
Arc 2: The Cripple Brother of the Wealthy Male Protagonist (11)

After saying that, Liu Fu left here angrily. Meng Jiaqi was left alone, covering her red and swollen cheeks, and stood there blankly, looking at the students who came and went looking at her with strange eyes, her eyes blushing uncontrollably.

He didn't understand why he had lived a new life, and he would encounter such a thing. Obviously everything should be under your control.

Looking at the back of Liu Fu leaving in a hurry, Meng Jiaqi gritted his teeth in hatred. This unresponsible man, who was bragging in bed on weekdays, treated himself like this when something happened.

With a stupid face full of fat, he thought that he would deliberately expose these photos for him, what a fool!

Originally, I picked up this Liu Fu just so that I could have a proud grade in Sacred Forest Academy. With such grades, even if my family is ordinary, I have the capital to be envied by everyone.

At that time, he will become a model of inspiration in the eyes of others, and Lin Ze will definitely look at himself more differently. Although there were some unpleasant episodes with Lin Ze before because of Yingzhou's return.

But the relationship between them has eased a lot with their own efforts in the past two days, but if they really take this matter completely, they will be notorious in the school. At that time, how will Lin Ze see himself. Wouldn't it mean that all his hard work for so long was in vain.

Thinking of this, Meng Jiaqi's eyes became firm, he must not let his efforts for so long go to waste. Since Liu Fu is so eager to throw the pot on himself, he shouldn't blame himself for being ruthless!

Meng Jiaqi took a deep breath, came to the door of the principal's office, and knocked on the door.

In the afternoon, several police cars suddenly arrived at the gate of the Holy Forest Academy, and took away the school's head, Liu Fu and Meng Jiaqi.

Everyone was speculating about what had happened, and after a few days some news began to circulate on campus. Said that Liu Fu, the life tutor of Holy Forest College, was charged with intimidating and coercive assaulting a certain student of the college.

The police found many wounds and bite marks on the student's body, and confirmed that all the marks were consistent with the suspect Liu Fu.

Although the police did not release the names of the students in order to protect the privacy of the victims. But anyone who saw the photos on the bulletin board that day knew that the so-called victim was Meng Jiaqi.

In this way, Meng Jiaqi re-entered people's field of vision as a victim. Although this matter still sounds disgraceful, after all, in everyone's eyes, he was forced, so people mostly sympathized with him.

In fact, Meng Jiaqi is not willing to let so many people know that such a thing has happened between him and Liu Fu, but after all, all the photos have been released, and he is speechless.

In order to restore his reputation, he can only go so far. Fortunately, this fat-brained bastard has always liked to play these disgusting things, leaving a lot of scars on his body, but it can be used as evidence that he was forced.

Even the matter of him providing the test papers for himself was said by Meng Jiaqi that Liu Fu deliberately tried to silence himself in this way in order to prevent himself from speaking out about the violations.

Liu Fu has always had a bad reputation in the school, and has always liked to take advantage of those handsome boys. So naturally, the police believed Meng Jiaqi's words and determined that he was violated by Liu Fu.

In the face of Meng Jiaqi's encounter like this, Sacred Forest Academy naturally did not dare to pursue his previous test scores, but instead compensated him. I just hope that this matter will come to an end soon, so that the students can stop thinking about this thing that has a very bad influence on the reputation of the Holy Forest Academy.

Meng Jiaqi told the school that he was psychologically traumatized and wanted to rest for a while before returning to school.

After such a big incident, the school felt that Meng Jiaqi's willingness not to make this incident a big deal had already protected the school's reputation. So naturally, he agreed to Meng Jiaqi's request very happily.

Meng Jiaqi waited until a month later when the incident subsided before returning to school. Although occasionally he will face some strange eyes, but he just pretends to be pitiful and appears as a victim.

Others would sympathize with him, and could not bear to bring this up in front of him. The result of such processing did barely satisfy Meng Jiaqi.

It's just that I don't know if it was intentional or not, because the incident that happened to me was very serious in the school, but it covered up the rumors about Yingzhao before.

What's more, Yingzhao is also really knowledgeable and talented. After teaching in school for a period of time, he has become the most popular teacher in this major.

In addition, he has his own set of skills in class, which allows students to quickly and maximize the knowledge points. Therefore, it has been affirmed and sought after by the students.

More and more people know that there is a very good guest lecturer at Sacred Forest College. Not only has he studied at Holy Forest College, but has continuously crossed grades with excellent grades.

When he was only sixteen years old, he was admitted to the school everyone dreamed of, and he continued his postgraduate studies at the House College in Country Y.

Later, at the age of only 20, he completed all the research projects that postgraduate and doctoral students need to complete. Even at the age of twenty-two, he was promoted to associate professor.

At the age of twenty-four, he was awarded the title of professor by House College for his outstanding achievements in mechanics and biology. This is unique in the entire history of House College.

With such a handsome appearance, a good family background, and a genius, Yingzhou is simply a god-like existence in the eyes of everyone. He has attracted countless students of Holy Forest College to regard him as their idol.

Meng Jiaqi gritted her teeth jealously when she heard the students around her praise Yingzhao. Unexpectedly, the previous rumors did not affect him in the slightest.

I don't know who spread these glorious deeds of Yingzhou, but instead made him the idol of the entire Holy Forest Academy.

No, I can't go on like this, I can't let all the halo haunt this person. At that time, Lin Ze will definitely be completely attracted by Yingzhou again and forget about himself.

In fact, facing Lin Ze, Meng Jiaqi's mood was a little complicated. Because when he and Lin Ze met again, he found that Lin Ze in this life was very different from the previous one.

There is no playful habit on his body at all, even if he sees himself who looks somewhat similar to Yingzhou, he just expresses his goodwill politely and politely, and becomes a friend with himself.

There are no more so-called money offensives and sugar-coated cannonballs, and there are no friends around Lin Ze at all. Instead, he became an entrepreneur himself, working hard.

Although Meng Jiaqi was a little puzzled at first, he only thought it was because of the influence of his rebirth. What's more, the current Lin Ze is more attractive to him than in the past, which makes Meng Jiaqi more determined to win Lin Ze's heart.

However, he determined that he was abandoned by Lin Ze because of Yingzhou in his last life, and Meng Jiaqi felt that he could not but eliminate Yingzhou as a thorn in his side.

Thinking of this, Meng Jiaqi's eyes seemed to be poisoned. Secretly said in my heart, since you are now respected and looked up to by everyone, then I will let you taste the taste of being spurned by everyone.

What's the point of these photos that I've leaked out? If everyone knew that the abstinent, austere, rigorous and excellent professor at Yingda would actually get mixed up with some kind of scumbag, they don't know how sensational it would be. Effect.

So Meng Jiaqi thought about a plan in detail, and then found Lin Ze again.

Although Lin Ze has been in contact with Meng Jiaqi for a long time, the two have not seen each other for a long time.

On the one hand, Lin Ze was busy with his company's affairs. On the other hand, since the last dinner, he felt that Meng Jiaqi was not as simple as he thought.

So in the face of such people, he still hopes to maintain a certain distance. But Meng Jiaqi found him again and said to himself that he wanted to transfer to the Mechanical Department, which made Lin Ze feel a little surprised.

After all, Meng Jiaqi is now a sophomore, and if he changes departments again, all subjects will have to be re-learned. What's more, although biopharmaceuticals is not a top major in Sacred Forest College, it has a promising future.

He didn't understand why Meng Jiaqi suddenly made such a decision, and the two chatted for a while before Meng Jiaqi said to him with a pleading tone:

"Lin Ze, in fact, I have always wanted to go to the Mechanical Department, so I have some things to think about. I want to ask Professor Ying for advice. It was my fault for lying before, but I really said that because I admired Professor Ying. I didn't expect it to be self-defeating. Could you say a few good words to Professor Ying for me, so I can go again Looking for Professor Ying, it won't be so embarrassing!"

Lin Ze originally thought that Meng Jiaqi wanted to make an appointment with Yingzhou for him, but he might refuse such a request. But it doesn't matter if it's just two good words to say.

After all, the decision-making power is still with Yingzhou, looking at Meng Jiaqi with a pitiful and pleading look. Lin Ze sighed in his heart and could only helplessly agree.

At this time, Yingzhao was in his research room, checking his last observation report. When he saw that the patient who had replaced the mechanical prosthesis still had no adverse reactions, Yingzhao showed a somewhat excited smile.

With such data to support, it is already possible to make this study public. The most important thing is that you can help your lover stand up!

Just when Yingzhao was full of joy, the phone in his pocket suddenly rang. Yingzhao saw that it was Lin Ze who was calling and picked it up.

When Lin Ze said that the call was actually for Meng Jiaqi, Yingzhao raised her eyebrows, but she didn't expect Meng Jiaqi to do this wave of operations.

It seems that in his heart, he deeply believes that the relationship between himself and Lin Ze is unclear. Only then did he feel that as long as Lin Ze told himself, he would not refuse.

Who is Meng Jiaqi showing this gesture to? Could it be that he still wanted Lin Ze to feel that he was a strict and terrible teacher? Can you be so afraid to even ask yourself about changing subjects?

However, Yingzhao agreed to Lin Ze without thinking. After all, based on the plot he read before, he could imagine what Meng Jiaqi wanted to do to him.

It may also be that his influence on Lin Ze in the past played a role. Although Lin Ze and Meng Jiaqi met again in this life, he was not close to Meng Jiaqi.

Or this is why Meng Jiaqi can only call himself through Lin Ze, instead of attacking himself at the gathering of Yingzhou and Lin Ze and others as in the past episodes.

But for Yingzhao, it doesn't matter what kind of means. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but he felt more interested.

Anyway, the research has been completed, so I don't mind playing with the person who came to kill me, relax my muscles and bones, and get rid of this unsightly clown by the way.

At noon the next day, when Yingzhao finished busy and opened the door of the research room, he saw Meng Jiaqi standing at the door nervously.

Seeing Meng Jiaqi's innocent face, Yingzhao said blankly, "This classmate, what are you doing here with me?"

Meng Jiaqi's expression became a little stiff when he heard Yingzhao's question, because he clearly remembered Last night, Lin Ze had sent a message to tell him that he had told Yingzhao that he wanted to change departments and that he had something to ask him about.

But seeing Yingzhao's appearance, it is obvious that he is ignorant. So he could only bite the bullet and say,

"Professor Ying, have you forgotten me? Last time I came back with Lin Ze to catch the wind for you. I said at the time that I was also a student of the Holy Forest College. I didn't know that yesterday Lin Ze Have you called and said I'm coming to you?"

When Yingzhao heard Meng Jiaqi say this, he showed a sudden realization. He nodded to Meng Jiaqi.

"Oh, so it's you! I'm sorry, I can't remember things other than research. Lin Ze did call yesterday and said you were coming to see me, but I'm just a guest lecturer, how could you ask? I'm here?"

Meng Jiaqi was stunned for a moment when he heard Yingzhao's words, thinking about what to ask about changing departments, of course it was an excuse. Obviously this guy was very reticent that day at the dinner party, why are there so many questions today.

But he could only bite the bullet and say: "That's right, I'm not familiar with the teachers of the mechanical department. I'm the only one who knows you, so I still need to trouble you for help. It's noon now, and I want to treat you to dinner. After dinner, can we chat while eating?"

Yingzhao did not refuse when he heard Meng Jiaqi say this, he pretended to follow Meng Jiaqi unsuspectingly, and entered a small restaurant with a more secret environment with him.

And just after Yingzhao and Meng Jiaqi left the campus, someone from Lin Yiting already called him to tell him about it.

Because the people who had been arranged with Yingzhao before were also dispatched to investigate Meng Jiaqi's framing of Yingzhao, so Meng Jiaqi was naturally classified as a suspicious group. It would definitely not be a good thing for him to meet Yingzhao alone.

After Lin Yiting learned about this, he immediately threw away his work. And told those who were arranged by Yingzhao's side to always monitor the movements of the two and never let them out of their sight.

The place Meng Jiaqi took Yingzhao to was more like a private house than a restaurant. There is not even a sign outside, and the facilities in the house are very simple.

Facing Yingzhao's puzzled eyes, Meng Jiaqi quickly explained:

"Professor Ying, don't look at this place looking simple. The food here is very delicious, and they are all special private kitchen dishes! Few people know about this place!

When Yingzhao heard Meng Jiaqi say this, he nodded and didn't say anything more.

As for Lin Yiting's people, after Yingzhao and Meng Jiaqi entered the place, they also pretended to be diners and wanted to go in, but were immediately stopped by several people in the restaurant. Saying this is a private restaurant, not everyone can go in.

The people accompanying them felt even more strange because of this, just in order not to expose their existence in front of Yingzhao, so they couldn't make such a push. So they stood by and stood around the restaurant, ready to break in at any time.

Yingzhao sat at the table, looked at the simple dishes in front of him, and felt the maliciousness behind Meng Jiaqi's smile.

He picked up the chopsticks calmly, and said to Xiaobai in the sea of ​​knowledge: "Xiaobai, which of these dishes has been drugged?"

Xiaobai immediately replied: "Host, there is no medicine in these dishes. It's the bowl of rice in front of you that's taking the medicine!"

Ying Zhao nodded when he heard the words, putting medicine in the rice is indeed more secure than in the dishes. Then he continued to ask: "When will Lin Yiting arrive?" When

Xiaobai heard Yingzhao's words, he only felt that his host was as expected. Immediately flicking his tail, he said to Yingzhao,

"Lin Yiting is already on his way. It is estimated that he will be here in five minutes!"

Hearing Xiaobai's answer, Yingzhao's face showed a hint of satisfaction. look. He served the meal in front of Meng Jiaqi, and sure enough he saw the bright expectations in the other's eyes.

His sharp five senses made him sniffle, and he always felt that there was a strange taste in the rice that was being cooked. So he put down the rice again in front of Meng Jiaqi and went to eat the dishes in front of him.

Meng Jiaqi was eager to let Yingzhao go to dinner, but she couldn't make it so obvious. So, his eyes flashed, and he took the initiative to pick up dishes for Ying.

Those dishes were caught in the rice bowl and stuck to the rice. Yingzhao did not refuse this time, pretending to eat it unintentionally, and then saw the excitement in Meng Jiaqi's eyes that could not be concealed.

While eating, Yingzhao instructed Xiaobai in the sea of ​​​​knowledge: "Xiaobai, keep the performance of the medicine, and minimize the actual impact on the body."

Xiaobai was stunned when he heard Yingzhao's order. Still a little worried, he said:

"But the host, this medicine is very powerful. Even if the actual impact is minimized, it will cause adverse reactions in your body. The system can completely remove these reactions for you!"

But Yingzhao But he didn't agree with Xiaobai, and said to him, "It doesn't matter, I just need to keep this little effect on my body."

Xiaobai nodded when he heard Yingzhao's instructions, but he still followed the other party's instructions. ask to act.

In a short while, Yingzhao's cheeks began to appear crimson, and his eyes became moisturised, and he seemed to be breathing a little too quickly.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi raised a malicious smile on the corner of his mouth, but he still said words of concern. He quickly grabbed Yingzhao's arm and said,

"Professor Ying, what's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable? There is a resting place behind this hotel. If you are uncomfortable, do you want me to help you go down to rest first!

When Yingzhao heard Meng Jiaqi's words, he frowned and shook his head at him, standing up and seemed to want to leave. However, as soon as he stood up, he staggered and sat down again, clearly losing his strength.

Seeing this, Meng Jiaqi felt even more proud, and hurried over to support Yingzhao, and said to him, "

Professor Ying, don't be polite to me, I'll help you down to rest now!"

Yingzhao's arm pulled him towards a room in the hotel. Yingzhao was a little resistant at first, but Xiaobai always broadcast Lin Yiting's position for him in his mind.

He knew that Lin Yiting was coming soon, so he stopped struggling, and obediently let Meng Jiaqi help him to the so-called rest room at the back.

And there was nothing but a very dim room with only one big bed in it. Meng Jiaqi helped Yingzhao to sit down on the bed, and sure enough, a few random people entered the room very soon.

The leader, Huang Mao, saw Yingzhao's appearance, he couldn't help whistling, and said with a hilarious smile:

"I didn't expect that you let us deal with such a good-looking person, it seems that this is more profitable than buying and selling! However, looking at his outfit, we won't have any trouble playing him!"

Meng Jiaqi had a malicious smile on his face when he heard the person's words, shoved a stack of money into his hand, and twitched the corners of his mouth.

"People like him are most afraid of hurting their own reputation. You can take more video photos of him for me. I promise that this person will play with you in the future."

After speaking, Meng Jiaqi left here. The leader of the gangster nodded, his entire attention was completely on Yingzhao, his eyes flashed with lewd and evil light.

He looked at Yingzhao in front of him with a confused appearance, and stepped forward, trying to unbutton Yingzhao. However, the buttons on his hand had only been undone a few times, and just as Yingzhao's delicate collarbone was exposed, the door outside was kicked open with a bang.

Then, a dozen burly people like bodyguards rushed in from the outside, and pushed the group of thugs in the room to the ground. After the group of bodyguards moved, Lin Yiting, who was in a wheelchair, entered the room.

Lin Yiting saw these gangsters who had been pinned to the ground and couldn't move, and then looked at Ying Zhao, who was lying on the bed with blushing cheeks and was completely unconscious, only to feel a storm in his heart.

Looking at Yingzhao's half-unbuttoned shirt and the bare chest, Lin Yiting's eyes immediately turned red.

If he hadn't arrived in time, he still didn't know what terrible things would happen to his boat. He looked at the gangsters on the ground as if he were looking at a group of dead people.

With a cold voice, he said to his subordinates: "Take all these people back."

After that, he drove his wheelchair to Yingzhao, pulled him over and carried him to his lap. Yingzhao in front of him was obvious. was drugged.

Lin Yiting thought of the person who had previously arranged for Yingzhao to report to him that Meng Jiaqi had brought him here, and his eyes suddenly burst into anger, and he could not wait to tear this person to pieces immediately.

It's just that the most important thing now is the person in his arms, so he hurriedly carried Yingzhao into the car and drove to the Lin family quickly. But on the way, Yingzhao has been writhing uneasy in his arms.