
[QT] Marrying My Master in Another World

Feared by the world for their unrivalled strength, Bai Liang finally lost his beloved master under the 'justice' of the self-proclaimed righteous sects. As he sought blood and revenge, heaven secured him and locked him up before he caused irreparable destruction to his world and caused it to collapse. It was then he was told that his all-powerful master has escaped the abyss of the underworld and scattered his soul to multiple worlds in the lower realm. But just as he thought that his master could live a carefree life, heaven didn't let him rest. His master who forcefully reincarnated himself to the worlds where he wasn't fated to exist had tangled the thread of fate and created instability in the world's trajectory. To prevent the collapse of these worlds, Bai Liang agreed to help maintain them, determined to let his master enjoy his life until he dies of old age without any regret. Bai Liang: Let's focus. Xue 'sword spirit system' Liang: [Yes, Master!] A certain master: Baby, I'm here~ Bai Liang: Master! °˖ \ (///▽///) / ˖° Xue Liang: [Master, stop climbing Grandmaster's bed QAQ!!]

Jira_Kamitsuki · Fantasy
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40 Chs

The Movie Emperor’s Little Idol 8

Ever since Bai Liang trended the hot search, EFEX experienced a surge in popularity. In the first place, Bai Liang went to the program to promote EFEX's upcoming album, and its pre-orders skyrocketed.

He didn't understand modern music, but comparing EFEX with some other groups, he personally didn't think their creative production was bad. With enough exposure, they deserved to at least be a second-rate group.

When the album was released, he became busy with promotion but didn't loosen his monitor on Jiang Wei and Shen Qing-Mei. The two hadn't met up again after the program since one was an actress and one was a singer but they kept close contact.

Speaking of close contact…

Bai Liang looked at the message from Han Yi-Shen on his phone. This guy constantly chatted him up every single day and even knew his schedules before they were officially announced. As a film emperor, his network must be really wide.

For example, right now, he was on his way to perform as a guest for a show and Han Yi-Shen already cheered him on 3 days ago. The official news that they were going to perform was only released 2 days ago.

[Bai Liang: You're not stalking me, are you?]

Han Yi-Shen's reply was immediate.

[Han Yi-Shen: I would love to but I'm also busy with my new movie]

Bai Liang, "…"

He didn't know how to feel about that.

[Bai Liang: Good luck. Don't push yourself too hard]

[Han Yi-Shen: All my fatigue just got blown away]

Bai Liang curled a faint smile for a split second before his face returned to normal. He put his phone away and watched the passing view outside the window. He wondered whether his master was smiling right now.

On the other side, Han Yi-Shen couldn't contain his smile as he returned his phone to his assistant. Huang Chen knew it was that idol who was chatting with Han Yi-Shen just now. Only he could make Han Yi-Shen who always glued himself to his script play with his phone. All for the sake of waiting for Bai Liang's replies.

After Han Yi-Shen's schedule for the day finished, Huang Chen informed him as they reached his hotel, "Mr. Han, the first half of the island mansion episode will be broadcast tonight."

Han Yi-Shen nodded and exited the car. Arriving at his room, he took a quick shower and changed before turning on the television and tuning to the program's official channel. He texted Bai Liang.

[Han Yi-Shen: Have you returned to your dorm?]

Not getting any reply, he guessed Bai Liang was still working and studied the script while waiting for the show to start. When the time came, he grabbed his tablet and went to the channel's official website where it was broadcast as well to look at the viewer's reactions. He saw that those who streamed the episode online already reached more than 1 million people.

On his end, Bai Liang also knew today was the release date of the island manor's first episode but could only watch it later. Right now, he had a job to do.

When Xue Liang told him Yi Nian called Shen Qing-Mei for a meet-up, he knew she was planning something. In the original trajectory, Yi Nian didn't make any contact with Shen Qing-Mei after the show except during the get-together.

After reaching back to his dorm, he left for the five-star hotel where the high-end bar Yi Nian called Shen Qing-Mei was. It took some time to dress himself to be appropriate for the place and he also put some effort into his makeup to avoid getting recognized, but thankfully, he arrived on time. Shen Qing-Mei also just arrived.

On his way to the bar counter, all the men he passed by lingered their gazes on him. Under his loose white blazer, the slender body and supple bottom were shaped for display by his sleeveless black turtleneck top and fitted white slacks. The dim lights teased the gold over his eyes and cascaded his figure with a sensual charm.

Bai Liang feigned ignorance and sat on the far left side of the counter. The angle let him keep his attention on Shen Qing-Mei and Yi Nian near the middle, chatting harmoniously.

"What can I get for you, sir?" the bartender greeted him.

"Why don't you choose for me, Mr. Bartender?" Bai Liang propped his chin on his palm and flashed a tempting smile.

The bartender was momentarily dazed, but quickly snapped out of it and left to make Bai Liang's drink. He had seen many handsome men, but a beautiful man who could confuse fellow men was rare and few in between. This person was by far the most alluring.

After Bai Liang received his drink, Yi Nian ordered another glass for Shen Qing-Mei. Yi Nian was showing Shen Qing-Mei her lipstick when it slipped off her fingers and fell. It rolled to the outer side of Shen Qing-Mei's seat, and she asked her help to pick it up.

What should he do? He preferred not to show himself and intervene from behind, but he might have to take drastic measures if this continued where he suspected it to go.

"Good evening." A man sat down next to him with a smile. "I couldn't bear seeing a beauty drinking by himself. How about a free company for the night?"

Bai Liang eyed the other and placed down his glass. Leaning himself to the man, he traced his finger down his waist and further below until the man raced with bated breath. But that excitement extinguished the moment he heard Bai Liang's words.

"You want me to chop it off for you?"

The man shuddered and scurried away. Bai Liang scoffed and took out his phone to record Yi Nian and Shen Qing-Mei in discreet while enjoying his drink.

When Shen Qing-Mei dropped to the counter, seemingly drunk, Yi Nian acted all worried and dragged her out of the bar. Bai Liang finished his drink and paid the bill before tailing them. He saw them enter the elevator and chose the emergency stairs instead, following the elevator's speed of descent. Xue Liang told him they came out on the twenty-first floor, and he made his stop as well.

Xue Liang: [Master, Yi Nian brought Shen Qing-Mei to 2109. 2 men are waiting inside.]

Bai Liang hid behind a corner and recorded Yi Nian handing Shen Qing-Mei to one of the men waiting inside and managed to capture a clear image of her face when she walked back towards the elevator. He was about to leave when a familiar voice called out his name.


Bai Liang paused and turned around to find Han Yi-Shen standing behind him with a stunned face. Noticing Yi Nian heard Han Yi-Shen's voice and went to check, he put aside all his questions and grabbed Han Yi-Shen's collar.

Before Han Yi-Shen could react, he was flipped to have his back towards the end of the corridor and blocked Bai Liang from view. His words were blocked by soft lips that sucked all his thoughts away.

Yi Nian went to where she heard the noise only to stumble upon the scene. Flustered, she rushed back to the elevator and left without looking back.

Confirming that Yi Nian was gone for good, Bai Liang let Han Yi-Shen go. He wanted to rescue Shen Qing-Mei when his waist was caught and the man captured his lips again. Bai Liang frowned and tried to push him away when Han Yi-Shen connected their tongue and sent a jolt to his soul. His eyes flung wide to see Han Yi-Shen's gaze on him glinting red for half a blink.

Xue Liang: [Master, Shen Qing-Mei is about to get assaulted!]

Bai Liang snapped out of his stupor and used all his strength to shove Han Yi-Shen off him. He blocked his lips. "Shen Qing-Mei is about to get assaulted."

Han Yi-Shen's dissatisfaction dissipated and obediently let Bai Liang go. They went to room 2109 together, and Bai Liang was about to break the door down when Han Yi-Shen stopped him and rang the bell instead.

"Room service," Han Yi-Shen calmly said.

Bai Liang looked at Han Yi-Shen in doubt but the other returned with a reassured nod. He pressed the bell one more time and after the third one, someone finally responded.

"We don't order any–"

Without waiting for the door to be fully opened, Bai Liang shot a straight kick and smashed the man square on his face with the other side of the door. His nose broke with a dull crack, and he crashed to the floor with blood gushing down his nostrils.
