
[(Error Unknown) System]

FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

PhantomMedjay · Fantaisie
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243 Chs

Welcome Gift (Edited)

It finally made sense to Benedict, why everyone around him was cheerful and happy to see him moving, crying when hungry, and surprisingly when he lost control over his bowels.

While others laughed at his antics, Benedict felt mortified that he couldn't control his own body.

He had been unconscious for nine months and experienced a complete body, mind, and soul transformation, while the world around him passed by without skipping a beat.

Benedict was still unsure about a lot of things, especially pertaining to the world he was brought into, yet a key piece of information he noticed in the monstrous list of notifications caught his attention.



[Host information has updated!]

[Host's name has updated from Benedict Teukros to Benedict Khadraazil!]

[System has found certain locked restrictions pertaining to Host's Last Name have been lifted per the change of the name!]

[Active change in System Operations through the removal of certain restrictions has led to different changes within Host, yet to be seen or identified]

[System Update and Upgrades based on the change of the Host's Last Name has result in unidentified growth and development]

[Error - Unable to determine extent of improvements currently]

[Host will discover new additions to the System through exploration of the world and personal development in various ways]


The name change alone caused Benedict immense pain that felt like his innards were emulsifying into molten lava sludge, yet all that anyone heard was the heavy cries of a child's tantrum.

Benedict suffered agony like no other as the sensation of diving into an active volcano, only to leap out at the brink of burning away into ash, penetrated his whole being.

Right after, Benedict experienced the freezing ocean that was seconds away from turning him into an icicle that easily shatter with a simple stone thrown in his direction.

It was like a never-ending cycle of pain that had no end, constantly repeating the cycle of burning fire and icy depths of deep space's never ending cold waters.

Nobody would ever know the pain he was experiencing, since their minds led them to believe their Prince was letting out all of his emotions that were bottled up over the course of nine months.

It continued for several days, with the pain never receding one bit until the System completed the body, mind, and soul transformation.

Benedict finally found some relief after a couple days, with the System finally completing the upgrades pertaining to its Host and the updates regarding the System Operations and Functions.

Unfortunately, the actions of the System didn't ease Benedict's worries over the mysterious changes and transformation to both himself and the System.

They could be beneficial or purposely put in place to harm his development at a later date, yet Benedict knew at the same time it was impossible to do anything in his current state.

Eventually Benedict decided to move past it and focus on the more pressing matters that needed dealing with urgently.

"Ooo it seems the Little prince has relieved himself.

Lady Liz, the Young Prince is needing of his mother and her aid as soon as possible!"

Lue barked as he carried the stinky Prince to his caring adoptive mother Liz's side so she could attendant to him.

After he was cleaned up and put down to rest, Benedict tried to find some answers to his burning questions, once the embarrassment passed of having someone clean up his bodily waste.


"Ahhh… System?

Is this right…" Benedict said, speaking out in the open, yet his words sounded like incomprehensible baby jargon.

[Yes Host, how can I help you?] Replied the System in a cold robotic voice, void of personality, and a true gender or any sense of emotion.

"Ahh hello… umm… I'm really confused as to what is going on, where I am, and why I'm currently a damn baby with this 'System' in my damn head?!" Cried Benedict, still not over the torturous like pain and suffering he had to go through for the last few days, ever since he woke up.

[You have many questions Host, that is understandable, yet some cannot be answered, as I do not know the answer…]

[I will try and help the Host as best I can, however you should be warned, I can only say what I am allowed to, as per the parameters set in place by the current System Restrictions]

[Host has been reborn into another world, vastly different from the Host's Origin HomeWorld]

[This world's name is Ullan, and you are currently on the Merahs Continent, travelling within the region marked as the Plano Ranges within the boundary and territory of the Kros Empire]

"…Right, so can you answer why I am here?"

[Yes, Host is here for a specific reason]

[System Functions and Data Nodes are damaged and still under repair, so some information is missing or corrupted…]

[Though there is some recoverable data available…]

[The Host has been reborn within this world and is here to save it from destruction]

[So far, the state of Ullan has degraded to the point it has been declared abandoned]

"… So, I was brought here to save Ullan from its inevitable end...?"


"… As a fucking baby…!?!"

In a rather cold tone Benedict replied to the System, at first terrified at the possibility of death but more so furious with the System for activating him in his current condition.

Even if he had somewhat just arrived here in this world, he did not wish to disappear so easily or suddenly.

He'd never felt such weakness before as a baby, unable to do anything for his own survival without relying on others.

[System apologises to Host, but certain circumstances caused interference with System's initial plans and operational layout]

[Originally Host known as Ben Smith, formerly of <ERROR-42 > would inhabit the body of Benedict Kros once he turned fifteen years old...]

[According to the information found through Time <ERROR-7KL34 > Source, the plan implied the Prince would be poisoned at the banquet held for his fifteenth birthday, only to die several days later, which would lead to Host Ben Smith taking over the body]

For quite some time, Benedict processed what the System had said to him, implying this person's life was to 'reserve the spot' until 15 years had passed and tada!

He would appear into this body and take over the true 'Benedict's' life and continue as him without anyone being the wiser.

It sickened him how the System could play with someone's life so coldly, but before he could say something, a cold voice sounded in his mind.

The System was ready to answer in reply, as it picked up on his aggression coursing through him at the decisions leading to his current predicament.


[Systems would like to inform Host that its existence revolves around the Host.

If you die, the System dies]

[The System is designed for a chosen individual and moulded around them]

[It must also ensure the protection and wellbeing of the Host, including itself, no matter what!]

[Detailed information regarding Ullan are damaged, making it impossible to understand why it is stated as abandoned in the report]

[Regarding your problem with the takeover plan of Benedict Kros, the events have changed as you were summoned earlier by force]

[The Existence known as Benedict Kros, or what should have been has now found itself merging with your own Being]

[You are one…]

"Fine I understand then, but what do you mean summoned earlier?

If the plan was for me to arrive at fifteen, why am I here now, shitting myself!"

Furious at having to live so indecently and without control over his bodily muscle that was as fragile as paper, Benedict, no… Ben was frustrated by no end that another person was cleaning up after him, especially when a grown man had to deal with his crap at times.

[System wishes to impart some information; Host should prepare themselves for some pain… 😊]

"Ahh fuck…"


Meanwhile, around a dimly light campfire, Alfred sat alone on the cold ground, gazing at the brightly light full moon.

In deep thought over the future of the little Prince, Alfred thought about asking his Master for some help aiding in the development of the young Prince.

Although it would require a cost, Alfred really didn't know what he could offer or do to help His Highness other than connecting with his Master.

At the same times, Alfred felt stressed by the knowledge that members of nobility from the Kros Empire sent the Bandit Knights to kill or capture Benedict.

Rather angry over the brazen actions of Kros nobility, Alfred understood it was pointless to maintain any further communication with the Capital unless they directly inquired about anything specifically.

Even then, Alfred questioned himself, would he truly bother to say anything back?

The Burly Bandit Knight who survived the slaughter with only his left hand remaining, said more than enough to keep himself alive and free from torture.

Revealing plenty of information Alfred was surprised to hear, the bandit died through torture and continued interrogation by Alfred's hands, to the point the man was dragged by the second carriage and killed through the damage inflicted upon his body from scrapping along the road.

Alfred chose to keep what he knew to himself for now, sending a letter to his father through private means of House Aleister, ensuring nobody would learn what was written.

The message was written through a code, further securing the message, yet Alfred wondered if it would bring any good once his father decoded what was written.

Regardless, Alfred focused on the future ahead, thinking about the possible troubles that could possibly affect the young Prince.

His worrying thoughts came to an end suddenly, when he heard the horrendous screeches coming from Liz's tent, awaking everyone in the campgrounds, as they all dashed out of their tents and headed to Liz.

They all knew the probability of it being the little Prince screaming his eyes out once more, however part of them felt Liz had been over working herself lately caring for His Highness.

Even Alfred was worried about her health, but he was more concerned with how little time he got to send with the Prince as of late.

As Ben had always been in his care since his birth, Alfred wished to say that the reason for his crying or mood swings was because the young Prince missed him.

However, as they got closer to Liz's tent, they heard her singing a lullaby.

That very same lullaby they all held dear to their hearts as their own mothers had sung them the same lullaby to sleep for many years when they were children.

After standing still for a moment to hear Liz singing, everyone finally returned to their tents for some rest, while Alfred remained close by the campfire, moping further about the lack of time he spent with the young Prince.


In Liz's tent though, Ben felt a piercing pain through his mind for several minutes, until it finally ended with his senses regaining some idea of the surroundings.

He felt his body was wrapped in the warmth of his mother's arms.

Nevertheless, Ben finally understood Liz wasn't his mother at all and was in fact a maidservant trained by the Imperial Royal House Kros.

In fact, all the information regarding his life and surroundings was monitored by the System and transferred to his mind as requested or stored as Data within the System's Infinite Data Storage.

The few minutes of agony were memories stored by the System of what happened from the moment of his birth up until the moment he awoke in the carriage in Liz's arms and mistook her for his biological mother.

He saw his biological mother's face full of joy just after his birth, and how it became full of dread and accursed torment with her son taken away.

It all started from the moment his eyes slowly closed from the unimaginable pain that shut his mind down and failed the System Initialisation.

He saw the man that was his father, someone who should be full of happiness from the moment of his birth, yet the man was crying a river of pain and sorrow as he rushed to Ben's side, barging through the large golden doors to his mother's side.

The voices of opposition rather than voices of condolences filled his father's ears after knowledge of his condition ran rampant throughout the palace.

The pain and suffering they felt could be seen in the depths of their hollowed eyes.

He saw his father deciding his future, while contemplating his own past.

He saw his mother break from the betrayal of those nearest to her, as they sprout concern for 'her' happiness, yet they didn't understand they most important piece to her heart being whole.

The only thing she could offer were words to her child as he left her eyes for the last time, 'M-My son, my beloved son…

I… I won't be by your side my baby boy… 

Remember I love you my son, my innocent Benedict, Mama loves you soo much…

I'm sorry baby…

I'm so sorry I cannot be there for you…'

The pain in her eyes…

It was unbearable for Ben to watch her give him up to her 'loyal' Knights.

She crumbled to the ground, watching her son disappear from her life forever.

Ben wanted to wake up and embrace her.

To say it will be ok.

To say her son would always remember her, no matter what.

Yet it was impossible.

All he could was watch as the System began to show his life with Alfred, full of love and care, even at times when he was all alone, Alfred was there.

A stranger, who should have ignored him to die, like the other servants, but he did not.

He remained close by, always by his side, day, or night.

His devotion to the Prince, to fight against all those bandits who offered him to leave, yet he never betrayed him.

When Liz left and returned, Ben felt some heart ache from her leaving, but he did not wish to hurt her and ever state he knew her first option was to leave him behind in the carriage.

Regardless in the short time he had been conscious, it felt weird at the beginning but now Ben saw her as his mother, regardless of his love for the women that birthed him.

He loved them both dearly and would do everything in his power to keep them both happy.

Even the devotion of the brotherhood and friendship between the Withering Rose party members made him laugh but it made Ben feel glad they were by his side.

A bunch of young uncles, tempered by adventure and journeys across the Empire, who decided to throw their lot in with his own.

After going through a recollection of the past, Ben calmed down before questioning the System once again with a new string of questions.


"… So, based on everything I have just experienced, by the way, thank you for the fucking pain again…" Cursed Ben, only for the System to 'beep' much like an old computer processor as a reply.

There was only one way for Ben to understand the 'beep' and that was a sarcastic 'fuck you' from the System.

'*Sigh* What the hell…' thought Ben to himself, annoyed by the lack of control he had over his fate and path.

He continued, "I am banished from my family because the noble society and the norm of the Empire dictates that I was a 'cursed' baby due to being unconscious for quite some time after birth…

Even if returned now to the capital it would cause more problems in noble society, with many families believing it could be hereditary and wouldn't marry their daughters to me.

This only leaves me with the option of remaining far away from the capital and its politics, since the nobles will be trying to provide a solution of my existence ceasing to exist.

Therefore, my awakening and banishment to the middle of nowhere will cause other issues for the Imperial Royal Kros Family, leaving me to wonder, how long will the gifted fief remain in my hands or in the control of a loyal individual?

They'd have to manage a humongous piece of land, much of which is still unexplored due to the dangerous areas full of Beasts capable of shredding apart squadrons of Knights with ease.

This land is both a gift and a curse, much like myself…

All of this crap, while being a fucking baby.

*Sigh* am I right?"



"Cool cool cool, so…

Why did I pass out and… fuck you again…?"


[… Host soul was bound by a Higher Form of Deity Being into servitude, by corrupting your soul, which in turn harmed the System Operational Functions, leading to the failed System Initialization]

[System repaired much of the Corrupted Data, though a decent sum of it has been stored, awaiting the Host's progression and development for repair]

[Since damage wasn't restricted to the System, an unusually considerable amount of energy was required to save you, Host, to repair the Body, Mind, and Soul, including the System Functions]

[It further experienced more damage during Request: <Error Unknown>, though it has brought various benefits and updates to the System coding]

"Huh, what exactly is… Error Unknown? And why was the Request so harmful?"

[Information is restricted, Host needs to raise the System Level for access]

"… Ok… what is the current level of the System?"

[The current level of the System is Unknown at present…]

[System Level could be considered at: 0]

"… Fucking great… just great…"


Exhausted, Ben somewhat understood from the Systems explanation of why he came to this world so early on, however the reason for his existence was still a pressing matter.

He could not remember anything about his life as Ben Smith, but he could feel it, like a small ache in the depths of his heart, crying out on deaf ears.

Ben understood the knowledge of his past wanted to be free, but the System interfered, stopping the memories from melding with his mind.

Yet Ben knew it was due to the data being corrupted and not exactly repaired just yet.

Even then, Ben hated the feeling of missing something that his body, mind, and soul yearned for while searching out for his memories as Ben Smith.

Only certain topics and subject matter was revealed to Ben for now, but nothing useful or helpful in Ben's endeavour to learn about his past self.

Just useless information that meant nothing right now.

It was as if his existence as 'Ben Smith' was just a name right now with memories that showed a different world unlike what he'd seen so far.

As if his mind was a catalogue of history… that wasn't truly his own.

"…What about my memories?

My memories of my life as Ben Smith, why are they not in my head at all?

Even the few that memories that weren't corrupted…

It feels as if some invisible force is stopping me from remembering anything when I really try…

I can only remember faint things like some weird items, statues and scenarios... nothing makes sense…

For all that is holy, why do I know of something called 'Buurr - geerrr' and its production process…?"

[Host… Once the System upgra-]

"I understand…"

Ben replied sharply, interrupting the System before it could finish speaking.

The coldness in his voice was rampant, echoing the pain of the unknown.

Before he could continue to toss about in the pool of his heart ache, the System replied with some joyous news.

[System wishes to recommend Host open welcome gift and understand the available System features and options as soon as possible]

"Fine, open Welcome Gift, System…"



[Welcome Host and thanks for <Error > and we hope (Unknown)!]

[Host is rewarded:

A)  1,000 Pia Credits

B)  1 Manticore egg

-  A Legendary Mythological creature that is said to be unconquerable.

-  Its speed cannot be matched by most Beasts or Monsters

-  It's able to devour any Beast due to the immense force of its jaw strength and poison through its scorpion tail to paralyse enemies.

-  Unable to be summoned as of right now due to Host restrictions

-  Item will be saved and stored by the System for the time being

C)  1 Special Force Unit Summons

-  Host can summon a Legendary Military Force to aid and protect their endeavours0

-  Based on the type of Special Military Force chosen, special traits and abilities may be rewarded to Host and companions

-  To be utilised within the System Store

D)  1 Master of Skills Summons

-  Host can summon a Legendary Master of Skills (Blacksmith, Alchemy, Swordsmanship etc), to aid and protect Host's endeavours.

-  Depending on chosen Master, special traits or abilities may be rewarded to Host and companions.

-  To be utilised within the System Store]



"What is the purpose of the Credits?"

[Pia Credits are the monetary currency of the System]

[They can be used in the store]

Before Ben could ask, the System Store popped up through the interface with plenty on offer to view as numerous items displayed themselves in the available windows in sight.

From all the different types of weapons, ranging from bows to crossbows, to a large collection of swords, spears, and shields were up for sale.

It even had vehicles of all sorts, tameable Beasts, and elixirs, however all but a handful of the categories were coloured out in a dark shade of grey.

It didn't take long for the System to inform him they were not available because the System level was not high enough.


'Stupid broken fucking System…!'

Revised & Edited: 15/08/2022

PhantomMedjaycreators' thoughts