
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Films
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58 Chs


Elon halted his walking steps. "Are you sure?" he countered, aware that Barry currently posed no threat to him in a fight. This was more than just a physical confrontation; it was a clash of ideals, a collision of personal beliefs.

"I'm sure, Elon. You need to be restrained. Once you start killing, you'll start belittling any life, spiraling downward until you're tormented by a bloodlust that robs you of your humanity."

"Are you sure?" Elon asked again, finding Barry's reasoning somewhat absurd. He had never killed anyone and wasn't sure if it would affect his conscience, but he believed that if you hold firm to your convictions, there should be nothing to fear.

"I'm sure. I have a friend in Star City. I once ran over 600 miles to seek his counsel. We talked a lot, and he warned me too. I believe he's right, Elon. Don't belittle life."

Barry pleaded, reflecting on his month as the Flash in Central City, combating crime and saving lives, witnessing the fragility of life and the reckless contempt of evil. Every murderer, Barry argued, did not realize that with their first kill under the banner of justice, they unleash an inner demon that justifies a second kill, and a third, each for increasingly trivial reasons until murder becomes a reflex.

Barry saw such a potential future for Elon, whose powers, if unchecked, could lead to disaster. Elon was his friend, and he did not want him to become such a demon. He hoped to guide him towards his inherent goodness, towards finding his way back home to his lover, not with blood-stained hands.

Thus, Barry was desperate to correct Elon's perspective now, to steer him onto the right path.

"Barry, you're not wrong," Elon said gravely, causing a momentary joy in Barry, thinking Elon agreed with his philosophy. However, Elon continued, "We need a battle to represent our ideals. Whether it's your belief in the absolute sanctity of life or my belief in justified retribution. Let's do this after I return from the DMV."

Without waiting for Barry's response, Elon walked away, leaving a bittersweet feeling in Barry as he watched Elon's retreating figure. Elon's resolve was formidable; no amount of discussion could easily sway his beliefs. Barry could only hope that when the time came, Elon would choose the side of good.

Elon stepped out of the S.T.A.R. Labs building into a day of clear blue skies and a few drifting clouds. The air quality was excellent, and a cool, comfortable breeze brushed against his face.

As he walked along the outskirts of a park, the neatly lined red maple trees provided shade with their branches, the leaves gradually turning yellow in the onset of fall, soon to be a vivid red. Despite pondering Barry's words, Elon couldn't fully agree with him.

By chance, he found himself near a small path next to a sports field in the park. Suddenly, a gust of wind brought a basketball flying towards him, which he caught effortlessly. His body reacted subconsciously, a reflex from his enhanced abilities, ready to resist any attack.

"Hey, midget Chinaman, throw back my ball!" a voice called out. A tall white man, about 190 cm, with a muscular build exposed by his tank top, was calling out loudly, causing his basketball mates to burst into laughter.

"Jets, you're picking on the little guy?"

"Oh no, that's not nice, you'll scare the Chinaman."

"Hey, little guy are you just going to stand there? Wanna fight?"

"What, don't mess around; the little guy could get killed with one punch. I don't want to go to jail; just kick his butt and that's it."

Around ten people, both black and white, all towering over 185 cm with brawny builds, made Elon, who was under 180 cm and slender, seem dwarfed in comparison.

Elon watched them mock and jeer as if the insults weren't directed at him. Facing such derision, he felt detached as if they were mere ants ranting before him.

Suddenly, Elon had an epiphany about himself and others. Until that moment, he realized he had been resisting his place in this world. The love, hate, and passions here were no different from the real world. He had always seen it through a lens of detachment.

At that moment, Elon truly acknowledged and integrated into this world. As he faced the row of jeering men, he didn't react in anger but said firmly, "You insult me, and you insult my country. You owe me an apology, or you will face severe consequences."

The term 'dwarf' was inherently discriminatory, and when directed at a normal person, it was a blatant disrespect and insult.