
[ One Piece the Gamer ]

Waking up in a strange new world he doesn't know who, where or when he is. All he knows is he's a Gamer in a 16 year old body. Finding his way, he discovers he is in the world of One Piece. With two years to train with Luffy before the Story starts. He must get stronger as fast as he can. He's going on the Adventure of a Lifetime

WantMyBowlingName · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

5 Entering Paradise


Name: Jonathon D. Mercury

( Off of Base Stats & while not in combat only)

HP: 221,600/221,600 (Str×50=HP) 1% rpm

SP: 226,000/226,000 (End×50=SP) 1% rpm

WP: 229,100/229,100 (Wil×50=WP) 1% rpm

Str: 4432

End: 4520

Dex: 4480

Spd: 4687

Wil: 4582


Gamer's Mind: [ You are immune to all attempts of mental coercion. Will suppress fear and other negative psychological effects.]

Gamer's Body: [ You possess the body of a game character. All damage against you will be converted to damage a

gainst your HP including the loss of limbs.]

Will of D: [ Those who possess a strong will can conquer all things, even gods.]

Dark Logia Phsyiology: [ The ability to turn your body into Darkness. This gives you the ability to control shadows and the gravity within during night. This devil fruit is special. By covering a devil fruit user in darkness and killing them you can steal their devil fruit.


Observe: Lvl: max [ You can see the name, HP, SP, and WP of people. You can see the Rarity and stats of any item.]

Meditation: Lvl: 100 (max) [ While meditating recover HP, SP and WP level%rpm faster .]

Active Meditation: Lvl 38 (12%) [ You gain 0.01Lvl% of full per minute to HP, SP and WP.]

Top Fighting: Lvl: 9 (4%) [ When fighting you gain 87.5+Lvl/2% boost to Str, Dex and Sp)

Top Swordsmanship: Lvl: 3 (57%) [ When you use a sword you gain 87.5+Lvl/2% boost to Str, Dex, and Spd ]

Top Markmanship: Lvl: 17 (7%) [ When using a projectile weapon within 10 meters of you are Lvl% more likely to be able to track targets using your senses. Able to track targets visually within 1km 100% of the tine]

Elite Carpentry: Lvl (6%) [ When using carpentry skills you work 37.5+Lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Elite Helmsmen: Lvl 37 (17%) [ You can bring out 37.5+Lvl/2% of the ships maximum

Navigation: Lvl Max [ Using the stars and other astrological events you can tell where you are and which direction you need to head. Lvl% likelihood to be able to accurately navigate with the proper tools]

Weather Prediction: Lvl 33 (10%) [ Using just your body you can tell what weather will be like. Lvl% likelihood to be able to predict the weather]

Elite Chef: Lvl 34 (78%) [ When cooking you are able to extract nutrients and refine flavors of ingredients used 37.5+lvl/2% fully.]

Adept Blacksmith: Lvl 92 (84%) [ When using blacksmithing skills you work 12.5+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Elite Doctor: Lvl 19 (87%) [ When using health professional skills you work 37.5+lvl/2% more efficiently. ]

Seimei Kikan: Lvl 100 (Max%) [ The ability to control your entire body down to the cellular level. lvl% of control of your body. ]

Tekkai: Lvl 100 (max%) [ When using Tekkai use it Lvl% more effectively. ]

Tekkai Kenpo: Lvl 74 (88%) [ The ability to use Tekkai while moving and fighting. Can use Tekkai on Lvl% of the entire body.]

Soru: Lvl 94 (8%) [ Use Soru Lvl% more efficiently.]

Geppo: Lvl 91 (48%) [ Use Geppo Lvl% More effectively.]

Rankyaku: Lvl 88 (2%) [ Use Rankyaku Lvl% more effectively.]

Finger pistol: Lvl 82 (7%) [ Use Finger Pistol Lvl% more effectively.]

Rokugun: Lvl 53 (1%) [ Use Tokugun Lvl% more effectively.]

Poison Resistance: Lvl 42 (17%) [ You resist Lvl% of poison damage.]

Elite Darkness Generation: Lvl 26 (32%) [ The ability to generate darkness during the day up to 10 meters away. Generate darkness up to Lvl% of the max distance. Can freely generate Darkness within 1 meter. ]

Elite Darkness Control: Lvl 42 (0%) [ You can control Darkness within 25 meter of yourself. You can freely control Darkness within 10 meters. Control Darkness up to Lvl% of the max distance.]

Elite Gravity Control: Lvl 17 (9%) [ You can control Gravity within 25 meter of yourself using Darkness. You can freely control Gravity using Darkness within 10 meter. Control Gravity using darkness up to Lvl% of max distance ]

Seastone Immunity: Lvl 100 (max%) [ You can use Lvl% of stats while under the effects of seastone. ]

Ocean immunity: Lvl 54 (8%) [ You can use Lvl% of stats while in the ocean.]

Beginners Observation Haki: Lvl 96 (24%)

[ You can sense all things around you within a 25 meter radius. You can sense Lvl% of the potential max sistance = max distance.]

Adept Armament Haki: Lvl 17 (94%) [ You can use your will to attack even Logias. Lvl/8% added to the total damage. ]

Beginners Conquers Haki: Lvl 56 (23%) [ Subvert others will with your own. Only works on targets with a lower Wil. You can target and knock people unconcious in a 10 meter tadius. Lvl% of the potential max distance = max distance. ]


Just like that we were upon the Reverse Mountain the entrance to the Grandline. Seeing it everyone's eyes bugged out of their beas as we ready the ship for the climb before we got there we but our feet on top of a barrel exclaiming their dreams. Then we were rushing into position with my Helmsmen skill we were able to safely navigate up and then down the mountain until we made it safely down. As we docked near the light house a giant whale appeared near the entrance before if started bashing itself against the Redline.

Then Crocus came out with his lab coat. " Laboon back at it again I see. Who are you young folks. " Then we learned about Laboon's situation. Luffy challenged him to a fight I gave him a piece of wood to stop him from ripping out the mast. Luffy called it a draw and painted his Jolly Roger, that we recently raised, onto Laboon.

After that Vivi and Mr.King came but were quickly defeated, breaking their logpose.After they begged Luffy and he agreed to take them with us. We set sail and along the way were faced with the challenging weather of the Grandline. It would hail one minute then be 100 degrees the next. It was a good way to work out though. I made sure everyone trained Vivi and Mr.King would look at us picking up small weights struggling. They probably thought they lost by accident and we are weak. In four days we see land and Vivi and Mr.King lept off the boat and swam into town.

As we arrived at the port I saw everyone cheering us. After the town welcomes us we partied the whole day. When 'everyone' was asleep I saw Zoro and Nami sneak away. I followed them and listened to the Baroque Works talk until Zoro revealed himself.

" I knew your names sounded familiar. They're code names for Baroque Works. They tried to recruit me when I was a pirate hunter. " Zoro said as he lept from the room.

Walking next to him I say, " We should let the others sleep. Don't you think Zoro?"

" What? How many of them are awake? " Questioned Igaram.

" Enough to take care of you guys. " I say before disappearing. It only takes us a few minutes before they are knocked out and we have the main four tied up.

Splashing water on them we wake them up. Then I ask, " So you guys get pirates drunk and turn them in for their bounty and rob them, right?"

They look speechless for a second before panicking that is when Mr.5 and Miss Valentine appear. Thinking that hope has arrived the four call for help only to learn they are here to kill two of them. I disappear and knock them out Haki makes it easy. Then I put Seastone on them before waking them up.

" Now what was I saying before I was interrupted. Robbing pirates and turning in their bounty." Waiting a second I see the two new people coming to before asking, " So two of these four are traitors?" They reluctantly nod.

Then Vivi explained her story to us. We told her to ask our Captain for help since he made the decisions for the crew. She went to do that while I tried to convince Mr.5 and Miss Valentine to join us. Miss Valentine agreed after revealing she really just wanted to be a chocolatier. She only joined Baroque Works after an incident with a noble caused her to be wanted. Mr.5 it turns out was pretty scummy so after taking him away I took away his fruit. I released the others and told Mikita, Miss Valentine, she just needed to meet the crew.

The next day we set sail for the next Island in the direction of Alabasta. As we were sailing away I sensed Robin board the ship. A few minutes later as we left the island she said, " Be careful of the rocks. "

" Thanks I am. " Nami said before turning her head in Robin's direction before screaming out, " Wait who are?"

" Oh, hello miss Navigator. " Robin said with a fake smile. Before everyone on the crew but Luffy and I pulled weapons out and pointed them at her. The next moment hands sprouted from there bodies slapping the weapons from their hands before disappearing as she says, " Please, don't point those at me."

" Why are you on MY SHIP?" Luffy asks calmly his eyes shadowed by his hat brim. But I know I felt Conquerers Haki from him just not. It was almost controlled it seems. I know because only Robin shivered when the pulse hit her.

" She's Miss All Sunday she is Crocodile's partner. I followed her to find out the truth. She's an enemy." Vivi says looking at us all earnestly.

" I allowed you to follow me. I felt sorry for you and your home. I thought to give you a chance, but oh well you were caught. I came to give you this. You won't survive the next island. " She says showing an Eternal Pose for Alabasta.

I disappear and reappear grappling it from her hand. Then calmly say to her before moving back to my spot, " Thanks for that. I'll add it to our collection. But my Captain sets the course of our ship. Where he says we go."

"Of course. " Luffy says nodding his head sagely as if I just imparted the deepest wisdom imaginable. I can see Zoro, Sanji and Ussop copying him behind him.

" Fufufu what an interesting First Mate and Captain. Your whole crew is amazing. Either way I said what I came to say. " She laughs before jumping off the ship onto her turtle and sailing away.

Reaching Little Garden we split into an adventure party and a staying team. I decided to stay with Nami, Ussop, Mikita and Kaya on the ship. Eventually Broggy came asking for rum we went to his camp and I pulled out ten barrels for him before going to Groggy and giving him 10 barrels as well. We watched them spar and it was amazing. Luffy and I sparred with them and Giant strength and Haki are awesome. We got whooped but it was actually alot of fun. The next day we found out it takes a year. To reset the log pose. When the Giants were fighting that day Mr.3 and Miss Goldenweek made there moves tripping one giant when he went to block caused him to get slashed and collapse being trapped. They tricked Luffy with the paint trap but after I took off his jacket he quickly handled them. I asked if they wanted to join and Miss Gokdenweak who was only 16 rejected and I let her go. Mr.3 wasn't so lucky I took his fruit as well.

I told them about Drum Kingdom how there was a doctor over 100 years old. Kaya joined to make sure she would be free from disease and be able to explore the island. Luckily I had an Eternal Pose for Drum kingdom. On the way I called Garp and let him know about Crocodile and how the King of Drum Kingdom had turned to Piracy so I killed him. Drum kingdom would soon have a new king, Dalton. He was happy to here Walpol was gone and that they would have a true King. On the trip we did encounter walpot after killing the soldiers. I took Walpol's Devil Fruit and we rescued the 20 doctors. I also stored the submarine away in my inventory.

Arriving at Drum Kingdom we weren't very welcomed until we showed we saved the 20 doctors from Walpol. They told us the witch was probably in the castle so Ussop, Kaya, Sanji, Luffy, Nami and I went up to the castle with Geppo. Luffy, Sanji and I each carried someone. It only took like 15 minutes to get there. Knocking on the door eventually Kuraha and Chopper came to the door. Seeing people Chooper hid incorrectly which the girls loved.

" What do you want. And make it quick keeping this young takes alot of work." Kuraha says condescendingly.

" We have a crewmate, Kaya, she has been sick for three years and only recently started getting a little better recently. We heard of your skills and were hoping you would see her. " I say cutting to the chase.

She looks over Kaya for about six hours with Chopper running tests she tells him to. Before she finally yells out, " Haha, you thought you could hide I found it. You little missy are in Luck I am probably one of four doctors in the world that could diagnose and treat this disease. It is a rare type of lifelong flu that slowly wears your body down until you die of a different disease. Luckily I have the rare plant needed to treat it. I should only need an hour to make the cure then you need 2 days of observation."

" Shishishi. You're amazing old Lady you and the raccoon should join my pirate crew. " Luffy said with a grin. She rejected us but Chopper was interested in us.

As everyone was going there thing I talked to Kuraha about a woman that could turn her young again. I also opened the armory for her. She agreed to join us after seeing that Chopper would But she would stay here training the 20 doctors until the woman came and made her young again then she would join us. Now I just needed to convince Bonney. I should probably grind my Chef skill.

Barely not even two hours later after Kaya got her cure and Kuraha said it took. After getting Chopper to agree we quickly left. I mean we had a kingdom to save. Seeing the island look like a Giant Sakura Tree was pretty amazing in person. I quickly got Chopper, Mikita and Vivi into training with belts and manuals. Speaking of the belts I actually had to get Luffy a better one because he had maxed out the ×20 gravity the new belt could go to ×50 and cost 100 million bellies. Nami would weep if I told her. It was only a two day trip. Luckily we still had the Eternal Pose for Alabasta.

Two days later we fished Mr.2 out of the ocean while trying to restock the aquarium. After he left we learnt his identity and came up with the X on an arm, covered with cloth trick Then we docked at the port of Nanohana after putting away the pirate flags. Entering a local bar we see a shiftless man in jean shorts, black boots. and an orange Cowboy Hat, sleeping in front of the bar a spoon in his mouth a plate of food in front of him.

" Ace! " Luffy laughs launching himself into his brother waking him up. After their hellos and we went back to the Sparrow Ace told us he was hunting down a crew mate that betrayed the crew. He killed him for a Devil Fruit. He killed a Friend of Ace's and was a subordinate of his. He was hunting Marshal D Teach.

" Haha Luffy your actually in the Grandline and you don't even have a bounty yet. How disappointing. Before I left didn't you say you were going to have a bigger bounty next time we met. Let's see Portgas D. Ace worth 500 Million bellies Monkey D. Luffy worth 0 Million. " Ace says laughing pulling Luffy's cheeks apart. Hearing how much Ace was worth everyone looked shocked.

" Luffy how do you know this dangerous guy? " Nami asks peaking out from my back.

" Shishishi this is my older brother Ace. I told Jonny about him when we live on Dawn Island. I blame Jonny, my First Mate, he said something about getting more Nakama and getting stronger before getting a bounty because mine will get big fast. " Luffy says laughing happily then looking upset at me before looking smugly at Ace at the end.

" Oh so he is your first mate when did you two meet? " Ace asks with a smile.

" I actually met him a day before I turned 15. Shishishi. He used to be weak and he shipwrecked on our island. We trained hard for two years Ace. I'm probably stronger than you now. Do you know Haki? " Luffy says laughing at me then asking Ace.

" Wow Luffy you already know about Haki that's amazing. " Ace says with a smile.

" No. Ace I can use it. " And his fist gets a black sheen to it for a few seconds before disappearing, " I am better at the dodging one. And the knocking people out I can feel it sometimes and I know Jonny can use all three pretty good. I'm only better at the dodging one. " Luffy says with a smile.

" Wow you Luffy you already have all Three unlocked that's amazing. Your First Mate does too? That's really rare Luffy. You must have trained hard these two years. But I fought a lot of strong people and i learned Haki a long time ago. I even ate the Fire Fire Fruit. I'm a Fire Man now. " Ace says with a cocky grin as his fist lights on fire.

" Wow Ace you ate a Devil Fruit! It seems way more useful than Luffy's is." A voice says from within the Crew Meeting Room off of the deck.

" Yeah exactly what I thought. Wait who is that? Why couldn't I sense them until they spoke? If you don't come out I'll blast you. " Ace says, questions himself then demands the voice.

Walking out a tall blonde man with a scar on his face, a black pipe, a suit and top hat walks out with his hands in the air. He barely reaches the doorway before Luffy launches himself at him hugging him and crying. Ace is a few seconds slower before he crashes into his brothers turning them into a dogpile. Before Ace and Luffy rear back, " SABO YOUR ALIVE!"

After that they separate and Sabo tells his story of memory loss and rising in the Revolutionary Army's ranks until he became the right hand of Dragon himself. Luffy was shocked to find out that guy he saw in Loguetown was his dad. He was more surprised he had a Dad than about his Dad being the most wanted man in the world. The brothers and I laughed at the rest of the crews expression. After that the brothers caught up for an hour and I got Den Den Snails and Vivre Cards from them both. They both tried to get Luffy to join them. But he refused saying he would be the King of the Pirates.

As they left I spoke to Ace and Sabo. " You've met Shanks right? "

" Yeah. He's a nice guy why? " Ace asks looking at me weirdly.

" You know those three scars on his left eye? He got those in a battle with the Whitebeard pirates. When he sailed with the Roger pirates. " I say noticing his slight grimace when I mention Roger.

" Yeah probably so what? " Sabo asked impatiently.

" Well Teach joined White beard before then. He is the same age as Shanks and he used to use a three claw gauntlet. He gave Shanks that scar. He was willing to betray Whitebeard. He is probably a lot stronger than you think. Don't be an overly reliant Logia." I say patting Ace's shoulder deactivating his Devil Fruit and put a little pressure on his flesh shoulder.

Now thhe looks at me pretty shocked at how I did that. Then Ace asked " Wh-what was that?"

" That's one the secrets of my Devil Fruit it is a Darkness Logia. I can control Darkness and Gravity. My other secret is I can take the fruit from someone. I can only have one power but I can put it in a normal fruit making a Devil Fruit. " I explain to them. I want a good relationship with Whitebeard if he lives. Dragon is my ally and Garp knows already.

After they left I told everyone I would handle the rebels so they directly fought Crocodile. For my part I just went to the rebel encampment and unleashed my Conquers Haki knocking out every Rebel I passed. Once I was done I started looking for the Baroque Works agents. I killed them all and left there bodies in a pile with their tattoos showing. After that using their Den Den Snails I found the location of the million and billion troops around the country. I repeated the process until they were all gone. After that I went looking in the desert between Rain Base and the Capital. I found Nico Robin and Clocodile in the dessert. I took Crocodile's fruit and slashed his necking making it look like that is how he died. I rented Robin a room and set her up with an IV and aloft of food on the table. After making sure she was 100% ok I left. I knew she was awake most of the time, man Haki is a cheat. I looked over my loot for today.

* Adept Observation Haki: Lvl 1 (0%)

[ You can sense all things around you within a 100 meter radius. You can freely sense anything within a 10 meter radius. You can sense Lvl/potential max = max distance.]

Adept Conquers Haki: Lvl 1 (0%) [ Subvert others will with your own. Only works on targets with a lower Wil. You can freely subvert people's will in a 10 meter radius. You can subvert people's will in a 25 meter radius. max distance = Lvl/potential max ] *

By the time I got back to the Castle everyone was already bandaged up from their fights. After telling our sides of the story. There's were mostly the same as the original story, but everyone had a much easier time. Then we partied till we passed. We stayed on Alabasta for a week Training with Vivi. On the second day I offered Vivi the Sand Sand Fruit and copies of our training manuals as long as she kept them a secret. She accepted and told us all sorry she couldn't come with. We understood she loved her people. With her new powers she should be able to help her country flourish. I left her gravity belt with her. She also had us start training the new elite guard during the week.

Robin appeared before me and asked me to let her see the Poneglyph. Knowing her story, I asked the king and brought her in five minutes. After that she disappeared. the other big news is it rained on the second day for three days straight then two days after it stopped it rained for another full day. Lucky the day we left it was sunny. Saying our goodbyes in the Castle. The crew leisurely made our way back to the ship and set sail in the direction of the Logpose.

Sailing away from Alabasta we waved at Vivi. We were sailing for maybe ten minutes before we raised our pirate flags. Once we were done and started talking about our possible next adventure, Robin walked out of our meeting room.

" Are we away from Alabasta now?" Robin asked pulling our focus onto her.

" Ahh, what are you doing here? " Nami, Nojiko, Ussop, Chopper, Kaya and Mikita scream at once.

" Ah a beautiful Mademoiselle. Are you thirsty? " Sanji asks appearing in front of her before going to the kitchen and getting her a drink.

" Ah thank you Mr.Chef. " Robin says taking a sip from the drink. Then she continued wrapping her arms around herself, " Well I had to come here after what your Captain and First Mate did to me. "

Everyone but Zoro, Sanji, Luffy and I sweatdrop.

* Bang *

* Block *

Sanji kicked Luffy's head before I blocked his kick. Then he yelled, " What did you two bastards do to Robin-swan? I'll never forgive you. "

" I just grabbed her after she helped me cure Crocidile's poison. " Luffy says picking his nose like he is bored.

" All I did is save her life. I didn't even take advantage of her. " I said, before realizing my mistake and slamming my hand on my forehead.

" Fufufu you were thinking of taking advantage of me? Now you have to take responsibility for what you did. You two have to take responsibility for my life now. " Robin asks laughing before looking a little serious.

" Shishishi. Alright your interesting. You're my new Nakama. Welcome to the crew. What do you do? " Luffy laughs before asking her.

" Captain, I am an Archeologist. I can read the forgotten language of the Poneglyphs. My dream is to find out what happened during the Void Century. I am the last Archeologist of Ohara. My home island was destroyed by the Navy using a Buster Call. Only I survived. for that I am wanted by the world government. After that for 20 years I have ran for my life. " Nico tells us all her occupation and story.

" You heard the Captain. Robin you are officially our Archeologist. This is really fortunate for us Luffy. " I say to Robin with a double thumbs up before saying to Luffy.

" Oh why is that Jonny? " Luffy asks back in her special seat.

" Well Luffy to find the One Piece. " I say pausing before he instantly appears in front of my laser focused. Then I continue talking before pointing at robin with my thumb, " We have to find four special Red Poneglyphs and read them. Together they make a map to Laugh Tale. And Robin here is one of the few people in the world that can read them. "

" Shishishi. Really! That's amazing. You know so much Jonny. " Luffy says with a smile.

" Wow, you really do know a lot First Mate. I didn't even know the secret about Laugh Tale. " Robin says giving me a curious look.

" Yeah. You always seem to always know alot of information, Jonny. " Zoro says having woken up a bit ago. " How is it you know all this stuff? "

" You know my special ability right? I am able to get some information from that special ability. The same way I can get items from it. It is an extension of it. " I say trying to ease everyone's worries.

" Well why don't you just tell us all the information? " Nami asks me.

" I could tell us all the information. It would make some of our adventures easier. But not only would you all not get as strong as fast. More importantly adventure would be boring and Luffy wouldn't want that. Right, Captain? " I tell everyone before asking Luffy.

" Shishishi. Of course. If the ADVENTURE is Boring. Then I will quit right now. I will give up on being THE PIRATE KING. " Luffy says laughing before becoming serious.

" How about this. I will tell everyone but Luffy any possibly important information if they want? " I ask everyone. They all agree before going to interrogate Robin.

Robin was able to bribe Nami, sweet talk Chopper, Kaya and Ussop, won over Sanji instantly, become friends with Mikita and Nojiko and was told she was being watched by Zoro. After that I told Robin all of my secrets. When she heard everything I could do she looked at me bewildered. I got her training eventually though and she was able to start at ×4 Gravity only ×0.2 lower than Ussop.

" I'm surprised you are already trusting me with so much too secret information. I mean you have a deal with the Navy's S.W.O.R.D. and the Revolutionary Army. That is so amazing. Not to mention your special abilities Then you have a crazy powerful Devil Fruit on top of it. You can even take away Devil Fruits. It is so amazing and unheard of. " Robin said looking a little touched and shocked.

" Robin you've had a hard life. The only people that can even compare are Nami and Nojiko. They to lost their mother young and were enslaved by the Alrong Pirates. I know you don't trust us yet. You don't yet think we are strong enough to keep you safe from the World Government. But I want you to know I have to keep myself safe too. I will keep getting stronger until I can take on people like Kaido one day. We can keep you safe. We can help you get strong enough that you don't have to run away anymore, Robin. " I say wanting her to understand that she can belong here.

" I see. This is really a special crew. " Robin says before going to train.

It is four days after leaving Alabasta that Nami screams out. " Ah the Logpose is broken. It's pointing at the Sky!"

" The Logpose can't be broken. On the Grandline the Logpose'a directions are absolute. " Robin says as the resident expert on the Grandline.

" But but it's pointing into the Sky! " Nami yells back flustered.

" Then there must be an island up there. " Robin calmly responds.

" Shishishi a mystery Island! " Luffy says happily.

Just then a giant ship crashed into the ocean maybe 100 meters from the Sparrow's port. We decided to investigate Luffy, Sanji and Zoro go down in suits made from barrels. I just decided to freedive. I found some Logposes, books, treasure, a broken wave rider and shells that I know are Dials. I quickly stored it all and then went back to the ship. There I saw Luffy and the Monkey brotha becoming friends. After they dragged the sunken ship up we asked them if they knew about how to get to the Sky Island. They told us about how the old man Cricket on Jaya might know the way. They then led us to Jaya. We docked at Mock Town and said we would go see Cricket after wards. Only Nojiko, Ussop and Kaya stayed on the ship.

Walking into town we split up. I went with Zoro, Nami and Luffy. Walking into town Luffy grabbed an apple from Doc Q. After Luffy two guys took apples and exploded. Eventually we made our way into a bar after being rebuffed from a hotel. Apparently the Bellamy Pirates booked out the hotel.

" Dows anyone know anything about how to get to the Sky Island. " Nami asks the bar loudly. People laugh at us calling us naive for believing in a fairytale. We have a meal at the Bar. About half way through Marshall D. Teach sits down next to Luffy and gets his food. For every food they try they have the complete opposite reactions. Teach orders some pies to go when the bar doors burst in.

" Yehahaha I heard there was a group of idiots in here. They actually believe in Sky Island. What next the City of Gold? Yehahaha. " Bellamy says laughing as he walks up to our group.

" Yeah so what? " Luffy says ignoring hin still eating his food.

" I thought I'd by you a drink. " Bellamy says grabbing a beer acting like he is going to hand it to Luffy. Luffy now with a smile reaches for it. Before suddenly Bellamy moves forward slamming it into Luffy's face smashing the glass. Then Bellamy finishes with a laugh " I can't believe there are still such idiots on the Sea. Don't you know that the Era of Dreams is over it's time for the New Era to begin. Yehahaha "

Luffy getting up flicks his hat clean and puts it on his head. Then walking out without looking back Luffy says, " Guys let's go. "

We all follow him outside before Nami erupts at Luffy, " Why didn't you beat him up? He made fun of you and smashed a drink all over you. "

" He wasn't worth it. Shishishi. " Luffy says simply. Nami is stunned into silence.

" Zehahaha I couldn't have put it better myself Straw Hat Boy. Perhaps we'll see each other again. Remember Dreams Never Die! " Black bears said suddenly on our right before walking away.

We return to the ship with everyone and sail around the island till we find Crickets home. From a far the house looks like a huge mansion. But upon drawing near you can see it's just painted on a bunch of boards fitted together in the general outline. The house is actually a huge warehouse and a medium sized cottage.

Docking we hop off and call for anyone. No one comes as we wait for 10 minutes before suddenly an old man flops out of the water onto the land. Chopper, Kaya and I quickly treat him and explain about meeting the Monkey brothers. How they told us how he may know how to get to the Sky Island. It turns out in a week a giant tower of water, Knock Up Stream, will shoot out of the ocean at noon. He told us he and the Monkey brothers would modify our ship, but that we needed to find a south bird in the jungle m. We needed the bird so we could sail south into the Knock Up Stream. We agreed to Vacation here for a week. But I made everyone promise to train for at least 4 of the days. Reluctantly the weaker members agreed. I also told everyone we should train on the Sky Island for at least a week because the air is thinner there. Therefore we will feel a lot weaker up there. I was going to capture the South Bird so they didn't have to worry about it.

As we all started to do our own things Robin pulled me aside. " You said you had a Devil Fruit. How did you swim? That should be impossible! " She says looking at me like I'm interesting specimen.

" I new I forgot to show you something. " I saw pulling out a little box within a Seastone bracelet inside, handing it to hum. " You can train to retain your physical strength. While you gain resistance you body is weaker and you can train your strength easier too. Once you can keep 100% of your strength then you can train in the Ocean. I have been doing that for a while and I can keep a little over 50% of my strength in the Ocean. It's actually my secret to take down an Admiral if I need to. I would take us both into the Ocean. " I say showing her I could potentially deal with an Admiral. She seems shocked by this type of training before thanking me and taking the box with the Seastone bracelet. That way she could train at her leisure with it.

That night I called Garp. I let him know to send the marines to Jaya in a week as I would leave all the pirates knocked out by the port before we left. I also let him know that we would be going to the Sky Island for a little while to explore and train. We mentioned he chased Roger there once and that it probably was a great place to train. Unfortunately they couldn't risk marines lives or the resources to take people there to train. He thanked us for letting the King handle Crocodile. Making it seem like the Kingdoms security forces took down Crocodile showing his corruption without harming his people. This made Cobra look like a powerful, gentle and wise king to the World Government. The fact that he managed to find and give the Sand Sand Fruit to his daughter also made him look dedicated to the future of his Kingdom. With this fruits powers in the Royal Family's hands none would dare oppose them. Vivi has already started to help the desert thrive. She allowed the ocean water saturate the entire desert in small patches using the rivers as water sources. now there are fields of green all over Alabasta. People are planting crops and trees now. It has also started raining a lot more since she started soaking the desert. The World Government only came out with a bloody nose due to Crocodile's betrayal. But looked powerful because one of their kingdoms could take down a Shikibukai.

I took down all the pirates in town and stored them in my black hole. I took any treasure and Devil Fruits but only came across 4 the Spring Spring Fruit, Dog Dog Fruit Model: Golden Retreiver, Dog Dog Fruit Model: Boxer and the Honey Honey Fruit a logia. Luckily Blackbeard and his crew had left before night. After thinking it over I offered the Honey Honey Fruit to Kaya and Nojiko.

" Kaya I think you should have it. It will help protect you. I use guns. I don't think this fruit suits me. " Nojiko says pushing Kaya forward. Kaya thanks us and eats a bite. I gave her and Chopper a seastone bracelet for training. I told them the same things I told Robin they were shocked. After that the crew vacationed for a week just enjoying ourselves buying books, clothes anything we wanted. It was nice to be able to relax and being rich.

It was 11:50 A.M. when we set off we had a south bird and I had left the knocked out pirates on the towns dock. At 11:55 a big whirlpool formed for a few minutes then a huge tower of water shot up. We sailed with the South Bird into the Knock Up Stream. The journey was crazy everyone was screaming until finally we landed on a Sea of white clouds. Instantly I could feel the effect so I dropped my gravity. I told everyone to do it and after they did I noticed they all breathed a little easier. We were only there for maybe ten minutes before we say a man skating towards us on the clouds.

" Why have you come to our Sea, Blue Sea Dwellers? " A tattooed, shirtless, man with a pony tail and small white wings jumped onto our ship saying pointing a rocket launcher at us. I disappear and kick the rocket launcher out of his hands on to the deck

" Maybe you should learn how to talk with your mouth not your fists. " I say picking up bvb his weapon and going back to my crew. He then jumps away. I give the rocket launcher to an excited Ussop who takes it to his invention room. Just then a knight on a pegasus lands on our ship.

" Ah I see you're safe. That is good here is a whistle. If you need my help just blow it only 5 million Extol per time. Ah you don't know of extol? How did you come? The road to the east or the cursed stream?" Gan Fall said before looking surprised.

" Shishishi. We came up a huge tower of water. It was an adventure. " Luffy said smiling.

" You are lucky then. That way is all or nothing. You all make it or none of you do. Along the road to the east it is almost guaranteed you will lose at least one crew member. 1 Belly is equal to 10,000 Extol. " Gan Fall explained to us. We thanked him as he went on his way.

We eventually sailed to a giant entrance with a gate an old lady sat in an office next to the gate, " Are you here to vacation or break in? Vacationing cost 1 billion extol per person. " She say in a bored tone.

"Break in. " I cut in before anyone can say anything. Immediately everyone gives me weird looks before a giant crab pops up grab the ship and brings us to Skypiea. As we anchor on the beach we disembark and explore the island. Eventually we ran into Conis and her Father. They were riding there operational wave rider. Nami took a turn then we explored the town. I traded with everystore for wave riders and Dials. All I had to give them was some dirt I had been storing up in my Darkness and Inventory. I left this town and explored all of the towns on the island buying Dials and other things unique to the island. The next day Nami disappeared and we had our run in with the White Berets.

We are on the ship when a huge shrimp takes us to the so called God's Forbidden Island. There we meet up with Nami and then spit up to explore. I go with Robin to the ruins and stop the snake taking all the gold from it into my inventory. While Robin and I explore the ruins and I take the gold. While the others are going through the trials.

When we return to the ship we see Luffy fighting Enel on his golden ship. They are moving back and forth before Luffy throws his Naginata away and bites his bicep blowing air into his muscles. Eventually Luffy uses his new move Gear 4 as Haki flows around him in the pattern of fire. He enters Snakeman mode and crushes Enel within 2 minutes. His punches bounce off of air and twist in complex trajectories that make Enel's amazing Haki useless. After the fight Luffy looks super tired and kind of shrivelled up. He doesn't have the physique or Haki for Gear 4 yet but he is close. I go to Enel and take his Devil Fruit and store the golden ship. Then I take Robin to see the golden bell on top of the giant bean stalk. We ring the bell and I bring it down to the Shandians and Skypieans. They decide to share the holy land from now on.

Walking towards Nami after the party started. I pull out the Thunder Thunder Fruit. " Hey Nami look what I get for you. " I say plopping the fruit and a seastone bracelet into her hands. She takes a bite and immediately grimaces. " I thought this would be the perfect fruit for you Nami. With it you can probably detect the weather even better with it and you can get even stronger now. I bet soon you can even control the weather Nami. " I finish patting her shoulder. That's when she rushes at me and kisses me. This time she uses her tongue first we kiss for a minute before separating.

" This is just another thank you. " She pants out her face extremely red. Before she runs away to show the crew.

The rest of our week on Skypiea is amazing the training here makes us all stronger. Nami even unlocked her Observation Haki and her range is huge. Not the whole island yet but she opened in two days with the Thunder Fruit. She can also now do all the Rokushiki but Tekkai. Zoro and Sanji have subconsciously used both normal types of Haki. They both have the Rokushiki down in their own ways. Ussop can use Soru, Tekkai and the paper arts. He has also subconsciously used Observation Haki like Zoro and Sanji. Kaya is finally able to ttain with intensity and it is showing. She is looking healthier and much cuter. She can use Soru and the Paper Art. Nojiko has become very skilled at fighting with and without her guns. She can use Soru and Geppo with skill and nearly has Rankyaku down. Mikita can use Soru and Geppo and her fruit makes her a natural at Tekkai and Paper Art.

Today we said goodbye to everyone and prepared to go off the edge we had the octopus balloon and enough breath Dials to reinflate him if necessary. We one had to reinflate him once before we landed. Now our Logpose was set on Water 7 it is time to sail.