
”Tree of Life" 

※I'm currently translating a Japanese novel into English, so there might be some unusual translations or mistakes. Please feel free to point them out. "Due to a genetic mutation, a group of humans known as the Gabeto tribe acquired the ability to emit energy. Alongside this development, numerous plants emerged that harnessed the energy emitted by the Gabeto tribe as their source of sustenance. As a result, these plants underwent unique evolutions in a direction beneficial to humans, as they could absorb more energy. Within this unique evolution, certain plants emerged as a subset capable of transformation, known as the 'Tree of Life.' The impact of this characteristic extended beyond just the plants, triggering a new wave of evolution in the ecosystem, affecting animals, and even humans. In a world where the ecosystem had begun to change fundamentally, the protagonist, Luti, whose body was composed of the 'Tree of Life,' and Gracia, a surviving member of the Gabeto tribe, had to adapt to this shifting environment. How would Luti decide to live in this ever-changing world?"

Daoistlg9So7 · Fantaisie
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28 Chs

22_'Forest of The End'

The 'Forest of The End' below us is getting closer and closer.

Currently, Etzio, Sheena, and I are hanging onto vines, slowly making our way towards the 'Forest of The End.' Each sway causes the bottles attached to our clothes to clink together, prompting me to check the bottles worriedly.

No cracks are present, and the seedlings inside show no unusual changes. Various seedlings are contained within: some writhing, some with odd-shaped leaves, and some are just bare, unadorned stems.

"It's fine. These bottles aren't that fragile," Etzio says with a light laugh, though his expression remains somewhat stern. Considering our destination, that's to be expected. No matter the precautions, the fear doesn't subside.

In contrast, Sheena seems as usual, gazing blankly at the 'Forest of The End.' We were chosen for this investigation because most of our bodies are made from the 'Tree of Life,' thus increasing our chances of survival, as appointed by Dr. Tony.

Both Etzio and Sheena have undergone numerous surgeries, with over half their bodies now made from the 'Tree of Life.' We land on one of the densely growing 'Devouring Trees' of the 'Forest of The End,' feeling a rush of pleasure similar to the energy emitted by Gracia.

I review the objectives of our mission once again. "The purpose of this investigation is primarily to study those human-shaped plants presumed to be the Gaveto tribe. Are they truly the Gaveto tribe, and do they possess consciousness?" Dr. Tony's voice replays in my mind. The investigation begins by eliminating the uncertainties first.

"Currently under investigation, we don't believe the 'Tree of Life' in the 'Forest of The End' can mutate into something as complex as a human brain. Plus, there's something else odd. It's strange that there had been no activity for decades. It's hard to believe they're just continuing to live as a source of energy for the plants," Etzio muses, tilting his head.

"But they did attack us, right? It must mean they have some sort of will," he adds.

"That's true. That's why it's even more confusing. Since then, we've sent people to observe several times, but there's been no sign of aggression... Could it be just a coincidence, or... another possibility is that it happened because Gracia was there," I pondered.

"Looks like we won't find any answers just by talking about it here," I conclude.

"Well, yes..." the Dr.Ban agrees, already looking tired.

"Anyway, we need to investigate those entities first. We can't proceed without that," Dr. Tony states with a solemn expression.

A gust of wind strikes us, making me squint my eyes. At that moment, I snap back to reality. Below us stretches the 'Forest of The End,' where I can glimpse the massive bodies crawling on the ground through the gaps in the trees.

"Shall we go then?" Etzio suggests.

With his words, Etzio, Sheena, and I split up and proceed in three different directions. Continuous observation has allowed us to perfectly understand the behavior of the human-shaped plants.

They walk the exact same path at the same time every day, in the exact same location. Capturing them is the aim of this mission.

The reason for splitting up into three groups is based on numerous experiments determining it to be the most efficient approach.


With Dr. Tony's command, Gracia began to advance four trees she had under control towards the 'Forest of The End,' arranging them into two groups. Soon, several trees emerged from within the forest, all intertwined with white fibrous threads akin to the 'Tree of Life' from the 'Forest of The End.' These trees from the forest approached the ones controlled by Gracia.

'Alright, Gracia, please,' Dr. Tony said, prompting Gracia to make one group of trees lash out, attacking the trees that had emerged from the forest. Suddenly, more trees from within the forest appeared, subduing the rampaging trees.

The trees that Gracia had incited to riot stopped their tumult abruptly, covered in numerous 'Trees of Life.' Gracia shook her head in response to the situation.

On the other hand, the trees that weren't induced to rampage were seemingly accepted more graciously, slowly merging with the 'Tree of Life.'

'Can you still control them?' Dr. Tony inquired, only to see Gracia shake her head again.

After numerous experiments, it was concluded:

Moving as a trio increases the likelihood of being collectively assimilated.

If not provoked, there's more time before assimilation occurs.

Given enough time, either the seedlings brought along could be used, or with Gracia's support, even one person could potentially escape.

Considering these findings and aiming for efficiency, it was decided to split up into three groups as part of Dr. Tony's strategy.

As I started walking away from Etzio and Sheena, the surroundings instilled a strange feeling in me. Trees growing straight up towards the sun were rare; most were at unusual angles, with roots growing on other trees' trunks, creating an intense sense of unease.

Just walking made my sense of balance feel off, as if I was no longer in the world I was accustomed to but had stepped into an entirely different one.

I knew danger was close, but because I was still at a high vantage point, and the plants below seemed so distant, there was a semblance of peace. It made me let my guard down, fooling me into believing this calm might last forever.

Then, a rustling sound came from behind, startlingly close.

My heart skipped a beat. Realizing the urgency, I quickly turned around to find Sheena sitting on the ground.