
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 45: Betrayal of Fang Yuan

[Fang Yuan POV]

Observing Black Star's decisive action, Fang Yuan discerned that the time had come to execute his calculated plan. He had harbored intentions of maximizing his gains throughout this battle, aligning himself with whoever offered the most advantageous prospects.

As he witnessed the marines facing defeat on multiple fronts, it became abundantly clear that sticking with them would yield no benefits, and might even lead his so-called 'allies' to harbor suspicions against him, a scenario he deemed unworthy of consideration. He hadn't yet devised a strategy to handle these individuals, and thus, it was time for a strategic pivot.

'In the end, only I will reign supreme!' Fang Yuan's thoughts churned as he delved into elaborate schemes on how to exploit the chat group and its creator to the fullest. Despite knowing next to nothing about them at that point, one thing was crystal clear in his mind.

'Either I will attain immortality and invincibility, or I will meet my end in the pursuit!' This steadfast resolve was his guiding principle. Dying while striving for his lofty dream held intrinsic value for him, making every effort worthwhile.

Fang Yuan, still positioned alongside the other Shichibukai, silently plotted to catch them unawares with a cunning strike. 'Whom should I target first, perhaps Mihawk?' He meticulously weighed his options, calculating which target would yield him the most advantageous outcome.

Mihawk undoubtedly appeared as the prime choice, his Black Blade Yoru radiating an undeniable allure that beckoned Fang Yuan. Yet, after careful consideration, he grudgingly acknowledged the potential discrepancy in their combat prowess. It dawned on him that Mihawk, a master swordsman, likely possessed the ability to anticipate his assault through the use of Haki, making the endeavor considerably riskier

Having spent a considerable time in this unfamiliar world, Fang Yuan gradually adapted, making connections between the inhabitants here and his own world's cultivation system. He began to categorize his adversaries, drawing parallels between their strength and the Gu Master levels he was accustomed to. 

In his assessment, most marines and pirates, even including the Shichibukai, fell under the classification of Mortal level Gu Masters. Yet, there were exceptions, individuals who transcended these norms, like the Admirals and Emperors, who, at their pinnacle, could be equated to Peak Rank 7 Gu Immortals.

Recognizing Mihawk as one such exceptional opponent, Fang Yuan acknowledged the swordsman's strength akin to a Rank 7 Gu Immortal. Though driven by avarice, Fang Yuan exercised restraint and discretion in his choice of targets. Despite his reputation as a Rank 6 Gu Immortal who had, in the past, clashed with and even vanquished Rank 7 opponents, these encounters were life-or-death struggles, not opportunities to be pursued lightly.

'Subduing Mihawk', he mused, wasn't a prudent move at this juncture. The risks associated with such a confrontation far outweighed any potential gains. Fang Yuan understood the importance of playing his cards wisely, and for now, challenging Mihawk didn't align with his broader strategy. If the opportunity presented itself in the future, he might reconsider.

As he pondered his next move, he swiftly arrived at a conclusion: "Capturing Kuma is the optimal choice. His Devil Fruit power grants him unparalleled travel convenience, and, compared to Mihawk, his combat strength is noticeably inferior." With this decision, Fang Yuan set his sights on the Shichibukai, Kuma.

With Kuma in his sights, Fang Yuan silently closed the gap between them. As he drew nearer, he employed one of his Immortal Gu, Dog Shit Luck, to boost his odds of a successful outcome. This wasn't the first time he had invoked the power of this Immortal Gu, he had already activated it before entering the fray, leaving nothing to chance.

When he was within striking distance, Fang Yuan wasted no time. He executed a swift, covert attack, employing a Rank 5 Slavery Gu to bring Kuma under his control. While a Rank 1 Slavery Gu would typically suffice against non-Gu Masters, Fang Yuan's cautious nature led him to opt for the extra security of a Rank 5 Slavery Gu to ensure that nothing would go awry.

The Slavery Gu was a potent tool, once its ability latched onto a person, the controller gained full command over them. However, it came with a single drawback, it imposed a burden on the user's soul. For Fang Yuan, a cultivator who had once possessed one of the three holy lands for Soul Cultivation until he recently sold it to his ally, this drawback was inconsequential. His soul was not only far more robust than that of an average person, but even most Gu Immortals could not compare theirs to his.

With Kuma caught off guard, Fang Yuan swiftly initiated the enslavement process. Initially, Kuma fiercely resisted, but the unyielding power of the Rank 5 Slavery Gu began to wear down his soul's resistance. Gradually, Kuma succumbed, becoming a puppet under Fang Yuan's control.

Fang Yuan's actions didn't go unnoticed. The marines and Shichibukai turned their attention to the unfolding situation, their eyes locked on Fang Yuan with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. A Vice-Admiral, in particular, stepped forward, perplexed by Fang Yuan's actions. "What are you doing?" he demanded, seeking an explanation.

However, Fang Yuan remained silent, his focus undeterred. In a swift and calculated move, he deployed another Rank 5 Slavery Gu, this time targeting the Vice-Admiral. The enslavement process unfolded seamlessly, placing the marine firmly under Fang Yuan's control. With his mental command, he compelled the newly enslaved Vice-Admiral to speak as instructed. "Continue on with what you are doing!"

It was moments like these that showcased Fang Yuan's prowess. He possessed the skill to easily acquire Moral Gu, ranging from Rank 1 to 5. His proficiency in the Refinement Path allowed him to craft these Gu on his own, bolstered by a valuable connection with the Long Hair Ancestor, the unrivaled master of refinement in his world. Such advantages made his actions in this world all the more potent.

In this world, the methods Fang Yuan employed proved astonishingly effective. Unlike the Gu World, where his actions would be scrutinized and detected almost immediately, here, he operated in relative obscurity. The people of this world were wholly unfamiliar with his techniques, and this ignorance worked to his advantage. The intricate intricacies of Gu and the complexities of the soul were beyond the knowledge of those here, making any discovery of his subversive actions nearly impossible.

With the successful enslavement of Kuma and the Vice-Admiral, Fang Yuan pressed on with his grand plan of enslaving those he deemed both controllable and valuable. His ambitions knew no bounds as he targeted not only marines but also pirates, effectively becoming a clandestine third party in the ongoing war. His criteria were clear, anyone who could further his goals or offer valuable assets was marked for subjugation.

And so a shadowy figure wove a web of control and manipulation, leaving no stone unturned in his quest for dominance. As the chaos of battle raged on around him, Fang Yuan remained vigilant, ever watchful for his next opportunity to tighten his grip on this world.

Fang Yuan's insidious enslavement extended its sinister reach, ensnaring a varied cast of unfortunate souls. Among those subjected to his malevolent control were Boa Hancock, a handful of giants who had pledged their loyalty to the marines, and a selection of Vice-Admirals whose talents and potential he saw as valuable assets. Additionally, he had his sights set on Smoker, whose Logia Devil Fruit had piqued his curiosity.

As Fang Yuan's growing list of captives grew, so did his ambitious plans for them. Returning to his own world with these enslaved individuals in tow, he had a twofold agenda. Some, he intended to use as subjects for experiments. These unfortunate few would serve as his guinea pigs, their lives sacrificed in his quest for knowledge. Fang Yuan's insatiable curiosity led him to contemplate the implications of Devil Fruit users' deaths in his world, and these experiments would provide the answers he sought.

Others among his captives would be subjected to a different fate. Fang Yuan had a more calculated objective in mind for them. With his expertise in the Gu, he aimed to unlock their latent potential, attempting to awaken their apertures using Hope Gu. In his relentless pursuit of power and control, he saw the conversion of these individuals into Gu Masters as a means to further bolster his influence and capabilities.

However, the most dreadful destiny of all awaited the unfortunate giants who had fallen into Fang Yuan's clutches. His sinister scheme involved coercing them into breeding offspring, effectively growing the giant population to unprecedented numbers. Once this nightmarish plan came to fruition, Fang Yuan intended to market these giants as an entirely new breed of Variant Human Slaves within the Treasure Yellow Heaven. In his mind's eye, he envisioned the astronomical profits that this enterprise would yield, as he would hold a monopolistic grip on the sale of these unique slaves, especially if he only sold man, ensuring that no one could breed new Giants aside from him.

Beyond amassing valuable living assets, Fang Yuan cast his covetous eyes on a different kind of treasure, the named blades wielded by various combatants. Although he held no personal fascination for the Sword Path, he recognized their potential research value. 

At the very least, he surmised that these legendary swords could find eager buyers in the Treasure Yellow Heaven. Some might acquire them to seek inspiration for crafting new Sword Path Gu's. Fang Yuan was determined to capitalize on the acquisition of these blades, further fueling his relentless pursuit of power and immortality.

[Donquixote Vergil POV]

As Donquixote Vergil surveyed the chaotic scene unfolding before his eyes in Marineford, a storm of frustration and curses brewed within his thoughts. 'Why does nothing go according to the plan?' he seethed, his irritation mounting with every passing moment. 

The once meticulously orchestrated battlefield had descended into pandemonium, with an army of relentless robots wreaking havoc upon the combatants, and a treacherous Shichibukai launching an unexpected betrayal, indiscriminately attacking both sides.

Vergil's mind seethed with discontent, his ire directed not only at the unanticipated chaos but also at the very System that had thrust him into this turmoil. 'How can there be robots in this world?' he seethed inwardly, his voice laced with venomous frustration. His displeasure with the System ran deep, and its failure to provide advance warning only further stoked the flames of his resentment.

With each passing second, Vergil's agitation grew, and his determination to navigate this bewildering predicament intensified. While the world around him spiraled into chaos, he steeled himself to confront the unexpected challenges, vowing to regain control and achieve his objectives.

As the chaos continued to unfold in Marineford, Vergil's frustration reached its breaking point. "Sengoku, Garp, do something!" he commanded, his voice laced with urgency, believing that the intervention of the Fleet Admiral and Vice Admiral would be a game-changer in this tumultuous battlefield.

However, Garp, fueled by his deep-seated resentment for the Tenryūbito, disregarded Vergil's orders. Instead, he chose to sit down beside Ace, a silent determination to have one last conversation with the condemned man before his impending execution.

The audacity of Garp's defiance sent a surge of anger coursing through Vergil's veins. "Daring to go against this Saint's command!" he shouted furiously, his wrath directed squarely at the Vice Admiral. In that heated moment, he mentally added Garp's name to the growing list of high-ranking marines that had incurred his wrath, a list that already included figures like Sengoku and Kizaru.

After the war, Vergil harbored sinister plans for these individuals. He envisioned them as his future pets, imagining them with collars around their necks, obediently following his commands as he paraded them around the Holy Land like a master with his subservient dogs.

As Vergil's scrutinizing gaze swept across the chaotic battlefield once more, his sharp eyes discerned a disconcerting sight, countless pirates and marines seemed to vanish into thin air. "What the hell happened?" he exclaimed, his confusion growing with each disappearing figure.

Unbeknownst to Vergil, Fang Yuan had decided to take action. After obtaining what he desired from the tumultuous conflict, he had devised a strategic move to secure his gains. His plan involved relocating the individuals in question into his inner world, his Blessed Land. This bold maneuver resulted in their sudden disappearance from the frenzied turmoil of Marineford, leaving Vergil utterly perplexed and unaware of the true orchestrator behind this peculiar turn of events.

As Saint Vergil seethed with frustration and anger, Sengoku stepped forward to address him, attempting to pacify the incensed Tenryūbito. "Calm down, Saint Vergil," Sengoku implored, his voice steady and reassuring. He continued, "Numerous Pacifista have already arrived, poised to take action at any moment."

Inwardly, Sengoku harbored a degree of optimism. He believed that with the additional might of the Pacifista, they at least stood a fighting chance against the overwhelming onslaught of the robots unleashed by Black Star.