
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 1: Death and Reincarnation (1)

In the vast expanse of the void, a solitary soul drifts with an ethereal presence. However, this is no ordinary soul; it is the essence of a departed being, a soul that has yet to find its place in the afterlife. Instead, it lingers in a liminal space, suspended in the vastness of the unknown.

Once this soul existed as a human being, just like any other. For a mere two decades, this individual traversed the earthly plane, experiencing the joys and sorrows that life had to offer. However, fate dealt a cruel hand, as the soul encountered an untimely demise at a tender age, forever altering its trajectory.

Though the duration of his life was brief, this soul managed to leave a mark. However, the actions he undertook were perplexing to many, causing them to question the depths of this person's psyche. In fact, the soul's tumultuous existence led it to be admitted to the confines of a mental institution on numerous occasions.

This individual, in life, harbored a fervent addiction that extended far beyond the realm of mere indulgence. It immersed itself in the realms of games, manga, anime, and novels, finding solace and escapism within their intricate narratives.

However, the boundaries of its obsession surpassed the ordinary, revealing a depth of dedication that perplexed onlookers. This obsession extended far beyond mere entertainment. It was as if these imaginative worlds became a conduit for his thoughts, emotions, and desires, shaping his perception of reality.

Immersed in the conviction that he, and he alone, held the role of the world's protagonist, this man perceived all others as mere NPCs in his grand narrative.

Adopting the perspective of an astute player, he pondered upon the actions befitting a skilled gamer. Drawing inspiration from numerous games that had captivated his interest, he ultimately arrived at a resolute conclusion.

A player does things incomprehensible for the NPC's. This is the conclusion he reached.

Guided by this mindset, he embarked upon a series of diverse endeavors, commencing at the tender age of 15. At this juncture, he began viewing his educational pursuits as quests designed to equip him for his role as the protagonist, preparing him for the challenges that lay ahead in his narrative.

It was during this period of time that he inadvertently began viewing the entirety of the world as a collection of NPCs. From that point forward, he exhibited a conspicuous lack of concern for the emotional or physical well-being of these individuals, instead regarding them as mere instruments or tools to his progress.

Indeed, within the confines of his perception, NPCs served but three distinct purposes: as decoration within the world, as adversaries to be overcome, or as bestowers of quests.

At the age of 16, the protagonist delved even further into his pursuit of emulating a protagonist-like existence. His actions took a distressing turn as he commenced a pattern of incessant deception and manipulation of 'NPCs' solely for personal gain, displaying an utter disregard for their well-being or the erosion of trust that resulted from his behaviors.

During this period, he employed a variety of tactics to achieve his objectives. One notable instance involved fabricating elaborate stories to 'NPCs' in order to extract valuable information or secure advantageous positions for himself. Additionally, he honed his ability to exploit the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of those around him, manipulating them to serve his own purposes.

As he progressed to the age of 17, his behavior took an increasingly extreme turn. He ventured into the world of theft, relentlessly pilfering from unsuspecting 'NPCs' or callously looting their possessions, often dismissing the moral implications and potential repercussions that such actions entailed. There were even times where he at night broke into the house of an 'NPC', stole all his goods and on the next day tried to sell it to the same 'NPC', just like in the games he liked playing.

Ultimately, his transgressions nearly resulted in his imprisonment, but due to a judgment of mental illness, he was spared the confines of a jail cell and instead consigned to a mental hospital for treatment.

Upon his arrival at the mental hospital, the doctors expressed optimism in their ability to treat and rehabilitate him. However, the depths of his delusions had already reached an irreversible state, rendering any attempts at a cure futile.

Remarkably, he perceived his time at the mental hospital as yet another quest, necessitating his feigned cooperation in order to ultimately engineer his escape. Engaging in a strategic charade of compliance, he sought opportunities to exploit weaknesses in the system and meticulously planned his departure. Eventually, his efforts bore fruit, and he succeeded in securing his release from the hospital

Subsequent to his escape from the mental hospital, the protagonist's life unfolded until he reached the age of 18, a turning point that marked a disturbing shift in his behavior. It was at this juncture that he began engaging in senseless and unprovoked acts of violence, mirroring the behavior commonly observed in video game players who would attack or kill NPCs without any discernible provocation or rational justification. To him, this conduct was simply an ordinary aspect of gameplay.

Driven by an incessant urge to elude capture and escape the consequences of his actions, he traversed numerous countries, eventually finding his way to Africa, where he seized the opportunity to establish a religion centered around his perceived role as the protagonist, while categorizing all others as NPCs. Remarkably, within a mere eighteen months, this religion experienced exponential growth, primarily due to the volatile and unstable nature of the region in which he operated.

The growth of the religion can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the pervasive conditions of poverty, social unrest, and lack of effective governance in the region provided fertile ground for radical ideologies to take root. The promise of empowerment and control over one's own destiny, even if illusory, held particular appeal to individuals living in such challenging circumstances. Additionally, the man's charismatic persona and his ability to exploit the vulnerabilities of the disillusioned masses played a pivotal role in attracting followers who sought meaning and purpose in their lives.

However, it is crucial to emphasize that this religion swiftly garnered the designation of a terrorist group by many external observers, owing to the abhorrent actions carried out by its members. Internally, they subscribed to the notion of being 'players', while regarding all others as 'NPCs.'

Drawing from the distorted logic of video games, they adopted the belief that death was inconsequential, as they presumed to respawn after a certain period of time. This belief system propagated a culture of random acts of violence, wherein the fear of death became nullified, enabling them to carry out atrocities without restraint or regard for the sanctity of life all over the world.

Upon reaching the age of 19, the publicly self proclaimed protagonist had ascended to the status of a globally hunted terrorist group leader. The public's perception of him had evolved into that of a war-obsessed maniac who derived pleasure from the pain and suffering inflicted upon others.

Driven by their conviction that they were players within a game world, the followers of this religion unleashed a wave of violence that reverberated across numerous regions. Their actions exhibited an alarming disregard for human life, as they perpetrated mass killings, engaged in acts of terrorism, and instigated chaotic confrontations, all driven by their twisted ideology. The very foundation of their belief system perpetuated a cycle of brutality.

Under the leadership of their leader the 'Protagonist', they overthrew the governments surrounding them and established a theocracy with their own religion as the guiding force, establishing laws that were similar to that of many games.

However, his life took an unforeseen turn at the age of 20 when a profound realization abruptly shattered his distorted worldview. The catalyst for this transformation was a chance encounter with a little girl, whose innocence and vulnerability managed to penetrate the armor of his delusions. This encounter sparked a questioning within him, forcing him to confront the fundamental motivations behind his actions and the moral bankruptcy that had characterized his existence thus far.

In the face of this newfound introspection, his worldviews began to crumble, revealing the hollowness of his previous convictions. The seeds of doubt were sown, urging him to reevaluate the trajectory of his life and the devastating impact it had on those around him. The implications of his actions became starkly apparent, challenging the very core of his being and compelling him to reassess the true nature of his existence.

Eventually, he reached a pivotal juncture where he resolved to face the consequences of his actions by turning himself in to the authorities. However, before he could manifest this decision into reality, a tragic incident abruptly cut short his life.

Amidst the vast expanse of Sub-Saharan Africa, where he made this important decision, he found himself immersed in the vivid tapestry of its breathtaking landscapes, wanting to view them one last time before spending a life in prison.

Yet, in an unexpected turn of events, the tranquil serenity of the environment was shattered as a thunderous rumble echoed through the air. In an instant, a colossal elephant charged forth.

The immense creature careened toward him, its colossal form thundering through the undergrowth. In a horrifying collision of flesh and bone, he found himself helplessly caught in the path of the mighty beast. The impact was staggering, gravely wounding him and leaving his body shattered and mangled. The searing pain coursed through his veins.

Yet, it was not the fierce onslaught of the elephant that would claim his final breath, but a follower from within his own religion. Driven by a twisted quest for power and fueled by a twisted belief in his own primacy, this devoted follower of his religion had undertaken a sinister mission, to assassinate their leader.

The motives behind the assassination plot against his leader were as convoluted as the twisted ideology that permeated their religion. The assassin, like others within the cult, dedicated to the belief that life itself was akin to a game

As the 'protagonist' lay defenseless, vulnerable, and already gravely injured, the assassin approached, a malevolent grin adorning his face, his eyes filled with a chilling zeal.

He took out a kitchen knife and began to brutally torture the sect leader.

The already dying leader asked him one question before he died. "Why are you doing this?"

To this question the assassin answered convinced "Torturing my victims gives bonus points and makes me respawn faster after death!"

The last words the man heard before dying were the screams of the maniac that killed him.

"I am the true protagonist you fake!"