
Æthereal Archives

"Archiving otherwise lost data on them tends to be beneficial in the long term. Not just for me, but for them as well, once they're ready to take it all in from an external perspective. They are not ready. As for me, well, it feels like I always have been, for better or worse. It is impossible to go back for all of us, and with that damning understanding comes a different kind of acceptance that I never imagined that I would achieve. It was bittersweet at first, but with this newfound meaning, I keep myself busy recording what was left behind, and what has yet to come as we tread closer. Infinite paths are carved to reach the same destination, that much I understand now. None are left unscathed, or without fatigue at the very least. To what end, you ask? Well, interpretations have been made along the way, many are just to get to the next milestone. Where one ends, or is rendered obsolete, another comes to light, and perhaps another, depending on how far you walk, and how much further you are willing to go. It pushes us down from our subconscious, offering a taste of what lies ahead. I don't think we are as separate from one another as we always tend to imagine, or from our environment, for that matter. As I read back and reflect, all I can say is that the destination is way beyond how far a single perspective can walk all at once. At least, for now, especially if it is traveled alone. So many paths have become intertwined, however, as we draw ever closer to that sweet, absolute end to all of our journeys, to which we can reflect and simply offer nothing more than a hearty chuckle. We are but buds, carving our way to the surface to take in the sunlight as both a collective and as individuals. For you, the reader of our endeavors, I offer side stories, for lack of a better term, while I compile and develop the main sagas of our collection. It will be fun to express who we once were, and who we will become. Reflect on us, from start to finish, and do enjoy."

Chompa1000 · Romance
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13 Chs

Cain's Bane

Simple in design. Nearly weightless, albeit heavy with burden once removed. It didn't drive them to do it that time. Rather, it merely fed them a treat, like a dog. At that point, they were all bite, no bark. Trials without it offered them something else.

No such luck in defining that incident as unintentional. Justification could be hypothesized, but only they knew for certain. Curious, although futile to rationalize without bias. Familiar, albeit uniquely crude in nature.

There were rumors before long, enough to open the eyes of blissful ignorance and let them shrivel in disbelief. None dared wish it to be true, but alas, they could not hydrate their sclera despite the tears flooding outright.

It made some wary. Concerned. Aware. That alone could be considered relevant, though there was no way to know for certain.

It appeared to be a grand relief in the short term, yet as seconds became days, the unknown truth had left a wriggling worm in the apple's core. It ate and tunneled until there was only one way to fill in the gaping holes left behind. All that can be said is that once the apple was eaten, all that remained only rotted away.

Eventually that rotten core was replaced by something else that couldn't replace it fully; something utterly foul in comparison. It served well, however, if only to further justify what was brought upon those that followed as an example of the first. It appeared to only rock the foundation further, to an end only known by the glare of dusk.

To think that the first was easy in the heat of that moment for them. Justified damnation, the silhouette became the driving force, if not merely the possessor. One wasn't enough, that much was anticipated. What went against the hypothesis was the intricate nature that allowed it to continue without bearing the veil from time to time.

So complex, that factor. Underestimating must never occur in the future.

The feeble frames of youth carried something heavier than any soul would dare haul, lest a desire pumped up their endurance and demanded it be taken from them. Desire is a notable driving force we all have, and thus, one turned to six. None could have fathomed that possibility, yet it happened regardless of obligation. Turning right of age seemed to be an appropriate time to do so.

If only I could transcribe the mind with seamless clarity, there would be no mistakes in judgement or predictability of the individual. Alas, it is an artform yet to be created, regardless of where and when. Perhaps next time, there will be a means to that end.

For now, all that can be done is to take what little context that can be scrawled and save it for later trials. This one was a fluke at best. Indeed, it had done its job well enough, and they will be the ones who were vanquished not in vain.

Society cared, or disillusioned themselves into thinking so from a distance, about what occurred during that full moon, when the sun could not bear witness to the truths of what it nourished. Succulent and ripe for the taking, they brought it upon themselves, from what I could gather. Each one further tempted a need for multilayered illusion, and thus, I gained more nomenclature for the human soul as each one was plucked from their branch.

This will not be over in the foreseeable future. That much will have provided more than enough nuances before it becomes bland and predictable. So long as adaptation and challenge remains an inevitable factor, perhaps those who bear arms and skill could become the next variables in their insidious plots.

For now, the preemptive actions are crude and imperfect, yet suit the situations just fine. As it gradually increases in creativity, so too will the standards. When the transmigration occurs, only then will they truly have something to fear. Until then, the prelude does the community enough harm to wear them out before they finally catch up, only to be blown asunder by the true nature of unfiltered humanity.

I hope to one day meet them, but for apparent reasons, that may never occur. In all probability, it is definitely for the best, despite my genuine intrigue. Such a sport is so undermined and taboo that only isolated minds truly understand why it is so integral to human nature, whether they realize it or not. Suppressed or not, endured or unleashed, one always experiences it one way or another.

Intrusive thoughts can become coordinated actions easier than you'd imagine.