
Arc 13: Be Your Deacon (3)

"Demps, did you hear me? Hey!"

Demps was interrupted by a sudden shout.

Jian Jinghan on the side seemed a little dissatisfied with his distraction, and raised his voice slightly.

The memory was suddenly interrupted, the man was dissatisfied and turned his head subconsciously.

The sight is as sharp as a falcon, and the aura of the superior pours out.

The hostess trembled involuntarily.

At this time, Demps came back to his senses and immediately showed a warm smile.

As if the stern person just now didn't exist, he nodded to Jian Jinghan and said with a smile, "I heard everything Miss Jian just said."

"You mean the new set of jewelry from the British brand, right? I also think it's a good match for you.

"I'll let Ying Tan send you a set. "

The Yingtan that Demps said was naturally the pseudonym of the original owner Asa. After the

original owner established the British group in H country, he dabbled in a lot of business with the help of the Giovanni family. The

most famous ones are jewelry and real estate . Category one.

The jewelry of the British group is very famous. It is famous for its sense of design and is touted by celebrities.

Jian Jinghan also lived in the villa for a few days and found out that the original owner turned out to be the chairman of the British group.

But In her eyes, the original owner is just the helm in name.

She believes that the real boss behind the scenes is actually Demps.

It's just that Demps is a low-key person and doesn't want to sit in that position. He

lived in the villa during this time . Here, Jian Jinghan lived a luxurious life that she never dared to imagine in the past.

She felt that Demps seemed to have a good opinion of her, and was proud of it.

After getting a lot of benefits from the other party, he wants to catch Demps more and more.

At this moment, I got what I wanted again, and the heroine didn't say anything more.

She fantasizes about how she will be praised and envied by the people around her when she wears those jewels.

Demps lowered his eyes to hide the irony in his eyes when he saw the woman on the opposite side.

It's just a woman who loves vanity, why did I think this woman was beautiful and refined in the past.

Really blind, the other party is completely inferior to Asa outside.

A while ago, he seemed to be bewildered, suspecting that his feelings for that woman might be somewhat different from other people's.

Thinking about it now, it's like being possessed, it's just an illusion.

At this time, Demps was soberly aware that something was really wrong before.

It was as if someone had deliberately manipulated his mind, causing him to have some impossible ideas.

But fortunately, now he has woken up.

Thinking of this, a gloom flashed across the man's eyes, but he planned to remain calm for the time being.

After all, maybe the woman opposite is not as simple as it seems.

He is the head of the Cappadocia clan.

Will someone take the opportunity to want to use this woman to confuse and use themselves.

If so, it's better to keep this person by your side than danger in an unknown place.

It's just that I don't know if Asa noticed.

Maybe don't tell him about it for now.

Even if he didn't fully understand the reason, Demps subconsciously wanted to protect Yingzhao.

So, the man still kept his gentle appearance to Jian Jinghan, and chatted and laughed with her.

Surprise this woman with ease with a few off-the-shelf promised gifts.

After that, he was very gentlemanly sent back to the door of the room.

Just before the two separated, Jian Jinghan deliberately held Demps' arm very vaguely.

He thanked him softly and said, "Demps, thanks to your care these days, you are really kind to me!"

Demps smiled and shook his head, his eyes filled with tenderness.

Very gentlemanly, he said to the hostess, "This is what I should do."

It was only after Jian Jinghan entered the room and the door was closed.

Demps' original soft expression disappeared in an instant, replaced by a deep coldness in his eyes.

He frowned, patted the spot on his sleeve that was held by Jian Jinghan just now, as if he wanted to pat something dirty, then turned around and left without hesitation.

After leaving, Demps immediately found the garden.

Thinking of how beautiful the scene where Yingzhao was tending flowers and plants in the garden just now was so beautiful, the man is now full of this person.

He wanted to see Yingzhao, to find this guy who disturbed his mood.

It's just that he looked for a long time in the garden, but he couldn't find Yingzhao.

Mingming had paid special attention to it when he left just now, that person was there.

How did it disappear in such a short period of time.

Demps was a little irritable, and for the first time, he was a little worried that his mansion was too wide.

So annoyed, the man had to ask the other servants in the house. Fortunately, someone saw Yingzhao heading towards the upstairs studio.

Demps heard the words and hurried to look for it immediately.

Pushing open the door of the studio, I saw that the person I was thinking of was in the room.

The other party's back was still straight, and his slender hands, wearing white gloves, were orderly packing up the painting tools at hand.

Demps knew that Asa would normally draw, which seemed to be his hobby.

I have to say that, as a blood race, many of the original owner's behaviors and lifestyles are extremely human-like.

Originally, the man didn't care about this, but at this moment, he wanted to understand the man who had been by his side for many years.

But now looking at the busy figure of the man on the opposite side, it is clear that the other side is not simply sorting things out.

Instead, it was like packing luggage and carrying all these utensils out.

Seeing this, Demps couldn't help but open his mouth in doubt, and asked Yingzhao, "Asa, why do you want to move these things away? Isn't it bad here?"

Demps looked at the well-lit room, imagining The person on the opposite side was sitting gracefully in front of the stool and holding up a paintbrush, unconsciously yearning for such a scene.

He just asked his own words, but no one responded for a long time.

"Asa!" Demps approached Yingzhao with some doubts, but found that the other party was packing things.

In fact, it seems to be doing mechanical movements, and his thoughts have long been wandering, and he is actually in a daze.

Looking at the person who is usually meticulous, he will be in a daze when packing his things.

Demps couldn't help but curled the corners of his lips, he just thought such a British move was very cute.

The blank look in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking, made the man's heart tremble inexplicably.

I just feel that the person opposite to me has always been very vigilant in my impression, and I didn't expect that there will be such a time.

I don't know if this is the case when Riasa is doing things on weekdays, and he is in a daze while busy. Really cute!

It wasn't until Demps looked at it for a long time that the person opposite came back to his senses.

The man looked at Yingzhao and blinked at himself in a daze, with a smile on his face.

He smiled lightly at Yingzhao and said, "What are you thinking? You didn't even notice when I came here?"

In fact, the reason why Yingzhao lost his mind just now was because Xiaobai in the sea of ​​knowledge told him that he felt Bai Rui's relationship with him. His call may have to leave a little.

This is the first time Xiaobai has been in this situation, and he was called to leave the small world, which made Yingzhao a little puzzled.

But he wanted Bai Rui to offer to recruit Xiao Bai back, there must be an emergency, so he agreed without hesitation.

It's just that although Xiaobai said that he would come back as soon as possible, after all, the flow rate in reality is not the same as in the small world.

I don't know how long it will take until Xiaobai comes back to this small world.

Because of the episode of discussing with Xiaobai, and the habit and dependence on the lover's breath, Yingzhao just didn't notice Demps next to him.

Hearing the man's question at this moment, Yingzhao immediately blushed and said apologetically, "Sorry, my lord!"

Demps couldn't bear the throbbing in his heart when he saw the person on the other side blushing because he was caught by him. move.

He leaned over and placed a light kiss on Yingzhao's forehead, but did not ask any further questions.

However, Yingzhao took the initiative to stop the work at hand and asked Demps: "Sir, why are you here? Do you have any orders?"

He asked what orders he had!

Demps frowned, staring at Yingzhao beside him.

Dress meticulously, with impeccable etiquette.

These words, which have been asked countless times, are only regarded as commonplace by Demps on weekdays.

But at this moment, he couldn't hold back the irritability in his heart.

I always feel that the person opposite should not be so respectful to me.

They should obviously be closer and have a closer relationship!

Demps couldn't deny his heart.

He knew very well that he had a different feeling for this bloodline Asa who had followed him for many years.

The reason why he would do things like blood-sucking and kissing to this person is not purely similar to the desire between blood races.

Rather, he truly wants to treat this person as his lover and eternal companion.

Although this feeling is a bit abrupt, Demps takes it for granted.

After all, they've known each other for so many years, and they probably just didn't have a real enlightenment in the past.

Thinking of the illusion that he had just realized that he was being controlled by some kind of power, he had an illusion about Jian Jinghan.

No wonder that feeling always makes my heart feel inconsistent and resisted.

The false feeling is so vulnerable, Demps is more determined to like the person in front of him.

Because he realized that when he really fell in love with a person, the surging love couldn't be suppressed at all.

Therefore, this person is the partner he really wants to spend the rest of his life pursuing and pampering.

When I figured out what I wanted in my mind, Templeton suddenly became enlightened.

But when he looked at Yingzhao, his eyes narrowed slightly.

He knew it couldn't be rushed.

Because for the blood race, the meaning of a partner is very different, after all, their lives are extraordinarily long.

If it is just a simple relationship, the other party may choose to obey himself.

Because the other party has already recognized himself as the master, generally speaking, he will not object to such a request from the master.

But Demps also understands that he wants more than obedience in the face of the man across from him.

He wants this person to love himself and truly fall for himself, just as he is obsessed with him.

Thinking of this, the man couldn't help but get closer to Yingzhao, and hugged each other ambiguous.

Feeling the other party's thin waist, he showed a smile that he thought was very attractive.

He said to Yingzhao, "I don't have anything to order. I just want to know, what is my Asa doing?"

"Don't you usually paint here? Why did you suddenly move out?" "

Yingzhao felt the ambiguity of the other party towards him, raised his eyebrows, and did not comment on his lover's clumsy and provocative tactics.

He just nodded lightly and replied, "Miss Jian asked me this morning and asked me to turn this room into a piano room."

"Miss Jian said she wanted to practice the piano here, so I'm packing up my drawing tools."

Deng Pusi couldn't help frowning when he heard this, this room has always been used as a studio by the people in his arms.

Why did Jian Jinghan suddenly ask Asa to turn this house into a piano room?

Besides, this is obviously her baby's house, what right does that woman have to say that she will rebuild it!

Do you really consider yourself the owner of this villa?

Seeing Demps' doubts, Yingzhao took the initiative to explain to him, "Miss Jane said that she thinks this room has good lighting and can see the garden directly.

" The piano and other necessary utensils are all placed."

"The room will be re-arranged according to Miss Jian's instructions."

Who knew that as soon as Yingzhao's voice fell, the man bit his lips hard, obviously already Angry.

At this moment, Demps is really angry, and he is clearly still indignant by the people in his arms.

So what did his baby think of him?

Do you think he frowned to blame him for not doing everything quickly according to the woman's instructions?

Thinking of the previous days, he and Jian Jinghan did seem to have some ambiguity, and it was not surprising that the person on the opposite side would misunderstand.

However, why didn't the sweetheart react at all with jealousy!

Did Asa never like him at all?

Thinking of this, Demps felt a little sullen, and said to Yingzhao with a cold face: "No need! This room will be your studio!"

"As for the piano room, just choose another room for her."

"But?" Yingzhao heard the man's words and showed an embarrassed look.

Demps saw that his sweetheart hesitated because of this trivial matter, so he simply pinched the chin of the person in his arms.

Let him look directly into his eyes and say, "Don't you listen to what I say?"

"If she asks, she will say that it is my order. As for what request that Miss Jane makes of you in the future, you don't need to. All satisfied!"

Ying Zhao heard the words and raised his lips slightly, nodded to Demps, and couldn't help but praised his man.

Demps saw that his sweetheart finally showed a smile, and felt that he must have just dealt with it to satisfy the baby.

He hurriedly approached Yingzhao, kissed his earlobe ambiguous, and said softly, "Asa, I remember you all these years, you have always been a pseudonym Yingtan."

Yingzhao heard what Demps said. He nodded, not understanding why the man suddenly mentioned his pseudonym.

Hearing the words, the man showed a gentle smile to himself.

While playing with his fingertips, he said softly with a soft expression: "I just think this name is very nice."

"Yingtan, Ying... It really suits you!"

"I like this name very much, and I will give it to you in the future. Calling you like that, okay?"

Demps lowered his head and rubbed the tip of Yingzhao's nose.

The loving action and the doting tone made Ying Zhao's heart tremble.

He couldn't help thinking, this is his lover in countless worlds, and there is only one self who is full of eyes.

The sullenness due to the interaction between the lover and the heroine before disappeared in an instant.

So Yingzhao nodded immediately, and curved his eyebrows to express his preference for Demps to call him that.

The man felt the suppleness of the person in his arms, and kissed Yingzhao's lips again.

Then he picked up the paintings on the side and praised them while admiring them, almost praising Yingzhao to the sky.

In fact, Demps is not exaggerating too much. After all, the original owner regarded painting as a hobby long ago.

In so many years of long life, no matter who will hone a good painting skills.

Demps couldn't help but think of the picture he had imagined before when the person opposite him was sitting on a chair and painting.

To this Yingzhao, he said, "Yingtan, can you paint a portrait for me?"

Yingzhao did not expect that his lover would suddenly make such a request, and agreed without hesitation.

Thinking that the original owner actually painted quite a few portraits of Demps in private.

But he didn't have any other thoughts, he was just doing portrait exercises.

After all, for the original owner, the most familiar person is Demps.

However, if another person sees the densely packed paintings of Demps in the original master bedroom, he will definitely feel that the original master is deeply infatuated with each other.

As for the current person being replaced by Yingzhao, he is even more familiar with his lover than the original owner is with Demps.

Therefore, even if a man is not sitting opposite him, even if he can't see anyone, Yingzhao can quickly outline the image of his lover.

Demps watched the person sitting opposite him sitting in front of the easel, picked up the pen and watched his painting carefully, his throat tightened.

Sure enough, it was as attractive as I imagined.

Rather than saying that he wants the other person to paint a picture for himself, it is better to say that the man wants to collect the Yingzhao in the painting.

The way he looked at himself with such concentration made the man extremely satisfied.

Demps felt really thirsty. He wanted Yingzhao to focus all of his attention on himself.

In the bottom of my heart, I screamed wildly: just look at me like this! keep looking at me! Never look away!

This feeling of being watched by a loved one makes the man unable to resist the blood rushing up his body.

This made him have to turn sideways, and seemingly casually folded his legs to hide his embarrassment.

But even so, he still enjoyed the time surrounded by Yingzhao's eyes.

It's just that this good feeling didn't last long, and the person on the opposite side had already finished the painting, which surprised Demps.

After he heard Yingzhao tell him that it was finished, he stood up immediately and walked to the easel excitedly.

Admiring his own portrait, the man was even more amazed.

I just feel that my sweetheart is really talented, I didn't expect the painting to be so vivid.

The self in the painting looks flamboyant and casual, but it is difficult to hide the charm.

The half-smile eyes seem to be looking at the person outside the painting, and even make people feel a heartbeat.

So, is this the image of yourself in Ying Tan's heart?

People say that paintings reflect a person's psychology, is that true? In fact, the sweetheart also thinks that he is very attractive.

Thinking of this, Demps picked up the painting very preciously.

Gratefully, he leaned over and kissed Yingzhao's cheek, and said to him, "Thank you! Yingtan, I really like this painting. I want to hang it in my bedroom!"

Yingzhao smiled upon hearing this. Nodding, he was actually quite satisfied with the painting.

I even thought in my heart that I would paint a few more pictures of my lover in the present world and hang them in the room.

Seeing that Demps didn't wait for the painting to dry, he happily took it back to his room.

Yingzhao couldn't help snickering when he said that the painting would be hung up as soon as it was finished.

It's just a painting, the other party has become like this, but this is in line with the style of his man in the past.

After all, since so many worlds, every time you give your lover anything, the other party will cherish it very much.

This is also something that makes Yingzhao very moved.

Demps, who had put the painting away, hurried back quickly, only to find that Yingzhao had begun to continue other paintings.

The process of painting just now aroused Yingzhao's interest. Looking at the scenery outside the window, he began to paint it unconsciously.

Seeing this, Demps did not disturb Yingzhao.

He moved a chair to Yingzhao's side and gently surrounded him from behind.

Looking at Yingzhao's focused expression, the man's expression became softer and softer.

Infrequently, a few tender kisses fell on Yingzhao's cheek.

A warm and quiet atmosphere lingered between the two of them.

Some love can be deeply felt without swearing.

Because that's something that can't be hidden in the details of behavior and eyes.

The warm breath sprayed on his ears, and the brush on Ying Wa's hand slowed down unconsciously.

He was also infected by this warm and beautiful atmosphere, turning his head with blushing cheeks, and looking at his lover beside him.

Demps looked at Yingzhao like this, thinking of what they had not done before, his mouth was dry, and he lowered his head and wanted to find Yingzhao's lips.

Who knew that just after touching that Wen Ruan, he heard the voice of a servant from outside the door, and said to Yingzhao: "Sir, are you there? Master Feiqi is looking for you." The

sudden voice destroyed the charming The atmosphere, Demps gritted his teeth unhappily.

Realizing that the person who came was now the current owner of the Giovanni family, Fitch, he didn't stop, instead he didn't give up and kissed Yingzhao again.

I thought in my heart, anyway, no one should try to stop me from getting close to my baby.

I just don't know what the kid from Giovanni's family is doing to find his sweetheart.

He could only turn his head to Demps with a pleading look in his eyes.

When the man looked at Yingzhao's soft eyes, he lost all principles in an instant.

With a helpless sigh in my heart, I had to compromise obediently and let go of my arm.