
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 18: History lesson with an arrogant ancestor

"Congratulations, reincarnator from another world," the figure declared, the tone carrying a gravity that reached deep into the depths of Yuki's mind.

What in the world? Yuki's thoughts raced, cascading down twisting corridors of perplexity. The words hung in the air, each syllable like a key that unlocked a labyrinth of questions. How could he possibly know? Panic rippled through him, a surge of unease that was as undeniable as it was inexplicable.

This statement jolted Yuki's thoughts into a whirlwind of confusion. The words had hit him with the impact of a lightning bolt, shattering the fragile equilibrium he had maintained regarding his true identity.

A thousand thoughts collided in Yuki's head, each one a bewildering echo of the other. 'Reincarnator from another world? How could he possibly know?' Panic surged within him, a tempest of anxiety threatening to rupture his composure. He could almost feel the sensation of his heartbeat racing, each pulse of blood urging him to react, to escape.

The luminous projection before him seemed to bear witness to his turmoil, its spectral gaze a source of both insight and mystery. The questions spiraled, echoing like a chorus of doubts. 'Did I inadvertently reveal something? Is there something about me that I don't even know? How could he have discerned my origin?'

As quickly as these thoughts arose, a glimmer of realization began to pierce through the storm. 'Wait... there's no logical way they could know. No records, no traces, I've been so careful. Could this be some elaborate hoax? A manipulation meant to unsettle me?'

Despite his mind's feverish attempts to make sense of the situation, he felt as though he stood at the edge of an abyss, the unknown stretching out before him in a bewildering expanse.

'Do I confront him? Ask how he knows? Or do I play along?' The dilemma swirled within, his every instinct demanding action while his rationality sought a measured approach.

"Although this genius cannot see you, I can already guess that you are confused by how this great me unraveled that you were reincarnated into this world," the holographic projection of the Takehara Ancestor proclaimed. The words dripped with an arrogance that matched his grandiose persona.

"Naturally, whatever question you managed to answer correctly is something that exists beyond the scope of this world's knowledge," the projection continued, its tone bearing the condescension of a mastermind unveiling a masterstroke. "The events alluded to in those questions are either non-existent or bear different appellations within this world."

The holographic figure's words are a subtle challenge that pierced through the very fabric of reality. 'He's toying with me, relishing in my uncertainty,' Yuki mused, the glimmer of insight making its way into his thoughts.

The mysterious cube, the hidden questions, the acknowledgment of his status as a reincarnator, they all converged into a pattern that Yuki couldn't ignore. 'Is this Takehara genius somehow linked to my own rebirth in this world? Is he the key to understanding the intricacies of my existence here?'

In that moment, as if the veil between past and present was thinning, Yuki felt a kinship with the ancestor who had set this enigmatic stage. 'He knew... he somehow knew that I carried knowledge from another world.' The implications rippled through his thoughts like a stone cast into a tranquil pond, creating ripples of realization that expanded with each passing second.

In the back of his mind, a novel he had read in his previous life resurfaced. 'It couldn't be like in Reverend Insanity,' he thought, remembering a certain event mentioned in this novel, where one of the clans captured one of their members as soon as they found out he was different to extract as much knowledge as possible before killing him.

'No, definitely not. Tatsuya Takehara is also a reincarnate from another world,' Yuki convinced himself, refusing to accept that this world would be like that.

At the same time, a surge of skepticism mingled with his racing thoughts. Yuki needed more than just declarations to be convinced. His fingers moved instinctively, retrieving his phone from his pocket. As he typed the words 'Covid-19 virus' into the search bar, a cascade of anticipation and doubt echoed within him.

Yet, as the search results appeared on the screen, they bore no resemblance to the infamous virus that had shaken the world. Instead, the entries seemed almost mundane, devoid of any connection to the global pandemic that had marked a turning point in history.

"Could this be some kind of elaborate cover-up?" his mind mused, the notion taking root like a seed of suspicion. He couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps someone erased all related records to the virus.

"As you might have deduced by now, this great genius is also not from this world," the projection proclaimed. "Ah, yes, let me regale you with the tale of my reincarnation," the holographic embodiment of ego continued, its words dripping with an unabashed arrogance that defied anything logical.

"In my original world, I met my end amidst a futile war against the tyranny of a deranged cult leader who fancied himself the protagonist of the cosmos. Oh, how they worshiped him, blinded by his delusions," the figure pontificated, as if reciting lines from a symphony of self-importance.

"Just when it seemed my existence was eternally extinguished, I found myself in the embrace of God who made an interesting proposition. A second lease on life, a chance to immerse myself in the very world of one of my most cherished anime worlds. Naturally, I accepted." The projection's words echoed with the resounding clang of an unshakeable ego.

"Yet, fate is cruel. It soon dawned on me that God had swindled me. Yes, me, the great visionary, ensnared by trickery! Instead of landing me squarely in the coveted timeline, I was deposited two to three centuries prematurely. A jest, one might say." The projection's tone bore the weight of mock outrage.

"Before we embark upon the loftier topics, allow me to offer you a salient piece of advice," the hologram boomed.

"Should you ever encounter an entity masquerading as 'God,' I beseech you, scoff at their celestial charades! Such beings are naught but charlatans, swindlers of the highest order. Should providence grant you the chance, I implore you, this great genius entreats you, indulge in the satisfaction of administering a forceful pummeling to their visage." The projection's declared.

Within Yuki's mind, a resonance of shared disillusionment pulsed. He was no stranger to the sentiment of being hoodwinked by a self proclaimed god. That supposed 'god,' had promised him, to make him the greatest Flügel. Yet instead, Yuki found himself shackled to a human body, his limitless potential a mere echo of a distant reality.

Yet, there was a strange camaraderie in hearing his ancestor echo his own skepticism. A sense of unity formed across the chasm of time, as if Tatsuya Takehara's own misfortune lent credence to Yuki's plight. A sardonic grin tugged at the corner of his lips, a silent agreement with the ancestors voice.

"Now, brace yourself for the grand exposition of the epoch-making legacy bestowed by this great genius, but to understand what this great me is offering you let me first explain a bit of history to you" Tatsuya's holographic projection spoke, striking a grand pose as if begging whoever heard it to fall to his knees.

"In an era that predates even my own reincarnation, some two decades prior to my arrival, a consortium of minds embarked upon a venture of unprecedented audacity in the land of China. Their ambition? The artificial evolution of the human species. From their audacity arose the first Meta-Ability, a watershed moment that the anime presented as the luminescent baby of Qing Qing." He began to speak, revealing the true origin of the quirks.

"What these pitiable scientists failed to fathom in their feeble calculations was the seismic consequence of their creation. This infantile luminescence was no mere spectacle, it wielded a power, a power to ensnare all those who beheld its ethereal radiance. Thus emerged the first generation of Meta-Ability users." Tatsuya's voice resonated..

"A symphony of folly ensued as scholars and savants, driven by their irrepressible curiosity, subjected themselves to the contagious illumination. These venerable minds unwittingly succumbed to the nascent Meta-Ability." The words flowed forth like a cascade of secrets, each drop more tantalizing than the last.

"In this contagion, my very father found himself ensnared. His contamination triggered the evolution of genetics and these circumstances introduced quirks into our lineage." Tatsuya's voice swelled with a blend of ancestral pride and self-assured smugness, as if history itself owed him homage.

"What ensued was a maelstrom of pandemonium, an epoch of unbridled turmoil," Tatsuya's holographic projection continued, his voice an orchestration of gravity and intrigue that captured Yuki's rapt attention. "The world of my youth dissolved into the abyss, consumed by the birth of Meta-Abilities. Astonishingly, amidst this chaos, the progress of technology faltered. The pinnacle of technology I had known crumbled into oblivion, and the next two centuries or so passed in a paradoxical stasis, a civilisation caught between regression and dormancy, a living remnant of what was."

"Emerging from the aftermath, the era where the anime played in emerged, its advent bookended by these cataclysmic epochs. This cube, I used to record these informations, is one of many relics, remnants of an era I had lived in."

"Do not, dear heir, nurture lofty expectations of unearthing marvels beyond measure. Our zenith, despite its preeminence, was only a shade more radiant than your present reality. Among the riches of our era lie holographic projectors, potent medicines, sophisticated hardware, and the more advanced artificial intelligence."

"Buried 500 meters beneath the edifice of my creation, these vestiges slumber, yearning for reclamation," Tatsuya's projection enunciated, a smirk of conceit gracing his holographic visage. "Your path to possession is clear, a straightforward excavation into the annals of my buried brilliance. As for the sanctum that houses this hidden trove, well, let us say that the present-day headquarter of the family may bear some resemblance, or perhaps not. I entrust this trivial decipherment to your intellect."

'Can't you speak Japanese, who are you Gol D. Roger', Yuki started to curse. This speech somehow reminded him of the Pirate King's speech at the beginning of One Piece. 'And to think, I never suspected I'd require a decoder for ancestral messages,' Yuki's inner monologue quipped, a hint of wryness tainting his thoughts.

"As for how this great genius foretells that another person will reincarnate into this world, it is the ability of my quirk," Tatsuya proclaimed, his voice resonating with an aura of unassailable wisdom. "Through it, I peer beyond the veil of time itself, glimpsing the tapestry of destiny. But fear not, dear inheritor, for I shall not strip the future of its enigma. I offer you but a fragment of foresight, for the tapestry of destiny is one you must traverse with your own agency, with your own fortitude." Tatsuya declared before continuing, giving one crucial piece of advice to Yuki. "You must embrace the audacity and challenge the singularity of spacetime," the holographic projection declared, its words swirling in Yuki's mind like enigmatic riddles.

And in that moment, Yuki's thoughts surged in a maelstrom of uncertainty. "What the heck is this 'singularity of spacetime'?" he cursed inwardly, a torrent of questions raging within. The desire to be spoilered tugged at him. He cared little for spoilers as long as they ensured his survival.

Yet skepticism gnawed at him, a fickle whisper of doubt. "Is this Tatsuya truly to be believed? Can I place trust in the declarations of a deceased ancestor?" These queries remained unanswered, suspended in the abyss of his contemplation.

"Ah, I sense your inner turmoil, your curses echoing across the chasms of time," the holographic projection intoned. "But fret not, for my intentions are to enlighten rather than antagonize. A reminder, dear inheritor, the world you live in is different in many other ways beyond you and this family. But alas, to unravel the tapestry in its entirety would diminish the ecstasy of discovery. Let us now resume our discourse."

In the hidden recesses of Tokyo, cloaked in secrecy, a figure emerged from the shadows. Her emerald locks, a vibrant cascade that seemed to defy her petite frame, framed her visage as she focused on the unfolding event. Looks like someone managed to unlock that arrogant bastard's message," she mused, her voice dripping with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

Once, she had clandestinely augmented the message cubes of Tatsuya Takehara with a mechanism designed to promptly alert her upon their activation. She had long grown tired of the narcissistic proclamations of that man.

The subdued lighting cast elongated shadows along the corridor's length. As she moved forward, her gaze swept across the devices that lined each side, standing like sentinels awaiting their moment. The names affixed to them, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green, Gray, Black.

Step by step, she neared the corridor's culmination, where the enigmatic devices converged into a singular entity that set itself apart. Unlike its counterparts, this one radiated an air of reverence, adorned in resplendent gold that seemed to capture even the dim light. It stood apart from the others, through crystalline windows, an encapsulated figure was visible, frozen in time.

A young man, frozen in time, occupied the chamber. His features, trapped in a moment of eternity, bore a familiarity. A name tag below bore the inscription "Tatsuya Takehara," and a message affixed beneath it held the words that echoed across history: "The greatest genius of mankind!"

"Looks like whatever you prepared for will soon happen," the woman's voice resonated in the corridor, her gaze fixed upon the figure encapsulated in the special device. Her eyes held a mixture of anticipation and concern.

This woman is Eterna, the founder of the Shadow Corps, its first leader and the wife of Tatsuya Takehara. An immortal woman who has suffered from loneliness for far too long.