

Owen was reincarnated to a new world full of wars and conflicts with his useless system. How will he survive? could he even survive? No.

BlueVeil · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The Power Of Friendship

The group of six surrounded Owen as they drew their weapons.

"Dammit, i knew that those bereth bastards are hiding something! To think they are working with a devil..!" The man on the middle shouted. Just like the others, he wore a silver armor but the only difference is that he had a short white cape behind his back.

The man was holding a spear and he seems to be the leader of the group. Beside him is a man holding a broadsword and the one on his right is a man holding a short sword and a shield.

Behind them was a group of archers, one with a longbow and the other two with a short bow.

Owen was placed in a very tough spot as he didn't have a sword.

"Dammit, i took so much money but not even a single sword...!" Owen cursed himself. He only have one way out of this fight now and that it to use his magic.

Unfortunately, what can a small orb of darkness do? it would be better to just throw rocks.

As Owen thought of this, the man holding a broadsword charged towards him. The man quickly swing his sword towards Owen's skeletal neck.

Without his sword, Owen was forced to block with his arm to reduce the damage. What Owen didn't expect was, instead of his arm breaking, the sword only made it's way half through.

Owen saw each of his enemies status and all of them were at rank 3. Even though he was now at rank 6, most of his stats were placed in mana. He was barely at rank 4 in terms of physical stats.

That's why Owen didn't expect the man's attack to be so weak. Of course, the man in question didn't expect the result either.

"W-What the hell is this monster?!" the man asked in disbelief. He was an elite from the empire and his sword is known to cut through anything.

That's why it was a shock for him that a mere skeleton blocked his sword, which was even bigger than the skeleton itself.

"They're weaker than i thought." Owen said as his hand was covered in black smoke.

It was the skill that can't to anything, the 'Touch of Undeath'. He don't really expect the skill to do anything or if it would even be helpful.

Though that's at least what he thought, but his instincts as an undead and as a gamer were telling him to use the skill.

It was telling him not to waste such a valuable skill. Owen also knew that it was an amazing skill since in games, if a skill have a cool name, it's usually an over powered skill.

The problem was that up until now, Owen still does not have any idea what the skill can do.

That's where Owen got the idea, it might be a skill specifically for combat. In games, there are skills that needs a target to be used. If the 'Touch of Undeath' skill isn't a free aim skill, then it could be the reason why he couldn't use it.

Even though it was a dumb idea, it made sense for Owen. He used the skill as black smoke gathered on his left hand. As the black smoke touch the blade of the sword, it started to melt and decay.

"Wha-!" the man said as he pull his sword way but Owen didn't gave him time to do so. As the sword continues to decay, Owen swing his hand with the black smoke and the sword was split into two pieces.

He then grabbed the unfortunate man's head and the man's head started to decay along with his whole body.

"""ROLAND!!!""" the group of humans shouted as the man's lifeless body fell on the ground.

"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!!! DIE, DEMON!!!!" the woman with a longbow shouted as she fired an arrow. The other two who were both holding short bows also shot their own arrows.

The arrows charge towards Owen but before the arrows even reach him, the arrows got sucked into the orb of darkness. The orb's size increased by a little after absorbing the arrows.

Owen didn't expect the orb to do anything but when he thought of stopping the arrows, the orb moved and did exactly that. Owen wondered if that's really how magic works.

Since if all it needs to use magic is control and imagination, then Owen might really turn out to be a genius.

He was a big dreamer afterall.

To test his theory, Owen tried controlling the darkness around him. To be more specific, the shadows of the trees, rocks, and every shadow he could find around him.

As Owen control the shadows, the man with a spear started spouting nonsense. The others found his words encouraging but it was only cringy for Owen.

"Calm down everyone! Roland might have died but he shall always remain in our hearts! Now, let us take revenge for Roland and defeat that demon!!!" the man said as he pointed his spear towards Owen.

"""YEAH!!!""" the others respond as they prepair for their next attack.

"Let's go!" the man with the spear said as he charge forward.

The archers shot a barrage of arrows towards Owen but he didn't worry about it because of the orb. Unfortunately for him, the orb was pinned down by the man with a shield and a sword.

"""GO, CAPTAIN!!!"""

Owen noticed this but it was already too late as the arrows and the man with the spear were only a few meters away from him.

"This is the power of our bond! Taste the power of our combined strength, THE POWER OF FRIENDSHIP!!!" the man said as he charge forward.

"I-IMPOSSIBLE! HOW CAN THIS BE?!!!" Owen said, trying to play the role of a villain.

"RAHHHHH!!! DIE!!!" the man shouted as he thrust his spear. Just then, he felt a killing intent directed towards him which gives off a strong pressure. He stared at the skeleton's hollow eyes which gives off a dim red light.

It was Owen's skill, 'Bloodlust'. The skill allows the user to release their killing intent.

Owen's Bloodlust skill is still at a low level so the killing intent he could release is still insufficient to affect a veteran warrior.

However, because of the difference in their ranks, the pressure of Owen's bloodlust was more than enough to affect the man with the spear.

"Don't you know that those people who always shout 'Die!' before they attack always end up dying themselves?" Owen asked as his hand was covered in black smoke. Then, he thrust his arm towards the spear.

As his hands collided with the spear, the spear started to decay and soon, it turned to ashes.

The arrows hit him all around his body but most of them miss. Some just went through his ribs while some hit his skull but didn't do any damage.

'Not the best way to fight me i guess.'

With the spear gone, Owen took the opportunity to strike.

Owen's hands went straight towards the man's head and just like the man named Roland, he suffered the same fate.

"""Captain-!!!""" the others screamed in horror before they all went silent. Sharp spikes shot out from their shadows which caught them off guard.

<The skill [Darkness] Leveled up>

<The skill [Mana Manipulation] Leveled up>

The woman with the longbow was the only one that manage to stay alive from the spikes. Although she didn't seem to well as she could die at any second.

The woman stared at Owen before she looked towards his shadow. She saw that his shadow was connected to her own shadow. She looked around and saw the same thing, everyone's shadow was connected to the skeleton.

This made her feel bad for herself as she was suppose to be their scout. She couldn't believe that she didn't even notice his shadows move.

'This...is all my fault...i should've noticed it sooner...' she thought to herself as her vision started to get blurry.

Owen noticed the woman, she was still alive. Just like the man with the cape and spear, Owen started spouting nonsense.

"You're all a bunch of idiots. That man's nonsense did increase your morale but it made you complacent and made you let your guard down. It's a shame that i didn't have a sword, it would've been quicker." Owen said but he finally stopped after seeing that the woman was already dead.

Owen and the others lost track of time and now that the battle has ended, Owen noticed that it was already dark. It was night time, it made him wonder how long had they been fighting.

Owen felt like everything happened in just a few minutes but that didn't seem to be the case. With nothing else to do, Owen absorbed the black mist coming out of the dead bodies.

Shortly afterwards, he started walking in the cold night.