
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Films
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58 Chs

Mardon's Madness

Mark Mardon holstered his weapon, releasing Eddie Thawne's head from the point of his gun. His newfound powers rendered him unafraid of any resistance Eddie could muster. Eddie, still unclear on the situation, remained frozen, hands held high, not daring to move a muscle. Mardon clapped a hand onto Eddie's shoulder, his voice tinged with madness, "Prepare to witness the power of a god."

The wind howled, whipping up a storm of dead leaves that danced chaotically through the air. The sudden change in weather sent Eddie into a panic. The wind and leaves battered his face, forcing him to squint painfully. He felt an upward force beneath his feet, lifting him like driftwood on water, unstable and unsteady.

Wobbling, the hand on his shoulder was all that kept him balanced. The gust beneath them grew stronger, elevating both him and Mardon off the ground—ten centimeters, thirty, eighty, a meter, then three. Eddie was dumbfounded, staring down at the increasingly tiny figure of Joe below. The display of otherworldly power shook him to his core.

The wind carried them higher, and they took flight amid a whirlwind of dust and debris. Joe and Eddie watched, agape, as the two figures ascended amidst the chaos, their silhouettes barely visible through the storm. The last time the fog had rolled in, Joe couldn't see a thing, only feeling the devastating force of the superpowers at play. This time, despite the dust and leaves, it was clear that two humans were defying gravity.

Eddie muttered in disbelief, "Oh my God... this... this..." His words trailed off, unable to articulate the shock that gripped him. The very idea that a person could harness such power was inconceivable; flying and conjuring storms were beyond the realm of human capability.

"I am a god! Lam God," Mardon bellowed, laughing maniacally from thirteen meters in the air. The height wasn't tremendous, roughly equivalent to a four- or five-story building, but it was enough for him to survey the sprawling trees and the undulating skyline of Central City. The air rushed past him, fueling his delusions of grandeur and his desire to dominate everything.

"You're a thief, a murderer, you can't—cough—you can't possibly—cough..." Eddie tried to suppress his terror, shouting at Mardon, his voice catching in the turbulent air.

Mardon's scornful laughter rang out, "See this? This is the power of a god, haha. You, a mere mortal, think you can capture a god? Haha..." With a cruel glint in his eyes, Mardon released his grip from Eddie's shoulder.



Back at S.T.A.R. Labs' control room, Cisco and Barry were in the midst of a heated debate.

"Cisco, I don't think you can memorize nearly 300 criminal codes," Barry said, skepticism lacing his voice.

"Why not? It was my idea to use numerical codes to represent criminal activities. It could help us fight crime efficiently and swiftly."

"Okay, then what does code 237 stand for?"

"I... need to check my notebook."

Barry threw up his hands in an 'I-told-you-so' gesture as Cisco rifled through his notes, only to toss the notebook aside in defeat. "Alright, I give up. I can't remember them all," he admitted.

Caitlin chimed in with an air of vindication, "See, I told you it was impossible."

Before Cisco could retort, an alarm blared from the computer. Caitlin, closest to the terminal, rushed to investigate.

"There's unusual meteorological activity in the southern woods, about ten miles from the residential area. The Weather Wizard might be there," she reported, fingers flying across the keyboard.

"It looks like it's time for our anti-super-villain ace to make a move," Cisco said, adjusting the frequency on the comms. As he reached for the microphone, his phone rang.

"The anti-super-villain ace, our consultant Elon, your nemesis Weather Wizard has made his move."

The announcement blared through the lab's speakers, reaching Elon, who was studying. He put away his tablet and headed for the control room, having heard Cisco's message.

Barry felt a bitter taste in his mouth, doubting his capability to confront the Weather Wizard. Joe's lack of confidence in him had been a heavy blow.

Picking up the ringing phone, Cisco answered, suspecting Joe might be at the scene. "It's Joe," he said, then switched to speakerphone. Joe's voice, filled with pain, came through, "Cisco, tell Elon to hurry—ah..."

Hearing Joe's anguished cry, Barry snatched the phone, "Joe, what's happening?"

A crazed, angry voice responded, "The one with the lightning, come face god's judgment. I will stand atop Central City and rule all. You will perish beneath my feet as I ascend to my throne of divinity."

Then the line went dead, leaving them stunned by the madness in the voice.

"My God, Elon has driven the Weather Wizard mad... He didn't even give us the location," Cisco said, shaken.

Barry was frantic, pacing back and forth, terrified for Joe's safety. "I have to go save Joe," he declared, his voice edged with panic.

"Barry, you're no match for him," Caitlin warned, trying to restrain him.

But the thought of Joe in danger was too much for Barry. Joe was like a second father to him, having raised him alongside his biological father. Years of bond compelled Barry to act despite the risks. A surge of yellow electricity crackled around him as he donned the Flash's suit and vanished from the control room.

Cisco and Caitlin were left with a deep sense of foreboding as they sensed Barry's departure, his yellow lightning streaking down the corridor.

Elon, sensing Barry's impulsive nature, had a bad feeling. He rushed to the control room, "Did Barry go after the Weather Wizard?"

"Yes, Mardon has taken Joe hostage," Cisco confirmed.

Elon's heart sank. "Come on, Cisco," he called.

"What?" Cisco was confused.

"Take me there, I don't know the way."