

Reborn as a god in the endless multiverse filled with infinite possibilities. What kind of path will he walk on? Will he bring salvation or destruction to this endless reality? (A/N : MC is son of Odin and brother of Hela. He is born before Odin's conquest of Nine Realms. He comes under chaotic neutral faction and this universe is not MCU)

Andrewjones · Films
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8 Chs

The Advent of Phoenix

[ Midgard, Solar System, Milky Way ]

Midgard is a very complex place with various forces fighting for the domanince over this planet. The most developed and powerful human force of them are Atlantis and Lemuria civilization, where magic and technology coexist.

The prosperity of this civilizations is unmatched around the world. But, outside this two civilizations, the rest of the world is still far behind of the times. This is because the ideas and morals of this era, which are far different from the future where knowledge is shared among all. 

These places still struggle to survive with the limited resources due to the backward development of civilization. As, conflicts always arise between various groups for a myriad of reasons. People walk on the edge of life and death almost every day. They also dream of entering the two paradises on the known land.

This is until one does not take into consideration of the gods in the world. The extraordinary people with their own power are still so vulnerable under the power of the gods. So, they can do nothing and accept their fate under the power of the gods. Only the two civilizations have some power to resist the gods under their combined efforts.

This is an era in history where the law of the jungle reins supreme. 

In an unremarkable village in the european continent, which is inhabited by the extraordinary people with their own unique power.

A red-haired woman sat in the ruins of the village. She held the body of a man in her arms. Surrounding her were various mutilated bodies with organs hanging out of them and the crimson blood flowing out of them. 

The ground was dyed crimson due to the blood. The very moon in the sky seemed to resonate with this place, as the moon also turned crimson for a fleeting moment.

The red-haired woman still sat in the ruins without any moment. Her pupils were devoid of any emotions. But those pupils never left the corpse of the man lying in her arms. But contrarily, She kept muttering some inexplicable words that were filled with pain and confusion.

"It's all my fault....."

She murmured finally, as she looked at the crimson blood in her hands with empty pupils.

She sat in the position where the crimson moon was behind her, illuminating this scene with its crimson brilliance, thus showing the ending of another tragic story of this era.

But, slowly within her, a primordial force is awakening.

Her murmurs suddenly went silent, as her red pupils became black. It didn't stop her as it spread to the rest of her eyes. Until, all of her eyes became deep black that was only filled with instinct for destruction.

Those black eyes were not empty of emotion as before. As, they are now filled with deep malice. The endless malice even materialized into the black energy which errupted from her figure.

But still, the red haired woman sat without moving, even in this state. Her black eyes never left the corpse of the man in her arms.

Her black eyes seemed to be struggling at the moment, as there seemed to be some emotion other than malice, appearing in her black eyes when she gazed at the corpse.

But various red lines started appearing on her face, it vaguely looked like veins. But, within it was endless comsic energy that was coursing through it.

The remaining sanity of the red-haired woman was swallowed at that moment. She looked at the night sky with black eyes. As the behind her, a phantom of fiery red wings slowly started materializing.

At that moment, she stood up with her beloved corpse in her hands. Her black eyes looked at the crimson moon in the sky.

Then, she screamed, venting out all her suppressed emotions within her.

And also, she completely unleashed the calamity within her body without any restraint.


Endless comsic energy like flames erupted from her and in its wake, it brought annihilation to anything it touched, from atoms to even concepts like death and life.

The corpse in her hands collapsed into ashes. While the very space, time, reality surrounding her collapsed under this erupting comsic energy

The cosmic energy slowly took the form of a phoenix, that surround the woman. The phoenix finally flapped it's wings as it's size started growing bigger.

At the moment, the entire earth trembled under its might, as whether it's gods, eternals, wizards, they felt horror and dread when they sensed the energy erupting.

They felt the very planet under them might be destroyed at any moment.

But at that moment, various white stone pillars which was large as mountains descended around the phantom of the phoenix.

A handsome man with blonde hair and black eyes, floated in sky wearing a wizard's robes and a crimson cloak. He was surrounded by various magic circles. His eyes looked at the phantom of the phoenix that was expanding outwards with pain and solemnity.

He made a few gestures with his hands, as the white stone pillars started shining with resplendent light, as various white chains erupted from the light. Then, they went to the phantom of the phoenix.


The phantom of the phoenix seemed to notice the coming chains, as it let out an angry cry, thus, causing cosmic energy to erupt from its phantom.

This energy brought annihilation to very reality in it's wake.

But, those chains surprisingly remained unharmed under the energy that can even annihilate reality, as they immediately pierced through the energy and bound the phantom of the phoenix.

The phoenix started struggling as endless cosmic energy surged out of it. But no matter how hard it struggled. It couldn't break the chain that bound it. 

Agamotto raised his hand, as a green crystal gem appeared, it floated right above his hand. Then, he touched this gem with his hands without any problems. Finally, he closed his eyes, as he poured all his magic power into it.

Soon, the green gem in his hands started shining with splendour, as the green light immediately covered the phantom of the phoenix.

The movements of the phoenix have become slow, as a part of the power authority of time of the very universe itself acting on it now. Even if it has the power, that can annihilate time. It's  power now far from being able to compare to the authority of time gem.

The entire phoenix started entering a static state due to the freezing of its time. The phoenix stopped struggling as it seemed to know it's fate. It finally looked at Agmotto in anger.

Agamotto instantly had some bad premonitions, but before he could do anything, the phantom of the phoenix let out a cry facing the starry sky before falling completely into the freezing of time.

Agamotto didn't have any victorious expressions due to this. He looked at the frozen phantom of the phoenix that was bound in chains with regret and some pain, as he thought about the tragedy that happened to that woman. 

He didn't find the woman who had a fragment of phoenix within her, until the eruption of this primordial power.

Even though he has a time gem, that can spy on the timeline, sometimes there are forces that can block him from doing that or there are some power with its essence far beyond the universe, thus even the time gem can't see the events related to it.

And, he didn't necessarily win in this battle, as a far greater threat has dawned, which may even threaten the safety of various galaxies.

"This cannot be dealt alone. It's seems, I need to finally ask others for help."

Agamotto thought finally with some headache, as he waved his hand finally to pull the frozen phoenix and entire battlefield into mirror space. And he looked at the starry sky one last time with a serious expression before disappearing from that place.

At the same time, in the vast universe filled with endless wonders, an enormous phoenix made of endless cosmic energy travelled in this starry space, causing destruction to even galaxies in its wake.

But all of a sudden, the phoenix stopped in its journey and changed its course towards another direction.