
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantaisie
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40 Chs

The Movie Emperor’s Little Idol 7

Each cast would be given a personal bedroom to spend the night. Although they knew they would be sleeping in the mansion, they didn't expect they would have to sleep by themselves. Shen Qing-Mei and Yi Nian paled in fright.

The first who got to choose their room was the pair who spent the least time in the earlier test of courage. Jiang Wei and Shen Qing-Mei chose 2 rooms next to each other on the third floor. One was the master bedroom and the other was the mistress's bedroom. Bai Liang and Han Yi-Shen also picked another 2 rooms that were next to each other. They were the daughter's and son's bedrooms.

The remaining rooms were the guestrooms on the second floor. One was at the end of the east wing and the other at the west. Whichever they chose, they wouldn't have anyone close by. Eventually, Wen Zhang took the west wing where Bai Liang and Han Yi-Shen were and Yi Nian took the east wing where Shen Qing-Mei and Jiang Wei were.

It was already midnight, and all of them were tired. Bai Liang bid Han Yi-Shen good night before entering his room. 2 cameras were set up inside, one facing the bed and the other facing the door. There was also unfamiliar equipment placed near the cameras. His guess was they were probably a ghost detector or something since that was the theme of the program.

He glanced down at the shadow staring at him under the bed and it immediately scurried away. Taking off his shoes, he laid down on the bed and spread his senses to monitor the ghosts while he pretended to sleep. He assigned some of them to keep Yi Nian in her room and not cause trouble while he let the rest play around with the condition that they didn't harm anyone.

Feeling that his body was really about to sleep, he called Xue Liang out, 'Wake me up if anything happens.'

Xue Liang: [Yes, Master.]

Soon after Bai Liang fell asleep, Xue Liang spread out its spirit and warned the ghosts to not disturb its master's rest. The ghosts didn't dare offend the bigshot and left the west wing to vent in the east wing. Since the bigshot didn't seem to like the woman on the second floor, they decided to curry favour and pay her a visit.

As such, while the three people in the west wing were fully rested and refreshed in the morning, the three in the east wing were haggard. Yi Nian couldn't sleep a wink and looked as if she had endured a lifetime of suffering.

Although they believed that it could be gimmicks, that one small feeling in their heart suspecting that it could be real was mentally exhausting. They couldn't help but jolt awake from every little noise.

What they didn't know was that there truly weren't any gimmicks. Luo Kang and the rest of the crew were as scared silly as them watching their room the whole night. The cameras around the mansion caught many supernatural activities as well and the sound directors also heard whispers in their headphones that they didn't dare wear them throughout the night. They didn't know if this was a curse or a blessing.

They wouldn't get jinxed for releasing them to the public…right?

Bai Liang approached the pale Luo Kang. "Director Luo."

Luo Kang jolted from fright and sighed in relief when he saw it was only Bai Liang. "Yes, Xiao Yan?"

"We should hold a cleansing ceremony after this and give some offerings," Bai Liang suggested. "Just in case."

If he hadn't seen all those things last night, Luo Kang would've laughed and brushed Bai Liang's words away. But this time, he wholeheartedly agreed and immediately assigned people to arrange it.

With that, they returned later than the initial schedule to give offerings and burn paper joss for the ghosts inside. Except for Bai Liang, the casts were baffled by how earnestly the crews were praying, especially Luo Kang. They were even more perplexed when they were brought to a temple for a cleansing ceremony back on the mainland. They ended up closing the program at the temple.

When everything was finished, Bai Liang saw the head monk approach him and bow in respect. "Venerable Benefactor, if you need anything, please do not hesitate to come to this humble temple."

Bai Liang replied with a polite nod, and the other left without saying anything else. He didn't know how much this head monk could see, but he definitely sensed the immortal qi inside him. No wonder the temple didn't reject the sudden request for their crew's cleansing ceremony.

"Even the head monk became a fan." Han Yi-Shen appeared next to him.

Bai Liang lowered his head to him. "Thank you for your care for these past 2 days."

"I'm the one who has been under your care." Han Yi-Shen patted Bai Liang's hair. "I was serious about the meal. Since all of us are too tired right now, we planned to meet up on another date. How should I contact you about that?"

"My phone is still with my manager." Bai Liang pointed at Qin Ning who was waiting for him from afar. "Do you mind, Shen-ge?"

"Of course not." Han Yi-Shen gladly followed him.

When Qin Ning saw Bai Liang coming over with the film emperor, the nation's male god, she was baffled and quickly spiralled into a panic. She didn't know where to put her hands and feet when they reached her.

"Shen-ge, this is my manager, Qin Ning-jie," Bai Liang introduced her and turned to Qin Ning next. "Ning-jie, this is Han Yi-Shen-ge. He's been taking care of me until now."

Qin Ning wanted to scream that she, of course, knew who he was. Who in this country didn't know who the film emperor was? It was common sense!

Bai Liang asked for his phone and exchanged contact with Han Yi-Shen. Han Yi-Shen looked at Bai Liang's profile with satisfaction. In truth, the director would contact everyone for the get-together, but lucky for him, Bai Liang was stopped by the head monk earlier and didn't hear that.

Han Yi-Shen turned on his camera and wrapped his arm around Bai Liang's shoulders. He nestled him close for the picture and smiled. "What's 1,234 x 1,234, Xiao Yan?"

Bai Liang was inwardly amused and generously gave the camera the sweet smile Han Yi-Shen wanted. He was the first one to make him smile in this world. He deserved it.

Qin Ning dropped her jaw from seeing Bai Liang's smile. She could almost see a whole garden of flowers blooming around Bai Liang from his smile.

He could smile like that!? He never even gave that kind of smile to his fans!

Han Yi-Shen had set the camera to burst mode and captured every second. Seeing them taking pictures, Wen Zhang kidnapped Bai Liang away from him and was passed around for pictures until he was dizzy. Even Luo Kang didn't spare him. But out of everyone, he only smiled for Han Yi-Shen.

On their way home, Qin Ning helped him post the group picture and his pictures with the cast, host, and director on EFEX's official account. She let Bai Liang write his words of support and gratitude before reviewing them. Not seeing any problem with it, she posted it.

Just as they arrived back at the dormitory, Qin Ning received a call from their agent to check Weibo. Bai Liang was trending on the hot search and EFEX's official account was having an increase of followers at a terrifying speed. Just in a few hours, the account which only had a few hundred thousand followers immediately increased to a million.

Qin Ning hurriedly checked Weibo and soon found the cause. The cast, the host, Luo Kang, and the channel's official account had posted the pictures they took at the closing earlier as well, including their pictures with Bai Liang. They had different sets of pictures, but Bai Liang would always be in one of their personal shots. What made everyone heated up was, unsurprisingly, his picture with Han Yi-Shen which he exclusively posted in a separate post from the formal one.

[Han Yi-Shen v: Putting a little charm as my wallpaper to bring me luck. For Xiao Yan's fans, the password to unlock his smile is in the show. Please continue supporting his group @EFEXofficial. [Picture] [Picture]]

Han Yi-Shen's fans became curious about the idol and quickly flooded EFEX's official account to see more of him. On the contrary, when Su Yan's fans saw the blinding smile in Han Yi-Shen's photo, they immediately felt cheated.

They had been begging this ancestor for his smile for years only to lose to the film emperor in less than 2 days!?