
[DC] The Flash: Silver Lightning

In a whirlwind of mishaps and electrifying heroics, Dr. Wells recounts the fateful day with a disregard for Elon's bewilderment. "The particle accelerator... then it exploded, unleashing a tempestuous storm. Tragically, lightning struck you and Barry Allen. In the aftermath, you both were rushed to the hospital. Due to a series of unfortunate events, including misdiagnosis and power failures, I had no choice but to transfer you and Barry to the Star Labs for recovery." "Particle accelerator explosion!" "Barry Allen!" Elon's mind buzzed with a deafening ring. The events that unfolded and the mention of that name were almost too incredulous to believe.

Thomassl · Films
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58 Chs

Barry's Tale

Dr. Wells sensed Caitlin's intensity and decided to mediate.

"Barry," Dr. Wells spoke with a soothing tone, "Caitlin means that your body is a treasure trove of medical possibilities, with untold potential for vaccines, genetics, cellular research, and more. Further study could benefit all of humanity, perhaps even reducing diseases, genetic disorders, or even curing various forms of cancer. The future of human optimization or evolution may well be hidden within you."

"If anything were to happen to you, it would be a loss for the world. Are you willing to risk all of that just to play the hero? Do you understand the gravity?"

Barry fell silent for a moment before continuing, "Elon could help you with the research too. Both of us received our powers from a lightning strike."

Caitlin persisted, "It's different with Elon. His cellular gene mutation has made him a unique organism, no longer exhibiting any typical human traits. The lightning has turned him into an anomaly."

"You, on the other hand, are special. Your cellular genetics might still be applicable to the average human."

Barry's lips quivered, unable to form a counterargument. The appeal to his altruistic nature struck deep; to act on his own could mean harming himself and the world.

His eyes dropped, glossed with unshed tears, as he shared, "When I was eleven, my mother was murdered."

A respectful hush fell over the group as they listened to Barry's story.

"It was late at night, and I was woken up by a noise. I went downstairs and then... I saw something like lightning swirling around my mother."

"There was a figure in it. He killed her."

"The police arrested my dad, thinking he had murdered my mom. They locked him up in Iron Heights Prison."

"Nobody believed us. Not the police, not the psychiatrists."

"For fourteen years, I've been studying every unexplained case, searching for miracles."

"Until yesterday, when I gained super speed, I believe there must be others who have experienced miracles too."

"Maybe others have gained super speed, and among them might be my mother's killer."

"I will fight crime, not let these people harm others. I need to find out who killed my mom and clear my dad's name. I won't give up."

Barry's kind, just, and stubborn nature shone through. Once he set his mind on something, nobody present could sway him.

The room fell silent.

Elon gave Barry a firm pat on the shoulder, followed by a hug, then said, "I support you. I can see your heart is just and kind. Like I said before, if you need help, I'll be there for you."

Barry nodded and returned Elon's embrace.

Dr. Wells removed his glasses, looking intently at Barry, "You might be the only one with super speed. Fourteen years ago, there was no particle accelerator, no explosion... nothing like we have now."

"Perhaps not..." Elon interjected, hesitating before deciding not to reveal more.

The others were left hanging on his every word, with Barry gripping Elon's arm, looking at him with a mix of hope and anxiety.

Wells narrowed his eyes, his heart hanging in balance, watching Elon intently.

"Maybe, maybe not," Elon finally said vaguely. "After all, what happened to me and Barry is miraculous. Anything is possible."

The group relaxed, though each felt like giving Elon a playful slap for the suspense.

Barry looked disappointed.

In the following days, nothing significant happened.

Barry continued his checks and was studied by the team, secretly sharing with Elon his joy of dismantling crime syndicates and saving people. However, he also shared his frustration over burning through several pairs of shoes and dozens of outfits, expressing a need for durable, friction-resistant clothing. Elon wholeheartedly agreed.

At S.T.A.R. Labs, the biggest stir was caused by Elon, who had cleared out a training area in the basement. He spent five hours a day studying science on a tablet, two hours researching various martial arts online, then practiced close-quarters combat with sandbags and worked on controlling his electromagnetic field, memorizing and distinguishing magnetic fields, and training his physical strength. His daily regimen was paying dividends.

Late one night, or rather, at two in the morning, after his shower, Elon sensed someone in the lab through his electromagnetic field. It was Cisco. Elon could now accurately differentiate each person's magnetic field signature.

Why was Cisco still in the lab at this hour? Although passionate about inventing, this level of dedication was intense. What could be worth such effort?

Elon went straight to the door of the research room and shouted "Cisco!" .


Cisco was frightened and looked a little pale.