

Ayato Shikigami is an average 16-year-old otaku, who spends his days watching anime and playing RPG. Reality had often failed him as he finds it so boring and dry, he found a way, a way he could escape reality by watching animes but even that was temporary. One faithful day, when he was watching a scene from his favorite anime Aot, the scenes captivated him so much that he couldn't help but wish he was a part of the drama. After he wishes to be in the titan world, he found himself in the mist of a battle, where the human went to war with the titan. During the chaos, he finds out he got the ability to transform into a titan and learn a mysterious power for those he got in contact with. Using this and his knowledge, he vowed to change the history of the story, save the eldains empire, and make sure Eren never goes rogue. Note: This is my first fanfic! so don't expect something too extravagant, there will be mistakes here and there.

Kirito_K5 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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59 Chs

Attack on Troast ii

Before Annie could transform, Bertolt leaped on her and they went crashing to the ground.

"What's your problem?" Annie stood up from the ground yelling.

"Don't do this" Bertolt dusted his dress and pointed at the attack titan, "See it has no business with us".

The attack titan grabbed one of the titan's necks and used its jaw to cut off the nape of the titan's neck.

"It's not him I'm worried about, it's! him, I was sure I hid him, I don't know how he escaped".

"That's why he's chasing you, he wants revenge." Bertolt uttered, "So what do we do now?".

"We lay low, find the right opportunity, and grab Eren, off the shit hell we go" Reiner grabbed his gear.

"What are you guys talking about?" Rico, one of the scouts, stood on top of the building as he listened.

"Rico!" Reiner was shocked, "How long have you been…" Before he could finish, Annie already launched herself towards him, slicing the back of his neck with her blade.

"God damn it, Annie, why did you kill him?" Reiner yelled.

"Is that even supposed to be a question?" Annie jumped down from the building's top.

"Come on, we have to leave this side."

. . . . . . . . . . . .

Mikasa landed on one of the building tops and saw that there were almost no more scouts out, most were dead while some were hiding.

"Armin? Where's your squad?" Mikasa knelt beside him.

He had his back rested on a chimney, his eyes were dark from way too much crying, he slowly raised his head looking at Mikasa as he pointed at the attack titan.

"Tha… that is Eren, and that" He pointed at the Red titan who just stood in a place without making any movement," That is Ayato, he's not dead".

"Those two are titans, and we don't know how or why they become like that,

I knew from the start and didn't say a damn thing, all my squad members died

, and Eren should have too, but he.. he became that instead."

Mikasa was speechless, she didn't know how to respond to everything that Armin had been saying,

"We can't win against them, look they are all over the place."

"I shouldn't have volunteered for this, I'm gonna die now, ahhhh! I don't wanna die" Some of the soldiers started panicking as they watched the titans eat their kind.

"Hey Armin, are you saying Ayato is trapped inside that titan ".

"Yeah pretty much"

"All I needed to know", She pulled out her blade and was about to set out.

"I hope you don't plan on going there to fight, I'm sure you've noticed by now, your gas should be reaching its limit, we can't get supplies cuz the supply unit is trapped inside,titan surrounded the entire place," Armin said.

"The little we have might get used to the supply tower and meet with the supply unit, what are the chances we won't get eaten by titans the moment we land, it's hopeless" Armin rested his head on his knee.

"Armin calms down, there's no time for you to get emotional, if we defeat the titan we can then refill our gear, allowing us to get back to the wall, am I right?" Mikasa asked, looking directly at the Red titan.

"Yes but" Armin stammered.

"Are you insane, how do you plan we take all those titans on? That's just suicide" Jean shouted

"I can do it

I'm strong, stronger than all of you, I'm a warrior, I have the power to slay them all on my own, all of them.

I'm surrounded by worthless worms, you all disgust me, just sit here and mob all you want and watch how it's done" After her outburst, she whooshed out with her Odm gear

Armin, "Mikasa! Damn it she's not thinking straight, what is going through your head ".

Swinging with her Odm gear, she kept saying any titan that crossed her path.

Jean sighed, "Come one, follow Mikasa unless you want to end up dying here" Jean zoomed off.

"Okay then, I'm right behind you" Connie followed.

They all started going one by one, they watched as Mikasa kept recklessly using her Odm gear, even though she was clearing the titans, she was also wasting way too much gas.

"Wow look at her go, she's something else" Jean was impressed by Mikasa's movement.

"She's not thinking straight, she's wasting too much gas, she could fall anytime now" Armin started moving faster.

Mikasa in mid-air just killed another titan and was about to keep moving, when suddenly the gas in her Odm gear was finished.

She took a very high fall to the ground, and then started bleeding on her head, she tried to activate her Odm gear but it still wasn't responding, "Of course, it goes off now".

She then heard giant footsteps from the street close to her, a 12m high titan showed up, it was slowly making its way towards her.

"How do I reach his neck with only a blade?" She took small steps back, moving away from the titan.

In the blink of an eye, the titan charged toward her. She began to run, and as she was running away from the titan, the red titan appeared right in front of her, also charging toward her.

She wanted to stop, but she was running too fast so instead, she fell to the ground rolling, "I can't… There's no way I'm dying here!" Screaming she held her blade up high ready to attack.

. . . . . .

Thank you

* Noobstar14213





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