
Arc 13: Be Your Deacon (4)

Upon seeing this, Yingzhao hurriedly stood up, smoothed the wrinkles on his clothes, and planned to receive Fitch.

Demps on the side was quite upset to see Yingzhao like this.

I thought to myself that he is just a stinky brat, and he is worthy of such solemnity for his own baby.

It's just that Yingzhao hadn't gone out yet, and the door of the studio was opened by himself.

Fitch was a friend of the original owner Asa for many years. As the head of the Giovanni family, his status should not be underestimated.

Originally, he and the original owner were just acquaintances.

But after so many years of cooperation, the relationship between the two has become more and more intimate.

It can be said that Fitch and the Giovanni family have helped the original owner a lot over the years.

After all, although the Cappadocia family also has a very ancient and mysterious power.

But in comparison, in terms of business, no blood clan is the opponent of the Giovanni family.

The original owner hoped that he could help Demps make the clan stronger, and he would naturally have enough financial resources and status in modern times.

Even if no clan really lacks money, they still need to have a certain position on the bright side in order to be able to better deal with the occurrence of various situations.

For this, Asa has always been very grateful to Feige.

Demps has been sleeping for so many years, and the entire Cappadocia family is naturally the original owner.

And Feige often came to see Asa. After spending a long time together, he was very familiar with this villa.

After waiting in the living room for a while and no one was there, Feige decided to go straight to the studio to find someone.

I just didn't expect that after opening the door, I saw my friend with the old guy Demps who just woke up.

It wouldn't be surprising if Fitch thought Demps was an old guy.

Although they are all three generations of blood, Demps belongs to the first to become three generations.

So he was a few hundred years older than Feige.

In Feige's eyes, he was naturally much younger than Demps.

Aware of the strange atmosphere in the room, Fitch nodded lightly to Demps calmly.

Then he walked in front of Yingzhao, smiled at him and said, "Asa, you haven't seen me for a long time."

"How is the painting you promised me before?"

Feige said. At the same time, he reached out and patted Yingzhao's shoulder, with a look of anticipation written on his face.

When Yingzhao heard the other party's words, he briefly recalled the memory of the previous owner.

But I remembered that the original owner and Feige had talked about the business of the port of country H.

That's a piece of fat, but it's always been in the hands of the Giovanni family.

Feige deliberately wanted to let his friends step in and get a piece of the pie.

So he joked and said to him that he could let the Cappadocia family join in the cooperation, but asked Asa to help him paint a portrait as a reward.

Naturally, this is just a joke, the blood clan has accumulated a lot of wealth after a long and long history.

However, who would dislike more wealth, since there is such an opportunity, the original owner will naturally not let it go.

What's more, it's just a painting, and it's not difficult to follow the trend.

So Yingzhao smiled at Feiqi according to his memory and said, "I haven't drawn it yet. I will send someone to send it to you when it's finished."

Yingzhao has experienced countless worlds. At this moment, seeing Feiqi in front of him, he noticed To the love for himself hidden in his eyes.

Come to think of it, Fitch and Asa have been together for a long time, and it is quite normal to be admired by the aptitude of the original owner.

It's just that the original owner is not enlightened, has never been interested in this kind of thing, and has a serious cleanliness addiction.

And Feiqi, as an ordinary blood family, blood slaves, bed and companions, is innumerable, so the original owner will not have the idea of ​​​​deepening with him.

After all, the most important thing for the original owner in this world is to take good care of the Cappadocia family and deal with the things that Demps entrusted to him.

However, since Feige was one of the few people the original owner regarded as a friend, he naturally looked at him differently.

In particular, Fitch always took the initiative to come to Asa, and the two became more and more acquainted with each other.

So Fitch is also the only person other than Demps who can touch the original owner's clothes a little without being avoided.

Therefore, Yingzhao did not avoid Feiqi's pat on his shoulder, and after reading the memory, his impression of Feiqi was still good.

It's just that his natural reaction was changed in Demps' eyes.

Demps naturally knew how serious his cleanliness was.

Apart from being an extremely picky eater who is unwilling to touch blood, there is only Asa's cleanliness addiction, and he can't even touch the skin directly to suck blood.

But at this moment, Fitch patted his shoulder in front of him, but his sweetheart did not respond.

Even the face that had always been expressionless even showed a smile to the other party.

This made Demps feel a little tighter in his heart. He only felt that in the past, he always felt that the privilege of being able to touch the other party was not just for himself.

Also, has Asa promised to paint Fitch?

I thought I was the only one who could make the other person draw a portrait, but I didn't expect that someone would enjoy such treatment earlier than me.

The joy of just getting the portrait was instantly reduced by more than half, and Demps looked at Fitch with hatred in his eyes.

So, he is not the most special existence to Asa, is he?

Could it be that he is willing to be touched by himself just because of the obedience between master and servant!

Therefore, Asa's way of showing Fitch's true feelings is revealed. Could it be that he likes Fitch?

Thinking of this, there is a feeling of suffocation in the man's heart.

Paying attention to the natural interaction between Yingzhao and Feige before, Demps only felt jealous.

So he couldn't help but suddenly stepped forward and stood in front of Yingzhao.

Staring straight at Fitch, he said coldly to him: "Get out."

Demps' voice was deliberately coercive, causing Fitch to frown and take a step back.

Although he knew that the Prince of Blood had always been moody, but he clearly did not offend the other party.

Noticing Demps' possessive arms around Yingzhao's shoulders, Fitch narrowed his eyes.

He is very good at observing words and expressions, and seeing Demps' appearance at this moment, how could he not understand the other party's intentions.

It's just that Asa himself has been secretly loved for many years, how could he be willing to suddenly lose the opportunity.

They have known each other for a long time, and Fitch is very clear that Asa has only the master-servant friendship for Demps, and has no admiration for him.

In the past, Demps never behaved like this when he came to find each other.

So, what's up with this sudden hostility?

Could it be that the old guy Demps suddenly came to his senses?

Or maybe he just regarded Asa as his own.

Thinking of this, Feige, as the patriarch of the Giovanni family, did not intend to lose face.

He sneered at Demps: "Prince Demps, what do you mean?"

"Do you really regard Asa as your own?"

"You know, Asa and You are also a blood family of three generations, and you don't have to submit to you."

Demps tightened his arms suddenly when he heard Fitch's words.

Because he knew that what Fitch said was the truth.

Relationships are all selfish, and two men facing each other at this time naturally cannot tolerate each other's existence.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

Yingzhao looked at the gestures of Demps and Fitch, and helped his forehead helplessly.

After all, this attack by Demps is too abrupt.

He could only smile apologetically at Feiqi and say, "Feiqi, I'm sorry. You should go back first, I will visit the mansion when I have time."

Feiqi glanced at Yingzhao and knew that he was indeed Not the opponent of the opposite man.

He nodded and took a step back.

But then Feige took out a black compass from his pocket and handed it to Yingzhao.

He smiled and said to him: "Here! I remember Asa, you always wanted this black compass."

"When the necromancer was besieged by the church, I thought it was destroyed. I also saw it by chance a few days ago."

"I think If you mentioned it to me, I will help you stay."

Yingzhao's eyes lit up when he saw the item in his hand, the black compass is one of the most powerful instruments of the necromancer.

Although he is a third-generation blood clan now, he is very powerful even without this magic weapon.

However, the original owner always had a preference for necromancer artifacts and books. Yingzhao received the original owner's memory and naturally became interested in these things.

When I saw the black compass at this moment, I couldn't help but play it in my hand.

He knew that this thing must be very rare, and looked at it very preciously.

Even his normally expressionless face showed a very obvious smile. He said sincerely to Feiqi: "Thank you! I like it very much!"

Seeing Yingzhao's affectionate appearance, Feiqi showed a gentle smile.

He said softly: "If you like it, I have collected some books on the undead, I think you will also be interested."

"But I didn't bring it today. When you come to me, Asa, I will bring it to me. You."

Yingzhao nodded vigorously when he heard the words, saying that he would definitely visit the mansion when he had time, and he had been sent to the gate of the yard.

Demps followed Yingzhao the whole time, gnashing his teeth jealously as he watched the two people chatting like an intimate.

Seeing Demps like this, Fitch gave a contemptuous smile.

Then he gently said goodbye to Yingzhao before turning around and leaving.

Demps looked at Fitch's retreating back with a terribly depressed heart. He felt that this bastard had come fully prepared.

In this era, there are very few related instruments and books left by the Necromancer.

The other party was still able to collect these, obviously it was deliberately to please the people around him.

Thinking that he has been taken care of by the other party for so many years, but he has never given Asa any decent gifts.

Demps couldn't help but feel annoyed in his heart. He only felt that his loss in this game was particularly ugly, and his mood became more and more annoyed.

All the way back to the house from the gate of the villa garden, Demps didn't say a word.

I kept thinking about how to please my sweetheart in my mind, and unknowingly walked into the villa.

He subconsciously followed Yingzhao's side until he followed him back to his office.

Seeing Yingzhao looking at him with some doubts, Demps came back to his senses.

The man didn't say much, just sat on the sofa beside himself.

But seeing Yingzhao holding the black compass in his hand, he was obviously very precious.

Even carefully put it in a delicate box, and then stuffed it into the drawer on the right side of the desk.

Seeing Yingzhao so fond of this object that Fitch gave him, Demps' heart rose a little.

The mind was chaotic for a moment, and the man's eyes instantly became fierce.

Then he stood up abruptly and walked to Yingzhao's side.

He pulled his arm and trapped him in his arms, lowered his head and bit his sweetheart's lips fiercely.

The very presumptuous and heroic kiss made Yingzhao stunned for a moment.

But remembering the impression of the original owner of Demps in this small world, the other party has always been so moody.

Laughing one second, the next second the man may suddenly attack, not even knowing what bloody violence is about to happen.

But Demps seems to be doing this more than just his character.

Asa had heard that someone seemed to be holding back Demps when he was about to transform into a three-generation bloodline.

Contaminating his mind with cursed blood, Demps, like the vampires of the Morkawi clan, was unable to fully control his own mind.

It seems that the biggest problem with a lover in this world lies in his sanity and erratic behavior.

Although now the lover has not shown any particularly serious condition.

But with the original owner's blood clan memory for many years, he certainly knew what the Makarvi family was regarded by other clans.

They were called lunatics, and even the most loathsome were afraid of the family.

Although in the case of Demps, only a very small number of people know the secret.

Even in the past, because it is too old, it is impossible to find the initiator.

It is very likely that the person who did this has long since died in the previous holy war.

But the problems left at the moment cannot be ignored.

Yingzhao knows that her lover cannot control her emotions very well.

It should be because he just saw Fitch talking happily with himself, and became jealous.

Having experienced countless worlds, Yingzhao, who knows his lover's vinegar vase and brain-boosting attributes very well, sighed helplessly.

He simply snuggled into his lover's arms without the slightest resistance.

Even try to cooperate with the other party, trying to calm the other party's mind.

But what Yingzhao didn't know was that his obedience did not calm Demps' mind.

On the contrary, when the man enjoys the senses, he only feels a deep sadness in his heart.

Demps became more and more certain that Yingzhao must be so obedient because he was his master.

The more obedient the other party was, the more upset Demps was.

What if they were really together?

The union with only the body but no soul is not a kind of enjoyment at all for the person who loves each other deeply, but a kind of torment of despair.

Demps kissed Yingzhao, and his thoughts became more and more extreme.

He felt that the person in his arms must have liked Feige.

Otherwise, why should he treasure the gift that the other party gave him.

He is also willing to be touched by the other party, and even promises to paint the other party's portrait.

Does it mean that you will never get this person's heart?

Thinking of this, Demps felt unacceptable.

His heart throbbed, and it seemed that even breathing could bring pain to his limbs.

When exactly did Asa and Fitch become so close?

He clearly remembered that before he fell into a deep sleep, the person in his arms was not very familiar with that kid from the Giovanni family.

So, is it when you are falling asleep?

Why do you have to fall asleep!

Why haven't I stayed by this person's side for hundreds of years!

If he didn't choose to sleep, they would have been together now, and this person would already belong to him.

It was me who pushed my sweetheart away from me with my own hands!

The more Demps thought about it, the more insane he felt.

This person obviously should belong to him, and he is the one who has been by his side the longest.

They have been with them for countless days and nights. How can Demps be willing to let him hand over to others at this moment.

So, the man who clearly thought about going step by step has already confused all his thoughts with anger and jealousy.

He couldn't help hugging Yingzhao tightly, and asked angrily: "Do you really love him?"

"What?" Yingzhao was taken aback by Demps' sudden question.

Some people looked at the man in front of him, as if they didn't know what the other party was saying.

Demps couldn't control the anger in his heart, and roared in pain: "What's so good about that young boy?"

"Do you like him so much?"

"My lord, who are you talking about? Are you talking about Fitch? "

No, I don't like him, we are just friends!" Yingzhao looked at the man's crazy appearance and said quickly.

But Demps didn't seem to listen to what Yingzhao said at this time.

With red eyes, he opened the drawer next to Ying Zhao on his own, and squeezed the box with the black compass in his hand.

"Then why do you treasure this thing so much! Is it just because he gave it?" As the

man said, he clenched his fists hard, and the box in his hand was instantly crushed.

Yingzhao's eyes widened as he watched the black compass disappear in front of him.

On the surface, he was eager to explain to his lover that he really had nothing to do with Feige.

But Yingzhao's denial now turned into a favor for Feiqi in the eyes of the man.

He saw the flash of reluctance in Yingzhao's eyes, and only thought that it was because the other party loved Feiqi deeply.

Even reluctant to give him something.

Demps thought with great pain in his heart, does his sweetheart care about that Fitch so much?

The other party denied his feelings for him because he knew that the boy's strength was not up to him. Was it to protect him?

"Why do you love him? Obviously we have been together the longest!"

Demps closed his eyes in pain, and unconsciously said what was in his heart.

It's just that Yingzhao heard his lover's words, but the corners of his mouth twitched violently.

I have already explained it like this, but what the hell is this brain repairing emperor thinking?

Seeing her lover's apparently insane appearance, Yingzhao knew that it was useless to deny anything at this moment.

Even if he tried his best to appease the man, the other party would think that he was the servant's obedience to the master because of the racial characteristics of the blood race.

Thinking of this, the brilliance in Ying Zhao's eyes flashed.

Then he slowly raised his head, his expression returning to his previous indifference.

He pursed his lips and said to Demps in a dry voice: "So, your lord, are you questioning the relationship between me and Feige?"

"Does your lord not want me to have contact with other people?"

"But Between you and Miss Jian, my lord... I'm sorry, I've overstepped."

When talking about Jian Jinghan, Ying Zhao deliberately paused, making herself appear to be extremely patient.

Then he lowered his eyes and said softly to the man: "If the adults don't like it, I will keep my distance from others in the future."

Demps just heard Yingzhao ask about the relationship between himself and Jian Jinghan, and this was a sudden shock. Come back to your senses.

His sanity recovered a little.

Looking at the person in his arms, although his face was expressionless, his eyes were slightly red, and his lips were tightly pursed into a straight line.

Suddenly, I felt as if I had captured some long-awaited situation.

He couldn't help but asked Yingzhao, "Yingtan, you are asking about me and Miss Jian!"

"Do you think I have anything to do with that woman?"

"Are you jealous?

" Hope rose in Si's heart, he swallowed, and said the words in his heart with some trepidation.

Then he stared at Yingzhao's eyes, not wanting to miss even the slightest expression on the other side.

At this time, Yingzhao heard Demps' words, his body was obviously stiff for a moment, and he shook his head at his lover.

Seeing this, the man just felt disappointed when he heard the man in his arms say to him in a low voice, "No sir."

"I'm just your deacon, I belong to you, and I dare not have such emotions towards the master. "

Don't worry, I will definitely do my part."

"I will keep my distance from other people in the future, and I will not hinder you and Miss Jane."

"Just please, don't bore me."

Yingzhao's voice was fast Extremely slow, especially at the end, there was even a hint of choking in the voice.

That kind of heartbroken and forbearing state is vividly interpreted by Yingzhao.

Demps, who has been watching him nervously at this moment, naturally also noticed the state of the person in his arms.

Immediately, there was an indescribable excitement in his heart.

The person in his arms cares about himself!

He is jealous of his relationship with that woman!

I just didn't expect that the other party would see his status so humble, and even begged him not to bore him.

How could you be bored, how could you be bored with your own baby.

You know, you clearly love him and can't wait to melt him into your own blood.

Demps was ecstatic, but then he remembered what he had done just now.

What the hell did you just do!

Treating your sweetheart so rudely and questioning him like that!

He was forced to be stiff, almost choked up.

He is clearly such a cold and powerful person, but at the moment he is in his arms.

His eyes were red and he looked fragile.

Although Demps felt that such a British move was very fascinating, he felt more distressed for the people in his arms.

The man hugged Yingzhao tightly, and now he wanted to confirm the other's intentions more and more.

So Demps couldn't help lowering his head, leaned into Yingzhao's ear and kept asking, "Yingtan, you love me, don't you?"