
Arc 2: The Cripple Brother of the Wealthy Male Protagonist (10)

Yingzhao pulled down the quilt, exposed his eyes and blinked innocently at Lin Yiting, and said, "Brother Yiting, there's thunder outside."

Lin Yiting was stunned when he heard Yingzhao's words, and then the corners of his mouth were unconscious. Pulled up an arc. Could it be that my boat is afraid of the sound of thunder?

It's just that I don't seem to remember that Xiaozhou was afraid of thunder when he was a child. Thinking of this, Lin Yiting had some doubts in his heart, but before he had time to think about it, he felt his waist being embraced.

Immediately, Yingzhao went straight into his arms. Yingzhao hugged Lin Yiting's waist tightly and buried his head deeply in the other's embrace.

In this way, the feeling of finally embracing his lover made him unconsciously sigh in the bottom of his heart, and rubbed against Lin Yiting's arms somewhat comfortably.

Yingzhao turned his head, bent his eyes and said to Lin Yiting, "Brother Yiting, can I sleep with you tonight?" Yingzhao was only

twenty-four years old in this world. There is still a little childish appearance. It made Lin Yiting unconsciously think of his childhood.

Just when he was really scared, or wanted to act like a spoiled brat to himself, he nodded to Ying Zhao. Yingzhao saw that Lin Yiting agreed, with a satisfied look on his face, raised his head and kissed the corner of Lin Yiting's mouth.

He asked casually, "What did you do today? Is there anything interesting?"

Lin Yiting heard Yingzhao looking like he wanted to chat, thinking that he was only dealing with official business for a day, and nothing interesting happened.

Suddenly I realized that I wanted to chat with Xiaozhou a few more words, but I didn't know what to say. Because he doesn't have any hobbies, he is a very boring person.

Thinking of this, Lin Yiting felt some frustration in his heart, but soon felt his lips soften for a moment. It turned out that when he was in a daze, Yingzhao kissed the corner of his mouth again.

Lin Yiting looked at Yingzhao in confusion, and said to him, "Xiaozhou, what are you doing?"

Yingzhao laughed even more, but said innocently to Lin Yiting: "Of course I'm kissing you! Yiting Brother, just treat it as a daily practice."

Yingzhao said while kissing Lin Yiting twice, Lin Yiting kissed Yingzhao back reflexively.

The two of them were talking like this, while kissing each other. There is less love and desire, but a little more warm taste.

Then Yingzhao took the initiative to chat with Lin Yiting about the meal and chat with Lin Ze and some childhood friends today. Originally, Lin Yiting also cared about Yingzhao going out with Lin Ze today.

Especially when he saw that the other party came back in Lin Ze's car, and Lin Ze obviously didn't know what to do, and wanted to get closer to Yingzhao again.

This made Lin Yiting uncontrollably jealous, but at this moment, Yingzhao took the initiative to mention to him some interesting things they had talked about tonight.

However, Lin Yiting couldn't concentrate to understand what happened to them at the dinner table, because his attention was now focused on Yingzhao's kisses to himself one by one.

Yingzhao lay comfortably in Lin Yiting's arms, feeling the feeling of sleeping with her lover in such a hug, which made her whole body and mind relax.

He took Lin Yiting's hand and played with it in his palm. I just feel that the other person's palm is really big. In contrast, although my fingers are slender and slender, the whole hand is still a circle smaller than the other person's.

Yingzhao squeezed Lin Yiting's palm and tried to clasp his fingers. The two of them just lay quietly together, and before noticing, Yingzhao fell into a deep sleep.

Lin Yiting saw Yingzhao sleeping unsuspectingly in his arms, hesitantly stretched out his hand, rubbed the top of the other's soft hair, and kissed Yingzhao between the eyebrows. Then he hugged Yingzhao tightly and held him firmly in his arms.

Although Yingzhao was very young, Lin Yiting once slept in the same bed with him. However, since Yingzhao grew up, Lin Yiting has been avoiding such a thing.

So many years later, this is the first time Yingzhao has slept with her since she grew up.

Lin Yiting didn't know how to describe the complicated mood now, but he held his beloved in his arms. Such a sense of fulfillment still made him truly feel happiness.

There was even a momentary illusion, which made Lin Yiting feel as if he had truly owned the other party. And they are like countless ordinary lovers, clasping their fingers together.

Raising the hands of the two of them, Lin Yiting kissed the back of Yingzhao's hand, and said softly to him, "Good night Xiaozhou, good dream." Yingzhao

woke up early the next day, but when he turned his head to the side, When looking at Lin Yiting's face. The trembling eyelashes made him realize that Lin Yiting seemed to wake up earlier than himself.

In fact, Lin Yiting didn't sleep almost all night, he just stared at Yingzhao's face. In the morning, he still looked at each other greedily, reluctant to let the night pass so quickly.

However, when the sun rose and felt that Yingzhao was gradually waking up in his arms, Lin Yiting hurriedly closed his eyes again and pretended to be completely asleep.

Yingzhao looked at Lin Yiting's Wu Qing and could probably guess one or two. Helplessly showed a smile, then leaned over and kissed Lin Yiting's lips forcefully.

Seeing Lin Yiting's eyes widened in shock, he showed a bright smile at him and said, "Morning, daughter-in-law!"

Lin Yiting felt that he was blinded by such a bright smile like this. Not noticing the other person's address to him, the whole person was stunned for a while.

After a long time, Cai replied in a nonchalant manner: "Xiaozhou, early."

Seeing Lin Yiting's sluggish expression, Yingzhao felt that he was in a good mood

. It's the weekend, I don't need to rush back to school early to go to class. Brother Yi Ting, I'll ask Lin Bo to prepare breakfast, shall we eat together in the room?"

Lin Yiting nodded when he heard the words, he naturally wouldn't refuse Yingzhao Require. Although the weekend is not a day off for me.

But if you are recruiting to accompany Ying, then you are busy on weekdays, and there is absolutely no problem in freeing up your weekends.

Not long after, Lin Bo prepared a hearty breakfast and pushed the cart into the house. Yingzhao took the cart and thanked Lin Bo with a smile, then closed the door.

After pulling out the table for the bed and putting the food, Yingzhao got back into the bed again. He leaned on Lin Yiting's side, picked up the sandwich from the plate and fed it to Lin Yiting, and said, "Ah!"

Lin Yiting blushed slightly, shook his head at Ying Zhao and said, "Xiaozhou, I can eat it myself. This time ,

Yingzhao did not insist, but nodded to Lin Yiting, and said solemnly:

"If that's the case, Brother Yi Ting can eat it by himself. But I don't want to eat it by myself today, can you feed me?"

Lin Yiting was taken aback by Ying Zhao's words, but he still picked up the sandwich on the plate and fed it to Ying Zhao. The mouth of the trick. Yingzhao smiled and narrowed his eyes, opened his mouth to take a bite, and nodded in satisfaction.

Then he pushed the sandwich to Lin Yiting's mouth and said with a smile, "Brother Yiting, try it now, the breakfast prepared by Lin Bo is really good."

Lin Yiting looked at the sandwich that had just been bitten off by Yingzhao. The crescent moon marks, swallowed. However, his face was still slightly red, and he took another bite at the place where the other party had bitten, only to feel that the taste of the food today seemed to be many times more delicious than usual.

The two of you are like this, you and I finish breakfast in one bite. Such interaction made Lin Yiting feel warm and sweet.

Obviously should avoid such intimacy, but still unable to resist, did not stop. Lin Yiting only felt that he was getting more and more greedy, and he became more and more indulgent in the face of Yingzhao's actions.

And since that day, Yingzhao came to Lin Yiting's room with a pillow more and more times. The reasons are always bizarre. Afraid of the dark, bored, and don't want to sleep alone...

Lin Yiting couldn't refuse Yingzhao's approach. Later, Yingzhao simply added an extra pillow to Lin Yiting's bed. At night, the two like to kiss while chatting.

The next morning, you and I eat breakfast together. Lin Yiting only felt that he lived every day as if he was in paradise.

With Yingzhao's company and kisses, you can hug your loved ones to sleep. Such sweet days made him almost unable to stop. Mingming often told himself to stay awake, but he couldn't bear to sink a little bit.

There is only one point, Lin Yiting has always persisted stubbornly. That's what he thinks he's getting right now, but it doesn't actually belong to him.

Everything is the sweetness that Xiaozhou gave to himself. Therefore, he cherished the limited time he thought was even more.

He felt that every minute and second that Ying Zhao was with him was precious. As for the future, what would happen when Ying Zhao left him?

Lin Yiting didn't dare to think deeply at all, because even the slightest thought would make him fall into pain and anxiety.

So Lin Yiting chose to escape. It seemed that as long as he didn't think about it, these problems would not exist. However, Yingzhao would never let him continue to escape like this.

Yingzhao felt that he had been boiling frogs in warm water these days, so that Lin Yiting could adapt to his hugs and kisses, and to sleep with him in his arms.

Invading a man's life with everyday sweetness, Lin Yiting seems to have adapted well and no longer resists himself at all.

Yingzhao can even feel that the other party has been immersed in it, and there is a little inescapable taste. So, he felt that it was almost time for a showdown.

So, on another night of embracing and sleeping, Ying Zhao and Lin Yiting kissed each other and talked about the interesting things that happened in the academy today.

Suddenly, he held Lin Yiting's palm and said softly to him, "Don't you think it's good for us to be like this all the time."

Lin Yiting listened to Yingzhao's words and turned his head in a daze, as if he didn't understand what he wanted to express. what exactly means.

Yingzhao smiled at Lin Yiting and said softly:

"Brother Yiting, I mean I think it's fine for us to live like this for the rest of our lives. I still remember that when I was young, I said that I would marry you in the future. As a daughter-in-law, I'm serious, what do you mean? Are we going to be together?"

Lin Yiting wanted to tell Yingzhao to stop making jokes like this, but seeing the firm look in his eyes, he just said The words were swallowed again.

Lin Yiting's nerves were tense. He didn't expect that he would actually hear the other party's confession to him from Yingzhao's mouth. This made him feel an instant sweetness in his heart.

However, when he realized his crippled legs that were useless, his mood became miserable again. Lin Yiting thought desperately, that he was not good at work and suffered from bipolar disorder.

In the past, he had undergone many surgeries to treat his legs and received a lot of medication. Later, in the years when he decided to protect Yingzhao, in order to control his emotions, he took a lot of medicine.

Lin Yiting has always known that his physical condition is not as good as it looks, how can he give Xiaozhou real happiness with such a weak foundation.

My own age is much older than Xiaozhou, and if it is for the sake of temporary happiness, I agree. If I can't live for many years at all, wouldn't it mean that I will kill Xiaozhou for the rest of my life!

Thinking of this, Lin Yiting closed his eyes painfully, took a deep breath, tried hard not to let his sadness show, and shook his head to Yingzhao and said,

"Xiaozhou, as I said, it's impossible between us, I I just treat you as my brother."

Yingzhao frowned when he heard the words, but he also saw the obvious pain in Lin Yiting's eyes. After a little thought, I understood the reason. I wanted to force the other side to face it, but in the end I couldn't bear it.

Looking down, Yingzhao always knew that the physical reason was the source of the opponent's rejection of him, but he didn't expect the man to be so determined this time, it seemed that he needed a better time.

But if a man dares to reject him after solving this problem...

Thinking of this, Yingzhao's eyes flashed coldly. But he drew an arc on his mouth, smiled and said to Lin Yiting:

"Brother Yiting, why are you answering me so seriously? I was joking with you."

Lin Yiting was relieved when he heard Yingzhao say this. Can't say happy or disappointed. He also doesn't want to showdown with Xiaozhou like this. If it really hurts the other party, he is afraid that Yingzhao will ignore him in the future.

And Lin Yiting had to admit that he was a little reluctant to be so close with Yingzhao now.

Just after saying these words, the atmosphere between the two became a little dignified. So instead of chatting any more, they all went to bed early in silence.

In the following days, Yingzhao began to hurry up to do clinical experiments in the research room of the school. I hope that I can confirm as soon as possible that my research results will not have a rejection reaction to the human body.

However, to obtain such experimental results, a large amount of data support is required, and behind the large amount of data support is naturally a large amount of experiments and time.

Just when Yingzhao was busy with his research, some rumors about him in the school have slowly spread.

I don't know since when there have been rumors in the Holy Forest Academy that the reason why Yingzhao can become a professor at such a young age is not just because he is a genius.

But it is inseparable from his appearance and family background. He relies on the power of his family and the ambiguity between him and his mentor to get today's honor.

These gossip and English tricks are actually known, even if no one tells him that there is a systematic Xiaobai, the surrounding troubles will definitely not escape his eyes.

He also knew in his heart who spread these rumors, but Yingzhao didn't take it to heart. Because he knew that over the years, men had been paying attention to the little changes around him like voyeurs.

Naturally, the other party will soon know that someone in the Holy Forest Academy is slandering him. Even if he does not take action, Lin Yiting will solve these problems for himself. And what I need most now is to finish the work at hand as soon as possible.

Sure enough, the people Lin Yiting dispatched to the Holy Forest Academy quickly relayed the news that such rumors had recently emerged in the academy, which was very detrimental to Yingzhao's reputation.

Lin Yiting grew up watching Yingzhao since he was a child, and naturally knew that these rumors were completely false. He angrily immediately sent people to investigate the matter.

And Meng Jiaqi didn't have any clever means, and was soon found out by Lin Yiting's people that all the rumors were spread by him.

Lin Yiting was furious after learning about it, especially when he saw Meng Jiaqi's photo and saw the face that was somewhat similar to Yingzhao, he was even more angry.

What does this guy think he is? Even a strand of Xiaozhou's hair can't compare to it at all, how dare you spread rumors to Xiaozhou!

Because it was Lin Yiting's order, the people below naturally checked Meng Jiaqi upside down. Meng Jiaqi's family conditions are not very good. On the surface, he seems to be a very hardworking and excellent college student.

However, after in-depth investigation, it will be found that although Meng Jiaqi relied on his own efforts to be admitted to a famous university, his grades in the university have always been appalling.

I failed many subjects in my freshman year, and even in the second half of my freshman year, I was ordered to drop out of the Holy Forest Academy because my grades were too poor.

However, in the second year of sophomore year, Meng Jiaqi's grades suddenly improved by leaps and bounds. All the exams were passed with excellent grades. Not only was he among the best in the class, but he also got a scholarship.

Naturally, Lin Yiting would not believe that Meng Jiaqi was a prodigal son, and suddenly became hard-working. He felt that there must be something strange, so he ordered the people below to check it carefully.

Sure enough, it was found that Meng Jiaqi had an ambiguous relationship with Liu Fu, the life tutor in charge of their grade. The so-called life tutor is responsible for the students' examination-related arrangements and the printing of examination papers every semester.

Therefore, Liu Fudu disclosed the content of these test papers to Meng Jiaqi in advance, so that Meng Jiaqi could get such excellent results.

Lin Yiting sneered when he saw the middle-aged man full of fat in the photo and the unsightly bed photos between him and Meng Jiaqi.

What kind of shit life tutor is just a babysitter arranged by the academy for students of each grade. With his academic qualifications, he can't teach at all.

I don't know what kind of path this so-called life mentor has taken to be able to come to the Holy Forest Academy to do such an idle job, and be honored as a teacher.

It's really disgusting to do this kind of pickling thing with his own students even though he already has a family.

Since this Meng Jiaqi has the courage to spread rumors about his own boat, then he must let the whole Holy Forest Academy know his scandal well.

So, on the second day, on the school's bulletin board, a group of freshly released photos caught everyone's attention.

As soon as Meng Jiaqi came to the school, she felt that the atmosphere today was particularly wrong. Because it seemed that everyone who passed by him looked at him strangely, even with a little pointing.

He was keenly aware of what was wrong, and looked around to see what was wrong, but found that many people were crowding around the school's bulletin board.

I don't know what the bulletin board, which had no important tips in the past, actually made so many people gather together and whisper.

Especially after seeing Meng Jiaqi approaching, everyone immediately pretended to have something to leave here.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi walked quickly to the bulletin board, only to find that the bulletin board posted all those unsightly photos between her and Liu Fu.

He opened his mouth wide in surprise, and hurriedly tore up those photos in panic. However, too many people have seen these photos, and it is too late to tear them up.

Meng Jiaqi's eyes were red, but she felt a surge of anxiety and urgency welling up in her heart. He knew that soon the news would spread, and everyone would know about the scandal between him and Liu Fu.

Meng Jiaqi panicked for a while. If it was another person, he might be able to tell others that they truly love each other.

But the point is that this Liu Fu is not only over 40 years old and looks ugly, but also already has a wife. No one would believe that the two of them together would be true love.

I have been with Liu Fuxu and Wei She for so long, I just hope that my results can be better. After all, since he went to university, he has really slacked off a lot in his studies after working hard for tuition fees.

What's more, after being reborn, Meng Jiaqi, who had done mB for a long time in his last life, no longer regards physical transactions as taboo. If he can get real benefits, he doesn't mind sacrificing it occasionally.

And Meng Jiaqi did have some tricks. Liu Fu, who was hooking up with him, thought he was true love for him, so he would take the risk and secretly provide him with test papers.

I just didn't expect that they would be photographed with such a bed. Meng Jiaqi panicked for a while, and hurriedly wanted to find Liu Fu and discuss countermeasures with him.

Unexpectedly, just after arriving at the office, Liu Fu slapped him when he saw him, and instantly slapped Meng Jiaqi's face to the side.

Meng Jiaqi turned his head and looked at Liu Fu in disbelief. But I heard the other party say to him viciously:

"You bitch! He even told me that you really love me, and that you don't ask for any status. I didn't expect you to be so vicious, you must be secretly looking for someone to shoot. Post the photo on the bulletin board, do you want to force me to get a divorce and stay with you? I tell you, stop dreaming! You are such a vicious slut, I won't want it! You better be obedient about this matter, carry it yourself!"