

"Sato" is a light novel that follows the story of Toshihiro, the son of a famous yakuza boss. When his father is killed in a back alley, everything changes in Toshihiro's life. Raised by his father's friend, Hotaru, a mysterious figure, Toshihiro grows up determined to avenge his father's death. joined by a mysterious organization,

Sora_Miyashiro · Action
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Fierce Resolve: Hotaru and Toshihiro's Stand!

Hotaru and Toshihiro stood back-to-back, fists clenched and eyes narrowed, their faces set in fierce determination.

Bullets and blades flew towards them, but they dodged and weaved effortlessly, their moves a blur of speed and precision.

Working in perfect sync, each one anticipating the other's movements and covering each other's back.

The sound of fists connecting with flesh and the clatter of blades on the cobblestones filled the air as they fought in a state of intense concentration, solely focused on surviving.

Hotaru moved with a dizzying display of agility and wit, weaving through the throng of thugs while delivering a stream of dirty puns and zany antics.

He dodged their attacks with a comedic sidestep and ducked and weaved around them like a drunkard, his punches thrown with more vigor than precision, a wicked grin on his face.

Toshihiro couldn't help but feel a mix of amusement and annoyance at his teammate's tomfoolery, a grudging respect for his ability to keep morale high even in the heat of battle.


As Hotaru dodged and weaved around the attacking thugs, one of them let out a frustrated comment.

"What's with this guy?"

he exclaimed.

"He's so flamboyant!"

Hotaru let out a loud laugh and replied with a mischievous grin,

"You know what they say, a dash of flamboyance spices up any fight!"

His response caught the thugs off guard, causing a pause in their attack as they struggled to process his retort.


The thug's comment briefly startled Toshihiro, who glanced quickly in Hotaru's direction. There, he saw Hotaru agilely dodging attacks and trading quick-witted comebacks, a mischievous grin spread on his face.

Intrigued, a small smile appeared on Toshihiro's lips as he realized that Hotaru's antics were not just for show; they were also playing a vital role in the battle.

As Toshihiro refocused his attention on the fight, he acknowledged with newfound respect the effectiveness of Hotaru's unconventional fighting style.

As Hotaru continued to distract and taunt the thugs with his antics, Toshihiro spotted an opportunity and acted swiftly.

With a precision strike to the jaw, he knocked out one of the thugs in a flash.

Without missing a beat, he swiftly whirled around and grabbed another thug by the wrist, twisting it painfully before tossing him into a nearby wall.

The thug let out a cry of agony as his body crashed into the brick wall, dust and debris flying in all directions from the impact. Toshihiro's moves were nimble and deadly, each blow landing with expert precision.


After enduring a few intense minutes of battling, Hotaru and Toshihiro finally subdued the last of the thugs. Panting and wiping the sweat from their brows, they surveyed the scene around them. One of the incapacitated thugs, nursing a wounded face, spat out a warning from the floor.

"You're making a big mistake,"

he snarled.

"We're members of the Red Dragon Clan, and we won't let you get away with this unscathed. You'll be paying for this, mark my words."

Hotaru's casual greeting and sly remark seemed to catch the thugs off guard. One of them, despite his pain and anger, still managed to find his voice and addressed Hotaru,

"You're Hotaru, the old 2nd lieutenant, aren't you?"

He spoke with a mix of fear and loathing in his voice, hinting at Hotaru's past reputation as an infamous figure.

Toshihiro's eyes widened in surprise as the thugs revealed Hotaru's former rank. It was an unexpected revelation that left him feeling bewildered.

Despite their time together, Hotaru had never mentioned it, leading to a sense of confusion and suspicion. Feeling puzzled by this newfound information, Toshihiro couldn't help but wonder if there was more to Hotaru than what he knew.

He decided to remain vigilant and observe Hotaru closely, unsure of what else might be concealed beneath his cheerful demeanor.

Dusting himself off, Hotaru cast a sidelong glance at Toshihiro before turning towards the thugs.

"So, you're the so-called Red Dragon bums, huh? And let me guess, your leader, Yasuhiro, sent you clowns here to stir up trouble, right?"

Hotaru's tone was serious, but his eyes gleam with a hint of playfulness. It was clear that he found amusement in taunting them.

One of the wounded thugs, panting and holding his injured arm, spat out defiantly towards Hotaru,

"What's it to you if we're from the Red Dragon, huh? You think you can take us on all alone?"

He attempted to sound tough and fearless, but his eyes betrayed a hint of fear, darting nervously between Hotaru and Toshihiro.

Toshihiro stood speechless as he switched his gaze between the thugs and Hotaru, his confusion and surprise escalating rapidly. He muttered to himself,

"Red Dragon, Hotaru was a former lieutenant? What the hell is going on here...?"

His mind whirled, desperately trying to make sense of the realization that the man he thought he understood had such a perplexing past with a powerful mafia group.

The thugs exchanged uneasy glances as the one under Hotaru's pointed gaze muttered,

"Why would we ever share anything with a cocky bastard like you? Are you going soft or something?"


Another thug, his voice laced with contempt, chimed in,

"You deserted the clan, you damn traitor. Yasuhiro's the boss now, you ought to have stayed and followed his orders. You were a loyal soldier once, but now you're just a spineless deserter."

"You're a former yakuza? Why the hell didn't you tell me?" Toshihiro demanded, his voice laced with shock and anger.

Hotaru sighed apologetically, running a hand through his hair.

"I'm sorry, Toshihiro. I should have been more open earlier, but I just..."

He paused, his voice tinged with regret. "I just didn't know how to tell you. I'm not proud of my past, and I wanted to start fresh."

"When I saw you on Kenji's dead body,"

Hotaru continued, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"I couldn't just leave you there, you know? I had to take you with me, take care of you. You were in shock, and I couldn't just leave you alone like that."

He paused before looking at Toshihiro, his expression filled with regret. "But it was wrong of me to keep the truth from you for so long."

"From the start, I wasn't planning on keeping you around for long"

Hotaru admitted, a small smile playing on his lips.

"However, as I got to know you, I discovered that you were more than just a tough exterior you had a good heart and a genuine desire to help others. You reminded me of myself when I was young, and I saw a kindred spirit in you. So, I decided to stay by your side and watch over you."

Slowly, the anger in Toshihiro's gaze softened as he considered Hotaru's explanation. He could sense the sincerity in his voice and see the remorse in his eyes.

"I get it"

Toshihiro finally replied, his voice filled with a mix of understanding and hurt.

"You had your reasons for not sharing it sooner. But it still stung a little, you know? After all we've been through together, I wish you had trusted me enough to tell me about your past from the beginning."

Toshihiro and Hotaru were just finishing up tying up the thugs when a mysterious stranger emerged out of nowhere, flanked by his bodyguards.

Hotaru's eyes narrowed in suspicion and his senses sharpened at the sudden appearance of the unknown figure. The atmosphere grew tense as the stranger surveyed the two of them with unwavering eyes, his cold demeanor sending a shiver down their spines.

Yasuhiro: "Long time no see, traitor. Didn't know you had become Kenji's lackey."

Hotaru tensed, his voice cold and filled with rage at the mention of Kenji's name.

He instinctively stepped forward to shield Toshihiro, his body tensing in preparation to defend his friend from the threat.

"Don't you dare speak his name or lay a finger on this kid"

he growled, his voice laced with warning. He knew all too well the danger that Yasuhiro posed.


Hotaru's anger boiled over as he surged forward, his fists clenched and his eyes filled with a simmering intensity.

However, he was quickly intercepted by Yasuhiro's massive bodyguards, who stood like impenetrable walls, their formidable physiques and fierce determination preventing him from moving further.

Despite his own prowess as a former yakuza member, Hotaru found himself blocked, his path barred by the two imposing figures who stood resolute, ready to defend their leader at all costs.

These two burly henchmen were well-trained fighters, and they were more than capable of handling Hotaru, despite his former experience in combat.

Yasuhiro observed the situation from a distance, his expression cold and detached as his men restrained Hotaru.

Toshihiro stood there, frozen in place, watching as Hotaru fought against Yasuhiro and his guards.

The two Red Dragon members were trained fighters, and Hotaru was clearly outnumbered. He felt a wave of helplessness wash over him, and despair clawed at his heart as he watched Hotaru struggle.

Tears stung his eyes, and his frustration bubbled over, leading him to shout out in anguish.

"Damn it all to hell! I can't just stand here and let you do everything you damn geezer!"

Yasuhiro looked at Hotaru with a smirk, disdain filling his eyes.

"You haven't changed a bit"

he hissed.

"Still a sentimental fool, always trying to save the weak and helpless. But now look at you, defenseless and about to face your demise. Pathetic."

Yasuhiro aimed his gun directly at Hotaru's head, a malevolent gleam in his eyes. Hotaru's body was battered and bloodied, barely able to stay upright after their fierce battle.

Yasuhiro's loyal men loomed behind him, ready to follow his orders and carry out the final strike. He looked down at Hotaru with contempt and anger, his voice sharp with cold disdain as he barked,

"Any last words, you pitiful traitor?"

Hotaru responded with a confident and defiant tone, a smug smirk playing on his lips.

"Ah, if it isn't the mighty boss of the Red Dragon himself. Enjoying the view up there on your high horse, huh? Still the same arrogant jerk you always were, I see."

Toshihiro stood there, frozen in place, his mind struggling to comprehend the horrors unfolding before him.

Yasuhiro pulled the trigger of his gun, and a bullet shot through Hotaru's head, sending him crumpling to the ground.

Toshihiro stood frozen in shock as Yasuhiro pulled the trigger, firing the gun and watching in horror as the bullet pierced through Hotaru's head.

Hotaru's limp body collapsed to the floor, and Toshihiro felt as if his world had just been torn apart. Hotaru had been his only family, the one who had taken care of him, protected him, and filled the role of a father figure in his life.

Watching his beloved brother figure be taken away in such a violent and sudden manner was a devastating blow that he couldn't bear to accept.

Toshihiro collapsed to the ground, tears streaming down his face as he sobbed uncontrollably. It felt as if his world had come to an end.

Hotaru had been the one person he could always count on, the one person who had stood by his side through thick and thin.

He was his guardian, his friend, and now he was gone. Toshihiro felt a deep emptiness inside, knowing that he would never see Hotaru's kind and loving face again. All that remained was a hole in his heart that nothing could fill.

Yasuhiro and his Red Dragon accomplices got ready to leave the scene, a sinister smile spreading across his face as he taunted Toshihiro.

"Looks like you'll be all by yourself again," he jeered.

"No one to take care of you, no one to defend you. You're just a helpless child, left alone in this cruel world."

Yasuhiro and his men then turned around and walked away, leaving Toshihiro and Hotaru's lifeless body behind in the abandoned warehouse.

The aftermath of the violent encounter left the warehouse in shambles. Blood had pooled on the cold floor where Hotaru's lifeless body lay, and broken furniture, debris, and shattered glass lay scattered around the room.

The dim lighting from outside added to the bleak and haunting atmosphere, casting long shadows over the grim scene.

Toshihiro's condition was critical. The physical toll of the fight combined with the shock of witnessing Hotaru's tragic passing had left him battered and weakened. Doctors worked diligently to treat his injuries and assess the full extent of his condition.

After breaking the news about Hotaru, the doctor shifted his focus to Toshihiro's condition. "You'll need to stay in the hospital for a few days," he said softly.

"You suffered some serious injuries in the fight, and we must keep a close eye on you to ensure your safety and stability. Once we're confident that you are stable and ready to be discharged, you will be free to leave. In the meantime, rest and recover. You've been through a lot."


The chapter described the aftermath of a brutal encounter between Hotaru, Toshihiro, and Yasuhiro and the Red Dragon members. Hotaru fought bravely to protect Toshihiro, but unfortunately, Yasuhiro and his henchmen were too powerful, and Hotaru was fatally wounded. Toshihiro was left alone, shocked and grieving the loss of his brother figure.

"The sun sets on one life as another one rises, like the endless cycle of the tide." - Yatsuda (me)