

After Major accidentally destroyed the universe. He could change one thing for the next universe. He chose to remain with the people he cared about most. In this new reality, things weren't quite the same as they used to be. Everyone seemed more free to do what they wanted and the world gave off much a much more positive vibe. One thing that did change was that the once powerful character now found themselves rendered powerless, causing them to learn from the grounds up once again. The world may give off more positive energy than before, but where there is light, there is always darkness

alaagon · Urbain
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14 Chs


"Tell us, why should we do anything for you? You're only the delivery man. You're not our guest." The man in the alleyway stood there in front of Nox. He wasn't very tall but he had a tough demeanor and wasn't at all threatened by Nox in the slightest.

Nox stood firm with his request though, not shaking a single bit. "Tell me then, why have you failed to obtain Major until now?" Nox was especially good at staying cool is situations.

"We need time, and connections. Once we have both, Major will be ours." The man pulled a gun out of his pocket and aimed it at Nox's chest. "If you're not going to help us then you're no-use to us."

"If you want to kill me, aim it at my head. You have a connection to Major standing right in front of you. Someone who knows and lives with Major. Someone who seeks revenge against him. Is there a deeper connection out there?"

The man adjusted his aim to Nox's face. "I know you're bluffing. No need to lie to me. Reveal yourself, my AEnigma." From behind him, a large dark blue statue with three eyes erected itself. It was posed with its arms out like a zombie and the hands were in a gripping pose. "This is Lie Detector. Truth is golden. And the truth is never hidden from me."

Nox grinned at him. "Busted." The man fired the gun, but Nox had already dodged it, roundhouse kicking the weapon out of his hand. The man responded with his other hand being thrusted towards Nox, full of darkness.

Nox grabbed his arm and elbowed him in the jaw and finally kneed him in the face, causing him to smash against that wall, shattering the statue AEnigma.

"Now, I want you to teach me how to use the Darkness trick." The man's bloody face lifted up and stared at Nox. He was filled with fear at the proposition and had little choice but to obey him. Nox pulled a knife out of his pocket and placed it at the strangers throat. "Get started."

'I wouldn't be so cocky. Some people have been left in shock by the pain.' The man smiled anf looked up at Nox. "Of course I'll help sir. He placed his hand on Nox's chest and forced wads of Darkness into his body at dangerous rates. Much higher than what Major has induced.

Nox stared straight at the stranger. Stone faced and completely unphased by the pain. His nerves of steel were simply so strong and he wouldn't allow himself to break. Not even ten minutes later the stranger was exhausted of using Darkness and clocked out. Nox was already more than prepared to use the Darkness though. At the rate it was being forced into him, it was already felt very natural to him.

Nox stood up and walked out of the alleyway, leaving the unconscious man to his own devices. He walked back home and made an announcement. "Major, it appears your trail is still hot." Nox created some darkness from his hands. "Picked this gimmick up from a messenger for the historians."

Major spoke "How are you involved with them?"

"Told them I'd rat you out if they met with me. A big mistake for them, I took the guy out and forced the guy to train with me. I wanted him to push me as hard as I could go. I want an AEnigma. And I'm going to get one."

Major and Nox found a nearby field to fight in. The entire household also opted to join them and watch. Major stood before Nox, grinning with excitement. It had been a while since the two had thrown down. The saving grace is that this time, they weren't going to be nearly as destructive.

Major instantly flicked into his AEnigma state, revealing the wings and halo. Both of them dashed at eachother and grabbed eachother and tried to wrestle the other to the floor. Major immediately got the upper hand with his physical element, ripping Nox's guard apart with brute force, exposing his chest and abdoment.

Major pulled him forward and kneed him in the ribs, winding him and making him stumble around in pain. Major then personally delivered a kick to the face, causing him to spin around and fall over. "Not trying very hard for that AEnigma eh Nox?"

Nox got up and sent a wave of darkness at Major, who responded by absorbing the attack with his own white flames. In response, Major sent his own wave of white flames which hit Nox at full force, making him fall to his knees.

Using physical, Major ran at high speeds and punched him in the face, causing him to fall to the floor. Major picked him up by the head and pummeled his face over and over. After a few hits, each punch resulted in blood spatter.

Nox was struggling this time with the pain. Each punch felt like a hammer with Majors enhancement from physical. Major landed one hook, breaking his nose. Nox felt his soul shoot out of his body, then retract once again. The next punch sent his soul shooting out once again, time started to slow down as he got further from his own body. It's slowly retracted back into his body once more. Major let go of his head and punched his head into the floor, causing Nox's soul to split indefinitely.

Nox started at his bloody and broken face from the outside. He could make out a purple glow in his head that he reached for and picked up. He held it in his hands and inspected the small glowing gem. As he clutched it, he felt his soul shoot back into his body.

His eyes flicked open and he was staring up at Major, who was looking straight down onto him. Majors hands started swirling with white flames as he was preparing his finisher. "Sorry Nox, just not your day buddy."


Major was pushed back with a strong current of force that was repusling from Nox. His body was being lifted off the ground and to his feet again. His wounds were closing up and he looked just as good as he did before.

In his hand, a katana started to flake into being. Hundreds of tiny purple dust particles were flying around, slowly forming the sword in his hand. The sword had a black hilt, brandished with a metallic scuplt of a dragon on the hilt and guard. The blade was a glowing purple with a curved katana blade. "Welcome back to my hand, Muzukashi."

Nox twirled the blade in his hands, getting used to its grips once again. Back in their old life, Muzukashi was just like any other forged katana, in this life, it was clearly his AEnigma. Nox held the blade up to Major. "Shall we continue?"

"Bout time, this don't even feel like I'm fighting you. I've never fought you without a sword." Major grinned and put his guard up.

Both of them ran at eachother once more and started rapidly swinging, blocking and dodging. Nox's new sword was cool but it wasn't sharp. It's ability was the thing that scared Major though.

Nox held the sword up high and the blade of it flashed purple. All the shadows from the surrounding area started to float towards the sword at the same time. The shadows from people's clothes, the trees and leaves and even the small ones cast by the tiny blades of grass beneath them, all swirled and resonated with the blade at once. The glowing purple blade started to darken and darken until it eventually turned black. Nox dashed at major and swung his sword downwards. Major narrowly dodged but one of his wings was sliced clean off. Another swipe, another wing cut off. One final slice and Majors Halo was completely cut in half perfectly.

Major was stunned as his AEnigma was taken out almost instantly after Nox had released his. He had a blade that could cut clean throught anything, even AEnigmas.

Major was taken aback and still had to get his head around the pickle he was in. He tried resummoning his AEnigma but strangely it needed to recharge for him to use again, like it's battery life had run down. Major knew that he still had a physical element on his side, but now Nox's darkness as well at that annoying sword were a growing problem for him. He had to think outside of the box. Like he always did.

Major stuck his hand in the dirt, and using force from physical, he threw a wad of dirt towards Nox. He had angled the throw perfectly and even though Nox cut it, it still hit his face dead on.

Major used this chance to dash as fast as physical could take him and kick the sword out of Nox's hand. The plan had worked, kind of. Nox simply teleported the sword back to his hand and sliced at Major, who bolted past him slightly.

As Major was going past Nox, he dug his heel into the ground to give himself maximum speed and he also thought if he timed it right, he could fling another ball of dirt at Nox. It was tight, but Major managed to angle the shot perfectly and bam, Nox's face was fully filled with dirt.

Nox spluttered and wiped at his face frantically. Major turned around and grabbed him by the shoulders. He leant him forward so his feet were now on tip toes. Major stomped his feet into the ground like tent pegs, yanked his shoulders back to bend him in an awkward way and dealt a devastating knee to the spine, sending huge jolts of pain running through Nox's body.

The shock from the pain caused him to be shaky all over and after he got his feet out, he humbly admitted defeat at Major's hands.

Both of them shook on the fight. "To be honest with you Nox, this fight has taught me something. AEnigmas can be powerful, yes. But they aren't always stronger than tricks. "

Nox smiled back and nodded. "It was fun, felt just like old times. Once we get the crew back to normal, I think it's time we payed the historians a visit.

Slogging through an alleyway, a short man, injured and limping, leaving a small streaky trail of blood as he leant at a wall. He dropped to his knees before another man. One wearing a hoodie and a scholars hat. "Sire, they're too strong. We need to rethink this."

"Do we?" From behimd the hooded man, another tall, burly man walked out of the shadows. He had red.skin, with two horns and piercing red and black eyes. "What part of this do we need to... Rethink? On second thought, maybe you're right. Maybe I need to rethink who I send to retrieve the prey."

The tall, demonic man crounched down to the injured man. He was quivering in fear at this demons precense. "You have no use to me anymore." From his finger, a flicker of flames lit up. He placed the flame deep into the quivering man's forehead and he burst into flames and turned to dust.

The tall demonic man stood up and looked at the other, hooded man in the scholars hat. "I trust you know your new role. Don't fail me." The man walked back into the shadows.

"Yes, Galvinor Satan."