
(Being Remade) Living Singularity | Male x MHA Harem

Y/N Neo Sekai the Gravity User in the world of MHA, will he be able to change it's fate, will he found out who he is, and will he find out why the world is different from what he knew.

DarkTheLibrarian · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Entrance Exam - Season 1 - Chapter 5

So question, I do (this) a lot to mention notes and things, would you guys prefer if I instead did it like this {1} and add a section at the bottom where the note goes for more organization, I'm gonna do it for this chapter to see how you guys like it.


MC POV (10 Months Later)

I gaze up at the yellow reinforced cement wall. Around me the whispers and yells of excited teens can be heard, the howls of excitement and murmuring of nervousness echoing in my ear as I steel myself. My eyes sharpen as I take a step forward. {1}

I'm wearing a black T-shirt, blue jeans, and a zip-up hoodie, thankfully there aren't any rules on clothing for the entrance exam as I would much rather just be comfortable than anything. (6)

Entering the Entrance Exam I find my seat and wait for everything to start.

--- (Mini Skip)

A man with blond slick backed, and raised hair walks on stage, a mini speaker set attached around his neck, along with glasses and headphones to match. He's wearing black leather fingerless gloves, a leather jacket with elbow guard and shoulder pads, black pants, and black boots.

"Welcome to today's live performance" the man yells loudly, seemingly not needing a mic to reach the whole room. "Everybody say 'Hey'!" {2}

...The entire room stays quiet, I almost feel bad for the guy... almost.

"Well that's cool my little listeners! I'm here to present the guidelines of your practical! Are you ready! YEAH!!" again silence.

In the practical exam, after students finish their written exam they will be thrown into one of seven mock battle arenas will they will then fight robots to get villain points for destroying a robot, the points dependent on the specific robot number, the only robot not giving any is robot 4.

The only other way to obtain points are the secret categories. First Hero Points, the points are given for saving others. There are also probably more that depends on the student. After all, they wouldn't let a student who could warp reality or nuke countries easily just walk away because they couldn't get the courage to destroy a simple robot.

Present Mic, as the hero's named, finishes explaining his version of the test as he is rudely interrupted by a talking boy with dark blue hair and red eyes. {3}

He states something about forgetting the zero pointers and the school's reputation before yelling at Izuku who's a couple of rows away.

'God, do you not know how to read? This is a test you aren't gonna be given the answers, and it's rude to yell at people who are murmuring out of anxiety, no one else seems bothered by it.' I stare at Ida from my seat, my head resting on my hand as I choose to ignore him instead of correct him.

Papers start being handed out, it seems I zoned out while complaining about my fellow future classmate.


MC POV {4}

Ground Beta, standing outside the closed gates I noticed a couple of people mainly Mina Ashido, Ojiro something, and the dethatching chick from 1-B (Setsuna Tokage).

I'm aware I'm probably gonna take someone from canon's place, from what I remember Ojiro and Lizard Lady aren't too important to the main overall world, should I focus on taking one of their positions or let it be up to fate?

The doors slowly start opening to reveal the whole city as everyone gets prepared to dash.

「Grav Release, Repulsion」{5}

Exploding forward causing a heavy shockwave I fly past everyone hearing their cries of "unfairness" or "he's leaving early, disqualify him" and more.

"What are you all waiting for go go go, heroes don't wait on timers."

Immediately taking to the rooftops I dash from building to building with blinding speed. Finding my first set of robots a 2 Pointer and a 3 Pointer. {7}

I jump into the air raising my right foot, 「Gravity x10」, I instantly drop onto the 2 Pointer with a heavy kick, shattering it with a single blow. Twisting my still planter right leg I immediately revert back to my speed state, lowering my body into a jumping position I reach my left arm down lowering the gravity on part of the destroyed robot as I jump into the air with its metallic arm.

Flying over the 3 Pointer I spike the arm at it while increasing gravity only on the arm, destroying its head immediately. Using my air momentum I kick off onto another building.

This same cycle happens for another 5 minutes, destroying one robot before using its remains as a weapon while doing my best to avoid other contestants or destruction of property.

A loud rumbling sound can be heard as the floor beneath me starts shaking, almost losing my footing on a recently destroyed 1 Pointer, a huge mech that towers over the buildings appears, the 0 Pointer.

Many people start running away, some screaming, some just yelling about unfairness. 'This is a hero test, not all villains are easy, god what do they expect' I mutter in my head.

I stare towards the 0 Pointer noticing a couple trying to take it down, specifically Ojiro who is standing on a building fighting its right arm and what seems to be sound waves holding it back as a figure is running from it.

The tail boy ends up getting smacked away with by its right arm, I immediately dash to intercept his fall, catching his now unconscious body, 'Is that all it took to take him out' I momentarily check his body as I notice his temple bleeding. {8}

The robot continues its onslaught as I jump back onto the roof of a nearby building as two floating hands and a female head fly right by me.

"Hand him over I can get him out of here" A head of long green hair stares at me.

"...." I stare at the floating head for a second before handing Ojiro's body over before immediately turning around and dashing at the 0 Pointer sending a kick to its center.

I land on the floor below me, "45 SECONDS LEFT" a loud voice enters my ear as I raise my hand 「Repulsing」a punch that was thrown at me from the robot.

I jump into the air as high as I can stretching out my left hand using 「Attractive」energy to pull in some destroyed robots into the air.

'As much as I would love to pull the 0 Pointer and dunk it, it's best to not destroy the nearby city, so let's use another fun trick.'

Clapping my two hands together as the robot bodies continue to fly towards me I start drawing energy into the center of both my hands.

I slowly pull apart my hands as a small orb is seemingly created. I grasp this orb in my right hand before stretching my hand out palm first, firing it towards the oncoming robots as the ball expands mid-flight, all the robots being pulled towards its center as they start crumpling together.

I immediately blast towards the ball grabbing it mid-air before reshaping it into a new form, guiding the energy along the outside, as if acting mold for the metal it reshapes into a highly dense spear.

I real my arm back with energy crackling all around the spear, adding a special 'present' to it before chucking the spear-like object.

「Grav Spear, x10 Gravity」

The spear stabs straight through its head, never exiting. A couple of seconds pass before-

「Delayed Repulsions」

A huge repulsive energy explodes from inside the robot, destroying all its internal parts immediately.

I slowly fall back to the floor landing on a nearby street. "TEST ARE OVER", Present Mic's voice can be heard as a loud beep follows it.

I immediately start heading towards the exit, whipping sweat off my forehead I notice the same chick still holding Ojiro, though this time with a full body.

"Thanks for getting him out of there" I calmly say as I slowly approach the two, her head immediately looking towards me.

A grin appears on her face "Not a problem was just glad to help, plus it looks like you had it covered with the beating you gave the thing", her voice holds a lot of confidence to it, 'seems nice'.

"I'm just glad that everyone's all right, beating that thing was just the best thing to do at the time" As I say this a couple of robot workers come over and pick up Ojiro's body.

"Names Setsuna, Setsuna Tokage" She stretches her hand out as I shake it.

"L/N Y/N, but I prefer to go by my first name" I answer back. She nods at this before the intercom comes on. {9}

"All students please exit the campus, letters will be sent in 2 weeks" a cheery male (?) voice calls out, 'must be Nezu'.

"Well let's get going" Setsuna calls out as she starts walking away, waving her in a calling-over fashion.

I quickly follow, "So what kind of do you have" I glance down towards her.

"Gravity Manipulation and you?", she momentarily halts staring at me before continuing.

"Nothing as strong as that, Lizard Tail Splitter, my body can separate into multiple pieces" she states with a bit of pride in her voice.

"Seems extremely useful, maybe not as strong as mine, but still very useful". We quickly find ourselves at the entrance of the school. She turns to me "It was nice meeting you, hope to see you in class".

"You too, be seeing you" I wave her off as I head back to the orphanage.

What a day...


Sorry if the fight scene's were weird, I'm not used to writing them, also sorry if the Gravity Spear was over the top, I mainly wanted to show the MC's control over his quirk more than his raw output as he is trained in stamina and skill with his quirk, he has yet to train his raw output yet due to the destruction it would cause. Can't turn Musutafu into Konoha... Yet.... Maybe.

I'm thinking of adding a chapter with character images that the MC has met, but I'm a bit reluctant as photos would take Wi-Fi to load, and at that point you could all just google it, opinions?

Also soon, maybe next chapter I plan on doing the final poll of Harem characters as anyway still invested into the story deserves the final vote plus I hadn't added Nana Shimura yet... I think (Most likely wrong). So far there is only 1 confirmed character to it, Miruko, why? Bias reasoning, that's all. Any female character can be requested, I will make a chapter dedicated to listing all possible Harem members, including characters requested, and ones possibly forgotten.

Final thing, so things are gonna be changing in some the lore, new things will pop up. I have a bunch of ideas, but I want to hear some cool changes that you think a character needs, or deserved in canon but never got. After all this is your story too.

Question of the Chapter: Favorite Adult Pro-Hero.

Casual Comments

Constructive Criticism

{1} - Almost exact copy from chapter 1 :)

{2} - Present Mic talks and yells simultaneously, there are times when he really yells SUPER loudly, Mic's regular dialogue will be with bolded text to emphasize when he is just talking with bass in his voice or pseudo yelling, or more simply his natural talking type.

{3} - Ida canonically has red eyes in the manga.

{4} - Should I stop adding the POV, and only use it when there is a POV change or...

{5} - I figured writing moves occasionally would be nice, he has only used his quirk once before on Bakugou but I never properly stated how he used and instead used context clues to show he did, but I do wanna show when he is using moves on occasion. Also I don't know if I ever stated it but he normally has gravity increased on him when he is in private as public quirk usage isn't allowed, his gravity increase isn't much as to not strain his body, but it's there.

{6} - this was added late as I forgot to explain what the MC is wearing, remember his appearance is up to you except that he's 5"10.

{7} - I'm considering 1/2/3 Pointer to be their names, this is just an explanation as to why I type numbers normally in their letter format but not for these guys.

{8} - Area above the ear, it's very sensitive and gives concussions easily, and heavy blows can immediately render somebody out cold.

{9} - Japanese is last/family name then first name, basically Tokage is actually her first name, like Izuku is Midoriya's first name. (Note I was actually wrong, I was looking at their English Counterparts who use First/Last name, but when listening to Sub they do it Last/First and I forget they changed it in the Dub version, so Setsuna would be her first name)

2089 Words

I'm adding this after publishing the Chapter, possible cover picture what do you all think, The picture is AI generated.