
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Films
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58 Chs

Reverse Flash

Velocity embodied. The scenery regressed into blurs, and the surroundings became streaks of multicolored light zipping past Elon's vision.

Speed Force. Unparalleled velocity.

A journey of several miles completed in the blink of an eye.

The roaring wind greeted Elon as he stood outside 'Jitters' coffee shop. "This is just too cool, Barry, you're like a bolt of lightning, a beam of light."

Watching it a million times on TV couldn't compare to experiencing this ultimate speed firsthand. The rush of surpassing everything, the feeling of being the only one in the world, was more intoxicating than the strongest drug. It was utterly exhilarating.

"How does it feel, Elon?" Barry asked with cautious excitement, flashing a grin.

Elon, with eyes wider than ever before, found words inadequate to describe the sensation. "Thrilling!"

Now Elon understood why so many people chased speed in car racing and high-velocity formula races. The feeling of surpassing oneself, leaving everything behind, was addictive like a drug, an addiction destined to ensnare.

Following this, Barry led Elon into the coffee shop. Without his childhood friend Iris around, the two ordered a mountain of food and coffee, chatting eagerly about their respective worlds, the conversation flowing effortlessly.

Back at S.T.A.R. Labs, Dr. Wells, ensuring they were alone, maneuvered his wheelchair to a specific wall. A light scan revealed a hidden door that opened into a white space with a console resembling a book. Dr. Wells stood up, approached the console, and placed his hand upon it.

"Gideon, show me the future."

"Right away, Doctor."

The console projected news from the future, mainly about the U.S. Postal Service closing down parcel deliveries and returning items to senders.

"Oh no."

Wells covered his face with his hands, fear in his voice. "Gideon, search for all information related to The Flash."

"No records found pertaining to The Flash."

With a furious punch to the wall, Wells' face twisted in rage. "Damn it, Barry has already exhibited super speed. It must be the time traveler using Barry's lightning moniker, preventing The Flash from emerging."

Grinding his teeth in anger, Wells was livid. He had spent over a decade waiting for Barry to grow up, even hastening the particle accelerator explosion to give Barry the Speed Force early. Now, a traveler from another world had altered the future, potentially rendering his years of effort futile. He couldn't accept it.

Overcome with rage, Wells glared at the yellow suit of the Reverse Flash.

"Elon, I want you dead..."


Elon and Barry's conversation was thoroughly enjoyable. Barry had come to regard him as a confidant, sharing his deepest secrets. Of course, Elon was sympathetic, but his mind was mostly on the array of chicken nuggets, pizzas, and burgers – necessary to replenish his energy. After consuming roughly $2,500 worth of food, Elon felt only half-full but was too embarrassed to admit it, considering he had just eaten the equivalent of nearly 20,000 yuan. This coffee outing was proving to be quite expensive.

Exiting the cafe, the two parted ways. Elon didn't ask Barry for a ride back, instead borrowing $100 to explore on his own. The events of the past few days left him feeling melancholy. He could laugh and befriend Cisco, Caitlin, Barry, and Dr. Wells, but the loneliness of being in this world, truly alone, was inescapable, no matter how close he became with the main characters.

As he wandered the streets, the foreign glances from passersby only amplified his solitude.

Why did I travel through time? Why am I here?

Damn it! Damn it! Curse the heavens for not transporting those who wish for it and instead choosing me!

Elon seethed internally, his frustration boiling over.

Suddenly, a yellow blur streaked through the streets.

Once more experiencing the surge of speed, a yellow hand pressed against his chest, contorting his body into a shrimp-like curve. The world regressed into points of light and lines once again before his eyes.

In an instant, Elon was flung violently, tumbling across the muddy ground, dirtied and disheveled.

Coughing, he took several deep breaths to steady himself and stripped off his smoldering S.T.A.R. Labs tracksuit. Protected by the Speed Force during the rapid transit, he was unharmed, but the clothes couldn't withstand the friction and had caught fire.

Though he appeared disheveled, he was uninjured.

The yellow blur stood before him, a magnetic voice filled with rage shouting, "Who are you? Who are you really? Why have you come to this world?"

Already frustrated, Elon's fury erupted uncontrollably after being manhandled by the Reverse Flash.

Rising to his feet, his anger soared. "Who am I? I'm Elon. Do you think I wanted to come to this world?"

With a furious shout, a torrent of electric light burst forth from his body. His cells went into overdrive, the positive and negative nuclei spinning wildly, generating a terrifying current.

Lightning surged from within him, shooting skyward like Thor's arrival, illuminating the night with a vivid column of electric light.

Both were consumed with anger. One saw years of effort and the possibility of returning to the future crumble. The other, a visitor from another world, clung to the hope of finding a way back.

Fists fueled by rage flew towards each other, no longer needing reason or excuse. The raw fury and savagery left no room for rational thought.

Relying on instinct and the innate ability to wield the Speed Force, Dr. Wells materialized before Elon as a streak of yellow, pummeling Elon's chest with dozens of rapid punches, scattering the gathered lightning with one strike.

Elon, reeling from the barrage to his chest, was sent flying, vomiting blood mixed with bits of his organs. His breastbone shattered, his insides ruptured by the concussive force, but his body's strength, seven times that of a peak human, spared him from a fatal blow.

Darkness threatened to overtake him, the pain unlike anything he'd experienced in over two decades.

The agony in his chest brought him back to clarity. His super-speed thinking calmed him, and he mustered a faint electric glow, focusing it in his chest, using the electric energy to heal his wounds and numb the pain.