
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 11: You teleported us to your training room?!

"What happened?" Momo asked, her mind filled with curiosity as to how they had suddenly been transported from the chaos of the battle to what appeared to be a training room.

"BATTLE MODE ACTIVATED," a metallic voice echoed through the room as one of the robots sprang to life, reacting to Momo's voice.

"Prepare for battle," Shoto commanded, his icy determination evident in his voice. He knew that even in this unexpected environment, they had to stay alert and ready for anything.

Yuki's mind was abuzz with amusement as he watched Momo and Shoto's reactions to the situation. He couldn't help but smirk, thoroughly enjoying the unexpected turn of events. 'Looks like they've activated the training room's combat simulation without realizing it,' he thought, keeping his mischievous thoughts to himself for the moment.

The robot, equipped with advanced sensors, targeted the trio's location and lunged forward, its metallic fist aimed at Momo. She swiftly assessed the situation and conjured small tools to defend herself against the metallic foe. Her quirk required an in-depth understanding of the structures she created, which meant her arsenal was somewhat limited due to her age. In the blink of an eye, small tools materialized in Momo's hands

*Clank, Clank* The sound of metal striking metal echoed through the room as the robot's relentless attacks clashed against the tools she had crafted. Despite her limited experience, Momo expertly parried the blows, trying to create an opening for a counterattack.

Shoto stepped in using his ice quirk. He unleashed a torrent of ice towards the robot, aiming to immobilize its movements and provide Momo with an advantage. The temperature in the room dropped significantly as the icy onslaught surged forward. The room rapidly transformed into an icy battlefield, with frost spreading across the floor and walls.

The robot, however, had its own tricks up its sleeve. Its advanced sensor technology allowed it to analyze and adapt to the situation rapidly. As Momo and Shoto pressed on with their combined assault, the robot anticipated their moves and dodged the icy barrage with surprising agility.However, Shoto's icy onslaught was not in vain. He managed to land a precise hit, freezing one of the robot's arms completely. The limb now stood immovable, encased in ice, providing an opening that Momo quickly seized upon.

With the robot's arm frozen and temporarily incapacitated, Momo's quickly activated her quirk once again. She swiftly conjured a sharp katana. The frozen arm provided the perfect opportunity to deal a decisive blow.

"Let's end this!" Momo shouted as she brought the katana down with precision. The blade sliced through the frozen arm effortlessly, severing it from the robot's body. The frozen limb shattered upon impact, creating a shower of icy fragments.

The robot staggered, its movements thrown off-balance by the loss of its arm. But it was far from defeated. The remaining mechanical appendages surged forward with renewed aggression, trying to compensate for the loss.

*Ack* The robot retaliated and struck Momo with a swift and powerful kick, propelling her backward several meters. The impact sent a jolt of pain through her body. She landed on her feet with remarkable agility and wasted no time in rejoining the fray, ready to face the robot once more.

As Momo engaged the robot once again, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of frustration. "Help us, Yuki!" she called out, her voice urgent. She noticed Yuki still standing on the sidelines, seemingly lost in thought or perhaps reveling in the spectacle of the battle. But there was no time for distractions; they needed his assistance if they were to emerge victorious.

Regaining her focus, Momo moved with precision, striking at the robot with well-calculated attacks. She was determined to weaken its defenses and create openings for Shoto and Yuki to exploit.

Shoto, too, fought with unwavering determination. He unleashed his icy quirk once more, this time targeting the robot's feet. Ice spread rapidly across the floor, enveloping the robot's lower limbs in a layer of frost.

But the robot was not so easily deterred. With remarkable agility, it evaded Shoto's icy trap, skillfully breaking free from the ice before it could immobilize him completely. The mechanical adversary continued to adapt to their tactics, proving to be a relentless opponent.

Seeing Momo and Shoto battle against the robot brought a sense of satisfaction to Yuki. He couldn't help but admire their teamwork and skill, but as he watched them unintentionally damage his training dummy, a hint of annoyance crept into his mind. As a result, he complied with Momo's request and decided to end the battle.

*Clap, Clap* "Enough, this training ends here," Yuki declared with a firm clap of his hands, bringing the battle to a halt. The robot immediately responded to his command and powered down, ceasing its attacks.

Shoto and Momo were taken aback by the sudden end to the battle. They exchanged glances, trying to make sense of what had just happened.

Their shocked expressions were priceless to Yuki and it was obvious that they had deduced that Yuki had staged their appearance in the room from the way they looked at Yuki. Yuki couldn't help but wear a smug grin on his face, which pretty much confirmed their guess.

Momo and Shoto exchanged puzzled glances as they tried to comprehend the situation. Yuki's nonchalant demeanor was both intriguing and vexing at the same time.

"Where are we?" Momo asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and suspicion, as she still tried to make sense of their sudden change in surroundings. Her eyes narrowed slightly, not fully trusting Yuki's mischievous grin.

"In my training room," Yuki replied, his tone light and playful, enjoying the intrigue he had sparked. Yuki could almost see the gears turning in their minds as they pieced together the puzzle.

"Why are we here?" Shoto asked, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at Momo, who was already questioning Yuki. Confusion and suspicion danced across his face, his serious demeanor clashing with Yuki's carefree response.

"Nothing much, I just teleported us here," Yuki replied with an air of nonchalance, as if they were discussing the weather rather than their current predicament.

"You ... teleported us ... to your training room, wait, isn't your home really far away?" Shoto's shock was palpable as he tried to process what he had just heard.

"Halfway across Tokyo to be exact," Yuki confirmed, relishing the astonishment he saw in Momo and Shoto's eyes. The two young heroes couldn't help but be amazed by the extent of Yuki's powers.

"If you could use teleportation, then why not use it sooner, and why not teleport just a short distance?" Momo's inquisitive nature took over as she fired questions at Yuki.

"I can only teleport to locations where I know how they look," Yuki explained, his mind still lingering on the exhilaration of the recent battle. "And with the building collapsed, I couldn't visualize the surroundings accurately enough to teleport us safely outside. It would have been too risky."

Momo and Shoto nodded in understanding, recognizing the limitations of Yuki's 'quirk'. Teleportation was a powerful ability, but it had its constraints, and Yuki's need for a clear mental image limited their escape options.

"You could have chosen other locations, though, right?" Momo probed, curious about the decision-making process behind Yuki's choice.

"Yes, I could have," Yuki admitted, his expression shifting from elation to contemplation. "But you see, at that moment, my instincts were screaming for battle. All For One's appearance, the chaos, and the danger only fueled my desire to fight."

As he spoke, Yuki couldn't help but mentally replay the adrenaline rush he had experienced during that time. The temptation to join the fray had been intense.

Shoto raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Yuki's confession. "So, instead of considering other escape routes, you thought of this training room as a way to suppress your battle instincts?"

Momo nodded thoughtfully. "Instincts can be powerful," she agreed, "and in the heat of the moment, it's challenging to think rationally."

"Exactly!" Yuki exclaimed, glad that Momo comprehended his perspective. "The thrill of combat, the chance to test our skills against formidable opponents , it's like an intoxicating rush that takes over my mind." Yuki admitted, well, in the heat of the moment, this room really was the first place he could think of.

"If this is your training room, then WHY did this battle robot ATTACK us?" Momo's voice brimmed with fury, and her frustration was evident as she gingerly rubbed her sore stomach, still aching from the robot's attack.

"It's programmed to attack anyone that enters the room as a warm-up," Yuki responded nonchalantly, seemingly unfazed by Momo's anger.

Shoto, ever the curious one, chimed in with his own question, his eyes curious. "You use Robots to train?" he inquired, intrigued by the training method.

"Among others, yes," Yuki confirmed. "These robots offer a unique challenge, they simulate real opponents and can adapt to strategies. Although inferior to real combat, it is sufficient for training."

"Can you take us back to the party venue?" Momo's inquiry was laced with both hope and uncertainty.

"If you have an exact picture of how it now looks or have the exact three-dimensional coordinates, then yes," Yuki replied. "I would, however, prefer the former, since the latter requires some calculations on my part!"

Momo nodded, appreciating Yuki's consideration. "It's probably faster if you call your parents and send them your location," Yuki suggested, a hint of practicality in his voice. "Finding out the exact coordinates is troublesome, and getting an exact picture of the location also isn't easy, given the chaotic situation."

Agreeing with Yuki's suggestion, Momo swiftly took out her phone and dialed her parents' number. They had been franticly searching for her, and relief washed over them when they heard her voice on the other end of the line. But as she began to recount the events that led her to the Takehara family's home, confusion replaced their worry.

"I'm safe, don't worry," she reassured them. "Yuki, he... he teleported us here to his training room." Her parents listened in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Shoto hesitated for a moment before pulling out his own phone. He loathed having to call his father, Endeavor, but he was the only one capable of picking him up from this remote location. His siblings were too young to drive, and his mother was still in the hospital due to injuries caused by Endeavor's recklessness. Walking back home wasn't an option either, given that it was halfway across the city.

Endeavor's heart had pounded with fear when he witnessed the building collapse, trapping his son beneath the rubble. In that terrifying moment, he saw the future he had so meticulously planned crumbling before his eyes. His hope of grooming Shoto as his successor, as the one to surpass All Might, seemed on the verge of shattering.

His flames roared to life, but this time, it was not to unleash destructive fury, instead, he used his powers with precision and care. Carefully, he burned through the debris, trying to find any sign of his son. Every second felt like an eternity as he dug deeper, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Shoto!" he called out, his voice edged with concern. "Shoto, where are you?"

His efforts revealed only ice splinters, and dread tightened its grip around his heart. Just when he was on the verge of despair, his phone rang. With trembling hands, he answered, hearing Shoto's voice on the other end. The relief that washed over him was indescribable, like a lifeline in the darkness. To an outsider, he really did look like a caring father, when in reality he was just worried about needing a new successor who could surpass All Might.

"My parents will come pick me up in a while," Momo said, her tone reassuring, though she couldn't shake off the lingering pain from the robot's attack.

Shoto's words held a tinge of resignation. "My father has plenty to deal with and has no time to come in the next few hours." Yuki and Momo exchanged a knowing look, understanding the burden that came with being the son of the No. 2 Hero, Endeavor.

"Don't worry, Shoto. You can stay at my place until he's free," Yuki offered, his voice surprisingly genuine, and Shoto nodded in appreciation.

"Thanks," Shoto replied, a hint of relief in his voice. Although he had his reservations about staying at Yuki's place, he recognized the sincerity in Yuki's offer.

And so the three of them spent the next hour together, their conversation ranging from their experiences to their hopes and dreams for the future. Momo's initial furrowed brows slowly softened as she saw a different side of Yuki. She couldn't deny that there was something intriguing about him, something that made her curious to learn more.

As the time passed, Momo found herself offering Shoto a ride home, realizing that his house was on their way anyway. Although they had been uncertain about Yuki at first, both of them couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie forming between the three of them. Shoto, too, seemed to be warming up to Yuki.

But one thing didn't change, Momo remained cautious around Yuki. She couldn't deny that Yuki's mischievous behavior rubbed her the wrong way, and him returning to once again use of 'Momo-chan' after they had dealt with the serious matters irked her.

For Yuki, this newfound camaraderie was a significant breakthrough. He had spent much of his life alone, isolated by his desire for battle and reluctance to open up to others. But now, with Shoto and Momo by his side, he felt a sense of belonging he had never experienced before.

As Yuki's parents arrived at their home, they were met with a familiar sight, their son causing a bit of chaos. However, rather than being taken aback, they wore knowing smiles. It seemed that Shinji had sensed his son's teleportation destination using a sensory quirk of his.

Momo's parents soon arrived as well, relieved to see their daughter safe and sound. They exchanged grateful nods with Yuki's parents, acknowledging the bond that had formed between their children during the unexpected adventure. Seeing the three of them together, they realized that sometimes the most extraordinary friendships can bloom in the most unexpected circumstances.

As the kids were preparing to leave, Yuki's father couldn't resist giving his son a stern talking-to for his reckless behavior. It was a classic fatherly scolding, and while Yuki may have acted nonchalant on the outside, deep down, he knew he deserved it.

As Momo and Shoto bid their farewells and left the Takehara residence, they could still hear the faint sound of Yuki's complaints echoing through the air. "That's unfair!" he protested, apparently Shinji activated some special robots in response to his reckless behavior relentlessly targeting his weak parts.

The robots, aptly named "Nut Crackers," lived up to their name as they sought out any opening to exploit, driving Yuki to evade and dodge with all his might. The sounds of his protests mixed with the mechanical whirring of the robots created a comical yet chaotic scene.

Yuki tried to evade them, but they were relentless, always finding a way to exploit an opening. The room echoed with his yelps of surprise and pain as the robots delivered precise kicks to his weakest spots.

"AHHH! Okay, okay, I get it! Stop!" Yuki cried out, but the robots seemed to take his protests as a challenge and increased their assault.

Meanwhile, Yuki's mother, Ayumi, watched the scene unfold with a mix of amusement and concern. She knew her husband's sense of education could be a bit...unconventional at times. But she also trusted that he had Yuki's best interests at heart.

As the night went on, Yuki's escapade with the "Nut Crackers" continued, each attempt to escape becoming more hilarious than the last. It was clear that this would be a story to remember for years to come.

Later that night, as the house settled into a peaceful silence with occasional screams from Yuki, Shinji and Ayumi found themselves discussing the events of the day. They had grown accustomed to the unexpected when it came to their son.

As they laid in bed, the topic of having another child came up once more. "Are you sure about this, Shinji?" Ayumi whispered, her voice filled with warmth as she caressed her husband's cheek. It was a question of reassurance rather than doubt, a chance to confirm the shared desire that blossomed within both of them.

"Absolutely, Ayumi," Shinji replied with conviction, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her close. "I think Yuki would love to have a sibling."

While Yuki was still screaming and escaping from some robots, his parents also had a long night ahead of them, after all there was a child to be conceived.