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FYI - Hella slow kingdom building story so stick with it for the long haul and you will see some crazy things!! 19/08/2022: I'm revising and editing the story so new chapters are on hold. Faced with the end of his world and the one person that made him smile as bright as the sun, he sat silently as he watched society collapse, hoping in the back of his mind for another chance with her. After Drifting in the Abyss for eons, a Goddess tried to awakened his hollow soul to instil a 'system' that would 'guide' him on his journey in another world. What the Goddess didn't know was that soul was special, so special it would be her doom and salvation. This is the story of a Prince abandoned by his family for the sake of what was socially correct, to be reborn in a world of Kingdom and Empires, Swords and Magic, the Prince awakens to a system. Many may find a system a blessing in another world, but this system becomes a never ending nightmare for the prince as he desperately awaits to grow up to understand his true purpose. To create a Modern Empire with legendary and Mythological beings by his side. I am putting this novel and everything else on hold while I go through and edit everything. https://discord.gg/mXA8rghNuR Come and have a chat or ask any questions.

PhantomMedjay · Fantaisie
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243 Chs

Understanding the Changes

After cleaning himself, dressing and returning to the smithy, Drav answered the numerous questions his Young Master and close friends were sprouting off non-stop at him, as he tried his best to answer each and everyone before asking a series of his own.

What they learnt form Drav was the changes were close to double what he experienced with practising one manual.

The energy that merged with the two external energies absorbed into its body, were racing around through his physique, as the Mutant Energy developed organs, joints and bones, muscles, blood, and veins to point they evolved, further enhancing Drav.

The body would continue to refine itself as the Mutant Energy circulated, only to reach a max level or ceiling point which would require Drav to practise his energy flow to progress to the next stage of the Guide.