

After Major accidentally destroyed the universe. He could change one thing for the next universe. He chose to remain with the people he cared about most. In this new reality, things weren't quite the same as they used to be. Everyone seemed more free to do what they wanted and the world gave off much a much more positive vibe. One thing that did change was that the once powerful character now found themselves rendered powerless, causing them to learn from the grounds up once again. The world may give off more positive energy than before, but where there is light, there is always darkness

alaagon · Urban
Not enough ratings
14 Chs


Jelly was jumping up and down like a kid this morning. They collectively decided to take a day off and go to Chinatown to celebrate their recent success in this new life. It had been a few days since Major and Nox threw down and things were quiet. Aureli and Mureli were getting along fine in their training with Simeon and Major was getting better at using the physical element aswell, even managing to buff his own reaction time by a little.

Chinatown was an alltime favourite of Jellys in the old world. Soft and luscious buns where ever you looked, all at amazing value. Cakes and sweets you've never heard of but amazingly delicious all the same. Bubble tea shops, bubble waffle shops, buffets and restaurants. A truly marvelous experience.

Jelly knew that this was a place she could eat to her heart's content and not necessarily spend that much money.

It was late autum and the days got dark earlier, which in this case, was a bonus because the city of London looked even better at night. Amazing skycrapers lit the entire city up and Chinatown had lanterns lit up all through the streets and rooftops of glowing lanterns too.

Getting there was the pain though. Three separate tube trains to get there and a long and boring journey. The group decided it was best to wrap up warm for the occasion. Hats, scarfs, the lot. And out the door they went.

The trains were fairly empty where they got on. Not to make a rookie mistake, they all got oyster cards (A card you could top up to pay for your journey) before just in case this became a problem later on down the line. Luckily, they managed to grab seats, which wasn't all great, since they had to change after three stops. The rest was nice though.

Not half an hour later, they arrived in Soho, London. The skies were lit up with the bright lights and they walked through the heart of London. Billboards and Lit up shops everywhere you looked, thousands of people all over the place, all doing what they wanted. The group stood huddled together in the cold and stared at the world around them. All of them realised how lucky they were to be sharing this magical moment.

Alas, jelly was starting to complain about hunger, so a swift move on from that peace. "Guys, lemme tell you something. Today, I've decided that I want to have a red bean bun, a custard bun, a pork bun and a chocolate filled fish thing."


"Yea, Takoyaki. That's the word." Jelly was skipping in front of them like a child, which wasn't all bad since she physically resembled a child.

The group finally made it to Chinatown and Jellys eyes lit up. She was like a kid in a candy shop. "Guys, you remember that list of food I made. Well, I'm extending it."

Chinatown was an amazing sight. Lanterns wherever you looked and all lit up around them. Thousands of people all around, looking at shops, smiling, laughing. They were all getting more excited by the minute, ready to run off and explore the entire area. Until Moshi spoke up, that is.

"All of us need to stick together. No running off and no compromise either." Literally everyone turned round to him, snivelling like toddlers as their freedom had been stolen from them. Moshi held his ground though and didn't budge at all.

"Jelly will vote first. Jelly wants to go to the bakery first." Jelly ran off, and the group had little choice but to go after her. When in the bakery, Jelly was staring deep into each and every shelf, making sure she didn't miss a single bun or flavour. Everything had to be thoroughly scowered through to make sure no stone was left unturned.

She picked out a few things and put them up on the counter. She wasn't paying. No one trusted her with a credit card. "Hello fine lady, can I get one of them Takoyaki things please?"

"I'm so sorry, we don't do Takoyaki young lady."

Jellys head turned round like an unoiled,rusted rachet joint. She had tears in here eyes at the sad news. "They don't do the chocolate fishies."

"Oh, you mean Taiyaki, oh yes, we have plenty." Jellys head whipped back round at lightning speed, with a bright smile on her face.

"So you do do Takoyaki after all."



"It's like two parts. Like a neck Tie and then Yaki."


"Without the neck."

Jelly hunched her head into her shoulders. "Necktaiyaki."

"No just the word tie and yaki. Put them together."


The woman hung her head low out of stress, it was useless. She was talking to Jelly.

Moshi also looked at the floor, pretending not to be there. His head whipped around and realised that Major and Nox had wandered off. "Oh god, so much for the sticking together plan."

In a pub, a few doors down, Major and Nox both sat at a two person table. "Were being followed, aren't we. Did you see it?" Major was sitting there, drinking a lemonade.

"Yea, in the crowd. There were two of the same person there. Not a twin though, a perfect resemblence. Some sort of trickery." Nox took a sip of his own drink.

"I don't think any of the others realised at all. Not that they're in danger anyway. Whoever's stalking us is after me at the end of the day."

"What's the plan. Is there a correct way to go about this?"

"I think just be the bait for them to take. Well I'll be the bait. You got my back?"


They both finished their drinks and left the pub, walking separate ways. Major walked off towards the gate that lead into Leicscter Square. His eyes looked around perfusely, trying to use the extra reaction time he'd been working on. There wasn't a double in sight though. "Wherever that doppleganger is, it's probably turning into something that's not in my eyesight."

Major felt a hand touch him on the shoulder. His head whipped around to see a middle aged woman wearing a polka dot dress, offering him a rose.

Major was quite confused by the gesture, but hey, free flower I guess. He's wasn't one to turn down a compliment. The woman's face then turned serious, she held her hand out for something in return.

"You want money? Hell no." Major shoved the flower in her mouth and kicked her over. "Not the time for distractions miss."

He was now being shoved and pushed from all directions and found himself lost in a large crowd of people.

"Damn it, I've lost him." Nox was on the move again, he could no longer see Major through the crowd. He also headed for the crowd to find him.

Major looked and turned his head frantically, trying to make some sense of the situation. He was being pushed and shoved in every direction and he couldn't find his bearings.

He once again, felt a hand on his shoulder, his head whipped around once more. "Oh Nox, sorry bout that, got lost in the crowd." Nox pulled him out of the crowd and down an alleyway where it was quieter.

"Well that plan failed miserably. The crowds here are a pain." Nox turned around to Major. "Got a plan B in mind?"

"Hmm.... How about... Don't look up."

"What? Why?"

From above, another Nox pounced. "Because you're our doppleganger." Major smiled and he and Nox surrounded the fake Nox, who then turned into what can only be described as a robotic test dummy.

"How could you have known? That plan was perfect." The thing spoke with a posh, AI woman's voice.

"Hard to call a plan perfect when it was so obvious what was going on from the start." Nox forced his sword at the Robots throat. "If I'm not mistaken, the first thing you turned into after we clocked your mistransformation, was the bartender who poured us drinks. Notice how me and Major never took a sip at the same time. So if one of us was knocked out by it, the other would stop drinking. You were five steps behind us."

"Hah, you're wrong. I never turned into a bartender."

"We know, because the bartender is your real body." The robots eyes immediately widened in shock and then disappeared.

The bartender in the pub started to speed up and walk out of the bar as fast as possible. The door was being blocked by a group of young adults. "Going somewhere Mr Bartender. I might want a drink." Moshi grinned at him.

Nox threw the bartender up an alleyway wall and the group surrounded him. "Youre finished criminal. The great Jelly has captured you." Jelly pointed as his face with one hand and stuffed her own face with the other.

"Tell me how. How did you know?"

Moshi chuckled to himself. "What, you really thought we'd come all they way to Chinatown just to get Jelly some buns?"

"Oh you didn't." Jelly turned to him.

"It wasn't that hard to figure out. You weren't hunting us, we were hunting you." Nox placed his blade at the man's throat. "Now tell us who you are and who you work for?"

"I'll die if I tell you and I'll die if I don't. What difference does it make?"

"Good point actually." Major started scratching his chin. "At least tell me why there are people constantly after me."

"You're the most valuable thing in the world to my boss right now. More pricey than the world itself. I can't imagine how much he'd pay to have you before him. God knows the reason or benefit. He says you're the most important asset right now. Literally priceless. I don't know why."

"Me neither. God knows why this boss of yours is that deadset on having me at his hand. I mean I guess I was strong before and all, but now I'm pretty weak as far as power goes.

"Who cares, for now we'll take him with us." Moshi started walking back to Chinatown.

"He have an apartment, where is he staying?" Maris added.

The bartender smiled and looked at the floor. He took a deep gulp and started sweating perfusely. "I've been involved with some bad people in my life, but none like him. He's terrifying. Like a demon. I've lived a good life but I think my time has come. Before me I can see a group of good people, trying to do the right thing. Avenge me please. Please kill this monster."

"Kill who?"

"His name is Galvinor Satan." The Bartender's body was set ablaze, within seconds, he was but a pile of dust.

The group stared, dumbfounded and in horror at that name. A horror from their past. Someone they wished had been left behind in their old reality.

Aureli looked at her scarred hand. Fear ran through her body at the thought of that fateful day. The tears she had cried on that day, the day her life changed forever. She could see his devilish face so clearly. More clearly than anything.

The monster who haunted all of their dreams. Galvinor Satan...