yan's lips with his fingers, pressed his thumb a few times, and continued to bewitch:

"If you take me back, there may be a reward just now every day!"

Yan heard Yingzhao If your breathing stagnates, in fact, the Wings are also gregarious animals. Although Yan has lived here alone for many years, he does feel a little lonely.

If there really can be a place where he is willing to accept him and be with Ying, who he likes, then he is also willing.

So Yan quickly agreed and started to clean up the things in the cave. There were actually very few things in the cave, so Yan took the animal skin bag and simply collected a few things, and after taking the prey he hunted today, he tied the animal skin bag around his waist.

Then, he let Yingzhao lie on his back, skillfully pulled the vines at the entrance of the cave, and began to quickly jump down.

Yingzhao was lying on his lover's back, watching the other person jumping between the cliffs while pulling the vines, feeling that his lover is really amazing.

This time, it was actually under some pressure to bring Yan back to the Pegasus village. Because after all, the people of the Wing Clan are warlike, and in the eyes of all clansmen, they are not so easy to get along with.

Therefore, it is indeed a problem to let the orcs in the Tianma village accept Yan, but Yingzhao has confidence in himself.

As for letting Yan leave the place where he originally lived, Yingzhao didn't think it was a big deal. Because just in the contact with Yan, Yingzhao had already seen the hidden plot in Yan.

It turns out that Yan is not only a member of the Yi clan, he is also the son of the old patriarch of the Yi clan and the younger brother of the current Yi clan chief Rin. It's just that his natural beast-shaped wings are deformed and unable to fly.

Like Ying's Pegasus village, deformed or incomplete orcs are considered ominous. Compared with the gentleness of the Pegasus orcs, the Wings are obviously much tougher.

Therefore, even though Yan was the son of the patriarch, he still suffered from indifference and scorn in the entire clan. Even his elder brother, the current patriarch Rin, looked down on him very much.

Even though Yan grew up, the prey he was able to shoot down with his own skills was on par with ordinary Wing Tribe orcs, or even stronger than them, but this still could not change his fate of being discriminated against and rejected.

Yan was fed up with this kind of life, so he moved out of the Wing Clan's territory by himself and chose to live alone.

And his older brother Rin has always been Yan's shame for their family. Seeing Yan leave here, Rin is actually very happy. It was even announced that Yan no longer belonged to the Wing Tribe, and classified him as a wandering orc.

Although Yingzhao was angry because of the unfair treatment that Yan received, he also knew that in such a superstitious primitive society, some truths could not be explained at all. Fortunately, the lover grows up by himself is also very good.

Because Yingzhao needs to fulfill the wish of the original owner in the small world, he has to return to the village of the Pegasus tribe orcs, where he guards the people of the Pegasus tribe.

Of course he wanted to take Yan with him and live with his lover. But before returning to the Tianma village, Yingzhao decided to go to the cave where Bai Lan had settled before to see how the other party was doing.

Yingzhao wanted to see Bai Lan, but he didn't really intend to treat the other party, but just calculated that he was rescued by Yan. Two days have passed, and Yingzhao was a little curious about Bai Lan's current situation.

After all, with the luck given by Heaven, the protagonist has always been very lucky. He will never die so easily because of his own accident.

So, he directed Yan and let him take him there. Yan will naturally obey Yingzhao's orders. Since they have already promised to take the other party back to the Orc Village of the Tianma Clan, it is not a big deal for Yan to just go to another cave.

But when they arrived near the cave, Yingzhao found that there seemed to be some feathers that only appeared on the body of the Wing tribe. Seeing these marks, Yan also frowned and his body tensed.

So they all raised their vigilance, hid their figures, and slowly approached the entrance of the cave. When he arrived at the cave, he found that Bai Lan no longer existed there.

The entire cave was empty, and it seemed that the other party had been away for a long time. I thought that in terms of appearance, Bai Lan looked like a female.

And as a very rare female in this Orc Continent, any male Orc would not ignore him after seeing it.

Therefore, it is very likely that the other party was taken away by the male of the Wing Race. But all this has nothing to do with Yingzhao. Without such a big trouble as Bai Lan, Yingzhao felt much more relaxed and happy. In a good mood, he clapped his palms, and Tong Yan set off towards the orc village of the Tianma clan.

Yan didn't know what Yingzhao was looking for when he came here. However, it seemed that what his sweetheart was looking for was gone, so he followed Yingzhao's guidance and took him to the entrance of Tianma Village.

After reaching the entrance of the village, Yan Cai put Yingzhao down from his back. And he himself stood by Yingzhao's side without saying a word.

Although he still had an expression on his face, Yingzhao was keenly aware that his man seemed to be nervous. Thinking that he had lived a life of isolation for many years, Yingzhao also understood why the other party did this.

Somewhat distressed, he patted Yan's arm and gave him a soothing smile. Yingzhao took Yan to the village.

As soon as he entered the village, he saw Yong, a warrior of the Tianma clan stationed there, who was very familiar with the original Zhuying. After seeing Yingzhao, he immediately came over to say hello, and said loudly:

"Ying! Where have you been recently? Do you know that your mother and father are very worried, and they are everywhere in the village to find out about you. I sent someone to look for you, and the person who looked for you today hasn't come back yet!"

Having said this, Yong stretched out his hand as if he wanted to hammer Yingzhao's shoulder, but was suddenly blocked by Yan in front of him, blocking him I want to touch Yingzhao's hand.

When Yong saw the tall Yan standing in front of him, he was obviously stunned. Looking at the strange orc who suddenly appeared, he turned to Yingzhao and asked, "Ying, who is this person?" Yingzhao

smiled at the guard Yong, and introduced: "This is My friend Yan, I accidentally fell into the river when I was

fetching water outside the village. He saved me, and I saw that he was alone, so I invited him back." Yingzhao nodded, and easily moved away to let Yan in.

After all, Yan saved the people in their village, so in the impression of the Tianma people, Yan was a good person.

Yingzhao felt very useful to the simplicity and kindness of the people in this village, but it was a pity that such a simple villager was also extremely easily deceived, so he should be vigilant about some things.

After searching the original owner's memory, Yingzhao knew that the original owner Ying's orc father had died a long time ago, leaving him to live with his mother and father.