

Reborn as a god in the endless multiverse filled with infinite possibilities. What kind of path will he walk on? Will he bring salvation or destruction to this endless reality? (A/N : MC is son of Odin and brother of Hela. He is born before Odin's conquest of Nine Realms. He comes under chaotic neutral faction and this universe is not MCU)

Andrewjones · Films
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8 Chs

Cosmic Awareness

In a bedroom of the royal palace of Asgard, the sunlight shone through the balcony, as it illuminated this room with its brilliance.

A black-haired teenager slept peacefully in a luxurious bed, and right beside him, Frigga sat in a chair, as she laid her head on the edge of the bed. She seemed to also have been asleep, as she had looked after her son all along.

 "It hurts!!"

The teenager murmured in pain, as his closed eyes opened slowly. He immediately held his head soon after, as he seemed to feel immense pain, which can be seen from his twisted expression. 

At the same moment he awoke, the light in the room disappeared, as the day outside transformed into night with countless sparkling stars. The night held an aura of tranquillity and repose. The sight made many asgardians immense in this magnificence. 

Sasir, who had just regained consciousness, immediately felt endless voices and countless scenes appearing in this mind. These brought him immense pain, it was as if everything had been forcibly twisted into his brain.

Frigga immediately woke up as soon as she heard the words of her child to only see her son in pain. She didn't hesitate anymore, as her golden eyes shone as she used her divine sense to see what was wrong with him.

"Just imagine an object in your mind and focus only on it. Then, use your divine power to calm your mind. Don't reject those voices and pictures appearing in your mind and slowly adapt to it."

Frigga seems to know what's happening to her son, as she instructed him for him to go through this situation.

Sasrir was burdened by the endless voices in his head, but even in this situation, he could still hear his mother's voice clearly due to his mother's power. 

He then, subconsciously, followed his mother's instructions. Soon, the voices slowly died down and the images apperared in mind decreased.

But, he could still see a lot of things now, as various pictures of events kept appearing in his mind, like a war happening in space between the kree, shiar, and skrulls, a severed head of the celestial with various symbiotes which was trying to parasite it and a silver coloured humanoid man rode a surf board coursing through the starry space, etc. 

All of a sudden, the picture he received zoomed out, as he saw the passing of the endless stars and galaxies in his vision. 

Soon, he saw a being who stood in the endless void. His very body seemed to be made of the universe itself. The being's face is too obscure for him to recognise, but those eyes of the entity seem to compress the entire universe within it.

That being in the picture, he suddenly turned and looked at him. Thus, nearly scaring the shit out of him. The starry eyes started right at his figure as if he could sense his peeping. But, in the next second, the entire picture cracked and broke complety like a broken mirror, without any warning.

Sasrir took a few breaths to calm down, and finally had the time to see the things around him. He saw his mother standing before him with worry.

"You didn't see anything scary, did you?"

Frigga noticed some emotion on his face, so she asked this question to her son.

"What was that, Mother?"

Sasrir stopped thinking about the things he had seen and asked his mother, without answering her questions.

"That is cosmic awareness, son."

Frigga answered finally, as she didn't ask anymore about what he saw.

"But, that can only be awakened once when someone reaches heavenly father stage."

Sasrir said with some confusion, as the universe has indeed some recognized power levels. And the heavenly father level beings are capable of easily destroying a galaxy. Now, he is far from being able to do that.

Even though he was unconscious during his awakening, he still knew the vision and disturbance he caused during this time, But, that didn't mean he got stronger all of a sudden. He needs time and research to utilize the full power of his divinity, which he cannot tap now due to its being too abstract, just like the river.

"That's indeed the case, but your condition is special due to your divinity."

"Okay, let's stop discussing this. Did the ceremony go on without any problems and how do you feel, Son?'

Frigga asked this question, but soon she regretted it, as she saw her son going pale as soon as he heard her question.

Sasrir immediately got out of his bed, as he hugged his mother with trembling hands. He can still feel the suffocating feeling when he drowned in the illusory river and the experience of losing yourself in the endless darkness alone, it is something he never want to go through again.

Before, he subconsciously ignored this terrible experience due to the awakening of cosmic awareness.

If it weren't for that memory, he would have faced a fate truly worse than death. In a sense, it's his family that saved him at his vulnerable moment.

Frigga was quite shocked at the moment, as she knew her son always acted indifferent and aloof, as if he didn't care about anything other than things that interested him and he never even showed his weak side to anyone or even to them, every since he grew up.

Seeing him in such a vulnerable state made Frigga know something very bad nearly happened during the ceremony. But, she didn't ask now, she just comforted him. As she knew, he would soon come out of this state.

"I am sorry, Mother! I couldn't control some of my emotions."

Sasrir also noticed the state he was in, as he immediately separated from the hug. He took a deep breath to collect himself and said to her finally.

"Silly child! You don't need to apologize for that."

Frigga sighed as she heard what her son said, but she immediately continued with another question. She had a serious expression, as she looked right into the deep dark eyes of her son.

"What happened before, son?"

But, there was no reply, as her son remained silent.

"Sigh, You can tell us when you feel it's okay."

Frigga, seeing his silence, didn't push him to answer, just mentioned they were always there for him.

"Okay, what are the kinds of divinities that you feel in your body now?"

Frigga asked, changing the subject to lighten up his mood.

"The divinities....."

Sasrir, hearing his mother's question, closed his eyes, as he tried to feel his divinity in his body using divine power.

"It's Darkness, Night, Sleep, Concealment, Dream, Misfortune."

He answered finally, causing his mother to look at the night sky above the asgard. She turned back and said with a smile.

"As I had guessed. But, your divinity is not simple, my son."

While saying this, her face once again became extremely serious.

"Don't try to probe more into it, unless you have enough strength."

"I know, Mother."

Sasrir knew this, as he nodded to her. Then, Frigga finally said with a smile.

"I will inform your father that you are awake. Take a rest until then."

She said before leaving the room, to inform her husband about this.

Sasrir looked at the empty room one last time, as he walked onto the balcony and he quietly gazed at the starry night sky that was conjured by his divinity in silence.