
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 2: Death and Reincarnation (2)

Upon his demise, the soul of the man embarked on an ethereal journey, traversing a vast expanse of pure white space, devoid of any tangible existence. Time lost its meaning in this timeless void, leaving the soul uncertain of how long it had been since his death.

During the time here, he had ample opportunity to reflect upon the intricacies of life and the ramifications of his own actions. The weight of past deeds bore heavily upon him, urging the soul to seek redemption and reconciliation.

In this plane, the soul made a resolute decision: if this were to be his punishment, he would accept it willingly. Moreover, a resolve was kindled within, a commitment to seek reparation for the transgressions of his previous life. Should the opportunity arise for a new life, the soul vowed to dedicate itself to helping others.

Suddenly amidst the immaculate emptiness, an unfamiliar figure materialized, clothed in garments of a contemporary fashion. Addressing the disembodied soul, the entity spoke with an air of authority and an aura of divine presence.

"Ah, a wandering soul that has not traversed the cycle of reincarnation," the figure remarked, his voice resonating through the expanses of the plane of nothingness.

Curiosity mingled with skepticism in the soul's response, echoing through the vastness of the void. "And who might you be?" he inquired, a tinge of incredulity lacing his words.

The figure smiled gently, his eyes shimmering with knowledge. "I am what your mortal understanding would perceive as a God." the 'God' answered, his voice resonating with an otherworldly timbre.

The soul, however, did not believe him. He expressed his incredulity, challenging the figure's claim with a hint of defiance. "I do not believe in God, I am an atheist. Even if you were a deity, what kind of God adorns himself in clothes akin to those found on earth?" he retorted, his skepticism laid bare.

The 'God' maintained his composed demeanor, undeterred by the soul's skepticism. With a subtle nod, he acknowledged the soul's statement. "You are correct in your observation," 'God' responded, his voice infused with a sense of understanding.

"Why should I be bound by the attire of mortals? Is there a rule dictating that a god must adorn oneself in special clothes, or should I walk around naked?" 'God' continued, his voice carrying a trace of amusement.

As the soul observed the figure before him, doubts and uncertainties crept into his mind. He couldn't help but question the authenticity of this encounter. 'Is this yet another hallucination or am I once again in a madhouse? Has my inmate this time a god complex?' he mused silently, his thoughts swirling within the recesses of his being.

However, God seemed unfazed by the soul's internal musings. He appeared to have glimpsed the soul's skepticism, for his next words pierced the veil of doubt that shrouded the soul's thoughts. "Do not insult me, by now you should know that you are dead," 'God' replied, his tone firm yet tinged with compassion.

A realization coursed through the soul's being. The being before him possessed the extraordinary ability to read his thoughts. 'Has mind reading technology been developed? No I do not believe that to be the case, perhaps that person truly is some kind of supernatural entity, perhaps the administrator.'

Despite not wanting to commit himself any longer to his own religion and deeply regretting what he did, it is very hard to change some habits, leading him to not referring to god as god, but administrator.

Compelled by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, the soul ventured forth, his voice laced with lingering doubt. "And what fate awaits me now? Shall you cast me into the depths of 'Hell'?" he inquired, a note of skepticism underscoring his words. Despite his disbelief in the concepts of Heaven and Hell, he sought to discern the truth behind what awaited him. The 'Hell' he spoke of was no normal 'Hell', instead it was a hell he remembered from a game.

"I could, but where's the fun in that?," 'God' responded with a hint of mischief, his voice echoing in the ethereal space. "Instead, allow me to present you with a proposition. I shall grant you a reincarnation into a anime world."

The soul, caught between intrigue and trepidation, questioned the proposition before him. "And why, pray tell, should I accept such an offer?" he inquired, his tone tinged with a mix of curiosity and skepticism, in the first place what he wanted to do is suffer for his mistakes and not get rewarded for more or less successfully playing the protagonist in his previous life.

A sense of nonchalant authority emanated from 'God' as he delivered his response. "Because you have no other choice. It is either acceptance or the inevitability of your existence fading into oblivion," he stated matter-of-factly.

Contemplating the weight of his choices, the soul recognized the gravity of the situation. In death's embrace, the allure of a new life beckoned, promising freedom and a chance to chart an alternate destiny certainly was attractive. With a resolute tone, the soul expressed his decision. "Then I shall willingly embrace the prospect of vanishing. Death's embrace should rightfully claim me, and if freedom can be found through this path, I shall gratefully embrace it," he proclaimed, a glimmer of defiance flickering within his incorporeal essence.

As 'God' observed the soul's resolute refusal to yield, a flicker of disappointment rippled through his consciousness. "Another failure," he mused silently, an undertone of frustration permeating his thoughts. He made a decisive choice, deciding to erase the memory of their previous conversation, readying himself to commence anew.

This intricate dance between the soul and 'God' had repeated countless times already. Even 'God' recognized the soul's unwavering determination to disappear. However he could not allow this to happen, as this soul is unique.

With each iteration, 'God' observed the soul's unwavering resistance, an unwavering determination to resist the allure of reincarnation. This time, however, a breakthrough seemed imminent as the soul finally relented and embraced the alternative path set before him.

As the soul's acceptance solidified, 'God' couldn't help but harbor a mix of emotions, relief, accomplishment, and a touch of disappointment. 'This guy sure is stubborn,' 'God' acknowledged within the recesses of his mind. 'It took over a hundred attempts, and even then, I had to employ some subtle manipulation of the mind to kindle a hint of persuasion. Otherwise, he would have never accepted.' 'God' contemplated.

Upon the soul's acceptance, 'God' wasted no time in revealing his intentions. "I shall grant you reincarnation into the world of My Hero Academia, and before you depart, I offer you three wishes," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with a sense of authority. "Furthermore, I shall supplement one of these wishes to augment its potency, so long as the desired improvement falls within the boundaries of reason."

As 'God' said this he removed the mind manipulation he employed, due to him not wanting to influence the man in any way in his decision.

The soul, burdened by the weight of his existence, responded without hesitation. "For my first wish, grant me death. For my second wish, grant me death. And for my final wish, grant me death," he pleaded, his voice filled with anguish and despair.

The response from 'God' was swift and firm, rejecting the soul's pleas. "I refuse to grant such wishes. Choose something more reasonable," he stated, already regretting that he decided to remove the mind manipulation on that soul.

As the soul's fervent desire for an end to his existence resounded through his words, a chilling stillness settled between him and 'God'. The weight of his pain and suffering clung to every syllable, his voice tinged with a bit of desperation. "Then my first wish is that I die as soon as I am born, my second wish is that I do not meet you after dying again, and my third wish is that I finally get to atone for my sins in the form of permanent death," he implored.

Yet, 'God' stood firm, his unwavering resolve etched into his countenance. Despite the soul's heartbreaking desires, he refused to yield to the path of self-destruction. A mixture of compassion and determination seeped into his response, his words carrying the weight of wisdom. "Refused," he stated, his tone laced with both sympathy and steadfastness. "Wish for something that will bring you solace and redemption, without sacrificing the precious gift of life."

'After all I still need you as my future representative to help me win the game we transcendentals agreed on. Where else would I get a soul with such unique properties.' 'God' internally continued.

The soul's persistence persisted, undeterred by 'God's' previous refusal. With a flicker of defiance in his eyes, he proposed a novel notion. "Grant me the opportunity to be reborn as a humble mayfly, free from external interference. Grant me a peaceful life and lastly do not ever meet me again," he implored, his voice a delicate balance of resignation and hope. In his mind, the short life of a mayfly's existence seemed an ideal path towards the release he yearned for, while fulfilling any of this 'God's' requirements.

However, 'God' remained steadfast in his resolve, unwilling to yield to the soul's pleas for a peaceful yet inconsequential existence. His voice resonated with unwavering determination as he made his stance clear. "I refuse," he declared once again, his words laced with a sense of authority. "You must seek wishes that ignite the flame of life within you, anything with worse potential than becoming the top hero is henceforth rejected."

As the soul's desires transformed once more, a glimmer of wisdom and enlightenment sparkled in his eyes. He comprehended that his earlier wishes, rooted in escapism and resignation, would not satisfy 'God's' expectations. With resolute determination, he voiced a new proposition, a wish that would reshape his very essence.

His voice quivered with a mixture of trepidation and anticipation as he spoke, "For my first wish, I beseech you to erase all memories of my life beyond the age of 15. Grant me the clarity and understanding that altruism and compassion are the true paths to fulfillment, dispelling the delusion that I am the protagonist of an elaborate game." The weight of his words hung in the air, each syllable laced with fervent hope and a fervent desire for redemption.

'God' regarded him solemnly, his gaze penetrating and inscrutable. A moment of silence ensued, laden with anticipation. Then, with a nod of affirmation, 'God' uttered a single word, "Accepted," before internally continuing. 'The self proclaimed protagonist wants to forget his last life as the protagonist and will become the protagonist of this game played by the gods, ironic isn't it.'

"Can this be done before we delve into the rest of my wishes?" he ventured, a mix of anticipation and trepidation swirling within him. The gravity of his plea was not lost on 'God,' who acknowledged the request with a nod, after all what he needed was just the unique soul, regardless of his memories.

In an instant, 'God' used his divine power, manipulating the very fabric of the soul's memories. Threads of recollection were rewoven, their tapestry reshaped to align with the soul's wish.

Time seemed to stand still as the soul underwent a profound metamorphosis, his consciousness rewinding to a pivotal point in his past. Memories of his tumultuous journey beyond the age of 15 were meticulously cut out, and even this conversation was replaced by a revised narrative carefully crafted by 'God' himself. In this revised reality, the soul believed that his first wish had been to retain his memories after reincarnation.

Embracing the newfound lightness of his being, the soul felt a surge of excitement coursing through his ethereal form. It was as if a long-lost dream, once buried beneath the weight of delusion, had been rekindled within his core. He truly returned to how he was when he was 15, with the exception of his insane worldview that he wished away.

The concept of reincarnation in one of the fictional worlds he had so ardently admired during his youthful days held an irresistible allure.

A wide smile graced his face as he relished the thought of embarking on a grand adventure, stepping into the shoes of a character in a cherished narrative. Memories of countless fanfictions danced in his mind, weaving tales of ordinary individuals blessed with extraordinary destinies. With each turn of the page, he had yearned to be part of those worlds, to experience the trials and triumphs that awaited the heroes within.

While the specifics of his death now remained shrouded in mystery for him, the soul believed that 'God' had purposefully concealed those details. Perhaps, in an act of mercy, those memories had been erased to spare him from reliving the anguish and pain associated with his untimely end. He believed it is similar to the narrative he had encountered in the countless fanfictions he read.

With newfound purpose and an unquenchable curiosity, the soul stood on the precipice of a journey. The reality of traveling to the world of an anime stirred his imagination.

He took a moment to gather his thoughts, contemplating the possibilities that lay before him. With unwavering determination, he voiced his desire with unwavering conviction.

"I wish to have my race changed to Flügel from No Game No Life," the soul declared his second wish, a glimmer of anticipation in his eyes.

'God' acknowledged the wish with a calm assurance, responding, "Easy. Do you wish to supplement this wish with anything? Or shall we proceed to your final request?"

The young man's mind raced, grappling with a sudden realization. As memories of the No Game No Life series flooded his thoughts, he recollected that all Flügel characters were depicted as female. A surge of concern washed over him, prompting him to seek clarification from 'God'.

"As far as I remember, all Flügel were female," the young man voiced his uncertainty, his brows furrowing with a tinge of anxiety. "Does this also apply to me?"

'God' met the young man's questioning gaze with an unwavering presence. He nodded in affirmation, acknowledging the young man's concern.

"Yes, it does," 'God' confirmed. "However, if you wish to alter this aspect, I can make the necessary adjustments. The choice is yours." 'God' did not care much about if the soul reincarnated into a male or female body, as long as the reincarnation participates in his game everything is alright for him.

A flicker of relief washed over the young man's face, swiftly replaced by a resolute determination. The thought of inhabiting a female form in this new world stirred a surge of discomfort within him. He declared his decision with unwavering conviction, his voice resonating with determination.

"Yes!" the young man exclaimed, his tone laden with incredulity. "Who would want to be reincarnated as the opposite gender, after all? One must be crazy to desire such a change. Please, ensure that I stay male."

God, acknowledging the young man's fervent request, nodded understandingly. "Very well," he replied, his voice holding a hint of amusement. "Is there anything else you would like to add to this wish with, or shall we proceed to your final request?"