

C 815

This time, when Emery entered the Ouroboros Palace once again, there were no other people present except the Oroboros Queen and Duke Syre. Unlike the last time, where there were other higher-ups of the clan, this meeting was going to be a private one.

Even so, it didn't mean the formless pressure Emery experienced as he entered the grand hall would lessen. In fact, now that there were only two grand magus level figures, he felt as if the pressure imposed on him became even stronger.

As Emery got closer to the throne, he could see the queen was smiling.

"Ah, Emery Ambrose, our talented young friend… I heard that you had quite an exciting trip." The queen said with a rather ambiguous smile on her face.

Emery was silent, as his mind drove into motion, trying to figure out what the queen was talking about. By the next sentence, he realized she was talking about the Arbor master.

"I am really interested to know more about what you have learned from such a master. But let's set it aside for another time, because right now we are here for a different matter."

The pale-skinned queen seemed to flash a wicked smile, as she looked at Emery and asked him. "So, I heard you have decided to join us?"

Emery didn't immediately affirm or deny her words. First, he glanced at Silva and wondered if she had told her mother about his request.

However, at the moment, the girl looked to be lost in thought, as she just stared dazely into the air. It seemed the talk they had earlier must have affected her somehow.

Hence, Emery decided to speak for himself.

"Your Majesty, I'm very honored by your invitation. But, I hope you don't mind listening to my concerns first," Emery said with conviction.

He then began to recount the state of his world and the conflict against the Nephilim. However, Emery was only able to utter a few sentences, before the queen raised her hand and stopped him from continuing to speak.

"I am already aware of your world and the complicated situation that surrounds it. Your sense of responsibility, as well as loyalty to your brethren, only made me like you even more. So, yes of course we will do what we can to support your planet."

Hearing these words made Emery sigh with relief. It appeared Silva was right about her mother after all.

"And for that reason, please take the time you need to deal with your matters whenever you are not on duty to the faction."

Emery nodded his head along as the queen spoke, but the last sentence quickly startled him. He, of course, knew he would have some tasks assigned to him from the faction when he joined. He would naturally finish it to the best of his ability, but he would never jeopardize Earth's safety for the sake of it.

"Your Majesty, my concern is exactly regarding the last sentence you spoke. Since I have to be responsible to both the faction and Earth at the same time, unless the situation with Nephilim is resolved, I wouldn't be able to do much for the faction"

Surprisingly, the queen didn't seem to be offended by Emery's words. She stared deeply at Emery before saying.

"Emery, you are not even twenty, but you worry about things beyond your capabilities."

Emery was surprised, because he didn't expect such a reaction. It wasn't anger nor disappointment, instead what he received was pity, or rather compassion. This puzzled him, so he waited for the queen to continue speaking.

"I have lived for almost 2,000 years and ruled for more than half of that time. Although it's not much compared to others, I can still say I have some understanding in the matters of life. So, let me tell you that life always gives you difficult choices."

Emery looked intently at the queen as she continued.

"Even if you, somehow, are able to miraculously deal and solve your problem with the Nephilims, what makes you think you won't face any problem that might be even bigger after?"

The queen faced Emery who fell into contemplation, looking him straight in the eye. "I am telling you that this is a matter of commitment, which one do you think is best for you right now and for your future: Ouroboros or Earth?"

The queen's words seemed to have managed to rouse Silva from her daze, as she quickly turned her head and looked at Emery. Her expression clearly said she wanted to say a few words.

Alas, the queen didn't give her the chance by speaking again. "This is a decision you have to make yourself. You have stayed here with us for several weeks. I'm sure it is more than enough to help you make your own decision."

The queen was certainly wise and Emery understood what she meant. He couldn't, and shouldn't, make decisions that would massively affect his future by outside interference like promises he had made. He needed to decide within and for himself.

"I know that you are a cautious one, so I will make it easy for you."

The queen turned towards Duke Syre after saying those words, who immediately took out a scroll and threw it over at Emery.

When Emery opened the scroll, he immediately understood what the queen meant by making it easy for him. The scroll was a renowned item known as [Soul Contract]. Emery had seen and used one before given by Roran Harlight during last year's game.

The item allowed people to have a deal with a certain degree of certainty. After all, the consequences of breaking the agreement signed by the [Soul Contract] were severe, ranging from damaging one's cultivation to at worst being killed instantly.

For the queen to take out a [Soul Contract], at first glance it looked as if she was forcing Emery to wholly commit to the faction after he joined. But on the other hand, it was also a severe commitment to her as well - something she had to hold upon.

If Emery agreed to sign the [Soul Contract], the agreement between him and Ouroboros Queen would not be a mere promise that could easily be broken.

Duke Syre then explained the [Soul Contract] had been filled with standard terms, the responsibility Emery had to do after joining the faction and all the privileges and benefits he received with his [Morning Star] title.

Emery could even see there was an empty space in the contract, which Duke Syre told him to fill with his requests if any.

Silva approached Emery," Emery, as I promised to not lie to you anymore, I think you should not accept it right away. Please, I mean please, do not make any decision while you are angry with me. After all, this is about your future."

Emery nodded, signaling he understood and that she didn't have to worry. Furthermore, the offer the queen gave to him right now appeared to be a fair deal to him.

The queen also didn't insist Emery to immediately give his answer as she said, "Young friend, I'll give you 24 hours to decide. Think carefully."

Those words, however, quickly annoyed Silva. "Mother, that's too soon!"

Unfortunately for her, this time her mother was unwilling to take a step back. The queen ignored the annoyed look her daughter was giving her and looked at Emery.

"Because you are a good friend of my daughter, we have been willing to provide many benefits to you. If you still can't decide within 24 hours, then consider the offer withdrawn."

"Mother!" Silva once again shouted.

As she continued to ignore her daughter, with her eyes fixed on Emery, the queen did a slight wave and said, "You may now go. I have to talk to my daughter."

To be continued