
[Dropped] Universal Conqueror

Go check out my new main series, this will tie into that one eventually!

ClassifiedDestiny · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

New order of Universal Gods

In the main throne room of gods

You could see a god and goddess sitting in a throne that each of them towered over fifty feet tall, if a normal person were to be here they would have already imploded due to all of the universal energy they gave out

Each of them were like suns of energy when given their true form, while Jonas true form after he became Omnivus was an endless void of nothingness that if you saw it you would be incapacitated for all eternity

"The creator has converged and given us a chance to experience life, and we shall enjoy it while we also take care of it" The one addressing everyone was a dark haired guy with brown Carmel and red eyes and he was proportionally sized, he was the God of matter that was one of the supreme gods below Jonas and was called Malik

"The New Order of Universal Gods will conviene and pass judgement on the state of the universe and maybe as well as it's inhabiting mortal gods, all opposed please say nay" Malik looked around everyone and no one opposed, he sighed inwardly knowing this would happen as even he knew that the universe was in a bad shape due to the negligence of many mortal gods

"I also propose we pass judgement to the high mortal gods as they have failed at their job at maintaining stability in the universe" Malik continued "Although they are gods they have responsibilities and these necessities of their being have not been doing what they should be doing" Malik looked composed as usual and had a trillion year long session with the God's (Time passes very very slow from the realm of gods to the outer) "With that we have also concluded that the high gods will be held in judgemental court by everyone of us, to ensure fairness" Malik looked at everyone and already knew their answer

"We shall converge here to have our judgement on them in a hundred years time before that though we all should organize and stabilize all of our respective responsibilities and construct as well the domain of each of us" Every God and Goddess started turning into a poof of smoke and disappeared along with their thrones

"I only hope we can satisfy the creator to our extent so that we may help the universe to it's feet" Malik heaved a sigh and disappeared along with the rest of them

The only being in the throne room was a light skinned lady with glowing black hair and black eyes, she was the goddess of the void

The malevolent and motionless eyes of hers strayed from the front of the throne room to Jonas's throne room as she knew it was her creators she could not help but wonder what a existence he was to be able to make every god and goddess here including his subordinate with those thoughts in mind she also had a conflicting thing about the void

It was beginning to disrupt the balance in the universe and collide with many of the galaxies, which was a problem though she also knew if her creator knew he could help her with that in mind her being was left in it's a quack a small tear in space that could be seen and she stepped into it and disappeared along with her endless void throne


Every God and Goddess managing their domains and responsibilities were in for a huge impact of surprise from his creator himself Jonas

Jonas evolved into a Omnivus being and now was going to expand and control and conquer many other universes eventually gaining control of the multiverse

There was something beyond the multiverse that not even the universe creators knew, the plane beyond multiverse is the mirror plane

The mirror plane was a dimensionional space that existed beyond the laws of multiversal control as it was outside

Those who controlled the plane were the ones controlling everything from a hidden view

Of course now that Jonas was a Omnivus being he already knew this, it would come to a advantage later to him


Earth 1-100

The God of Angels was Raphael and he now was starting to create the religion of Jonas who he would call Omnivus as that is what he told him to call him for the religion

Jonas did want to create influence and make sure that he was known as the new ruler of the universe and so he would create his own religion with the help of his angels that he created alongside the God's

"The creator will now be known as Omnivus and we will make sure to get the attention of the humans and him known" Ralph said to the archangels and angels that were all in attendance

Each and every angel started to disappear and head to every version of earth to do as commanded as they also wanted to spread Omnivus ones name around the universe for him to not be silent

Earth 26

Futuristic earth with humans being on the edge of civilization as tech is at its peak

Suddenly a bright white light radiated all around the world making sure he was seen and heard "The Omnivus one is your benefactor and creator, spread the word and carry on his presence in your wake" every earth was flooded with angels that gathered go announce the Omnivus one

Though the angels just manipulated the memory of each human on earth for non magic of cultivation Earth's to avoid the craziness


Alleyways and streets in Earth's all looked at what happened especially the cultivation one that memory was not tampered with

"You don't have a single ounce of qi, huh?" a bulky man kept laughing at a kid that was skinny but not pale

The kid backed away from him in a dark street and was going to kill himself when he saw the divine light that presented itself

To his surprise after the divine light disappeared it was right in front of him and he almost fainted from the shock especially the burly man could be seen dying at the spot from looking directly at the angele

The only reason the kid was not because, the angel Murphy made sure to dial down the intense heat coming down from him as he liked the aura of the boy

Murphy wanted to make the boy his first angel recruit so that he could someday get a promotion

Oncer the divine light calmed down, Murphy looked at the skinny boy and smiled

He picked up the boys hand who was Xavier and saw it trembling smiled lighty understanding

"No need to be afraid, I'm not here to harm you little one" The angel coursed Xavier's hair and saw the boy look up to him

"Who are you, I don't know what's going on at all!!" the boy exclaimed and started to ventilate

"I am an angel created by the Omnivus one and here to help the blessed people, those special and good will sometimes become angels and you shall become one" Murphy nodded with unwavering confidence coming out of him

Xavier looked at him weirdly and Murphy knew what was going on so he snapped his fingers as they were now in the temple of ascension from mortals to angels

Xavier saw that this was like a Greek temple as if he'd never seen one! This was a sight to behold, it was like the temple of gods!

"Is this where all the God's and goddesses reside, sir angel?" Xavier had a perplexed face that was in complete and utter shock

Murphy face palmed himself mentally to make sure he didn't get the wrath of the God's just now

"This is most definitely not the palace of the God's and goddesses as theirs is even more majestic, here is where you will ascend to be an angel and pass the six rites of creation" Xavier was astonished beyond his mind, he was really becoming an angel?

In his mind currently he was thinking to himself this was just a dream but in reality it was real so he just went along with it

"How do I start then, let's get this over with" Xavier had a conflicting situation where he though he was in a dream but in actual fact he just asked to become a real angel