
[My Significant Other's Cruelty]

"Sin" is in my name, darling. How could you expect me to be a gentle one!!! He said grinning like a devil while she cried in pain. P-Please d-don't do this, it hurts! She pleaded while crying. "I know wifey! That's why I am doing it" he said grinning demonically. "Which sin you're punishing me for?! She screamed. "Your sin? "You, being my wife is enough of a sin!" He snarled at her and flinched badly in fear. .... A normal teenage who got married with a cruel heart person who's gonna turn into a psycho gradually. There won't be any to escape for that poor girl. Every weekend will new punishments and torture for her. Join the story to know it in detail .

Bonobonoya_95 · Urbain
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24 Chs


*As she saw that the distance between her and her father  was increasing more and more, Her heart started to feel heavy*

"Sinclair's P.O.V"

"She cried all the way from wedding hall to  airport and still she was sobbing even after knowing that everybody in plane was staring at me like i did something to her,it was so embarrassing  for me"

"I tried to hush her but still.....Ugh......

*P.O.V end*

"Okay Hazel, enough!!.....Look everyone is staring at us so stop it okay!! "Don't embarrass me!*He said in in a cold tone which made her cry even more*

"I-i am....Sorry..." She uttered between sobbing hard.

"Sinclair's P.O.V"

"With wet eyelashes and red nose she was looking like my kid.....Moreover when she said sorry while sobbing i felt like i should make her calm with

love, not because i like her or something,NO!!!

Just because I want to end her no ending drama so, that's why.....

First, I hesitated a bit but than i hugged her so she could stop crying.

*While hugging* Its okay Hazel....everything's fine......no need to cry...now don't cry otherwise your father will be sad hmmm*he said patting her head but the cold wave in his eyes was still there.

When I said, that her father will be sad to see her cry she rapidly wiped her tears and stop crying like a good baby girl, it made me laughed in my mind somehow.

*P.O.V end*

Sinclair's eyes snapped open as he heard air hostess's announcement that they were reached at their destination. He looked to the side, she was sleeping like there is no tomorrow huh.

Than he shake her by the shoulder a bit to wake her up and she murmured;

"Wha-what happen...who-

"Its me, lets go now!" He said cutting her off before she could blabber any other nonsense.

"Oh..okay" she replied when she came back to her senses.

*They took taxi from airport and went to home*


She was standing like a stupid in the front on his house(Oh sorry their house as they are a couple now)

She was amazed at him for owning this much big and elegant designed house. She could see the "SINCLAIR VILLA" engraved on a wooden board hanging outside.

"Y-you rented it? She asked in case just to clears her doubts.

"No,it's mine*he replied simply*

"Wow...." Only this word managed to come out of her mouth while she was still staring at his huge house.

"There must be a pool inside too!!!" She thought excitedly.

(Sinclair looked at her)

"Now, I think we should go inside,enough of your astonishment!*with this he head towards the door*

She looked at him from behind with the emotions mix of astonishment and anger, for leaving her behind like that.

She stood still at her place and waited for him to turn to look at her but when he didn't then she ran ran to join him but still in a little anger.

*Inside the house*

As they were walking around the house suddenly he turned towards Hazel and luckily she was fast enough to stop her feet's at time otherwise she was definitely going to bump in him.

She looked at him with her puppy angry eyes but he started to speak without taking any effect of it.

"Okay so....as you know that we are going to live together from now on so lemme clear somethings for you!

" So, the thing is this that we are not going to have any physical relationship until you turn into a... "Mature Person"!...*silence*....you know what I mean right? he asked looking into her eyes,who were blushing like a tomato on his straight forward attitude.

"And....you will start your college after three months from now.

and.....while you are living here just pretend to be deaf and blind!!!

*These words make Hazel shook*

"What i am supposed to mean by that?" She asked having no idea of what he was saying.

(You will get to know with time*he replied smirking*)

"And these days I am on duty but after some days I'll be on my vacation....okay  go rest now , I bet you are tired~

"M-my room...?! She asked slowly.

"That front one upside" he replied with his focus on her only which was making her nervous.


*She turn to go but he called her again,so,she turn towards him again*

"And one more thing!!!.... He said raising his index finger.


DON'T TRY TO MAKE ME ANGRY Hm!!"(He said smiling)

Hazel P.O.V

(He seemed scary at that time to me...He was such a straight forward person.

I was kinda shocked that what's wrong with his behaviour...Why he's acting so strange all of sudden.


Here you go guys with another Chapter.

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Stay at home stay safe~

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