
II: A tragedy

You ditch your make-up, gathered your things, and ran out of the house without even tying your shoelaces. You arrive at the intersection and you see mark, all smiley and excited to hug you. It's a green light to cross and mark tells you to. You jokingly teased him and told him that he should cross the road instead of you. You saw him actually starting to cross, so you naturally expect him to go to you. You notice your shoelaces untied, so you bend over to tie it. The next thing you hear, shocks you.

You hear a loud thud. Car horns. And a lady infront of you, on the ground. You check on her and thankfully she's concious. For a moment you felt relieved because you thought she got hit by a car.

...that was until

...you saw mark

...laying on the ground, unconcious.

It turns out, he was the one who got hit by a car. You freeze for a moment and you rush towards mark. You check on him. Pupils are dilated. There isn't any blood, so you worry about the risks of hemorrhage. Worst case scenario, concussion, traumatic brain injury,

...or death.

You hurriedly call an ambulance and try to wake mark up, all teary.


the ambulance arrives and takes him to the hospital with you. You immediately call his members and they all rush to the hospital.

The members arrive, seeing you all teary and exhausted from crying.