
III: Regrets, Anger, and Blame

Jaehyun walks up to you and sits beside you while the other members give you space.

j: how's mark? is he gonna be okay?

y/n: I checked on him, there are many risks. I really hope he's gonna be okay. He should and he will be okay. I can't do this without him.

j: it's gonna be okay. We're here for you. He was planning on proposing to you tonight. He was so excited to see you

You show Jaehyun the box that you found on the ground beside Mark... it had a ring inside. You get even more teary with only two things currently on your mind- praying for Mark to be okay

...and blaming yourself for the accident.

y/n: It's my fault.

j: how?

y/n: I told him to come to me instead of crossing the street to go to him. I shouldn't have done that... I saw him, all excited and happy, yet the next second, he was lying there, on the cold hard ground, unconcious, because of me. I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT I SHOULDN'T HAVE

You get angrier at yourself. Jaehyun tries to tell you that it isn't your fault.

j: stop crying. It isn't your fault. You have to stay strong, for mark

y/n: If anything bad happens to him...

I won't forgive myself.