
Arc 5:The Primal Orc World (2)

Orcs believe in beast gods and are bound by certain divine power and contracts. Yingzhao realizes that this is what Xiaobai said, the existence of gods. And Yingzhao's identity in this world is called Ying, a transmigrator.

In the original world, Ying was just an ordinary university teacher, dedicated to teaching and educating people, and can be said to be a person with excellent character and all aspects.

It's just that he fell off a cliff while climbing a mountain by accident, and then his soul penetrated to the present world and was born in the orc village of the Pegasus tribe.

Although the original owner came from the transmigration, but because he is Soul Piercing, and after that, he grew up in the Pegasus clan. Therefore, in Ying's cognition, the memory before her time travel can be called a past life, and the tribe she belongs to now is still her home.

Ying was born as an orc with a broken body, because although he is a male, he cannot be fully beastized. He could only barely pretend to be a half-beast, and was even described as unknown by the high priest in the village.

Since Ying had a problem when he first became a beast as an adult, Ying has never been a beast when he saw the sad eyes of his mother and father, and has always maintained a humanoid state.

However, because his mind holds a lot of modern knowledge. Therefore, after he grew up, he always tried his best to use the knowledge he knew to help Tianma go out of the village.

Teaching them to plant rice and fruit trees, set traps and hunt, and build decent houses with stones, greatly improved the life of the orcs in the Tianma village.

Therefore, even if his body is incomplete, everyone knows that he is an orc who cannot be fully beastized, and even is described as ominous by the high priest, but he is still respected by everyone.

Ying has a gentle personality, is very patient with others, and has made such a contribution to the village. So over time, everyone paid less attention to his physical disability, and there were even many orcs vying to be Ying's friends, and everyone loved him very much.

Originally, Ying lived peacefully in the Tianma clan, and could also spend her life happily in this way. However, one day he was out in the forest and rescued a man who pushed him into hell, Bai Lan.

Bai Lan is the same person who has crossed over, but Bai Lan is different from Ying. He is wearing clothes, so his clothes are also modern clothes. Before Bai Lan crossed over, he was an ambitious mercenary in the original world, and it could be said that he was very capable.

He was in a coma due to an injury before the time-travel, so Ying took care of him for two days, and when his injury was a little better, he took Bai Lan back to the Tianma village.

However, when Bai Lan came to the Tianma village, he found that the environment in the village was much more developed than he thought. At least, there are many styles of tools that require a certain knowledge base to be designed like this, and should never appear on this wild stone continent.

Bai Lan became suspicious because of this, so he asked the orcs in the village. All the orcs told him that these were given to them by Professor Ying, so Bai Lan found Ying and asked him if he also came from crossing.

The moment Ying rescued Bai Lan, she knew that he and she came from the same world. Because Ying has lived in the orc world for so many years, she will not mention it deliberately. But in the face of Bai Lan's suspicion, Ying did not hide it.

He told the truth about his soul-piercing, and because Bai Lan came from the same place as himself, he developed an intimacy with Bai Lan and took more care of him.

However, what Ying did not expect was that all this was the beginning of his bad luck. Unconsciously, Ying discovered that the people in the village did not know why, and their eyes became a little strange and dodged.

Sometimes, some unfamiliar objects appear in his house. Later, he was accused of stealing because of these items. And the orcs of the Pegasus clan found him because they couldn't bear to lose things all the time, and accused him of being a habitual thief.

Ying didn't know how these items appeared in his residence. He couldn't deny it, so the rumors of Ying's bad character were rampant.

Before, the high priest who once said that Ying was ominous when there was a problem with his beastization once again brought up the old story, which reminded the orcs of Tianma Village again. Ying also became less popular in the village than before.

People don't trust Ying anymore, and even most of his former friends don't associate with him anymore, which makes Ying very sad. However, the doom is not over here.

One day, Bai Lan invited Ying to have dinner at his home. For Ying, Bai Lan is one of the few friends he is willing to make with him now, so naturally he will not refuse.

It's just that when he arrived at Bai Lan's house, he lost consciousness after eating. When he wakes up again, Ying finds himself at a river next to the village.

There was a dead female beside him, and that female was obviously raped before her death. Ying panicked for a while, but before he had time to react, everyone in the village rushed here.

They saw this scene, and everyone believed that Ying must have forced the female and brutally killed the other. In the world of orcs, females are very precious, so any male who commits such a sin cannot be easily forgiven.

At this time, Bai Lan stood up and accused Ying in front of everyone. It was said that Ying did this from beginning to end. Bai Lan said that when he and Ying were together before, Ying had said that it would be bad for this female.

It's just that he didn't take it seriously at the time, because he didn't think any male would actually do that. I didn't expect that the other party actually did such a bad thing.

Bai Lan's expression was sad and guilty, and naturally no one would blame Bai Lan. When Ying heard Bai Lan say this, she was shocked to realize that all this was a trap set by Bai Lan.

As for myself, step by step, I simply walked into the trap set up by others. Therefore, under the instigation of Bai Lan and the high priest, Ying Zhao was tied to the sacrificial altar and burned alive in front of all the people of Tianma Village.

After watching all the plots, Yingzhao naturally knew why Ying encountered such a tragedy. Because the protagonist set by the heavens of this world is Bai Lan.

The reason why Bai Lan wanted to frame Ying was because he had always felt that he was different from these barbarian aborigines and wanted to use his own advantages to lead the continent.

However, with Ying present, his selfless dedication to the people and his pure kindness made Bai Lan feel that Ying was blocking his steps. As a result, Bai Lan, who has the aura of the protagonist, framed Ying very smoothly, and finally let him be burned alive.

After that, because Ying was gone, the people of Tianma Village didn't really know any modern science and technology. Naturally, there will be frequent errors in the application, but there is no help from Ying to solve it.

At this time, Bai Lan solved the difficulties for the villagers by relying on some knowledge that he knew in modern times. They also used some small means to show so-called miracles, which were considered by the villagers to be messengers sent by the beast god.

All the people in Tianma Village worshiped him and obeyed every word. Just here, Bai Lan was not satisfied. He has even bigger ambitions. Therefore, he found the most belligerent and strongest winged race of all races.

Bai Lan did not hesitate to sacrifice the Pegasus people and made them slaves of the Wing Clan in exchange for the support of the Wing Clan. Relying on the halo of the divine envoy, Bai Lan formed an ally with the patriarch of the Wing Clan, Rin.

With the help of Bai Lan, the Wing Clan was able to manufacture some weapons that were absolutely not available in this era, and it was unstoppable for a while. In the end, Bai Lan and Rin led the Wing Clan to conquer the entire Orc Continent.

After Bai Lan also achieved a very high prestige among the Yi clan, he planned to kill Rin and became the only king in the entire continent.

After watching all the plots, Yingzhao frowned. Although it's not a bad thing to say that people are ambitious, Bai Lan recklessly sacrifices others for his own benefit.

You You Ying is still his savior, but he still shows no mercy to Ying. After killing Ying, he turned all the Pegasus tribe into slaves of the Wing tribe. Such selfish and cruel behavior, in Yingzhao's personal consciousness, is definitely not worthy of becoming the king of a continent.

Thinking of this, Yingzhao asked Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "Xiaobai, what is Ying's wish?"

When Xiaobai heard Yingzhao's question, he immediately replied: "Ying's wish is that the orcs of the Pegasus tribe will not be enslaved and can spend this life peacefully and happily. Moreover, Ying also felt the cruel and selfish nature of Bai Lan, So I don't want him to rule this continent."

Ying Zhao lowered his eyes upon hearing this, feeling that this Ying was really kind. But after all, the Pegasus village is where he grew up, and there are his closest relatives and friends there. Perhaps Ying has such a desire to protect his dearest.

Yingzhao reviewed the original owner's memory and found that the timeline of his arrival was just when he met Bai Lan and rescued him. At this time, Bai Lan has been rescued by Ying and settled in a cave.

When Yingzhao came across, Yingzhao was fetching water for Bai Lan. I didn't expect that I would fall into the water just to get water for such a scum, which made Yingzhao feel a little unhappy.

Fortunately, my man happened to pass by, otherwise he would not know what would happen to him. However, judging from the fact that this small world is an orc world, I don't know what the beast type of my man is?

Thinking of this, Yingzhao was a little curious, opened his eyes, and sat up as if he had woken up. He leaned over and sat by the bonfire, looked at the man who was concentrating on the barbecue and said softly, "Thank you for saving me, my name is Ying, what's your name?" The

man turned his head and glanced at him when he heard Yingzhao's words. He picked up the meat in his hand, cut a line with a stone dagger, made sure it was fully cooked, wrapped it in leaves and handed it to Yingzhao. Then he said a word to him, "Yan."

Yingzhao held the hot meat wrapped in leaves in his hand, and blinked his eyes before realizing that the man was telling him that his name was Yan. So he nodded, showing a bright smile at Yan and said, "Yan, thank you!"

After that, Yingzhao lowered his head and bit into the meat in his hand. It was only after eating it that Yingzhao realized that what Yan handed him was really just simple barbecue without any seasoning.

The people of the Tianma tribe are omnivores, so they can eat vegetables, fruits and meat. Before Ying grew up and was able to go out, the people of the Tianma clan really only knew how to cook in a very simple way.

It was not until Ying grew up that he found salt crystals and some similar seasonings to plants in the forest, and the Pegasus orcs began to enjoy food with various flavors and seasonings.

Therefore, even if it is the taste of the original owner, eating such tasteless meat is definitely not delicious. However, Yingzhao knew that, after all, only the Pegasus were being helped by Ying.

Therefore, most of the other races still live a life of drinking blood, so Yan Ken roasted the food for himself, which is already considered to be very caring for himself.

What's more, in this primitive world, there is no pollution. Although the original taste of the meat is not the best, it is definitely not too hard to swallow.

It's just that Yingzhao had eaten the fruit before, so after eating the meat in his hand, he felt that his stomach was full. When Yan handed him the meat to eat again, he shook his head at the man and said, "I can't eat any more."

Yan frowned when he heard Yingzhao's words. He glanced at him carefully, and then looked at his stomach, as if to confirm whether he was really full by eating only so much. After seeing Yingzhao nodding firmly to him again, Yan Cai devoured the meat in his hand a little depressed.

When Yan finished eating the food in his hand, he took out a few herbs that seemed to have just been picked and threw them into his mouth to chew. After chewing it all up, he spit it out and leaned in front of Yingzhao.

Yingzhao didn't understand what Yan was going to do to him, but with the trust he had always had in his own man, he knew that the other party would never hurt him.

So, when Yan came over, he didn't move. I saw the other party holding these chewed herbs and smearing them on his injured forehead.

At this time, Ying Zhaocai let out a painful "hiss", and then he realized that when he fell into the water, he had been hit by rocks and wood in the river on his body and forehead, and he was injured.

Because of the good healing ability of orcs, ordinary bumps do not require injury medicine, but Yingzhao did not expect that his forehead would be so serious that he was knocked out.

It seemed that what Yan had just smeared on himself should be the herbs he found outside. Seeing the man carefully taking the medicine for him, Yingzhao curiously grabbed a small piece of herbal leaves that he had put aside and put it on. I took a sip in my mouth.

The bitter, sour and numb taste instantly filled his mouth, making Yingzhao retched. Thinking that the man just chewed the herb in his mouth without changing his face, and carefully found the soft animal skin as a bedding, an unspeakable feeling surged in his heart.

Yingzhao blushed and thanked Yan, but Yan didn't say anything more. He just stared at Yingzhao motionless, looked at him for a long time before turning around and sitting at the entrance of the cave, as if closing his eyes and resting.

Yingzhao looked at Yan's back in the setting sun, and showed a somewhat satisfied smile. I just arrived in this world, although it was not very smooth, I encountered an unexpected situation, but fortunately I was with a man again.

Yingzhao thought while looking at Yan while leaning on his cheeks. It was just because of the effect of the medicine, or because he consumed a lot of physical strength while struggling in the river water. After a while, Yingzhao felt very sleepy and fell into a deep sleep on the simple straw bed.

And Yan, who had been sitting at the entrance of the cave, made sure that Ying Zhao had fallen asleep, and then quietly walked to him again. He pursed his lips and watched Ying Zhao for a while.

Then they got closer to each other, and the tip of their nose pointed to the tip of their nose, and they seemed to be able to feel each other's breath. Yan sniffed and sniffed on Yingzhao's body, and a blush appeared on that cold and hard face.

He lay directly on the hard stone ground, facing Yingzhao's sleeping face motionlessly looking at him. Seeing Yingzhao slumbering over and seeming to be very stable, Yan stretched out his finger and poked Yingzhao's cheek.

The soft touch seemed to put Yan in a good mood. The corners of his mouth, which had always been tense, drew a slight arc. After a while, he closed his eyes and fell asleep beside Yingzhao.

Yingzhao didn't know how long he had slept, but when he woke up, he felt that his health was much better. Especially the forehead, there is no pain anymore.

It has to be said that most of this is due to the amazing recovery ability of the orcs. Otherwise, according to those worlds in the past, it is impossible for one's body to recover so quickly after being continuously hit in the river.

But when he woke up and looked around, Yan was not in the cave. Yingzhao stood up with some doubts and walked out of the cave.

However, he had just reached the entrance of the cave, and before he took a step, he hurriedly fell to the ground in fright. Because Yingzhao did not expect this cave to be built in the air on a cliff.

Looking at the scenery below the cliff, this hole is at least a hundred meters away from the ground. Although it is not particularly high, but if you fall, you will definitely be shattered.

Looking up and looking up again, the part above the mountain wall is even more towering. There are many vines that seem to be artificially laid next to the entrance of the cave, and they look a little strong.

Although more than half of the orcs of the Pegasus clan were born with wings, after all, the original owner could only be a half-beast. Therefore, in the previous plots, Yingzhao did not know what the original owner's beast type was and whether he had the ability to fly.

Therefore, he hurriedly took a few steps back, left this relatively dangerous place for him, and then lay on the ground and looked out the edge of the hole.

I thought to myself, how did Yan leave here to hunt outside in such a high cave? Immediately, he thought that in the memory of the original owner, there was a race that really liked to build nests on cliffs, and that was the warlike winged race.

The orcs of the Wing Tribe all have wings after beastization. Most of their beasts are British falcons, but they are much larger than the British falcons in the ordinary world.

The wings are wide, and the wind that blows them can even be used as a weapon. Their beasts have sharp beaks and claws, which are somewhat similar to Dapeng.

Yingzhao suddenly realized that if the other party is his lover, logically speaking, there will be different degrees of disability in every hour world.

But it can be clearly seen that there seems to be no problem with the body when loving the human form. Therefore, if there is no problem with his human form, then it is very likely that the problem lies in his animal form.

Combined with the vines just seen outside the entrance of the cave, if it is really a winged clan with normal wings, they can fly, and there is no need for those vines to exist.

Therefore, if Yan is really a winged clan, I am afraid that he is the same as the original owner, an orc who can only be half-beast-shaped or has problems with his beast-shaped wings.

Ying Zhao thought of this and sighed. In any case, as long as it is his own man, it doesn't matter where the problem is.

Looking at the towering cliff outside, Yingzhao decided to hide in the cave and wait until Yan came back. Touching the dried medicinal liquid on his forehead, Yingzhao came to the stone water tank in the cave and wanted to get some water to wipe his face.

However, when Yingzhao got close to the water and saw the appearance of the original owner, he was stunned. Because Yingzhao discovered that his appearance in this world was very similar to the person he had transformed into.

It's just that the skin is fairer, and all the hair on the body, even the eyebrows and eyelashes, are silver-white. Even though there is an ugly green concoction on his head, it is still obvious that he has an extraordinary appearance. In particular, the long silver hair and pointed ears made the heroic move look like an elf.

Yingzhao raised a handful of water and washed his face. After washing the green concoction off his forehead, he found that the wound had almost healed. Looking at his own reflection in the water basin again, Ying Zhao's face turned slightly red.

After all, looking at the same appearance as when he was actually transformed into a human form is different from using someone else's appearance in other small worlds. What's more, after changing a look, Yingzhao actually felt that he looked a little better.

In my heart, I became more and more curious about the original owner's animal shape, so he asked Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "Xiaobai, do you know what the original owner looked like after he turned into a half-beast?"

Xiaobai thought about it and asked Yingying . Zhao said: "Host, I'm not very good at describing the specific appearance. But the original owner seems to be somewhat similar to the host's beast-shaped appearance after being transformed into a half-beast."

Ying Zhao blinked when he heard Xiao Bai's words, and immediately thought of it. his own beast. Brows his eyebrows, he feels that since he has control over his beast shape, there is nothing to worry about.

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard the sound of a dragon from outside the cave. After a while, Yingzhao saw Yan swept in from the cave with vines in his hands.

Yan was stunned when he saw that Yingzhao was staring at himself at the entrance of the cave. Yan walked to Yingzhao's side, looked at the wound on his forehead that had completely healed, and then stretched out his hand to lightly press the waist where Yingzhao had hit the hardest before, asking, "Does it still hurt?"

Yingzhao heard Yan Yan shook his head, then showed him a gentle smile, and said, "It doesn't hurt anymore, thank you for taking care of me."

Yan nodded, threw the prey he had just caught on the ground, and then took out a stone dagger to deal with it. stand up. Yingzhao squatted beside Yan and continued to ask him:

"Yan, why do you live on such a high cliff? Are you an orc from the Wing Tribe?"

Yan turned his head and glanced at Yingzhao. , nodded, and did not deny his identity.