


"Don't worry Emery, I am sure my mother, the queen, will understand your concern. I will make sure of that."

The young lady said it with much anticipation as she sat inside the flying vehicle on its way to the palace to meet the queen.

Emery, on the other hand, remained deafeningly silent as if he was completely zoning out at the moment. The reason for this was just before he entered the flying vehicle, he heard a piece of confusing news, and it has been weighing on his mind ever since.

If it was true that the white fang was no longer in holdings, why didn't Silva tell him? He kept questioning this thing on his head. It was said they had been gone for two weeks, that's even before his last summoned by the queen when he was offered the prestigious title.

Noticing Emery's troubled expression, Silva ventured to immediately ask him, "What is it? Do you have any other concerns? Please, it's better to be honest with me before meeting my mom, so that I can… prepare something…" The girl gradually ended her words in a hushed tone that appeared to be a little concerned.

Because Silva had already stated so, without hesitation, Emery decided to confront her in order to check what Geannete had told him earlier, "Silva… I do have one concern and I need you to be honest about it."

This sudden question quickly made Silva startled. Seeing Emery's serious expression and intense gaze had caused her to become a little nervous.

"What… what is it?"

"Tell me…is it true? Is it true that the white fang has left weeks ago?" Emery straightforwardly asked.

Silva was taken aback when she heard this question. It appeared that she had not anticipated that she would be asked this unexpected query by Emery as her response was a little stuttering.

"Ee.. what… what do you mean…?" The young lady responded in an anxious manner.

When Emery saw her reaction, he could only quickly take a deep sigh. "It's true, isn't it?" He added as he was sure his guess was right because it could be clearly seen from the way Silva just responded to him.

"Eer… there must be a mistake… who told you?… was it my brother? It's him, isn't it? That useless swine!" Exclaimed the white-haired girl.

Silva's weird reaction only caused Emery to let out another sigh. Silva, on the other hand, abruptly became silent after seeing Emery's expression.

At this moment, she realized that there was no use to continue to keep it a secret any longer and decided to tell him the truth.

"I am sorry Emery. I should have told you, but… my mother… the clan… I..."

"Please, Silva, no more lies. Just tell me what happened to the White Fang? Are they in trouble?" Emery impatiently inquired. It seemed as though the atmosphere around them was becoming tense.

Silva quickly tried to clear things up to put Emery at ease. "No… It's nothing like that... actually, actually the situation with the 12 bloodlines has been cleared up. It's over Emery, because of us… because of you, now the wolf clan and the serpent can return the way it was.. isn't it great?"

Emery only half-believed what he was hearing. It was certainly a piece of good news, but when it was said together with a lie, it made it more difficult for him to believe it.

"No, Emery, it's really true. That's why I was confident we could go back to the academy together. You and me. We can begin preparing for the mid-test right away."

Another sigh could be heard from Emery, as he looked at the white-haired girl, who appeared to be in a state of panic to the point of desperation.

For a few brief moments, the two were deafeningly quiet. Emery, on the other hand, couldn't see why Silva felt the need to keep the truth from him. The fact he could not figure out the real reason didn't give him any relief. Having determined he needed to know the truth, he inquired with another question.

"Tell me, Silva, why? Why did you need to lie to me?"

Silva was trembling for a second. She tried to regain her composure and said, "When we received the news, you were on your gene upgrade treatment. Afterward, we were so excited with your success. The queen and I, we wish you to join the clan. We... I... need you to join…"

Silva's confession just now had caused Emery to take a deep sigh once again. He then said, "Silva… you really didn't need to lie… you can tell me anything"

This time, Silva looked at him with her eyes gazing, "No… I need you to know our intention. I need you to know who we are. You blatantly refused my mother's offer, so I was forced to do it. I need time so you understand our real intention."

Emery said, "What I can see now is you are willing to lie to get what you want... you and your clan…"

Emery's words had made Silva become emotional. It was as if everything she had been holding inside had finally come bursting out.

"Everything we did the last few days was for you! It was in your best interest! I know the moment you hear about the news, you will leave… tell me… is it really such an awful thing to keep you just a few more days… for me?"

Emery once again was caught in a dilemma. He did feel he was probably a little too upset with the situation. The girl in front of him certainly did it with a good intention.

If it was not for Silva, he would not have met the Arbor master, received new spells, the day serum and many things. If it's true the white fang had returned and the conflict of the 12 bloodlines had been resolved, then it should be something to be celebrated. He should have appreciated all the good things he got instead of being emotional.

He stepped forward to shorten the distance between him and the beautiful young lady. He grabbed her hand,

"If there needs to be a future between me and your clan, I need you to be completely honest with me. Always! Can you do that?"

In a response to Emery's request, the girl naturally nodded. At the same time, the vehicle eventually arrived at the palace. Time to talk with the queen about the faction.

To be continued